After a moment of going almost straight down the elevator came to a stop and Chuck moved to the door. Smiling with his hand near a black serendibite, he jested in a lighthearted but serious tone, "Now, when I open the door I will then lead you up to where the Boss awaits you. Please be as respectful as you can because it is very unadvisable and usually very fatal to make God mad or even aggravated. Other than that, He has not told me about any subjects being off limits and has said he welcomes seeing you and answering what questions he can. So, I hope you find serendipity as I press this serendibite."
"Man. Chucky, you seriously need to work on some better material. That was royally lame-o." Jessica groaned.
Ok peeps, stones stones stones please. And I'm always appreciative of comments and reviews and such.
Now, as for today's chapter and the chapters over the next couple days where the characters will be having a conversation with the big guy, if I make a major mistake please let me know so I can look into it and try and stay away from that mistake in the future. But, as far as little mistakes, try to look past it and focus more on the bigger picture being drawn by that chapter.
Thank you