40.24% Misogynistic Hololiver (A Hololive Fanfic) / Chapter 28: Ch 26 - What Now? Pt. 1

บท 28: Ch 26 - What Now? Pt. 1

~March 07, 2020 5:00 AM~

"Hah…" I picked my phone up and turned the alarm off.

"...Well...I can't really change my routine if this is how I need to keep myself fit while being able to do my streaming activities!" I said as I stood up.

I did my morning stretches and went to dress up.

"Ah...this takes me back to the old times I used to be an officer...good times...good times…"

I went out and stretched, but then I also saw a girl standing outside the exit as she did her stretches.


It was a brunette, standing out with a solid posture and especially a nice butt. I'm not perverted, I swear...okay, I am, but you get it.

'…Ah shit, thinking about the fact I haven't fapped yet is making my junior stand up. This is not a good time, junior.' I thought.

"Hey, Korone." I said.

"Oh? It's the first time I've seen you outside like this. Are you planning to exercise too?"

"Yeah, but don't mix my program with yours. With all due respect, mine is harder than yours."

"Oh? I'd like to see. My program left quite a lot of peers out of breath for trying out my routine!" She said as she raised her arms for stretching as a final stretch.

"Heh. In all honesty though, don't do mine. Not only is it not part of your program, but it's hella hard. There's a reason why I'm an ex-general."

"How many pushups do you do then?"

"At least 50 reps of planche push-up pumps per set, and I do like...4 sets."

"Planche push-ups...?"

"You know those push-ups where you do it from the waist instead of at the chest area while carrying your whole body? That's a planche."

"Ah!- Fifty of those?! Are you sure you're human?"

"Getting my ass kicked by other soldiers? I'm definitely human. I just trained hella hard since childhood."

Ah yes...although I didn't decide being a soldier yet at that time, my mom did let me exercise in order to keep my body fit and healthy as a kid. Of course, not the vigorous type, but just enough to get my heart racing a lot, and my muscles slightly developed.

"Damn...so you really are a past soldier, I'm assuming?" She asked.

"Yup. Check my shirt. Doesn't it look a bit tight-looking?"

"That's true…" She put her hand on her chin.

"Anyway, I'm gonna jog to the nearby park. Wanna jog together? I guess I can also see what kind of routine you do too, just out of my own curiosity."

"Oh? Sure!"

And so we did. We jogged around the same pace, and so far, she's still got some air inside her. As expected of a boxer. Jogging about 2 kilometers from the starting point and still having stamina is more than enough for a good starting stamina.

"Alright...how many loops is it, Shiro-kun?" She asked.

"Let's go for 15 loops."

"15? I usually do 10."

"You don't have to do what I do. I mean, my exercise routine is very intense, and, matter of fact, this is prolly something I should do twice a week but decided to do it every other day instead. You can back off, you know?"

"No! I can do it!"

"And if you get tired that you're not able to do your usual routine?"

"I won't! Trust me!" She said.

"Alright...but don't say I warned you...!" I said as I started jogging, and she also jogged beside me.

After I did 15 loops, she already panted, but she still looked like she could keep going. That's amazing stamina, but the fact she's panting so much that she looks half-tired seems kinda concerning, especially considering the fact I'm wearing a mask, which impairs my breathing just a bit.

"Should I get you water?" I asked as I got on the ground and laid my body flat as I positioned my hands around my waistline.

"N-No! I'm fine!" She said as she got on the ground, and did the usual push up. The one everybody is accustomed to.

"Just make sure to not copy mine. It's a bit different than the one you're accustomed to!" I said as I pushed myself off of the ground, making my body look light as I got back down, and pushed up again.

"Woah...you look so light that you could probably push yourself off of the ground!"

"Yup...I trained a lot after all…" I said.

"Well...anyway, I guess I'll do my reps as well." Korone said as she started doing push ups at the same rate as me, but with hers being the usual while mine is the planche-push up pumps.

Time skip to the end of the workout where we had to do 15 loops again around the park, and she looked sooo out of breath. She tried to copy some of my exercises, and ended up panting a lot. I'm amazed at the fact she's not kneeling on the ground. She's standing strong while resting her hands on her knees.

"Hah...hah...you're not gonna pass out, Korone? Let's sit on the bench for a while."

"Nah, I'm not gonna pass out...but I agree. I feel so tired!" She said as she sat on the bench with one eye slightly closed.

I sat as well and drank water. She also drank hers.

"Hah! Hah…hah...I never knew you incorporated so many exercises! I'm surprised you're even able to do 10 of those without looking tired! Especially that one exercise where you hang with just one hand and have to touch your feet on the pull up bar!" She said.

"Yeah...told you I have a very hard workout routine." I drank my water.

"...You up for a jog back to the school?"

"E-Eh? After doing that much? I think I could do it...if I rest for a while longer."

"Well, I guess I'll wait too…"

"But...I mean, you can go first without me. I won't mind."

"Well, you never know. Besides, having a companion by your side doesn't bother you, right?"

"...No...but still, you can go ahead. You have a stream to do this morning, right?"

"I do. But it's on 8 AM."

"And it's like 40 minutes until you have to stream."

"And it was a 10 minute jog. You're quite a durable girl, so I can wait."

"Hah...men really are quite stupid, aren't they?" Korone giggled a bit as she facepalmed.

"Well, I guess you're not wrong with that. We can be dumb sometimes." I chuckled.

"Though, Shiro-kun, you're quite a talented guy, aren't you?"

"Hmm? What makes you say that?"

"You can speak a lot of languages, and especially English, you're incredibly fit, you can rap, and...it seems you were loved by many."

When she said that, I thought back to my days when I was a soldier, making a lot of kids smile as they knew we would give them protection, my buddies back in the base, and now, the Holostars laughing as we exchanged talks…

"I guess...though, Korone, you're my senpai, so you're surely loved more." I said.

"Still, you're the most kouhai right now, so you're pampered more." Korone said.

"Heh...well, I guess I'll take the compliment, since we're just gonna have a back-and-forth." I looked away.

"True." She giggled.

She stood up and breathed out.

"Alright! I feel pumped up to go back!"

"Oh, you are? That makes this shit convenient. Let's go!" I said.


And so we jogged back. Although there were times Korone and I had to walk to let her catch her breath, we finally got back to the building.

"Yo." I said.

"O...Ohayou...!!" Korone said as she panted.

"Ohayou!" Everybody in the lounge said.

"Oh? Koro-san, did you exercise outside together with Shiro-kun?" Okayu asked.

"Y-Yeah! I got sooo much to tell you about how he actually works out!" Korone said.

"Hmm...from the looks of it, Shiro-kun might have had a very intense routine."

"Hey, Shiro. I just got something recommended on Youtube." Calli said.

"And what about it?"

"It's Drake. Might not interest you, but there's a new song from him."

"Ah really? That's cool, I guess…"

Might not listen to it...but for the sake of rapping, like for knowledge purposes and punchline stuff, I might as well listen…

"Lemme search that on Youtube real quick…"

About 30 minutes till my stream.

"...Oh, this one with like...10 million views?" I asked Calli.


I tapped it and it played a bit of audio. I kept the volume down though.

"I see...well, the instrumental ain't bad...holy shit-HOLY SHIT, LIL BABY IS FEATURED ON THE FUCKING SONG?!" I shouted in English.

"Oh? Where? The description? I didn't even check it yet."

"Apparently, yes! Hoohoo! I will DEFINITELY listen to this! Drake, you about to get your fucking ass slaughtered on your own song, bro!" I said as I snickered.

"Oh, and ohayou, Holostar boys." I said as I gave Roberu a high-five.

"Ohayou." He said, along with the others.

"Oh yeah, congrats on your debut, Shiro!" Calli said.

"I saw your debut stream. You were very...you're a sly bastard." Gura pointed at me and giggled.

"That's what we call 'finessing', sunshine." I said.

"Still, to think German is one of the languages you speak. That's rather interesting, even if you're not as fluent as I thought you were." Kiara said.

"Well, I could've learned for a while longer, but...decided not to." I chuckled.

"Anyway, I need to go stream. Maybe some other Hololive senpais are also gonna be busy the next hour, so see y'all later!" I said as I put my phone back in my waist pack, and went to my room.

I quickly undressed, took a shower, and then put on a boxer and a shirt as I opened OBS and prepared all my things for the stream today.

For this stream, I prepared a simple beat that sounded similar to "Survival Of The Fittest - Mobb Deep". It was a beat I made for the personal purpose of freestyling. This would be perfect for making punchlines in the stream.

Once the stream started, I played the instrumental, and let it drag on for 4 bars.

After the 4 bars, I would then rap as the drums hit exactly on the first beat, giving impact to the start. I thought that it would be a good idea to rap before giving the intended lesson. It makes the people not only enjoy themselves but also give them a sample of what to expect from the lesson.

"Uh. I'm rapping to you live. No Holo."

"'Ohayou motherfuckers', even though my name ain't Coco."

"Kinda like some bones. Watch the way I'm snapping."

"You know my raps are so fly kinda like a dragon."

"Uh. Y'all know that I'm the best. I'm no amatuer."

"Right now, I'm rapping to you live through the camera."

"Try to fuck with me, then I just might attack ya."

"I'm the world number 1 Vtuber rapper."

"Uh. Like a dove, watch the way I stay fly."

"Shoutout to Calli, cause she's my reaper senpai."

"Slaying all my enemies when I'm in the vicinity."

"You know I got the energy like I got electricity."

"Staying so high. Man, I think I drank some alcohol."

"I'm about to shoot. I ain't even playing basketball."

"Yeah. My raps are so perfect, I'm immaculate."

"Shooting so good like I'm Stephen Curry accurate. WAH!" I said as I did a "smoke" sound effect with the last part, and 10k people were wilding in the chat.

"Woohoo! Privates! Thank you for coming to my stream today!"

I cleared my throat.

"Shiro on the mic, Shiro on the beat, Shiro with the heat, everybody, thanks for coming to my stream! Yeah, and you know I got the heat, bro. What's my name? Ishijin Shiro!" I clapped.

"That'll be my intro for future streams, Privates! I'll rap that short paragraph everytime I start a stream!"

"Anyways! Welcome! I hope you all are excited to learn something about rapping! 'Cause I sure am." I chuckled.

"I love teaching about rap. I love teaching about stuff I love in general, and I hope you guys will love it. You can always back off or just watch if you're bored and not interested in learning this, but for those of you that are willing to freestyle, and learn something about rap? Feel free to get a notebook or something! 'Cause I, Ishijin Shiro, will teach you everything I know about freestyling! And today, I shall teach you one component about freestyle rapping! Punchlines!"

"So...for today, I'm just doing English. It was said in my schedule that this specific stream is just for English. So if you Japanese bros want to learn how to freestyle rap in Japanese, please wait until 4 in the afternoon, 'cause right now, it's the kaigainikis turn to learn." I giggled.

"Alright! So...I pulled up a notepad, and...let's get started with the lesson!"

"So, punchlines are those really clever lines that are said in rap. To give an example...take Eminem's words in the movie, 8 Mile...There was a line where he said 'This whole crowd looks suspicious. It's all dudes in here, except for these bitches.'" I giggled as I said the line.

"So, to break it down, 'bitches' is a swear word that refers to a female dog, right? And it's usually used for women. But Eminem in the movie referred to his opponents, that were all dudes, as 'bitches', and because he said, 'It's all dudes in here', he's implying that the opposing side is rather feminine." I laughed.

"Clever, right? One more example is...J. Cole's lines on his song 'Everybody Dies'. He has a line there saying 'If they won't talk about the bread, these motherfuckers be toast.' which is VERY clever."

"So…'bread' is a slang for 'money', and 'toast' is a slang for 'dead', so when he said that line, he basically meant, 'if they won't talk about the money, these motherfuckers are dead'. So it's a really really clever line."

"And that's what I'll teach you today! I'll teach you how to be clever and bring out your inner poet! Your inner rapper!"

"So...let's pull up a random word generator, and see what word we're given...so, we're given the word 'mail'."

"Now, with this, we don't just go straight to composing. We need to break down this word. So, first, what is 'mail'? Why is it important to us? Why do you think you could make something out of the word? That's the first question. So, the first step in making punchlines is getting CONTENT from the word."

"So, what is a 'mail'? It is a letter sent to someone...it's made out of paper...there's an office reserved for it where they receive mail...you usually seal mail before sending it out...and it's a homonym for 'male', so you can also make references to men here, like testosterone, men, and whatnot." I typed the contents of 'mail' on the notepad.

"So! We did the first step, which is getting content from the word, and the second step is writing the line itself! Now, note that this is usually the second line. The word we picked is not gonna be used for the first line."

"The reason for this is that, usually, the 2nd line or the 4th line is more impactful than the 1st and 3rd line. Think of it as a tension-release thing. You can say stuff like…'Yo, I'm about to come at ya with honey.' And you're like, 'What?', then I finish that line with, '...I'm just kidding, I just wanted to say something funny.'"

"Then you go, 'OOOHHH!!!', and even with those two stupid lines, you can see the cleverness in it. I setted up the punchline, and then the last bar, which is the 2nd bar, then hits you. That's why it's called a 'punchline', 'cause it hits you like a boxer's punch, and then you realize the impact of that statement."

"So...we got the content for mail, and now we make a line like…'I get more paper in the office like some mail.', right? This is a clever line, 'cause, 'Paper' is a slang for 'money', and 'office' can just mean 'office', like where I'm at now. This is my office, Privates. The place where we were in my debut. And because 'mail' is usually made of paper, it correlates directly to the fact that we said it's made of paper, in the contents that we pulled out from the word."

"So when I say 'I get more paper in the office like some mail', that basically means, 'I get more money in my place than some mail', so you can start seeing some patterns here, Privates."

"Now...3rd step is finding a rhyme with this word. If you don't know what a 'rhyme' is, it's a word that has a similar sound to another word, so in this case, a rhyme for 'mail' can be words like Tail, Bail, Sail, Trail, Hail, there's a lot of words. Let's go with…'tail'."

"Now, 4th step is...getting CONTENT from the rhyming word. So, what does a 'tail' have? It's a thing most animals have, it's usually long, it's attached to the butt part usually, and...it's made of small bones. Going with that, we can make something like…'Yo, my raps are way longer than a tail.'"

"It's a very simple, not-as-witty punchline, but it's okay, since this is for the sake of teaching, and because this is more likely to be said in a freestyle. Remember, guys! This is a freestyle teaching stream, not a rap songwriting stream."

"So, going with that, you then arrange the two lines. 1st line is 'Yo, my raps are way longer than a tail'. Then you put in the 2nd line, 'I get more paper in the office like some mail.', right? And you can see how you can start composing a song with just this technique!" I laughed.

"Simple, right? It might not come to you naturally at first, and it might seem hard, but the more you repeat this process, it'll almost feel like kindergarten math. It's actually simple, but it's up to you as to how you write it."

"And so! To recap it all, you 1st need to get a random word, then 2nd, get content from the word and make a line, 3rd, you gotta find a rhyme for that random word, and 4th, get content from the rhyming word. So...to get some quick on-the-go examples as to how it would manifest in a real freestyle, I'll do a quick acapella freestyle with this random word generator, and we'll see how it goes…"

"It's Shiro on the mic. He growing like a tumor."

"You spreading lots of lies. All that shit is plain rumors."

"It's Shiro on the mic. You know we having fun."

"I'm feeling so above you fools. I'm feeling like a God."

"It's Shiro on the mic. Cooking bars like a heater."

"I'm the General, so you know that I'm a leader."

"Ey, check it. Rapping bars on the beat."

"Kinda like Miko, man, I feel so elite."

"So! You can see how it all manifests in a real freestyle. The way I said how I'm like Miko, 'cause I'm 'elite'? You can start seeing how it works, right? And note how I say…'It's Shiro on the mic' in every 1st bar I said. Before I say the 2nd and 4th bar, I say what we call a 'filler phrase', or a 'filler word'."

"If you ever hear rappers freestyle, and you hear recurring phrases like 'It's Shiro on the mic', or 'It's Shiro', or maybe 'Ey, check it.', those are filler words and filler phrases. We say them to give a bit more time in thinking of what to say and to fill in time to not say really complicated stuff, so...remember, when you hear recurring phrases and words, that's what this is. Filler words/phrases."

"However! In this stream, we will try not to say those. 'Cause as much as I actually use this in a real freestyle, when I PRACTICE, I try not to say my usual filler phrase, which is 'It's Shiro on the mic'. Because we're PRACTICING this technique of setup-punchline. So I either bail out and not say the 2 lines, or I will say them, but I won't use fillers."

"So when I actually practice, I do something like…" I said as I used the random word generator.

"I ain't talking elves, but I'm spitting with Flare."

"Shoutout to Tupac. I'll be his heir."

"Kinda like a toilet, you know I got the big shit."

"We feeling like a family the way it feels domestic."

"Kinda like Suisei, it's your diamond in the rough."

"I'm made of titanium, you know I'm hella tough."

"Ishijin Shiro, The number 1 V-Rapper."

"I'm about to get myself a platinum record."

"So! You guys can see I did NOT say any filler word at all, and all my lines correlated directly to a punchline. This IS harder 'cause there's no mental rest for you, but it's way better, more refined, and you can make very clever lines with that much amount of space."

"So...hoowee, we're now about to practice, Privates! We're gonna try to freestyle and not say filler phrases. This is gonna be Ishijin Shiro practicing the Setup-Punchline technique. Are you ready....? I feel ready." I giggled.

"Let's get it!"

And so I would proceed to rap for about 20+ minutes. As long as I can fill the whole stream until it reaches 1 hour. Here's 8 bars of the best punchlines I said in the stream.

"I'm going electric like a lightning rod."

"Man, I feel like Sora, I'm feeling like a God."

"I ain't fucking small, bro. You know I got the big raps."

"I ain't talking Genshin, but I'm coming with the impact."

"I'mma stay in this spot. This place is my zone."

"I'm streaming to 12 thousand people through their phones."

"Leave these rappers lonely like some random orphan."

"I'm about to go to Mio for my fortune."


"PHEW! My god, that was a nice first stream I did outside of my debut." I said as I stood up and stretched.

"And I got another stream to do this afternoon! Well, time to go outside and relax, I guess." I said.

I went outside, and then...I was instantly greeted by some girls.

"Hey, Shiro!" They said near the kitchen.

"Oh? Yo." I said.

"I saw your debut! I'm amazed at your Mandarin! You sound exactly like a native!" Civia said as they all went to me.

"Sorry to disturb you, by the way, Shiro. They couldn't handle it after hearing about the fact that you could speak Chinese and also remembered Rosalyn and Doris's debut date." Artia giggled nervously.

"Oh, really? That's neat."

"Say, if it doesn't bother you, can I try to inquire about your Chinese?" Civia asked.

"Ah, sure. I guess I got some time."

"Okay...ehem...Hello! My name is Civia! What's your name?" She asked in Mandarin.

"Uh...my name is Ishijin Shiro. Nice to meet you." I replied back in Mandarin too.

"How long have you been learning Chinese?"

"Hmm...1 month."

"Ooh...!" She said, along with the other girls.

"1 month? There's no way you actually sound so fluent and know a lot of words with that much amount of time!"

"Well...let's say that, not only did I actually study a lot from watching movies and reading Chinese books online, but I also picked up some Mandarin here and there up until this point. But you understand the point. I'm still learning." I chuckled.

"Eh?! No, you really are quite fluent in it! You don't sound beginner at all!"

"Really? Thanks for the compliment." I said.

"AAAHHH!!!" She said as she hugged Artia, and they giggled.

"Wow! You really sound a bit too fluent for just studying for a month, Shiro." Rosalyn said.

"Well, I'll be honest. I could've worded what I said in a simpler way, but you know...I didn't study Mandarin for too long."

"But I think your pronunciation is quite good, and your vocabulary seems good." She adjusted her glasses.

"...My what? What's 'Danzi' again? That means something like…'vocabulary', right?" I asked.

"Ah...okay, maybe I can believe you more when you said you're not as fluent. But it seems you understand it at a conversational level."

"Yeah...I'll be honest, it was hell." I giggled, and she also giggled.

"Say, mind if I ask something too?" Doris asked.

"Ah, sure. What is it?"

"How do you still remember our debut dates? I appreciate it, but we're not an official branch anymore, so how did you still remember it out of all the members in Hololive?" She said the whole sentence with a few unfamiliar words, but I translated the whole thing in my head as to what she might be saying.

"Um...you see, I'm quite a big Hololive fan, so back when you girls were still in Hololive, I looked up a lot of things behind you all. I'll be honest, I was too much of a fan that I didn't realize how many hours I spent in getting to know all of you." I chuckled.

"Really? That's funny." She giggled.

"Thank you for that though. I appreciate your love for all of Hololive, but I suggest you try to not get too attached, we're more or less not a part of Hololive anymore anyway." Rosalyn giggled nervously.

"Well, your memories are gonna be remembered by me forever, so...can't help it." I chuckled.

Besides...one day, you are gonna have to move on from drama shit and whatnot, and just realize that it doesn't matter anyway, since we all are gonna forget about it soon. Of course, it'll be remembered forever, but the emotions from back then won't be as strong as it is now.

"Well, that might be all for us! Thank you for chatting with us! We're sorry we don't know much Japanese or English to be able to communicate with you!" Doris said.

"Ah, it's okay. I was worrying that I was getting rusty in my other languages, so I have to thank you for that."

They sat on the kitchen tables again and chatted with each other, and I saw in my peripheral view the whole gen 0 sitting at one of the lounge tables.

Roboco was elbowing Aki a bit with a smile as she looked at Roboco with a slightly uncomfortable face. I also heard Roboco saying "C'mon! Now's your chance! The Chinese are done talking to him, so he's free now! Just tell him to come back to you if he really is busy. C'mon!"

'Huh...well, I guess I should do my thing. It's not like I'm busy anyway.' I sighed physically.

"Roboco, I think I heard myself in your conversation? Do you need anything?" I asked as I got close to them.

"Oh? Hey, Shiro-kun! Aki-chan wanted to-"

"Aaahh! Don't mind it, Shiro-kun! Carry on with your business!" Aki said as she covered Roboco's mouth.

"Um...I think she had something to say…" I sweat dropped.

"Um...you see, Akiroze-chan wanted to-" Aki covered Sora's mouth too.

"Ahaha! Seriously, just carry on with your business. No need to bother us." She said.

'They definitely have something to say.' I sweat dropped.

"Um…" Miko said as she looked back at Aki, then back at me.

"Sigh...just say it. They have something to say for sure." I crossed my arms.

"Guhagh! A-Aki-chan wants to collab with you for some music!" Roboco said as she got rid of Aki's hand with both of her hands.

"R-Roboco-chan!" Aki said.

"We were talking earlier about our thoughts of your debut! She said she was impressed at your rapping skills! She wants to work with you on an original song!" Sora said.

"H-Hey! Look, w-what they're saying is sorta true, but...I mean, you might be loaded with projects and ideas right now! W-We can try to call it off, and maybe postpone it another time!" Aki said.

"Oh? Music ideas, huh? You want to make an original song with me?"

"Y-Yeah...but maybe you're busy-"

"I can do that."

"E-Eh? Really?"

"Yeah. Though not now, obviously. I have that collab ban for a month before I can do stuff with my senpais, right? That doesn't mean I can't work behind the scenes though."

After I said that, she showed a wide smile and stood up.

"Really?! You can do it with me?!"

"Yeah...though, we're gonna have to talk about it, since we might have conflicting times, knowing our schedules."

"Oh? Well then...maybe on Saturday?"

"You sure about waiting that long? I can do it in the next few days too."

"I'm really sure about it! Trust me, I don't want to pressure you, but I do want to work on a song with you soon!"

"Hmm...it's sunday today, but please remind me on Saturday, okay? I have a lot of confidence in my memory, but I do tend to forget sometimes, mostly 'cause my workload stacks up. I'll make a personal reminder everyday though for that day. Mind if we talk on Discord beforehand for more details?"

"Ah, sure!"

"Great! Well then...you mind if I go outside and buy my lunch? I plan in having lunch early so that I can work on an original song of my own. I'm still pondering over some lyrics, and I gotta mix my own instrumental and then go to the studio to record all of it. It's gonna be a wild ride." I chuckled and scratched the back of my head.

"Ah, sure! You must be loaded with music projects, huh? Being the V-Rapper of Hololive." She giggled.

"Not really. I'm just energetic." I chuckled.

~~Aki's POV~~

I looked at him as he went out of the building with his hands in his hoodie's pocket, and his usual straight look with his black mask.

"...GASP! I was in the moment, and didn't realize we just talked about it!" I said as I sat back down.

"Hey, isn't that great?! You saw how much potential he had in his debut, and now, you're able to finally work on it!" Sora said.

"I will admit, his freestyling in the debut...Although I don't speak English that much, that showed how much talent he had, and how much skill he had in rapping. You might be in for a treat, Roze-chan." Suisei said.

"Good luck on talking about it, Aki-chan!" AZKi said.

"I also remember that he can play the guitar, so you can even go on a call with him and talk about it personally as you both write a song on the go!" Miko said.

"Y-Yeah...but in all honesty, I'm just glad I'm able to get him with me…"

I looked forward and smiled.

"I did dream of wanting to be an idol, and have a lot of songs...he might be one of the only people that can help me achieve that goal as much as he also wants to fulfill his goals."

"Hmm? Is someone crushing on him?~" Roboco teased.

"E-Eh? No! This is just a senpai-kouhai thing! Nothing special." I groaned a bit and pouted.

The 4 giggled as they saw my reaction.

"If anybody is crushing on him, it'd be you!" I said to Roboco.

"Well...she did say that she likes Shiro-kun earlier, so…" Suisei giggled a bit.

"I mean...he's like an ideal boyfriend though.~ Doesn't he give off that vibe?"

"Well...I guess...?" I said.

"And besides, he's good at a lot of things, and is very strong! You not only have a good boyfriend, but also a boyfriend who's very popular and very talented! Even one that's protective of you!"

"That is true too...but then again, that's probably just you, Roboco-chan." Sora giggled nervously and sweat dropped.

"Hmm...I guess so." She giggled.

MinecUwUberif MinecUwUberif

Yes, bois. Aki and Shiro's development slowly starts from here! And yaes, it's the post-debut arc now. Shiro better not get canceled within the 1st week!

Not much to say for this chapter, honestly, squarey bois. I just hope that it might've given you some enjoyment, one way or another (especially with the boring teaching stream that I made for the sake of the story Q-Q)

That'll be all! Cube QB outtie!~

PS: I reuploaded this chapter only to put it in Volume 3, nothing much happened, I was just being a baka Q-Q Sowwy

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