14.63% Runeterra: Earthling Among Legends / Chapter 5: I have been blessed!

บท 5: I have been blessed!

As they were now heading towards Renzo location, Zan quickly started to explain to Shun Ti and Kirae the peculiar situation he was in.

"Well, you see, Renzo currently is unable to communicate with us unless we give to him basic signals easy to understand." He said with a wry smile.

Shun Ti frowned and asked "Why? Is there something wrong with him?"

Kirae keep silent but also eyed Zan with eager eyes.

Zan shook his head as he said "Not that I'm aware, he's clearly capable and fully functional, but he seemed unable to understand both Ionian and Va-Noxian. When I tried to communicate with him we both were unable to understand each other."

Hearing his words, both Shun Ti and Kirae frowned deeply and a dangerous glint passed through their eyes.

Zan, seemingly reading their minds said "Although I can't prove completely that he isn't an spy or enemy agent, the way he carried himself and act clearly tells that he seemed to be lost. I first thought that he was another Ionian that ran away from his village, however the interest and curiosity over the surrounding, alongside his carelessness towards dangerous plants and other things during our travel made me even more sure that he seemed to, well, being another victim of this war." Zan explained his analysis about Renzo.

Kirae shook her head as she said to Zan "You can't discard the heavy chance of him being an spy, they are supposed to be trained to be seen harmless and easy to mix among the targets, and with what you explain to us, everything surrounding him is more suspecting." She finalized while Shun Ti agreed with her.

"Indeed, Noxus used such tactics before, they planted agents in various places and gathered enough intelligence and then, when their armies started the invasion, they knew where to attack."

Hearing Shun Ti words Zan gritted his teeth. They were indeed correct, as even himself couldn't completely be assured that Renzo wasn't an enemy.

But the guy not only saved his life, but also was selfless and good enough to help him bury is family.

At such, he simply maintained the silence while they approached the place.

"Still, taking aside his current situation, he's a really powerful individual. Kae can testify it, he seemed to be able to gather enormous amount of strength enough to shred apart the Noxian soldiers apart while at the same time destroying everything on his fist way." Zan quickly informed them about the capabilities of the guy that he would be in charge of protecting.

Shun Ti raised his eyebrow after hearing his words.

"Just how enormous is this strength that you are talking about?" He couldn't help but ask.

"I'm quite sure that you've heard the previous commotion around the village right? Just before coming with Kae towards your place, he was testing his strength." Hearing his words, both Shun Ti and Kirae were surprised.

They indeed felt the vibrations and heard the loud booming sound in the sky. Although some soldiers were murmuring a few things they only thought that maybe a battle happened to be nearby, as they didn't head any alarm from the watchtower.

"If your words are really truth, then it seemed that now we have something to fight head on with their armies." Shun Ti said.

Indeed, although his current group of fifteen individuals was one of the most powerful in the camp, they couldn't fight head on with any Noxian battalion, as during their previous fight they have to recurre to sneak attacks and sabotage. Let's not even mention the small skirmishes that ended quickly before the main force of the Noxian battalions target them.

Shun Ti, who was an apprentice of the Moeru Ha No Michi, a sword style that was widely know in Ionia for it's destructive power, wasn't sure that he could create such powerful attacks.

Although the fire tornado was his most powerful technique, even that couldn't shock the whole village.

And assuming that Renzo could throw these attacks one after another... He shuddered at the thought itself.

His tornado, although able to lay waste on this village, could only be thrown a few times during a fight. Not only it requires large amount of time to create it, it was really tiresome and dangerous for both himself and his allies.

Kirae was the same, she was a skilled assassins that mastered various abilities and skills. But she wasn't trained to attack frontally at her enemies.

The same could be said for many in their groups, they were strong individuals that were skilled on individual fights and dangerous sneak attacks.

Shun Ti was the only one that could be said to be prepared to fight in the front of the battle, and even him has a limit.

"I wasn't able to inquire further into his abilities, as you may assume we can't really communicate and he seemed to be injured." Saying this, they reached the place we're Renzo was currently in. It was in front of their tent, beside him was an elder from the village that was using a healing chant, her hands glowing in a golden light.

Renzo, who closed his eyes as a relieved expression was all over his face, was feeling how every fiber of his body and bones seemed to embrace a warm feeling that quickly diminish the pain and the tiredness on his body.

Although when the elder first approach he didn't know how to react and what to say after the seeming inquiring she'd made. When he saw her hands glowing he quickly pointed his arms and chest.

Thus, it lead to the current situation, where he started to feeling the wonderful feeling of healing magic.

'If the masochist feel such pleasure when healing, then I can really understand their depravity.' Renzo quickly joked to himself.

'But being serious, this feel great.' With that thought he opened his eyes and glanced over Zan who was accompanied by two people. Glancing over the tall young man with a familiar samurai armor, he frowned a bit. Then he quickly took a glance towards the brown haired veiled female who was covered with leather armor and gray colour clothes.

He nodded to both people while also tilting his head at Zan, while at the same time raising his left eyebrow in question.

Zan chuckled at his expression as he pointed to everyone while marking a circle with the pointed finger.

"Team" He said.

Renzo repeated his words as he nodded while raising now both his eyebrow.

He then glanced at his raised fist, while then pointing the sky with a questioning look.

"Does perhaps that means that he's wondering if we want to see him using his power?" Shun Ti quickly asked.

"I guess so, or it could mean that hes wondering if your appearance is due to the previous punch." Zan said as he added his guess.

Kirae pointed herself as she said " Kirae."

Renzo smiled at her as he said "Renzo" While pointing his finger to himself.

Shun Ti also did the same after seeing both.

When the elder finished her work, she said a few words to Zan as she then walked away.

"Well, it seemed that he really suffered some harsh wounds, most of his body was heavily injured as if he suffered a severe beating." Zan shared what the elder said to him to both members of his group.

"Well, knowing her abilities he's likely to be ok right now, right?" With a nod from Zan, Shun Ti continued.

"Let's move your things towards our place, we'll be watching over him for any suspicious activity in the meanwhile. At the same time you're going to present yourselves at night with the rest of the team and we're going to practice a bit outside the village, we need to see how this guy could work on the team and how to coordinate with that. Am I clear?" He asked.

Zan nodded. Seeing that, Shun Ti closed his eyes.

It would be hard to work with someone you are unable to understand nor explain detailed orders.

Kirae however quickly crouched in front of Renzo, she then started to draw human figures with symbols on their sides .

Renzo watched over carefully, seeing her making fifteen stickman with various figures such as a sword with a fire on its side, he assumed that she was telling him about her team or something among those lines, maybe they were here to invite him.

With such thought, he used his finger to circle around the entire figures and point himself and the three people in front of him.

Seemingly understanding, they nodded at him while Zan chuckled.

Kirae then pointed forward the tent and then with her thumb towards another place.

'Seems like wr need to carry our things, huh.' Renzo thought as he nodded at her and got inside the tent were he took his bag that contained the devil fruits.

At the same time he started trying to dissemble the tent, only to exit and point a it while glancing at Zan.

Who just laughed and started to dissemble himself.

With Zan now doing the work, Shun Ti and Kirae analyzed Renzo from head to toe.

Not only his factions were different. The style of his clothes didn't seemed Noxians nor Ionians.

'More like Piltover' Kirae thought.

Seeing them both piercing his body with their eyes. Renzo felt a little bit uncomfortable and suggested with his fist to show what can he do.

Seeing him punching at the air and then pointing out his fist and then the air, they understood that he seemed to wanted to show what can he do.

Although they were interested, Shun Ti shook his head as he pointed at Zan with the tent and then to the direction of his group.

Seeing this, Renzo could only nod and close his eyes while sighing.

He then started to slowly vibrate his body.

'I really need to start training with this thing if l don't want to end up killing myself or people around me by mistake, first I need to see my current limits and then see if I have a way to strengthen my body. If I want to squeeze out the possibilities with the Gura Gura No Mi, I need to be able to do such crazy feats as White Beard.' Renzo used this time to organize his thoughts.

His current hope was that he could be able to use armament haki, or something that could work like that. If he's really in One Piece world, that's his best bet. More so knowing that the whole world was filled with water and crazy people.

'If only there was a guide in how the hell train Haki. But welp, I can't really complain about it, since I was able to get my hands in such powerful devil fruit, what else can I say about it?.' He lamented himself.

He was really in a dire situation. Although he got such amazing power, his physique was still the same. And he couldn't put out crazy stunts like hardcore training and such, there wasn't any kind of magic that could work like a zenkai boost for such a thing.

'I wish I could have been a little bit more knowledgeable about anime stuff, maybe something could have work in my situation that I'm not aware off' With a sigh, he opened again his eyes.

Zan just finished packing as he said to Shun Ti "Everything ready, let's go."

The captain nodded and started walk back to their camp direction with Kirae following behind him.

Renzo also followed them as they walked in silence.

'I just hope that I didn't got myself involved with crazy shit' He thought.

They walked around five minutes until they finally reached their new location. Although it was a village, there seemed to be ample space between each house that were now filled with various tents and people everywhere.

Many were wounded with ragged clothes, filled with filth and doing their things. Some others just stood in lone places, with dead eyes.

It seemed that the conflict really brought a lot of refugees to this place, who were accommodating themselves to the extreme situation.

Elders, adults and young people were walking around each tent and person, some bringing them stuff, while other treating their wounds or giving comfort and encouraging words.

'These people seemed to really be united.' That was the honest opinion of Renzo after watching the scene.

Not only this people were willing to lend a hand to strangers like him, they were so united and good to each other that for a person from earth like Renzo, was a rare sight.

Seeing Shun Ti, Kirae and Zan stopping in a place with tents forming a circle, he understood that they reached their place.

Shun Ti pointed towards a spot where Zan started to assemble the tent.

Renzo took a glance around and saw no one welcoming them. There was only one tent that was closed as it seemed that someone was resting inside.

Seeing Renzo glancing over the tent, Kirae went in front of him as she crouched, then she made another draw of a stickman, this one with long hair, a ball and a thing that resembled a scythe for Renzo.

Seeing this figure and symbol once again, Renzo nodded.

'Dont know what the hell does that mean but ok.' He thought to himself with an appreciative look on his face.

After finishing assembling the tent, both Zan and Renzo sat outside of it, while exchaning some words and drawing them on the ground.

Although Renzo wasn't able to remember what some words means, he was getting at it.

'Luckily I still remember how to say shovel, although I can't remember a thing of the other words Zan explained to me.' He chuckled to himself, as he glanced over the village, some hours already passed since he reached the group place, Shun Ti and Kirae went somewhere after Zan finished with the tent.

During this time, no one approached the place while the people in the street keep passing non-stop.

During the various hours, they heard various commotions as more and more people reached the place, followed by more wounded people and soldiers.

It wasn't until near the sunset that Shun Ti and Kirae appeared alongside ten people.

"So these two are the ones you've talked about?" Asked a ponytailed ashen hair tall female with olive skin, beautiful sharp face, she was clad in a light black-gray leather armor, and same colour clothes underneath. In her waist a katana and a wakizashi.

Shun Ti nodded "Yes, they are our new teammates, their current situation is a bit peculiar and complicated, however before explaining it, I would like the rest of the people to gather instead of repeating myself." He explained.

The rest nodded, with various degrees of interest in their faces.

"Why not presenting yourselves in the meantime? The only thing I request is to just simply say your names while pointing yourselves." Kirae said to them.

Hearing her words made various of them raise their eyebrows in surprise.

In Ionia this kind of presentation could be seeing as rude. As many embrace the honor in their homeland and ancestors. Not saying you names and birthplaces could be seen as denying their roots.

Still, they followed the order of their Vice captain as the ponytailed girl introduced herself "Hyuna"

She was followed by a hooded small and petite figure, with only hers eyes able to be seen to others.

With a calm and sweet voice she said "Karya".

She was then followed by a medium short black hair man, who was cladded in shoulder plate armours and brambaces. "Ye"

Right beside him, a slightly taller and bald tanned guy with the same kind of armor presented himself "Mao"

'Holy shit, do I really have to remember each of these npc's name? God damn it' Renzo couldn't help but curse on his head while nodding his head to each one of them.

However, the following person to present himself quickly caught his attention.

"Tahru" Said a guy who easily surpassed the two meters, the eye catching thing was the feathers protruding from the olace where his ears should be, and the feathers on his forearm that was visible when he pointed himself.

'A birdman!' Renzo exclaimed on his head.

The other five also presented themselves, however Renzo really forgot their names just after they say it.

His cheeks quickly turned red in embarrassment as he couldn't believe how little he was paying attention to their presentations.

Finally he heard Zan presenting himself.

"Zan Zhei. And the guy beside me is called Renzo." He nodded.

Hearing his name, many watched at Renzo with surprise.

Renzo, that was a strange name that none heard before in Ionia.

"...look all you want, I'm the only not asian around here..." Renzo amused himself under his breath. The guy with feathers frowned as it seemed he heard him.

"What language is that?" Tahru couldn't help himself but ask.

"Doesn't matter, please someone go look for that brat, we need to use our time wisely." Shun Ti cut off, as a tired expression could be seen on his face.

One of the randoms that Renzo couldn't remember quickly followed his order while Kirae went towards the tent that was closed as she dragged from the feet a green clothed figure.

The figure struggled a bit until it wake up.

With her messy shoulder length hair all over her face and various tattoos around her exposed arms, shoulders and back, the female asked.

"Are we going to work?" She then quickly yawned.

Looking at her Kirae shook her head "No, but we're going to train, there's two new people and tomorrow we set off."

Hearing her words, the figure nodded as she started to search around for the said new people. Glancing at their left side, she saw Renzo looking at her and then smiling while waving his hand.

Zan just nodded at her.

The female took a quick glance at Zan while her attention was captured by Renzo pretty face.

"You're cute" She said to him.

The people around just chuckled while Zan smiled wryly.

Renzo seeing the girl talking at him, just smiled and raise his thumb.

Seeing her compliment seemingly being ignored, the girl chuckled and asked "Is he dumb or something?" While the rest shrugged their shoulders, they themselves not knowing the answer of such question.

"Captain said that he's going to explain what's going on once the brat is here." Hyuna explained.

The female just nodded her head as she just sat there.

A few minutes passed by as the people started talking themselves while talking glances at both Renzo and Zan from time to time.

Then, the guy who went to search after the missing member, came back with a young looking kid on his hand.

The blue haired boy had various electric light blue tattoos around his face and arms. He was wearing a simple brown shirt and black leather pants.

'To have a child filled with tattoos working on the group... The situation has to be pretty bad out there.' Renzo thought to himself.

They were at war, and in such extreme times, kids couldn't enjoy the protection and attention they should've supposed to receive in peaceful times.

"Kaaz! Please remember the schedule!" Shun Ti quickly reprimanded the boy, who just smiled at him.

Seeing his response, Shun Ti sighed deeply and let him go.

"Ok, hear me out since I'm going to say this once. Kae brought these two guys recently, according to Kae one of them is strong enough to enter our team, that guy is Renzo, the one with long hair right there." Shun Ti pointed at Renzo, who just waved his hands at the mention of his name.

Shun Ti continued "The other one is Zan Zhei, a shield mage who happen to form a good team with Renzo and probably most of us, however he's also the only one who seemed to understand well that guy, as Renzo is seemed unable to talk and understand Ionian and Va-Noxian."

When Shun Ti finished his words, the members glared at Renzo. Who after feeling the cold gaze from a few sighed deeply.

'Freaking ROB, it was that hard to put me a freaking translator when kidnapping me here!?' He cursed his luck, as he knew how much such handicap would affect him.

However, Karya after hearing Shun Ti words, started to speak in various languages she was proficient with.

"Can you understand me?" She said in Demacian, with no reaction from his part.

"What about now?" In the language used in Bilgewater.

Seeing that the girl was trying to communicate in different languages, Renzo did his part.

"So, I'm sure you don't understand me." He first said in his mother language, Spanish.

Seeing the girl shaking her head he tried with Portuguese. To no avail.

Then he tried with Romanian, with no avail again.

"Well, this going to take forever, what if we forget about it?" However this time on English the girl seemed to understand something.

"Furever? Furget? Ere thou frem Piltover?" Karya asked with an eager expression.

Renzo quickly froze on his spot, although awfully horrible, he was able to understand it.

However he frowned as he repeated the last word.

"...Piltover?..." Seeing him repeating the word, Karya smiled.

However Renzo quickly opened his eyes wide open.

'Oh shit...'

He then looked over Karya and asked "Ionia? Noxus? Demacia? Freljord? Shurima? Targon?" Hearing him naming various nation, everyone started to eyed him carefully, more so after seeing his reaction at the word Piltover.

Karya seeing him asking or doubting about those nations, nodded and said "Ja, we ere in Ionia corrently, Noxus es envading tu os."

Hearing her broken English with something akin to a terrible German accent, Renzo put his hands on his head.

'My freaking god, of all the places, I have to end up in the lol world! I don't even know a thing from here holy shit!' Renzo could swear that he was about to cry.

His only hope, his only solution to his plight, quickly faded away.

He was utterly fucked.

What's worse, the few pieces he knew from the game lore were from Ryze, Aurelion Sol, Pantheon, Lux, Evelynn, Sylas, Garen, Katarina, Yasuo and Yone, Miss Fortune and few bits from Azir.

In other words, and taking into account that he was most likely in Ionia, he was fucked.

Wait. He also remembered the lore of another champion. Someone that most players, even himself back then though that was trash to know.

But he was bored while waiting for the Q to find a match, as he happened to stumble into a demi god, more exactly the demi god from air.


He knew something, if he pray to her, she would aid to him.

Or that was what supposed to happen.

Quickly going into his knees, not minding the crazy looks from the people around him he prayed so strong that he could swear that not even the most devout and zealot believer would compare to him.

"Oh great Janna, supreme ruler of the skies and air, I humbly ask for your help to me, who is at lost and in need of your guidance. Please bless me with a gift to understand those who are around me, as I wish to extend your greatness for those who have forgotten you!" With both hands holding so hard, and his eyes closed. He raised his pray towards his only hope.

'Its not like Aurelion would care about me if I happen to call him' That was his other hope, although with more less chances to really work.

After a few seconds of utter silence, where Shun Ti, Kirae and Zan Zhei glanced at each other at loss. And Karya watching the Renzo's action with a serious expression. They all presence something incredible.

A blue light happen to form up in the sky, between the dim light of the sun that was slowly disappearing to give way to the night and the moon.

This small speck of light slowly started to fall towards Renzo's position.

Everyone watched this with flabbergasted expressions on their faces, as none of them expected such outcome from the sudden burst of craziness from Renzo.

The later, who was watching the light with such fervour that could scare anyone, heard a soothing voice on his head.

"It's been a long time since I've heard a different prayer, more so from someone who doesn't have ties with any of those who knows of my existence. Not even among of those surrounding you, who once filled my ears with their praying." The light stopped just a few centimeters in front of Renzo.

"Your language is slightly different than the one spoke in Piltover, and any other region. Who are you?" Janna inquire at Renzo, that with humbleness answered to her.

"Who I am? A poor soul that is lost and seek for help." Hearing no falsehood on his words, and feeling the desperation behind it, Renzo heard a sigh.

"I'll heard your pray Renzo, I decree as under the skies I rule, you shall be able to understand those around you. In exchange, you'll have to reignite the faith of the Ionians. I fare you well in your task, I'll be watching over you." With her words finished, a gentle breeze engulfed me and that speck of light entered in my body.

Everyone around me, quickly opened their eyes open at the incredible situation.

Renzo, after thanking Janna looked at Karya, and with a beaming smile he said to her "Now, I can properly present myself."

'I can't believe it worked, she really heard me! Janna I really promise to once I stabilize myself I would order a proper statue for you.' Renzo thought as he promised in his heart.

' I've been blessed!'

"All that spectacle only to keep speaking nonsense?" However quickly the voice of Hyuna entered Renzo's ear. He did understand her words! However, what she said he processed it.

And with it, his expression froze.

Xerstoren Xerstoren

4.3k words!

The chapter would have been originally slightly different. However halfway I let myself get carried away with the story and this is the result!

I am a little sorry for the info dump with the characters, I really like to add deepness even from secondary or random ones, but I know is kinda heavy for a start.

So, please, tell me in the commentary's your thoughts about the chapter, and Janna appearance!

Maybe there will be another chapter later on, who knows? :D

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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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