66.66% Primus Magus Rex (Harry Potter FanFic) / Chapter 8: [8] Encounter : Counter

บท 8: [8] Encounter : Counter

Act 1 | Prologue | Encounter : Counter


While the old fool with superior complex was having his fun preaching his monologue, Zack was having a rant of his own.

'Why the hell do villains always have these long monologue when their enemies lays helpless infront of them? Why not just finish 'em and then rant whatever? Is it not fun that way? It's seems logical to me though. Do they actually rehearse it before? Bravo! Good Job! Well whatever, this... Wanker is atleast generous to give me time to recover. Hate to admit it I got thrashed this time.' Zack sighed in his heart as he cast full recovery on him before a fierce look appeared on his face. 'It's not over though... I haven't lost yet.'


Seeing the killing curse meant to hit him square in the face he knew at this distance it was impossible to dodge. So decided to take a gamble.

'A good life is just a stroke of luck. Life is nothing but a gamble after all.'

He's eyes glowed looking at the curse as his vision zoomed in and it transitioned into the familiar scene of his mindscape.

Zack grinned as he looked at the holographic construction infront of him that was the infamous killing curse.

"Time is money people and so let's hustle." Zack grinned as with a flick of his hand the spell broke into multiple fragment, each aspect and element apart. Making it easier for him to understand.

Zack closed his eyes as the fragments fell down and sunk into the water that he was standing on. Zack opened his eyes and grinned.

"I have an idea. If the main idea behind this spell is centered around death. The what is its opposite?" Zack grinned as he raised his hand as a new construction was being assembled based on the killing curse but with one major difference. "Life. A bright concept as complex as death, something more scarier than it's counter part."

The construct was finalized as he grinned savagely.

"Sometimes life is much more frightening than death itself."

His vision once again zoomed in as his conscience returned. The world had seemed to slow down as he could see the spell moving in slow-motion.

"Well, whatever." Zack grinned as he muttered "Et Restaurata."

As soon as the words left his mouth a his body released a golden shockwave. As soon as the spell and the shockwave collided with the two spells were neutralised but the force of the shockwave had knocked him back.

Zack got up in stride as he looked at the effect of the skill in wonder. The area where the shockwave had touched even in the dim light he could see that flowers had bloomed and the tree behind was bustling with vitality.

"Wow... Beautiful isn't it?" Zack asked humourously as he looked at the petrified fool infront of him. "You know instead of ranting you should have killed me. Like I'm about to."


The ground underneath the fool's leg glowed red, the beggar realized something was wrong and jumped aside which was a good move considering the place the where the stood just a moment exploded as flame burst out, the heat unbearable seemingly belonging to the underworld.

"Oh, alive? Let's try once again. Excanduit."

The fool wasn't given any chance as he tried to dodge but was blowed away git by the explosion. A moment later he stood up his face twisted into an expression of ugly rage.

"I'll kill youuu!"

"Sure you will. I mean I can feel my eardrums being ruptured by your scream." Zack said sarcastically. "It seems your boyfriend gave you enough training."

What he said was obviously jest meant to piss the guy infront of him but he was actually appalled that the fool had the audacity to blush and look ashamed.

'No fucking way...' Zack's eyes twitched.

"H-How do you kn-No, no*ahem* like I said I'll kill youuu!"

"And like I said you'll try, only to fail." Zack smiled dodging a severing charm.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Heh? Et Restaurata."

"Avada Kedavra!"

"... Et Restaurata."

"*Huff* A-Avada *Huff* K-Kedavra!"

"*Yawn* Et Restaurata." Zack while knowing he should just finish this show, was waiting for his guardians to arrive. While he could now counter the killing curse he still couldn't kill the fool infront of him. The guy simply had more battle experience than him. Even hurting him took so much time and that was onlt because of his new Explosive spell. So, he had sneakily sent a Patronus to the hotel to get his guardians, Lalisa and Camilla as reinforcement.

'While killing him is impossible right now, I can atleast cause a significant amount of damage to him.' Zack thought as he clenched his fists. 'Another gamble but oh well. Let's do this.'

Zack stilled his breathing as he circulated the magic in his core and with a thought he flooded his body with raw potent magic.

Zack's pupil constricted as he felt his body being charged with magic, feeling more heavier and lighter than before at the same. His brain was overwhelmed as senses were enhanced and the information that they now perceived was almost tok much to handle before magic flowed through his brain enabling it to process information faster and maintaining the harmony.

Zack grinned as the enraged fool who was able to catch a breath took a step back after he saw Zack's expression and knew it was trouble.

Zack didn't say a word but instead just burst towards the wary beggar who couldn't comprehend what happened as Zack appeared infront of him and gutted him with his fist sending him flying and into the a lamp-post.

Zack marvelled at his strength but grimaced in pain as his knuckle bursted and began bleeding and then small opening appeared on his forehead, left cheek, chest, thigh and his shin. This was due to his body being charged with high amount of magic and due to being unfamiliar to moving at neck breaking speeds.

Zack paid no mind as he cast a full recovery to neutralised the backlash and moved again towards the beggar who had regained his footing. He tried to nail the old fool with a kick to his temples but he managed to duck down and dodge but now that the had greater power over his muscle Zack twisted his body mid-air and planted his other feet into the man's face which produced a sound of a bone snapping and sending him flying once again.

Landing Zack couldn't get a breather as he began to shake as the double amount of cuts appeared on his being and this time more deeper gritting his teeth he cast Full Recovery once again but this time he held the spell using the multitasking ability of his mind.

Zack rushed once more but this time was meet with a multitude of nasty dark spells meant to either outright kill him or to alleast mutilate him.

Zack was forced to cast his auto-shield too as well as the counter of the killing curse. To block the killing curse from time to time. This was naturally straining not only his mind but also his reserves which while enormous in capacity wasn't infinite and was depleting steadily.

Zack and the old coot traded a few exchange majority resulted in the beggar being hit by his savage attack and he in rare chances getting hit my one or two spells.

Zack punched the began who had cast a shield but was still blown away. Zack was about to follow him but pain coursed his body as he dropped down to a knee and began coughing out blood.

'Damnit! My body is too weak to handle the backlash!' Zack grimaced and panicked as he heard a painful laugh

"Haha... It seems like you are running on fumes now. Good." The beggar painfull grinned.

Zack felt the ground under him shift and reach out and capture his legs before he could react. Zack struggled but failed too he wasn't able to concentrate his magic anymore due to the backlash and was powerless.

Zack looked up and saw the beggar grin sadistically.


Zack forced his core and channel magic to his body once again and crossed his arms infront of him to protect himself.


Zack bounce on the ground before coming to a stop near the still sleeping Harleen. He laid there unable to move bleeding heavily. He managed to survive the explosive spell but hid hands were almost burnt to crisp. His body looked like it had been through blender with multiple cuts and openings due to the backlash.

He heard the beggar limp towards him.

"Well, well... It seems you survived. Hateful, simply hateful why don't you just die and make it easy for me and you both." The beggar ranted once again and Zack was forced think if this guy was seriously doing this to troll him. "Can't you see that you can't kill me?! You won't be able match me they way you are now and I can't allow you to grow stronger either! I will kill you!"

With what remaining strength he looked up towards him without any fear causing the beggar to grit his teeth.

"Y-You are a fu-ccking f-fool... R-Ranting again." Zack smiled as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. "A-Also. W-who said I wanted to kill you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?!" He askwd bewildered.

"I just h-had to hold you back untill m-my reinforcement arrived." Zack smiled gently almost in relief.


"Depulso!" Zack sighed in relief as he heard the enraged voice of Camilia which was rare but he guessed today was odd. The beggar was roughly banished away from Zack.

"Zack!" Lalisa's voice reached his ear as he closed his eyes feeling her hug his powerless, hut and exhausted body.

'I think I will sleep now.' He thought as his conscience faded and when he opened his eyes he was in his mindscape but again he wasn't alone and he was a bit surprised.

He waved at Hecate who was looking at him with her playful smile and proud look in her eyes. Now this didn't surprise him at all, he was used to Hecate visiting his mindscape every now and then. What suprised him was the presence of another beautiful lady besides Hecate.

The lady has long white hair going past her big jutting butt. She was very beautiful, perfect face, with unique golden-red eyes, small but sharp nose, black lipstick covered plump lips and an extremely voluptuous body hidden wrapped in skintight full-body cloth, hidden beneath the elegant black hooded cloak with golden accents. In her hand was a mean looking scythe wrapped in chain which gave off a deady aura.

It was quite easy for him to guess who this lady was.

Hecate waved back and approached him wrapping him into a warm, loving hug.

"Zack! Well done! I knew that you were destined for greatness! Just how handsome and cute you were!" Hecate gushed as Zack giggled kissing her cheek which shut her up and made her blush a bit.

"Thanks a lot Hecate. It means a lot to me." Zack said truthfully, smiling. He turned his head before nodding in acknowledgement towards the lady. "Lady Death, I didn't know you were going you be here. More like I had never expected to meet you under circumstances such as these. What brings you here?"

"You are just as Hecate had described, I'm impressed. Even though young, you are not only smart but also monstrous in strength but there's no true arrogance in your being." Lady Death complimented him. " I am here because I have a matter of great importance to that I want to discuss with you."

"Oh? Could it be about the spell I created to counter the killing curse?" He asked with a gentle smile as Lady Death nodded.

"This has got to be the first time I've seen a mortal child as young as you, steal the laws from the aspect of live itself. I can't express how much impressed and terrified I am ." Death praised in amazement. "But you do know what this implies right? While not the first mortal to do so, you have managed to used the law of life and put it use in such simplistic way, no ridiculous ritual only a spell containing concept of life, traces of divinity and soul magic. Granting life with only equivalent exchange of magic. Terrifying indeed."

"I do know that. My spell is everything opposite to your existence. The concept of life which gives birth and vitality, which neutralises death, is a terrifying power if I say so myself. But I assure you I do not plan to go around the world resurrecting the dead or anything remotely close to that. I simply made it to counter the killing curse which prior to my spell had no counter." Zack said honestly, he had no need to do that. "While I was comprehending the concept of death in order to emulate the concept of life, I came at crossroads where I was able to see the necessary need of balance between the life and death. When a soul parts from the plane of living another soul takes its place in this vast sea. That's at least the base of the balance. If I resurrect a person, naturally it will cause complications and conflict for and between the ones that monitor these concepts."

"..." Death looked at Zack with a unreadable expression before smiling while shaking her head. "I should have known that Hecate wouldn't allow anyone less than a monster to become her husband. You are indeed more than worthy."

Zack pouted at Death's word. "Mouu....What's with you people calling me monster. Hmph!"

"Ufufu~" Hecate giggled at her little husband's childishness while Death just sported an amused smirk on her face.

"It's good that you know that. Also, since you can wield the law of life to some extent I have a task for you." Death began with a smile getting a curious look from Zack. "You must heard of the deathly hallows right?... I want you to get rid of them for me."

"You want me to destroy them?" Zack asked to confirm as Death nodded.

"No matter how many time someone has done it, to this day it pisses me off that someone steals my laws and then tries to use it against me. No matter how minor the concept of death is but I have allowed them to exist for much longer than necessary." Lady Death said with much irritation in her voice. "And the audacity to call them Master of Death? There is no greater power than me except the 'Creator'. This is why I want you to destroy them so that no one would have the right to call themselves MY master. Do what you must do."

"I understand. I'll do that." Zack said.

"Excellent, normally I would grant my Champions minor concepts of death but since you have already comprehend my Primordial concept thoroughly I can not give you anything... and it's best that you take responsibility for it." Death said with a light blush.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zack was confused which caused Hecate to giggle.

"Comprehending a concept of Primordial aspect like Lady's Deaths, at the level you did basically means you have seen her naked and know everything about her." Hecate said with a mischief as Zack froze while Death only n blushed more. "Now that you have tainted my Lady's Primordial body with your greedy eyes you will naturally have to take responsibility for it."

"I-I will be in your care." (A/N: UwU)

"..." Zachary.exe has crashed. Enter 'Stones' to reboot.

It seems Zack's grand plan of getting a harem is full effect now.

"I have had no such plans!!!"

(A/N: Huh. All according to MY grand scheme. *Cue Boss Music*)


Et Restaurata - Let it be restored (My own)

Excanduit - Burst into flames (This too)

Depulso - Banishing Charm


A/N: Yo...

I can not describe just how grateful I am towards you guys. 40k views in just a week? You guys are insane!!

I'm so happy. Your support has been overwhelming and as I'm writing this my eyes are already teary. I... just thanks guys. I love you all.

Here's my IG: iamda.poison

I had created it while ago but couldn't find myself posting on it so I had it private but it's public now. So, you can follow me there and I want to interact and have more detailed convo with you.

Sorry I'm just lonely :(

Anyways, I love you.

PS: Edited

iamda_poison iamda_poison

Yo... here's another one. I couldn't sleep once again. so, lemme know your thoughts.

Also, please can you guys do a full review assessing the story so far. Thanks!

Anyways hope you like it and if you did then Add it to library to get notified on updates.

Your outstanding ideas are always welcomed and your support via the cute stones will be very much appreciated. (Give me all of em!)

Thank You.


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