83.33% Second Chance: A Shameless Life / Chapter 10: Sword Dance of Voss

บท 10: Sword Dance of Voss

NOTE: I kept the travel brief and down to one chapter. After this, we're back to modern times. And Cain will start expanding his influence and met some opponents to challenge him and his expansion.


-Host, be advised. I will talk to you now and twice after you travel. Once when you first arrive and another before your departure. All system functions will be locked. Unless specified otherwise. This travel function was designed by the great akasha as a balancing act...

You will have a wonderful second life to make of it what want. All the great Akasha asks is that you complete the task required during the traveling and acquisition of your purchase. Once it is finished, travel to the world again is possible with the necessary TS Coins...

When you travel, you will assume a new identity known to that world. A back story has been implemented. Speaking of your original world is prohibited. Other than that you have free-range...

The duration of your stay is based on the task that has to be completed, not the mastery of the skill or item you wish to purchase. Now, what would the host like to purchase?-

I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. At least I wasn't going to a world of killer robots, aliens, or enhanced zombies ravaging the world.

"I would like to purchase the Sword Dance of Voss." I declared.

-Sword Dance of the Voss Family, created in 2055 by a blind General and Judo specialist. Over the year it has evolved and incorporated many martial arts and blade skills. It is passed down only to the Eldest son of the Voss. To master this skill is to have enhanced hearing, smell, and touch. Sight is not required for this skill.-

"What?" I asked, surprised. But the System continued.

-Nearing the end of the 21st century, an outbreak of a mysterious and deadly virus ravages the world. The earth's human population is reduced to less than two million survivors. The Humans that survive all emerged blind...

Now, Centuries later, the idea of vision exists only as a myth. To even speak of it is considered heresy. The host has spent 20 TS Coins and authorized travel.-

The world came to a standstill. I could feel it. Even my body was suspended in time. A moment later, a pulse ripple from my body. It rippled for 50 feet and then imploded. My body was turned on itself and I pulled through the time and space like a cloth through a hole.

The experience was more painful than when I acquired the barbarian physique. When I emerged on the other side, I hit the ground like a sack of bricks. I could not move and I could not see. I feared that the system had taken my vision and the odds of my survival decreased.

I then thought that I should have followed in Attila's footsteps and ignored the Beyond Time tab. Shit like this, tempting fate, is how people die before they could truly blossom.

-Host has arrived amongst the people of the Alkenny. A small isolated tribe in the mountains. Their population is small, but your eldest brother Baba Voss has led you here for your own safety and his. You are the youngest of the Voss... But you were born special. You have the ability to see, but your abusive father forced you to cover your eyes and hid you from the world.

And this world, Caino Voss, younger half-brother of Baba Voss, chief of the Alkenny tribe. You are known for being untalented and clumsy. But you have to petition your brother to break tradition and make you better. Baba Voss has agreed to teach you the sacred Sword Dance of Voss...

Your task, issued directly from the Great Akasha is to change the fate of this world. Master your skill and build a reputation so that you may spread your seed and introduce a third bloodline of sight into the population. And if manageable, earn enough God Bone to buy the genetic compound to give sight to your lovers...

Limitations: All system functions are locked, except for the exchange and skills. The host may also earn 10 XP for every kill. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.-

"What the fuck does that mean!" I roared.

"It means you are fucking useless, Caino. Feel the world, hear the world, smell it. If you can not do this then you will die. I didn't save you from our father to die. So fucking learn!" The voice of my new brother spoke. It was odd that could identify it so fast.

The world had resumed and I had to work hard to catch up. Baba picked me up to my feet and led me back to the village. Apparently, he had been whopping my ass all morning and I wasn't learning shit.

Without a father, Baba broke tradition and it was hard on him. So for me not be learning weighed heavily on his conscience.

Back in the village, Baba left me at my own home before he walked on to his. Sighing in relief, I smelled the sweet air of the world unpolluted for centuries. I no longer heard the constant roar of the city and I was suddenly at peace. If only I could bring Giovanna and Fiona, I could share this serenity with them.

Taking off my blindfold, I blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted to the light. Looking at the village, it was hard to believe everyone was blind. The rectangular homes built were of top craftsmanship. The spacing and layout were nearly perfect. Guidelines ran through the village marking turns and houses.

The people moved without fear. In their hands, they held walking sticks and occasionally used the stick to touch the guidelines and direct themselves. Time passed as I watched and learned the ways of the blind.

And when the day finally grew late, I spied a naked woman painted and white moving through the village noticed. Not even Baba are those with enhanced senses noticed her. It was like she was a ghost.

Watching the village, I learned of Presages, Ayuras, and Scentiers. Presages could feel emotions and intentions. Ayuras could hear for miles. Hear lies in the voice, hear secrets and sense the truth. Finally, Scentiers had the strongest sense of smell. They could smell as strong as Ayuras could hear.

But I had yet to learn of an ability that could hide one's self from all of them.

Cano soon meets bowline on a day he decides to see light for a few moments. He sees her as a white painted woman moving undetected around the village.

Following the girl, I kept a far distance and followed her to a small water hole where she washed of her body. When her body was clean of paint, I committed her face to memory.

The next morning, I found the girl and followed her. Of course, she ignored me, and even after she discovered I was following her. Being from the modern world, every movement I made could be heard.

Finally, she turned around and snapped, "What do you want?"

I thought of my words carefully, "You're quiet. Quieter than my brother when he fights."

"I'm just as quiet like everyone else. Even more so than you. You disturb the village every time you walk, you big beast. " she snarled. "Stop following me. You are annoying."

She walked away and I followed. I then noticed how she moved only when I moved. And every time I moved, she moved in the opposite direction to escape me. I knew then if I followed she would figure out that I could see.

I and this girl, Bow Lion, went through this dance every day for weeks. I slowly learned and my movements began to get quieter over time. And I eventually, saw Bow Lion warm up to me. The small smile on her face grew bigger and bigger. The creases of anticipation and excitement deepened.

Then one day, Baba called out to me in a panic.

"Caino! Caino where are you? Answer me!" Baba called.

"Baba, I'm here!" I snapped my fingers for him and followed the sound.

When he reached me he pulled me into a hug.

"Where were you? I could not hear you." he cried.

"I learned to be silent. I've been loud for so long you must learn to live without hearing me." I told him.

"Hahaha! good good. I'm happy. But I am also said." he admitted, "Who has taught you this. Was it Bow Lion? I hear you and her are together a lot lately."

"Yes, brother. Bow Lion is an amazing woman. She has taught me a lot."

Baba smiles and hums. "Not in that way. I need no lesson in that art."

Baba chuckled, "Please. I've never known you to have been with a woman. And I'm told she has never been with a man. I can talk to the Dreamer. She is Bow Lion's mother."

I had to spread my seed, it was the only way home. But I had yet to learn the sword Dance of Voss. So I made a decision. "Leave Bow Lion and me alone. We can figure out our own connection. But I want to learn from the Presages, Ayuras, and Scentiers. If I can better train the sense, maybe my skills as a warrior can sharpen."

"Hmmm, there are a few that I trust. I'll talk to them." Said Baba.

In the days that followed, I achieved four skills. Shadowing from Bow Lion, Presage from Matal, Ayura from Ilun, and Scentier from Dagon. All loyalists of my brother.

Days turned to months and I learned gradually. With exponentially with a teacher like Baba Voss. He drilled me until my muscles ached and burned of fatigue.

All the while, courted and coaxed two other women, Belu and Sinjay. With three lovers and the Stallion skill, I was able to please the three without much effort. When they all swelled with child, luckily I had enough charisma and growing renown to smooth it over and settle the matter, keeping all three of the women.

Feeding them was also never a problem as I had eyes to hunt. Couple with my growing senses and skill, I was becoming a deadly warrior.

About 7 months into their pregnancy, A woman appeared by the name of Maghra, she was pregnant and lost. My brother took her in and eventually married the stranger.

Two months passed and women gave birth. I knew immediately Akasha had a hand in it as each woman gave birth to triplets. I then had twelve mouths feed. But there was something blissful about the big family and I wondered if Fiona, Giovanna, and I could ever make it this far.

After four months of hunting and family care. The clouds rolled and a storm of misfortune descended. The woman Maghra had gone into labor. But the presages of the village had alerted us all to the coming danger down the mountain.

"Bow, you stay here with Belu. Sinjay has gone to help deliver Maghra's baby." I said.

"Or babies. After all, we three gave birth to three each." Bow giggled.

"Go and help you, Caino. Your wives can defend themselves and the children. Just make sure they do not pass the wall." Belu added. sweetly.

Kissing the two women, I grabbed my weapons and left the home.

Every time I held my sword, I sighed. I had learned that the God Bone the system wanted for TS Coins was actually metal. But metal is used for everything including weapons to survive. Making it the hardest thing to get my hands on. Without it, I can't exchange for the genetic compounds.

But with this battle, I hoped I could change that.

"Caino! stay close to me!" Baba called out.

Following my brother, he leads the village warriors to the edge. Commanding the defense against the intruders. The sounds of sticks beating the house echoed.

"Take up arms," Baba shouted, "Follow me."

Weapons were passed and Baba lead us down the mountain. Leading the way were killing ropes. people who swung whips making sure the way was clear. When we finally stopped, the Ayura, Presage, and Scentiers deduced the identity distance, size, and intentions of the force.

They were witchfinders of the queen who ruled the neighboring tribe. They believed to have vision was a curse. It made those with sight witches and they were burned for it. That was the purpose of the witchfinders

When Baba blow his war horn, the tribe began their war dance taught to them by baba. It is sung in the language of our ancestors. When it was finished, Baba lead us to the very edge of our territory and there we silently waited.

Time passed until the first invaders came. Then the war started. Tying my blindfold. I listened to the world and began to slaughter like a blind sword demon. Sword and sheath were weapons and they were both fatal and swift. Bodies piled and it seemed to be no end to the witchfinders. But we continued to fight. My sword took limb, crushed skull, broke through ribs, and gutted men like goats.

But when too many came, and we began to lose ground, we retreated. Baba then sprung and trap causing an avalanche. All seem lost and I was prepared to my family down the mountain to safety. With eyes, we could make it through routes not commonly taken.

but when all seemed lost and the village turned on Baba and his wife for the babies she had delivered. We few stood against them all. But a presage told us of a way to freedom where all thought only death lied.

Following the signs left by a heretic Jernameral, the village escapes and arrives at a new home where 17 years of training and love go by.

During these years, I told Belu, Bow Lion, and Sinjay about my sight and the sight of our children. A year after our first children, the three women each gave birth to twins. All fifteen of my children had the ability to see. We hid it well from everyone until Baba's two adoptive children that Maghra gave birth to were old enough to speak and revealed the secret to Baba since they could also see.

It seemed that their true father also had sight and passed it on. Together we kept the secret. I taught my children to read and write. Telling the stories of what the world used to be. Their mothers and I taught them to fight and survive.

Over the years, I collected God Bone by venturing out and ruthlessly hunting people. My children grew big and strong. Eight sons and seven daughters. They looked a lot like me. Girls were as beautiful as their mothers.

I began to wonder when I would ever be able to go home. Then the day came when someone gave birth to a deformed child. The population was too small and people took part in incestuous relations. So the tribe was forced to send people out for a mating festival. Sharing the seed of strangers to introduce diversity into the tribe.

During this festival, My children participated but Baba's did not. However, they followed us and his son was taken by slavers. Baba and I retrieved the boy and I finally collected enough bone to awaken the system shop. I then purchased three genetic compounds.

Giving them back their sight awakened the system and I was told that I had to get my family to safety if I wished to return home. I explained to them all that I was going far away. I promised to return in the future if possible.

After a few days, the Witchfinders found us. Mine and Baba's family fled with Loyalists. But as they escaped on boats built over the years by baba and me. I stayed behind and slaughtered every man I got my hands on until I came face to face with Witchfinder General. I then cut him to pieces and the system chimed.

-The task set forth by the great Akasha is complete. He thanks you for your service. You have fathered fifteen children with three women. Four have impregnated other women. Three of your girls are with child aswell. Your wives can now see and are safe to start again...

Travel summary:

27 TS Coins earned.

3000 XP

Stallion- Mastery

Warrior- Mastery

Sword Dance of Voss -Mastery

Shadow- Mastery

Senser- Mastery

Killing Aura

Deceiver Lvl 8

Reward: Sword of Voss.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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