Matteo's POV
I shut the door and turned back to the security guard standing beside it. "Portala nella stanza del cazzo e chiudila a chiave." I growled; he nods his head leaving the room almost immediately, [take her to the fucking room and lock her.]
My gaze switches to the man sitting on the table. My face was deadly and I was annoyed for I don't know what reason. Was I annoyed that he said that? I mean I never cared when another man did the same to a girl.
I walk towards the man that said those words and held a knife up to his throat that I slipped out. Honestly, she was just a piece of evidence I needed to keep otherwise god knows what information she could disclose about us. We were unknown. She saw. She stays. Yet I have no idea of who she is. She could be a spy for all I fucking know.
His hands grab the knife making sure it didn't reach his veins. The laughter around the table immediately stopped and they all straightened their back, waiting to see what I would do next. "How dare you?" Avowed as I was, I look around the table and back at him, his blonde hair was covering his eyes but I felt his fright when I saw his lips shivering.
I'm sorry but how are my men so fucking scared off a knife, who the fuck trained him because it certainly wasn't me? I always train them to be the best off the best, I put them through torture and pain and make them bleed so when it comes to them being captured, they know not to talk or utter a single world off our Mafia. I mean yes, they have signed Omertà but it doesn't matter, I have them in my hands and I have their families. I was born and raised not to give two fucks about murder. I shot my uncle at the age of nine because he broke the Omertà rule, that is how serious we take shit here.
"I... I... It was an accident, I didn't mean any of it," he stutters his words as I begin to chuckle, I play with the knife removing it from his neck, then bringing my gun out and settling back down on my seat.
Laying my feet on the table, pointing the gun at him. "Don't you ever and I mean ever, disrespect her like that ever again! e non guardarla mai, è mia. Sotto il mio possesso." I replied, intimidatingly. He gives me a small nod before we get back to business on this fucking shipping. [and never look at her, it's mine. Under my possession.]
"Where is my shipping? How have we not received it yet?" I said tapping my black pen against the table as two of my men stand behind me.
Their arms folded as I look at the shipment recruits. One of them began unbuttoning his first button before standing up.
"Mr. De'Luca, the shipments have- they have been raided-"
I raise my eyebrows at the young man, letting out a dark chuckle before I picked the gun up from the table wiping it with a small tissue. "What the fuck do you mean It's been raided?"
"I don't know-" I released the trigger as his blood stains the back of the wall. His eyes look down at his chest before falling, collapsing onto the ground with a thud. I throw the gun onto the table before pushing my chair from beneath me. I look at the traumatized faces. "The meeting is over; you have four hours to get my shipment."
"John, take care of them."
Heading up the stairs after a one-hour meeting about my drug storages and warehouses, I barge in the guest room hearing light snoring from the bed. I turn to face the direction it was coming from until I see Amara on the couch sleeping. I keep forgetting she is here. She slept weirdly, her hair covering half her face and some in her mouth. Her hands underneath one of the pillows and one of her legs out of the covers.
I smirked to myself and went close to her. Her light brown coloured skin glowing because of the small tinted flame of the candle, her soft natural curls covering the pillow. She was weird. Open mouthed. But I liked it. But after she left, I knew there was nothing I could do about it. Like my father said:
"Do not dispose feelings for woman unless they bear your child."
I lifted her up bridal style and towards the bed. I lay her down and put the blanket on top of her small figure. I never let any girl sleep on this bed but somehow, she just seems to be different, she seems like a good feeling even though with everything that is happening. She intrigues me and makes me want to know her more but I do not want her to know that side off me, no one does except for her. She knew everything about me, my weakness and my life and still she decided to go and leave me for another fucking man after promising her a good life here.
Shrugging of my blazer I throw it onto the couch before unbuttoning my shirt. I entered the toilet and did my business. I sigh, this is weird, having a girl in this bed? Should I put her back onto the sofa? I get up and rest my head on the couch not wanting her to feel uncomfortable with a stranger next to her. Not like I could leave the room; I have to be on watch the entire time.
Why am I feeling like this? She is a complete stranger and Francesco doesn't agree with me bringing her back, but where else would she have gone? She could've told anyone about me. I sure as hell could not have left her in that neighbourhood. I mean I could have.
Especially when the press is noticing the strange activities, the small wannabe gangs roaming the street. I mean she lived in a shitty neighbourhood. I got up from the couch trying to find my phone in this darkness, groaning I walk up to the bed and grab it from the edge.
I look down and see a tattoo on her ankle, putting on my flashlight I feel my heart beating more than ever. She has a mark off the Spanish mafia, but why? Unless she is an actual spy but It's confusing. She doesn't seem the type to be, she was too innocent for her own good.
Walking out of the bedroom I bump into Lorenzo who was holding his teddy bear, "so you took her into her room?" He winked.
"Fuck off, she needs to stay. She saw our faces." Was I just making up excuses that ran through my head just so I could get to know more about her?
"But she doesn't know what we do." Hearing my phone ringing, I slowly slip it out and her name pops onto the caller I.D. I answer it propping the phone against my ears, "hey. I'm waiting." She whispers trying to act seductively.
"I'm not coming. Leave the manor." I mumbled, I walked away and down the stairs. Revealing the door of the basement, I pulled it open. This tracked me towards an underground night club for all my brothers to work along with my men to rest. I jog down the steps fixing my blazer, the minute I walk towards the door the security open it for me. This invited me into a nightclub, where all my men who were on break sat.
"Brother, another woman for the night?" My brother Nigel asked as his arm swung over my shoulders. He chuckled taking a sip of his drink.
"Remove your arm brother before I break it." I slurred looking around the nightclub to make sure everything was in place.
"Tough crowd. Where is Gabriel and the others?" He asked himself, removing his arms from my shoulder. I notice a drink being handed to me by my second brother Gabriel, I take it form his grasp and chug it down without a second.
"Shipments? Or women."
"Fuck women, my shipments have been raided again. By that fucker, he's asking for a death wish." I slur as I take another sip of the drink. Noticing I have finished it, Gabriel and I tumble down the club towards the bar. Where both my bartenders worked handing drinks that the men payed for.
"Mr. De'Luca, same as usual?" One of the bartenders asked as she leaned against the table, her breast asking for release. I nod my head and turn my focus back onto Gabriel. I passed my brothers strolling towards the man, the minute I got to him I grabbed his shirt in my hands and lifted him up from the seat around the shippers. The strippers were flung to the side. "Mr-Mr. De'Luca-"
"Is this working to get my shipments back?" I slurred.
"N-no sir."
"Do you want an early death?"
"No sir."
'Then fucking work!"