77.77% Game Of Thrones: Tommen The Great / Chapter 7: Early Morning On The Kingsroad and Helping Out

บท 7: Early Morning On The Kingsroad and Helping Out

I was awoken slowly by the slight panting I heard above me. I cracked an eye open to see a massive wolf looming over me, it's tongue hanging out as it's surprisingly intelligent eyes looked down into my own.

"...Hello there," I called out groggily, bringing a hand up and absentmindedly stroking the wolf's neck.

Any other man would have no doubt been scared out of their wits by the act of what I was doing. Yet I knew that if the wolf wanted to hurt me, it would have done so already. And if it tried still, I could more than deal with it.

The wolf gave a whine, laying it's head down on the bed mattress I was sleeping on and I genuinely wondered how it'd gotten into my tent and passed the guards that had no doubt been outside. Groaning, I sat up and the wolf walked around the bed to my side and I looked at it as it looked at me, it's curious eyes showing that surprising intelligence once more.

"Come up," I pat the bad and without much preamble, the wolf jumped up onto the bed and sat in front of me. I began petting the oversized thing in front of me and it seemed to enjoy it as it lay down over my legs - it really was like a massive dog. I chuckled and ran my hand through it's grey fur, it's big yellow eyes closing as it relaxed, "Lady, is it not?" I recognized the wolf and her ears stood up to attention hearing her name, her recently closed eyes opening again to look at me, "Now, how did you get in here?" I wondered aloud and looked around before noticing a hole in the wide of my tent, "Ah, that's how."

Smiling, I continued petting the lovely direwolf before the two of us heard Sansa calling for her direwolf.

"Come on, Lady, we should go and greet her," I said, moving the wolf off of me despite her whining and getting out of my bed. It was nothing like the bed I owned back in the Red Keep but it did it's job and did it remarkably well for a bed that could be taken apart and made portable.

Walking over to a stack of clothes, I pulled out a pair of linen casual trousers and a high-quality tunic before pulling them on and putting on some casual sandals. We weren't going to be riding any longer until noon, so I'd rather stay in casual wear until that point. Some of the clothes I was expected to wear as prince were incredibly uncomfortable, and I stayed out of them as much as possible.

Gesturing to the exit of my tent with my head, I smiled, "Come on, girl, let's go and greet her then," I called out to the direwolf who'd graciously waited for me to get dressed. All while lounging on my bed like she owned the place.

With a soft bark, Lady got up off the bed, albeit reluctantly, and walked with me out of the tent.

The guards placed there jumped in shock when they saw the direwolf with me and I smirked at them as I teased, "Imagine how surprised I was when I woke up with her dangling her toothy maw over my face?"

"P-prince Tommen, we apologize--!" the two guards shouted in unison but I waved my hand to signify I wasn't really annoyed. And how could I be? If a Direwolf didn't want you to know they were there, I doubted a normal man could sense them. Even I was taken by surprise. Though in my defense, I was sleeping like the dead at the time.

Which meant these two guards had no chance of sensing Lady sneaking into my tent.

Leaving the relieved guards, we quickly ran into Sansa who was looking around with a somewhat worried expression, calling for Lady.

When she saw Lady elegantly walking next to me with her head held high and looking straight ahead. Very regal-looking, if I must say so. Said regal direwolf trotted passed me and my calm walking pace and up to Sansa who'd put on a surprised face when she saw her direwolf and I together.

"Lady! Where were you? I was worried," she mumbled the last part to herself as she bent down and accepted a few licks from her direwolf, stroking through it's fluffy and well-treated fur. I hadn't noticed it earlier but it also seemed to have a bit of perfume in her coat - no doubt because Sansa didn't want a smelly direwolf. Lady didn't seem to mind it either.

Smiling while looking at Sansa, I spoke up to her unanswered question, "She was in my tent, waking me up by looking at me," I chuckled, remembering the event a few minutes prior to this meeting.

"Oh," Sansa made an 'O' with her mouth before she smiled and looked down at Lady, "That was quite naughty of you, wasn't it, Lady?" she spoke to the direwolf before looking to me again, "I'm sorry about her. She's more often than not doing what she wants but she means no harm, Tommen."

"Of course I know that," I also bent down and stroked Lady who seemed overjoyed by the attention, "Besides, it was a nice wake up call and her fur feels so very soft to the touch that I'll forgive the hole she ripped in my tent to get in," I complimented Lady and as if she understood - which I wouldn't put it past her - she preened at my words, holding her head even higher than before. Her body language practically screamed 'Flatter me more'.

Seeing her like this, both Sansa and I caught the other's gaze before breaking out in laughter. Sansa gave Lady a hug which the direwolf accepted graciously and I gave a few strong pats to the wolf's back before standing.

Sansa soon followed me up and stood, brushing off her dress before Lady actually bit the bottom of her dress and dragged it toward me. Sansa, seeing this, looked embarrassed and pulled on her dress, pulling it from Lady's mouth. Lady cast a glance up to Sansa before pulling on the bottom of my trouser leg.

Having some idea what she was doing, I gave in and took a step forward which put me much closer to Sansa. Seeing this, Lady sat back and gave us a bark before sitting with her tongue out.

Sansa looked to Lady in confusion before holding the same look as she looked to me.

"I think," I started with a smile filled with mirth, "That Lady is showing she approves of our pairing and is giving us her blessing," I finished with a laugh while Sansa's eyes went a little wide and she turned to Lady, a playful smile on her face.

"Why, thank you, Lady," she said, a hand on her chest, "How would I ever live without your approval?" she let out a beautiful laugh that was like music to my ears.

The playful smile she was wearing was one I hadn't seen her wear yet. It was beautiful.

Turning her face toward me, I crossed the distance between us and kissed her for the second time. She looked too ravishing not to. And she didn't seem to mind as though she flushed at the sudden kiss, she quickly composed herself and returned the kiss with a somewhat voracious need. Feeling this need, I felt the urge to slip her some tongue but...I held myself back. She most likely wasn't ready for that just yet.

Pulling back, I took her hand in mine and entwined our fingers together. Her lips were slightly parted, showing her perfect white teeth, and her expression was as dazed as it was flushed with a blush.

But this seem passed and she squeezed my hand before embarrassment flooded her face as she looked up at me, "Tommen...!" she whispered, "What if people see us doing that?" she said it like I'd just bent her over and done her up the ass when all we'd done is kiss. It was incredibly innocent of her. Cute too.

Stroking my free hand against the side of her exquisite face, I smiled and shrugged, "Then let them watch. I want the whole world to see that I'm kissing the most beautiful girl in the Seven Kingdoms," I said in a low voice that seemed to rumble through her as she shook. In a good way.

My compliment seemed to flood her with joy and excitement as she unconsciously puffed out her chest and held her head high just like Lady had done. No doubt where Lady had learned it from.

However, Sansa did something that surprised me.

She lightly grabbed my tunic and pulled me down toward her while she stood on her tiptoes. I obviously accepted her pulling and bent down toward her somewhat parted lips.

This kiss was different. As soon as our lips touched, I could tell that. Sansa had taken charge and initiated it herself, which was very obvious by how soft the kiss was and how nervous it felt - Sansa was inexperienced and as such she was unsure what to do when initiating a kiss. But she quickly learned. And that hunger was still there in her kisses. Like she wanted nothing more than to just stay there with me, kissing me for as long as she could.

It was also a quick kiss. A second or two after our lips met, we parted and Sansa looked up at me with her big blue eyes and a cute little smile across her face, "Then, Tommen, may I kiss you when I want?"

"Mhm," I nodded, "I will take any kiss you throw at me, Sansa, and return them just as eagerly," I nodded, my free hand dropping to her waist and holding it, "I take it you like it when we do that?"

Her embarrassment at being in public seemed to disappear as she nodded, her breath hitching in excitement when she felt my hand on her waist. Even though she'd nodded, I gestured for her to say it aloud, and she did "I...I do," Sansa breathlessly said, her free hand tracing down my chest, "I adore how your kisses make me feel," she seemed to become more and more excited as she spoke and something deep in me rumbled with hunger yet I controlled myself and kept composed.

I'd wait for the right time. I could corrupt her all I wanted when we were wed. Though from her excited and naughty little smile, I didn't think I'd be corrupting her - just showing her what she was really like in the bedroom. Not corrupting her but uncovering. Uncovering what was beneath that pretty highborn face and the desires held deep inside her.

Planting a much more chaste kiss on her forehead, I spoke, "Do you wish to join me on an early morning walk, Sansa?" I asked with a smile.

She eagerly agreed, some of the embarrassment at being in public and acting like we were coming back and making her bashfully smile.

And as such, we were on our way.

. . .

Walking through the trees, I heard the sounds of a river and the sounds of two sticks hitting one another. It was at that point that I realized today was the day Joffrey would have been mauled by a direwolf if he were on a walk with Sansa instead of me.

Curious about the sounds, Sansa tugged me to exit the tree line and alongside Lady, we walked onto the grassy bank of the Trident.

Quickly, we saw Arya playing with a boy only a few years older than her.

Arya wasn't like her older sister and was definitely much more of a tomboy. She definitely looked like a Stark as well, with brown hair so dark it was nearly black and grey eyes much like her father's. Going with her boyish attitude, she wasn't very feminine in appearance with thin lips, a somewhat long face and her skinny and athletic body. She would be pretty in her own way, I suppose, but she wasn't really my type. Let alone the age gap between us and the fact she was Sansa's sister making it very unlikely I'd ever see her in a romantic light.

The boy she was with wasn't a pretty or good-looking one. He was average, bordering on ugly, with a rough face covered in freckles. He was tall for his age, with spindly limbs and a surprisingly chubby face despite his lack of fat anywhere else.

Though his appearance wasn't the best, he was smiling and seemed to be enjoying his time with Arya. They blocked and smacked at each other's sticks, obviously pretending to be Knights.

I felt a chuckle escape my lips as Sansa called out to Arya.

"Arya!" she called across the small distance between us while Lady trotted off back into the tree line and with a bit of searching, I could see she was heading for Nymeria who was watching Arya play.

Arya and the red-haired boy stopped their playing and turned to us. The boy spared Sansa a glance but his face paled when he saw me. He dropped the wooden stick he was holding and began to stammer which was ignored by Arya who looked to Sansa and spoke with a frown, "What are you doing here?" she asked, sparing a glance for me but mainly looking to her sister.

"We're on a walk," I answered, squeezing Sansa's hand when I saw that she seemed somewhat tense about the whole situation. But feeling my hand in hers, she seemed to relax and I continued, "We heard your mighty battle and were curious as to who was winning," I smiled in good nature to the two children in front of me. Well, the word 'child' might be pushing it for the boy but he was definitely much younger than me so it didn't matter much.

This seemed to placate Arya who wasn't pleased with her sister's appearance her on the bank of the river, as she smiled smugly, "I was winning. Mycah here had already lost an arm and I was luring him into a trap so I could finish him off!" she explained her valiant efforts and I suppressed a chuckle. If I hadn't, she'd have no doubt thought I was laughing because she was a girl trying to play pretend Knight but in truth, I was only nearly laughing because of how different she was to Sansa yet how similar. They both had that confidence in their eyes.

And while in Sansa I found it attractive, in Arya I found it endearing. In a platonic way, at least.

"Oh?" I played along and I saw Sansa smile from the corner of my eye, "Well, Ser Arya, please continue with your valiant fighting," her eyes lit up at the encouragement and she nodded strongly to my words while I turned to the red-haired Mycah who was still as pale as a sheet, "You too, Ser Mycah. A piece of advice, however: a good Knight never drops their sword," I teased.

Upon hearing me, it was like blood was allowed to flow into his face again and some color returned to his cheeks. He didn't lose his nervous atmosphere but as I led Sansa to the side, he picked up his stick and him and Arya began to play fight again.

Walking to the side, I sat down in the shade with Sansa and we watched the two of them play.

After a few seconds, Sansa spoke up in a quiet voice, "...Do you not think it's weird of my sister that she wants to play about with sticks and fight rather than do more ladylike things?" she asked, sounding self-conscious. Most likely because she thought her sister's action may affect my view of her. I'd have thought she were crazy if I hadn't known that there were exactly those type of people in this world which made her worries somewhat well founded.

"No, I don't," I shook my head as I watched Arya and Mycah continue to play fight, "I believe that anyone has the right to do what makes them happy, and if your sister needs to practice with swords and pretend to be a valiant knight with her friend, who am I to say she shouldn't?" I questioned before shrugging, "There are too many people who say what we should do and what we can't do...I'd rather not be one of those people unless I absolutely have to be."

That was where the conversation ended as Sansa looked to be in deep thought about something. I just continued watching the two kids playing innocently in front of me. All it did was remind that sooner or later, I'd have to deal with wars between the major Houses.

Even if I could somehow convince Ned to not investigate Jon Arryn's death, Robert's death would spur Renly and Stannis into action.

Sighing, a small frown formed on my lips as I looked past Arya and her friend and at the raging waters of the Trident. The sloshing water and raging currents felt like an apt analogy for the future state of Westeros. Even if I solved one problem, two more would take it's place. I was far from perfect and there was only so much I could do to safeguard my future, and now I had to safeguard another person's future also.

My frown deepened ever so slightly before I shook my head and sighed, closing my eyes as my expression went back to neutral. After a second of steeling myself, I opened my eyes again. I would do what I could to protect myself and those dear to me.

It would mean doing things I'd rather not...but what must be done, must be done.

By the time my composure came back to me, I could no longer hear sounds of sticks hitting one another and Sansa had placed one of her hands on top of my hand that was nearest to her.

Looking to the two stationary figures in front of me, I saw Mycah nervously stumble over his words, "M-milord, Prince T-Tommen," he greeted with a robotic bow before he shot a glance to Arya who gestured him on with her eyes and facial expression to continue, "I--No, we, Arya and I...we were wondering if you could teach us anything about sword fighting...? I h-heard from some of the soldiers that you, uh, that you're very good with a sword."

"Well," I asked, a raised eyebrow, "If it's a request from the mighty Ser Arya and Ser Mycah, how could I possibly say no?" after I said this, I stood up and looked to Sansa, "I apologize for asking you for a walk only to leave you to teach your sister, Sansa," I gave an apology but she shook her head.

"Why are you apologizing, Tommen?" she asked with an understanding smile, "You're being kind to my sister and her...friend," she sounded unsure if she should call Mycah Arya's friend but she did so anyway before she continued, "Show me how a prince teaches the usage of the sword. I look forward to watching it," she smiled except this one was a bit more...seductive, in nature. The closer I got to her, the more easily she showed her interest in me. It was incredibly flattering.

Smiling at her being so surprisingly understanding, I thanked the Gods that she was like this. A much better version than she had been in either the show or the books.

Turning around, I looked to Arya and held out my hand, "Ser Arya, may I please borrow your 'sword' for a moment?" I politely asked and Arya quickly handed me the branch. In her hands it had been massive, almost her entire height. Yet in my hands, it looked average - maybe even a little smaller than I'd ordinarily use.

Gesturing for Mycah to follow, I walked closer to the river and I held the branch with my right hand while I rested it against my right shoulder.

"First lesson, how to properly attack and how to counter," I said before lowering the stick from my shoulder, "Now, Ser Mycah the Red," I playfully added his hair color to the end of his name, giving him a title he seemed to enjoy as he smiled, "Try and hit me."

That caused his smile to disappear, "But P-prince Tommen--" I cut him off.

"If you worry about hurting me, Mycah," I started before smiling, "Don't. I'm made of sterner stuff than most, kid. So, come on and try and hit me." He waited a few seconds after hearing me say this before he gave a weak attempt to slash at me with his stick. I blocked the attempt that would've hit my waist and countered with a sharp hit to his upper arm - not hard enough to draw blood or really hurt but definitely hard enough to sting. "Still feeling like holding back, Mycah?" I asked with a smile as he hissed at the stinging sensation my hit left before he swung again, a bit more effort in this one.

Again and again, I stopped his attempts at hitting me and countered with a sharp hit. All until he really went for it when he got fed up and finally forgot I was a prince.

The attack was surprisingly fast and his arms seemed coordinated for a boy who'd had no training. Which was obvious, by the way--that he'd had no training. He swung with little technique and was more likely to hurt himself than hit me. But he had a decent bit of raw talent. Fast and agile. Put a bit of muscle on him and he'd be even faster and even more agile. I bet he'd be quite deadly then.

But that was then, and right now, he'd be lucky if he could kill an old man, let alone me. His downward slash was obvious and I could have easily dodged to the side yet I didn't. I was teaching a lesson, after all.

I moved my back foot further behind me and to the right, allowing me to bring my stick up and angle it downward. Mycah's slash hit the angled stick and I spoke, "Watch how I move," my voice was serious and his eyes instantly locked onto me as I slowly moved the stick back toward me and away from his stick before rotating my arms and sending out a slow slash that was aimed for his face.

The move was simple and very elementary for a knight. You block the downward slash, bring the sword back and counter. Most soldiers know how to do this - it also meant an on-guard warrior wouldn't fall for it. But if you played your cards right, you could easily use the move as a basis to learn how to block and counter other moves your opponent might make. The lesson I was trying to teach was one of 'Block, move, counter'. If you can do that in the right way, at the right time, you can end any fight in a single attack. Doing it right, however, is hard for some and not everything works out as you hope it does.

Stopping the stick just by his face, I smiled, "Did you see my movements?" I asked and he nodded, "Good. Now, I'll slowly attack you and you'll copy the movements I just did."

Lifting the stick up, I waited for Mycah to get ready before we went through the motions.

His block, transition movement and counter were a lot less fluid and refined than my own but practice could sort that out. The fact he'd got it on the first try was somewhat surprising. I hadn't even needed to correct his movements.

"Let's do it a few more times before I teach Arya, okay? Then the two of you can practice against one another"

So, after thinking about the future, here I was smilingly teaching a young teenager how to wield a sword. It wouldn't instantly make him a master or anything but if he practiced enough and caught the eye of a passing knight, maybe he'd be squired to them. Maybe the positive actions I was putting out into the world currently would one day come back in the future as a reward.

Who knows. Only time would tell. For now, though, I enjoyed the pleasant time of teaching these kids about how to use a sword.

Kenny_Landers Kenny_Landers

A more calm chapter that explored a little of the MC's stress over future events. Who said foreknowledge is helpful, huh? Seems like a massive pain in the ass to me. You know things are going to happen and you're either forced to let them happen or change the event and welcome a potentially worse outcome that you don't know is coming. Or WHAT is coming, for that matter.

I'll tell you now, I don't envy Tommen and the decisions he has to make in the future. Here's to him making the right ones *lifting a cup of wine*.

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