"Harry! What are you doing here?" Dr. Granger looked at Harry before gasping,
"What happened to you!?"
Harry looked down at his bloodied torso and waved him off,
"It is not as bad as it looks. But how can you remember me? I thought you were..."
Around them, everyone had started to fall down with exhaustion, and once again Harry noticed the chains and iron shackles.
'Alohomora', and all the shackles opened and fell down among the gold scattered on the cave floor.
Harry then turned to the tortured Dragon who was still spewing fire and muttered, "For now ~sleep~"
Like string being cut off a puppet, the serpentine head of the Dragon fell down.
"And where is Hermione? I visited your house but it was empty."
The couple looked at each other before Dan answered, his voice filled with venom "Those magicals, they took her."
"Who? Death eaters?"
"I don't know. I did not even see much except their red robes. They just barged in... and attacked us and the next I remember is waking up here."
'Red robes, ... Aurours but then...'
Just then Emma, still under the invisibility charm, came running towards him, "Harry! Harry!! Those...up.."
He removed the charm, " What's the matter?"
"Those...goblins..hundreds"...Emma wheezed between her breaths, "Coming here...hundreds of minds,.. hostile intent."
He looked up, removing a little more magic from his eyes and giving in a little more to the Cosmic Awareness. And sure enough, hundreds...no thousands of goblins were marching down from all directions.
"Look", someone shouted, pointing above.
Above him, hundreds of lanterns started to burn and the hundreds of meters tall walls of the cave came into view. Goblins started rolling in mine carts above and the meandering paths beside the cave walls were filling with Goblin Knights. Battle cries and war drums were filling the previously silent cave.
Between them, there was an occasional wizard decked in pure black.
"I think they found us", Emma whispered hopelessly. Harry turned to her " We have to get them all out."
"What! Are you out of your mind? How do yo..."
"Hundred million, I will give you one hundred million."
"...ugh...what do you think I...."
"Take them behind the dragon and leave the rest to me", Harry placed his hand on Emma's shoulder, "Trust me"
Emma hesitated but nodded nevertheless. She went towards the slaves and started yelling to move. Not every slave was a human and few could not understand English. For them, she used her telepathy to have them move.
"And you too, go", he said to Granger couple, "I promise I will find Hermione"
Everyone was scurrying away, leaving him alone. A few goblins and Death Eaters had spotted him but they were too far to see him.
He turned towards the stone statues and located the one he was searching for, Ragnok, and 'unpetrified' him, but just below his head. He still had not forgotten about his main reason to come here.
"~where are Potter vaults~" He looked Ragnok straight in the eye and asked, his voice laced with magic and compulsions.
Ragnok, under the effects of the compulsion, looks towards vault number 13, one of the few unopened vaults.
"Thanks," and again petrified him.
He ran towards the vault and blasted the heavy vault door off its hinges with a wave of his hand. The hundred-ton door went flying like a ragdoll before embedding in the rock wall, it's impact shaking the entire cave. The goblin enchantments flayed, intent on killing Harry but failed to do anything beyond singeing his cuffs.
Harry paid it no mind and walked inside the huge vault. It was large, large enough to fit the entire Dursley's home inside. It was clear most of it was once filled with all matter of precious items, but now it was empty save a small stack of gold bars in the middle. But that small stack weighed more than 8 tonnes, easily worth hundreds of millions.
Conjuring a women's purse, he charmed it with the undetectable extension before summoning everything in the vault. The gold flew and with a wave of his hand, vanished into the small bag.
'Now to save everybody', Harry's Mage sight pierced the walls, making out all the slaves in the caves. And fortunately for him, they were not far from here.
By now all the released slaves were standing behind the massive dragon, huddling together as the sound of marching and drums grew ever closer.
Even Emma was losing her frosty facade with every passing second.
Harry went back to them and handed the purse to Emma "Take it, it has the gold."
She looked down at the purse before looking back at him, "And pray tell, how are we taking it all out?"
By now the sound of marching and drums was getting louder and louder. The people behind Emma were hurdled closer, despair clearly visible on their faces.
Harry did not say anything, instead opting to kneel and placing his open palm on the rock ground.
Ground and rocks started to rise like with basilisk before, but far more. Slowly, the rocks started to turn into flesh and bones, vessels and heart.
As the spell took shape, he distinctly felt his arm warming up as magic left his body.
White skin came over before stretching to form the wings of a massive dragon no different from the one sleeping a few paces from them but much larger. Its eyes opened, sparkling with intelligence and it looked at Harry before bowing.
Harry bowed back.
"Get everybody on it." Emma did not question him
The Dragon lowered his wings and tail to let people climb up. There were hundreds of people here but the dragon was about the size of a small hill, easily large enough to accommodate all of them.
Most slaves hesitated but goblins among them wasted no time to climb atop the dragon. Rest followed, hearing the ever-nearing marching goblins.
"You too", Emma nodded and climbed on the giant dragon.
Seeing everyone was on, Harry then cast a modified sticking charm and everyone atop the dragon felt like an invisible sheet settle on them, gently pressing them on the Dragon's back.
Harry was walking away, towards the path the army was coming from. By now from the marching sound, it was clear that they were just around the bend.
"Where are you going?" Emma looked at him
"I still have to rescue others."
"They are not your responsibly Harry."
Harry stopped, and shook his head, "You would not understand Emma, you never been a slave before."
Emma stopped, and before she could say anything more...
~Boom~, an explosion near the dragon.
The Death eaters had taken to skies, their forms now that of black smoke, and bombarding down curses at them.
"Ahhh..." the screaming began but they soon noticed none of the curses was touching them. An invisible shield had materialized above, protecting all the passengers.
Harry looked above, unbothered by the explosions, and pointed his palm upwards. His mage sight pierced the rock and showed him a straight path to the sky. He smirked and twisted, and the ground above him twisted along. Heavy rumbling filled the cave, stilling the advancing armies in their boots.
A mile above them, the Gringotts tore itself apart and a huge sinkhole opened in its place.
Once again Harry felt his arms heat up as transfiguration took hold. He frowned at the sensation.
The animated dragon raised its head, barely bothered by the explosions around him, and looked at the sky. From down here, the massive sinkhole barely looked like a dot but he knew what it was and what it had to do. It opened its wings ready to take off.
The dragon flapped its wings, briefly taking to air but the caravan proved to be too narrow for the giant dragon to fully extend its wings. After its brief flight, the dragon extended its four legs and latched onto the cave walls, and began climbing.
Flying death eaters floated up, raining curses at the dragon but the magical shields materialized just above the dragon's skin and above its passengers, stopping any and all curses in place.
Below, Goblins army was rapidly approaching Harry's location. But he just stood there, amidst the scattered gold and frozen statues of goblins, waiting for the army to come.
'But at least I should hide my face, Harry mused, thinking of changing back to his ministry employee facade, only to stop himself at the last second.
"Perhaps,.. he would have liked a little prank", Harry whispered to the empty cave.
His body started to morph, his skin turned to even a paler shade, his untamed hair extended and his torn and bloody clothes turned into a neat black tuxedo.
Soon the Goblin army started to spill into the clearing at the bottom of the cave. Shields risen and spears pointed forward, they advanced forward with all the momentum of a freight train
'stupify', the overpowered red spell impacted the shields of the goblins troops, tracking through it and throwing off the few dozen goblins at the front twelve feet into the air.
More goblins rushed to take their place, and the entire battalion halted, looking cautiously at the attacker.
And Harry was standing amidst the scattered gold and frozen statues of goblins, a fake wand in hand and his face that of his Godfather.
"You know, I rarely hate anybody. It is such a strong word", Harry spoke, but the voice coming out of his lips was that of Sirius, "But you all, you...really touched a nerve."
Some goblins threw their spears as he was talking but he deflected them with a wave of his hand.
"I don't know what is happening today with all the goblins and death eaters, and neither do I care." His eyes glowed green, piercing straight through the goblins, through the walls, and onto the slaves...people being huddled like cattle, "But ...But you really touched a nerve"
A dark gold fire erupted from his 'wand' and the goblins took a step back.
The fire spread around him but it did not burn flesh, wood, or stone. It did not even felt hot. The goblins looked around in puzzlement before they noticed it.
All the gold scattered on the floor, the fire was burning it, charring coal.
And there was nothing more precious to goblins than gold,
And thus began the first major battle of the goblin rebellion and the war, 'Sirus vs ten thousand Goblins'
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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