"So? How are things going with her off-camera?" Jeff asked from behind Bryan as the production team started gathering their things together after the shoot of the day.
Bryan broke his gaze from Sonia who was speaking with Mia, and turned to look at Jeff innocently, "How is what going with who? Mia?"
"Come on, Bryan! Don't think I didn't see the stuff you ordered!" Jeff hissed in frustration, making Bryan chuckle.
"Why do you like sticking your nose in issues that do not concern you?" Bryan asked dryly.
"I'm your manager and every, I repeat, EVERY aspect of your life concerns me, so don't keep things from me," Jeff reminded him.
"How sweet. Speaking about areas of my life that concern you, I think my leg is healing really fast," Bryan said as stood up for Jeff to see.
"Wow! This is great! The CEO would like this," Jeff exclaimed happily as he watched Bryan slowly walk across the room.
Sincere apologies to all my privilege readers. I'm sorry that I wasn't consistent with the updates this month due to situations beyond my control. I just got a new device so updates will be daily going forward, and any day I miss it, I will make up for it.
Thanks for your understanding and continuous support, I'm super grateful.