THE MOBILE phone sat in the cradle of intertywined flowers that Dandy created. It looked like it was held by the flowers and it faces wherever Dandy was. IT may look magnificent but to Dandy it symbolizes the connection and the setroyer of something she cherish.
Sora and Maeko.
Dandy sat down to look at the mobnile phone. It had been days since Maeko gave it to her. And it had been days since Maeko had come to the forest. Now, the phone's light had not been opening. Sora did not even call her. Since she stillk doiesnt know how to use it, she cannot call nor send message to Sora.
But there was nothing she could do but wait.
"You're looking at it again. you know that Sora wont be coming out from there,"
Shina flew from the branch of a tree down to where she was. Shina was alone again. She told her that Naru had went to find something and have not gone back since that day.