
Chapter 6

Luffy's heritage made him the target of all Marines to kill.

He is the Revolutionary Dragon biological son. The most wanted criminal in the world.

I saw Luffy being attacked by strong Marines.

But I knew my Shikadiary isn't wrong, Luffy will still survive no matter what happens.

The world is centered on him.

It takes all my attention to block the pirates from reaching the plaza. Sadly, Luffy's direction isn't aligned with my space.

The rest of the Warlords had made contact with Straw hat and his friends like the man with a huge face.

I guess that he finally learned that Kuma-senpai isn't the Kuma-senpai he knew. While Hancock-senpai rescued Luffy from Smoker.

A lot is going on in this war and I'm still busy holding back the mobs. Fortunately, My [Doppelman] seems like it won't stop at fighting the pirates.

"Damn you Straw hat! He beat a warlord so easily!"

"No way! How strong is Straw hat Luffy!"

A group of Marines misunderstood that Hancock was just surprised that Luffy hugged her. They thought she was beaten by Luffy. She also stops Smoker from chasing Luffy.

Luffy-san continues to charge ahead and saw my fellow Warlords, Kuma-san, and that bastard Doflamingo.

Oops, I better focus on my fight first!


Hours had already passed but the war is still ongoing.

After I finish handling the pirates that are coming, I had a bit of time to rest and check the battlefield.

"Yikes, Luffy's facing against an Admiral. I should do some feats that should be worthy as a Warlord." (Shikage)

I moved forward to the main battlefield, The Frozen bay.

And Finally, face a side character, A Commander of Whitebeard pirates. In front of me is the 10th division commander, Curiel.

I think he's specializing in range combat like me. His main weapons are the two Bazookas at his back and Pistols that can rapid-fire.

He didn't know me but I know him as Moria's enemy at Marineford. It seems that I'm really stealing Moria's place. Hmmph... He deserves it!

"Who're you?! Move out of our way!"

"Sorry, But I need to keep fighting you guys!" (Shikage)

He greeted me by showering me with bullets.

*Bang for 10x*

But I was one step ahead of him and he only shot my [Doppelman]. I switch with my shadow and animated many flying shadows. I sent him a flock of crows and a swarm of bats!

"Careful there, If it isn't me back there. That would've turned a human into holes! My turn! [Brick Bat] and [Animate! Shadow crow]!" (Shikage)

Due to [Doppelman]'s size, He can easily separate a part of his shadow and turn it into my attack.



Then Curiel lets loose his bullets like a mad man. And took out his bazooka. Explosions ran down on our battle, The marines couldn't come closer and Curiel's ally was also blocked from helping their commander.

"Who's the brat fighting Curiel-san?!"

"Look! *Shadow Hunter is fighting the 10th Division commander of the Whitebear Pirates! Don't let those pirates back up their commander!"

Aside from the explosions and the biting sounds, I can hear the pirates and marines talking and battling.

We've sustained some injuries in our fight. But it differs because I got light injuries from the shrapnel of the explosives and the bullets lightly graze me.

Curiel wasn't in top shape. My attacks clearly troubled him. I overwhelmed him with pure numbers of crows and bats made of shadows. He got pecked and bitten by my moves.

"Haa... Haa... Kid, Why are you on their side?! You don't plan on killing me right! If you will it, I would be long dead if that you and that clone of yours joined at attacking me!" (Curiel)


All the shadows I animated were beside me, flying around and waiting for a chance to charge at Curiel.

Looks like he saw through me, Yes, I didn't plan on killing any of the pirates I fought. I made sure to knock them down by stealing their shadows and felt them disappear in my body. Most likely they died by waking up and fighting the marines again.

"Shut up! I have an image to show! Just be still and stay here after I defeat you!" (Shikage)

"What an unruly kid! Fine! Die Shichibukai!" (Curiel)

At first, I didn't think much of the bullets coming right at me. however, I underestimated him because he didn't use it at all.

Curiel's bullet was coated with Haki!

(Damn it! Block it!)

I shoved my animated crows and bats to take the bullets. Preferably to stops the bullets. I can't switch this time because even if my [Doppelman] and I switch, The coated bullets would still hit me.

Logia and semi Logia are countered by Haki.


Two bullets hit me in my shoulders and abdomen. Blood ran down my mouth. Rage clouded my mind and when I came to.


I was dumbfounded!

I saw my shadow tendrils piercing Curiel and pinning him.

"K-kid!.. W-what's y-you're name?" (Curiel) *Spits blood*

"Damn! Damn! Damn... damn this war... It's Shikage." (Shikage)

"Haa... Shikage... You... You're strong... You win." (Curiel)

"Yeah... And I'll take a revenge match anytime for the shadow. [Kagegiri]!"

After saying that and cutting his shadow, Curiel fainted. I stored his shadows in my body and hopes to retain Curiel's ability and Haki.

A cheering resounded and also some wails. The marine cheered for me while the pirates wailed for their defeated commander.

I didn't do anything when the crew members of Curiel came to rescue him.

But the look on their faces wasn't a scene that I could easily forget. I'm sure they have a grudge against me.

In any case, The war isn't over even if I just won a battle against a commander. The bombardment of both sides doesn't look like it's going to stop.

But the Pirates are in a bad situation. The Pacifista had come to sweep the allied captains and pirates of the Whitebeard pirates. While the Marines and Sengoku have an operation to carry out.

"As expected of a Royal Shichibukai! You've beat a commander!"

"Shadow hunter-san, Let me check on your wounds!"

"After them! Don't let them get away!"

I was surrounded by the Marines who watched my fight. I didn't complain and let them treat me. I hope my Bullet wounds wouldn't leave a scar. I was also in deep meditation to learn the Haki.

If I can, I want to awaken it!

The marines told me to follow them and head to the plaza. I joined them and saw the huge amount of pirates at the bay.

Then someone approaches! I heard the fleet Admiral's voice, Telling everyone to prepare themselves. The strongest man is coming!

Whitebeard is charging at us! He faced against a giant Marine and did something totally mindblowing!

He tilted everything! The Island and the Sea!

The buildings around the plaza and the Marineford were totally destroyed by one move of Whitebeard.

Now, I'm having doubts as to why I joined this freaking war!


The Marines of Navy HQ are prepared and competent. The three admirals blocked the shockwave of Whitebeard from hitting the scaffold.

Then encircling walls were activated and surrounded the bay. The only place where it doesn't have a wall is at Oars jr. body. A miscalculation for the side of Marines and An opportunity for the pirates.

Regardless, Sengoku began his plan, and Akainu rain down his attack of magma to the pirates at the frozen bay.

Removing their foothold was the core plan of this operation.

(Yep, I'm done here. I already did my best at defending the plaza.) (Shikage)

Even Whitebeard's shockwave can't bring down the wall. All they can do is receive Akainu's magma fists.

『We will now proceed with the execution of Portgas D. Ace.』

Sengoku's voice resounded to all transponder snail.

I'm with the other Shichibukai who are watching the platform like me.


"Uhm... Senpai? Did you gave your key to Luffy? I didn't have a chance to give him the spare key." (Shikage)

When I asked this, Hancock-senpai glared at me.

"Ah, The rude boy. You're still alive? Don't worry, I have done it already. Luffy~💕, I hope you're safe. 🥺"

"Oi!" (Shikage)

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm an ally to Hancock-senpai or not.

I materialize my [Doppelman] and quietly sneaks it off my side. And went beyond the wall.

Then I [Substitute] my left eye with my shadow and close my right eye to focus on what I'm seeing.

I saw the frozen sea melting from the magma. A hell-like scene was happening.

(The potential of Kage Kage no mi is limitless, It all depends on how you use it) (Shikage)

"What is that?!"

"What's a giant pillar of water doing here!"

"No! That's Straw hat Luffy!!"

As usual, Luffy was at the center of the battlefield. Facing the three Admirals.

"[Gomu Gomu no Stamp]!"

Luffy tried his best but he was still outmatched by Admiral Kizaru.

I sighed and because I knew the crucial moment is near.

The pirates didn't give up on reaching the plaza. And finally, they passed the wall due to Oars' second wind.

"Men! Rescue Ace!! Destroy the Marines!!"

I clearly heard the declaration of Whitebeard. The venue of the war changes from the frozen bay to the plaza that was close to the execution platform.

Pure chaos! Big names on both sides had already exchanged blows.

And I am also part of the war. I don't even know what I'm doing.




All kinds of exchanges are happening right now. I'm just animating bats to look like I'm busy fending off pirates.

[Brick bat] and [Doppelman] are Moria's bread and butter. And I kinda use it always too.

The bats are an annoyance to the charging pirates.

All the battles are somewhat even. But the tip was broken when Whitebeard spits out blood and the others were distracted.

The Admirals took this chance to deal massive blows to their opponents.

I took another look at the war and saw Luffy running around again.

I quickly approached him when he was surrounded by the government's weapon, The Pacifista.

Then I blocked them and stops them from attacking Luffy.

"Shadow Hunter Shikage... Shichibukai... suspending attack. He's an ally."

"Ahh! You! You're from the Thriller Bark! Thank you!.. huh?! Shichibukai? Ally?" (Luffy)

"Damn you! Boy!! That was supposed to be my job!"

"Hieeek!!" (Shikage)

An angry Hancock came and wanted to attack me. I panicked and hid behind Luffy. She also calmed down when Luffy was happy to see her.

"Straw hat boy, Vhy do you know the Pirate empress and that boy?"

"They're my Friends!"

The huge face man and Luffy ran past us and heads straight to the platform.

"Uhm... Senpai, We should go too." (Shikage)

"Kyaa~ he said my name again. Is this marriage?" (Hancock)

Looks like my senpai is in her lover mode again.

"Boa Hancock... Step aside."


Oops, I pity you Px- something. You angered her. And just like I expected, He was kicked and partially turns into stone.

I was just minding my own business after helping Luffy when something hit my consciousness. And I fell to the ground!


A roar resounded on the battlefield!

An attack that's fatal to mobs.

I felt everything was slow. Like I'm floating on the air. A part of me is still a mob. An extra that isn't part of my Divine book.

No! I changed! I'm different! I should be a character! A character that devours characters! I'll exceed those characters! Find the truth of my Divine book! I can do it! No, I'LL DO THIS! I have my powers with me!



Something clicks in my head. And a change is brewing up inside me. If a person who knows Shikage could see him, They would've questioned themselves or him because of the changes.

As I stood back up and saw some of the mobs on the pirates and marines side were unconscious. I'm part of them too if I didn't found my resolution.

All that thinking just took a few seconds.

I was hit by Luffy's Conqueror Haki and nearly lose my consciousness. I considered this as a blessing in disguise!

My Devil Fruit awakens!

But it's the second type. I naturally learned it by instinct. My Influence on the shadows was upgraded and I can control all the shadows even if they're inanimate and dead.

"This is... The power that rules the shadow!" (Shikage)

I'm still absorbing all the information that my newly awakened powers have.

A few moments later, Luffy was being supported by everyone.

Hancock-senpai was busy with the controller of the Pacifista, Sentomaru. While I'm holding them back from attacking Luffy.

Luffy secured a way to Ace but he was blocked by his grandpa.

And when they clashed, Luffy won and reached the platform. He's now at Ace's side and quickly took out the key to Ace's handcuff.

Unfortunately, Sengoku and Kizaru stopped him from freeing Ace.

([Doppelman], Give this key to Luffy) (Shikage)

『Got It』

A chill went down my spine!

As I saw my shadow's arm rise from Luffy's shadow, I clearly heard my shadow respond when I willed him to give the spare key.

The Platform burst into flames and the giant Buddha was sent flying and he crashed to the plaza.

Meanwhile, the one who's supposed to be executed was wreaking havoc with his little brother. Ace and Luffy were unstoppable.

But I didn't pay much attention to it. I'm more interested that my [Doppelman] is now sentient!

Another perk from Awakening!


The Situation was on the pirates' side. Ace was freed and was moving back to retreat.

Meanwhile, the marines couldn't accept this and desperately tries to catch up.

But the one who's stopping them is the strongest man in the world.

"This is where we part ways, my sons! You must survive and return safely to the New World!!"

Whitebeard's final order!



The Marineford is crumbling from Whitebeard's attack!

The finale is close!

And I've finally found the scheming bastard.

It's time to screw him over. I hope this changes the ending!

While everyone was focused on the war. They heard a loud shout in the middle of the battlefield.

"Aaaaaaaah! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!!"

Everyone turns to the voice and saw a boy with black hair pointing to the back of the Marineford.

And they saw a lurking colossal being that was so gigantic that the Navy HQ couldn't even hide him.

"Huh?! Dey found me. Captain! This isn't in the plan..."

"ZEHAHAHAHA... I'll remember this Shadow Hunter! I will surely hunt your power!"

Blackbeard and his crew show up from the platform.

I gulped when I heard his statement. Looks like I made a terrifying enemy!


wakadanna wakadanna

If you know the quirk Dark Shadow, It's like that but the Shadow isn't attached to my OC

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C6
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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