74.78% Vanishing Embers / Chapter 89: Trouble Brewing

บท 89: Trouble Brewing

When the three tired adventurers returned to the capital, there was nothing short of chaos. Protestors lines the streets, crying out in a cacophony of voices, such that Aisha couldn't even tell what the hell they were actually protesting. It grated on Aisha's ears, and if any part of Aisha's body was hurting after their fight with the angel, it was her ears - with all the loud, shearing noises, she was sure that her eardrums had burst at some point.


"Ugh." Vega pursed her lips. "Don't they have anything better to do?"

"No." Aisha muttered.


"THE HAND!" Someone screeched, spotting Aisha and pointing a finger at her. "IT'S THE HAND OF THE DEMON!"


Instantly, the crowd turned to face Aisha, and their cries of protest turned to cries of fear and anger, yelling hurtful expletives that didn't reach Aisha's ears. It was annoying. She wanted to kill them all-


"Don't." Vega said quietly, placing a hand on Aisha's back. "Whatever you're thinking, it's not worth the trouble."



Aisha shot a deathly glare at the crowd, which shut some people up, but a far larger proportion of people continued to blather on about their religious garbage.


"Why are they here?" Aisha muttered, as they passed the crowd and immediately ran into another, receiving an almost identical response. "I don't think they were here for me."

"I don't know." Vega shrugged. "I don't live here. I avoid politics."

"Judge Raxas is growing unpopular with the people." Kayle said quietly. "His usurpation of the magistrate and radical policy changes are very unpopular with certain groups. His stance on taxes have most likely turned the rest of the population against him."


Kayle shifted uncomfortably. "Um… it's money… that the… um, government takes from you… to fund public works… and other stuff…"

"That doesn't sound too bad." Vega bobbed her head absentmindedly. "Shouldn't be that bad, right?"




"TWO EXTRA COPPERS?" Vega snarled, gripping the poor waiter boy by the lapels, spilling her drink all over the front of her shirt. "BULLSHIT!"


Aisha rolled her eyes. "What happened to "shouldn't be that bad?" "

Vega released the waiter boy, who blushed as he retreated from the table, tray in arms.

"This is an infringement on my rights." She declared. "Two extra coppers on a 5 copper drink? I can't afford that!"

"You're a ruby adventurer…" Kayle mumbled.


"I'm a poor ruby adventurer!" Vega said in despair. "I've got barely a gold coin to my name!"

"What did you spend it all on?" Aisha asked absentmindedly, playing with the lip of her glass.


"Maybe it's a good thing that it's getting more expensive." Aisha mumbled.


"No." Vega shook her head. "No! This is outrageous! I'm going to go give Jamey a piece of my mind, dammit!"


Vega attempted to burst out of her seat, but a combination of a lack of balance due to the lack of an arm, as well as her tipsiness, rendered her completely prone on the floor of the guild, and if people weren't looking at her before, they certainly were now. The large woman fell onto the floor with a thud, trinkets and baubles spilling all over the floor.


"Damn arm" She mumbled. disoriented. "If I didn't have it, then I wouldn't… uh…"


"Do you need help?" A cheerful voice asked, extending a hand. Vega scoffed, flipping over and attempting to prop herself up, but upon realizing that she was missing an arm, she took the hand, brimming with embarrassment.


Her eyes lit up with familiarity as the hand pulled her up, the grip immensely strong, movements solid, and yet coming from such a small, short girl.


"Ah, Sui?" She mumbled.

"Vega-chan!" Sui squealed, hugging the ruby adventurer around the waist. "It has been so long! 1 year, 4 months and 22 days!"

"Ah ha…" Vega laughed bashfully, scratching her cheek. "Uh… hi, Sui."


Vega separated herself from the overly-clingy Sui, leaving the girl to go hug Aisha, who returned the hug with a big smile herself, wrapping their arms around each other.


Aisha didn't know why, but Sui held a strange… warmth to her. Despite being completely metal, and cold, hugging Sui felt better than hugging a lot of humes.


"How has it been, friend Aisha?" Sui asked cheerfully, practically bouncing. "I have been waiting for you!"

"It's been… okay, Sui." Aisha mumbled. "Ah... how do you two know each other?"


"Vega-san is a good friend of the doctor!" Sui said cheerfully. "And me! We're in the same guild! She is amazing! She used to slay dragons! Real, full-grown dragons!"


"Used to?" Aisha raised an eyebrow.


"I'm retired." Vega said dismissively. "Er, well, kind of. But I don't... I don't really run around adventuring anymore. I just help the guild out."

"Vega-san is a great help!" Sui beamed. "She used to help me and the doctor around, until she overloaded the doctor's entire-"

"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to keep mentioning it." Vega said hastily. "I don't mess with her machina anymore."


Aisha's smile slightly faltered at the thought of the angel. "More importantly…"


Aisha held out the bullet that the angel fired for a split second, and suddenly, Vega's eyes widened, rushing over to Aisha and closing her fist, attempting to shield Sui's vision. But despite how fast the drunk still was, she was no match for Sui's photographic memory and perfect, digital vision.


"No!" Vega whispered aggressively.

"Vega-chan?" Sui asked suspiciously, eyes flickering back and forth aggressively. "That was… a bullet from one of my sisters."

"It's nothing." Vega lied, incredibly unconvincingly.


Sui didn't speak for a second, her expression unreadable behind her fox mask. Only the sound of the servos in her eyes was audible, as her gaze shifted between Vega and Aisha.


"...What did you two do?" She asked slowly. "Did you…"

"Something that Mahiru doesn't want you involved in." Vega responded stiffly. "Something that she asked me to keep you out of."

"I can handle myself!" Sui protested.


"There's also a chance that there's something you don't want to discover." Vega sighed. "But I don't know anything about this machina crap."

"The doctor has nothing to hide!" The mechanical girl said confidently. "There's no way! Tell me what's going on!"


Vega just looked at Sui with a tired look that firmly stated that she did not want to be there. Aisha could relate, but decided to not help Vega out, despite the tall woman's pleading expression, which she found rather cute.


Huh. Aisha had never… She had been called cute before, but she had never really thought of other things as cute. It had been something that had puzzled her for a long time, the idea. She had started to piece together the feeling from things that people called cute - dogs, cats, children… her. From that, she gathered that cute things were small - but then again, beautiful, tall women were also called cute - was it a different kind of cute? Or was there something about the definition that she had been missing?


No, what made things cute to Aisha… was feeling safe around them. Perhaps, not in a protective way, but rather a feeling that they would never harm you.


Feng was right. It was a hard thing to come by. That feeling of trust and safety… seemed to be getting rarer and rarer.


"-my job as 'dorm drunkard!'" Vega argued. "And besides, you're not an official member of the guild anyway!"


Sui stomped her foot on the ground in anger, a gesture that but a visible mark on the floorboards.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me!" She whined.

"Then it looks like you're never leaving, twerp!" Vega shot, huffing.




"So…" Aisha mumbled.




"You were serious about visiting Raxas?" Aisha deadpanned.

"I have multiple reasons." Vega pursed her lips. "At any rate, a good visit to one's democratic representative is a great way to get involved in politics!"

"Our judges aren't democratically elected." Kayle said softly.


Vega's face soured, the wind taken out of her sails.

"...You read a lot of books, kid?" She asked.





Aisha resisted the smile tugging at the edge of her lips, as Sui linked her arms together with hers. Looking at her mechanical friend, skipping along nonchalantly…


She couldn't help but compare the angel to Sui. Apparently, both were made by the same person, but the difference between them was vast, in both form and expression. The angel had been… dead, cold. Calculating. Very much inhuman - like a artificed golem, or a rock - the way it moved gave Aisha chills. It moved like it wasn't supposed to move. Like there was something inside of it, forcing those wings to fly, those arms to move, that head to move in that disturbing, uncanny fashion.


But on the other hand, Sui was almost indistinguishable from a human. She was almost… too human, she had dreams, fears, wants, she got happy, sad, made jokes… The girl was more human than a lot of humans she actually knew.


Thinking about all the other times she had seen machina - on the front of Kalamina, and from the odd, shady trader - the angel was 100% more what she expected a machina to present like. Cold and metal. No emotion.


But if the angel was a machina, then what was Sui?


"Sui." Aisha prompted.

"Yes?" Sui turned her head to face Aisha, mask welded permanently onto her face - still, Aisha could swear that she was smiling under there. "What is up, friend?"

"You…" Aisha mumbled. "Are there others like you?"

"Like." Sui's voice faltered. "Like, made by the doctor?"


"Of course!" Sui nodded absentmindedly. "Dozens. They're sent to… uh, towns and stuff. To… do things."

"You don't know what they do?"

"Well, we have combat units, and scouting units!" Sui explained. "The scouting units run around and gather information or materials for Doctor Shinra. That's me! We have… a few weapons, but they're mostly just for mobility, more than combat. The combat units have… more weapons. And they're less…"


Sui didn't respond for a few seconds, her voice fading as she turned away from Aisha for a moment.

"Less what?" Aisha asked.

"Less… human." Sui whispered. "I… u-ugh. I… d-don't…"


"But you aren't…" Aisha looked around. "Human."

"Y-yes." Sui mumbled, her voice stuttering, glitching. "I… I'm not."


"Are you okay?" Vega asked in a concerned manner, tilting her head to put herself level with Sui.



"I'm okay." Sui said quietly.


Vega's face furrowed in concern, but either too confused or too tired to care, she decided to drop the subject, bringing her attention to what was in front of them. Two armed knights with insignias stood in between her and the door, looking absolutely miserable in the heat. Judging by the crests on their chests, they weren't members of the government.


"Hey." Vega said flatly.

"..." The knights straightened themselves up.

"Move, please." She deadpanned.

"We are under orders from Duke Ashlan to-"


"Look, I don't care." Vega sighed, exasperated. "I've had a pretty shit day, so why don't you two move before I kick your ass, and your shitty leash-holder."

"You're one to talk, with only a single arm!" One of the knights snarled, moving his arm towards his waist scabbard. "Furthermore, you have insulted his liege! Apologize-"


There was an intense flash of light, and the earth shook, as the air crackled with the massive echo of an explosion. Aisha was forced to look away for a second, but when she looked back, she was shocked to see the first knight crumpled to the floor, armor half-melted and smoldering.


"What did you do?" The second said in horror, stumbling backwards. "What happened to him?"


"Oh, look at that." Vega whistled. "You know, they say that the chances of getting struck by lightning are one in a million."

"I…I…" The knight looked between his friend, and Vega in a panic, before bolting off, looking comical in all of his heavy armor.

"Yeah, let's go in."


Vega swung the door open casually, and Aisha, Sui, and Kayle followed her-


"Hey, what's up with you?" Aisha asked suddenly, furrowing her brows at the tan-skinned boy. "You're quiet."

"What?" Kayle said hoarsely..

"She just killed that guy." Aisha said absentmindedly, as she crouched down and stretched out an arm, draining the fading soul from his body. "You're supposed to have a problem with that."



"What happened to justice?" Aisha asked, rummaging through the dead knight's pockets for gold and trinkets.

"I don't know."

"Hey, you guys coming?" Vega shouted, poking her head out from the end of a hallway.


Aisha looked up, hands and pockets full of trinkets and gold coins, a completely numb Kayle next to her, watching. Sui was the first to follow, shrugging and skipping into the dreary office cheerfully, while Aisha stuck out her tongue, carefully examining the corpse for any more loot.


Eventually Aisha finished her business and scampered to her feet to go follow Vega, leaving a distraught Kayle to stare at the knight's mangled and defiled corpse, with nothing but a numb expression on his face.



Met at that oh familiar waiting corridor to Raxas's office, unexpectedly, a man dressed in very lavish-looking silks, looking extremely nervous and uncomfortable, as much as he looked out of place in the drab magistrate building. His beady eyes, and expensive, product-laden haircut snapped towards Vega as she strode towards him, menace in her step.


"Ack!" He jumped visibly, frightened by Vega's scarred face, and powerful aura. "Who the hell are you!? I was supposed to be alone in this place! You-"

"Save it." Vega said sourly. "You're an eyesore."

"HOW DARE YOU!" The noble exploded with fury. "I'll have you know that I could have you thrown out of the capital! What is your name!?"

"How sad." Vega mused.



Aisha and Sui took the opportunity to round the corner, talking animatedly while Aisha's pockets jingled with trinkets audibly. The noble took one look at her and instantly shot up to his feet, pointing a finger at her in fury.




Aisha furrowed her brows, as Vega sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Or what?" She asked, softly.

"Or I'll-" The noble sputtered. "I'll- have you executed, fey DOG-"


The door to Raxas's office creaked open, and in the doorframe, appeared the massive, towering stature of the Judge's fully armored body, easily over seven feet in height. The lion's head on his helmet seemed to gleam more sinister than usual, as the noble turned to the large man, impudent expression on his face.


"You!" He yelled, but his voice quickly faltered when he saw a glimpse of those cracked, intense looking eyes under the helmet. "You have… a serious lack of… manners."


Raxas was silent for a second, his dull blue armor still tarnished with black streaks, the ashes and dried blood of all his slain enemies. It was a reminder, to all that saw him, that he had indeed been the killer of two other judges. His eyes had lost the good-naturedness in them, although they softened slightly at the sight of his old friends. But to the noble, they only held an intense distaste that was not missed.


"You ask for respect, but show none in return." Raxas said disdainfully. "What a joke."

"I am obligated to no such thing!" The noble huffed timidly. "My power far… I could… have you removed from that seat… should I wish."

"Try it."


The noble hurriedly looked away, terrified at the visage in front of him.

"T-there is no need for that. At any rate, I am here to… propose a deal to you, your honor."

"In private." He added, glancing worriedly at the three adventurers.


"There will be no such condition." Raxas said harshly. "I am busy. State your business here."

"Absolutely not!" The noble urged, once again glancing towards the three women.

"They're trusted friends." Raxas crossed his arms. "State your business, or leave."


With that, the judge retreated back into his office, closing the door with him-

"I have information on the nepenthe dealers!" The noble shouted desperately, prompting Raxas to stop closing the door, although it remained in its semi-closed position.


"Oh?" Raxas muttered. "And what, perhaps, would an upstanding duke like yourself know about nepenthe?"

"I-I-I know who runs the operations!" The noble whispered nervously, looking around. "I-I-I can give you names!"

"In exchange for what?"


"Protection!" He whispered. "J-Judge Vayne has no protection against… what is currently hunting us!"


"T-them! I-I-I mean-"


"I know everything already." Raxas said, flinging the door fully open. "I know you and your noble trash have been running the dens for years. You always have been. And now, something is hunting you garbage down, and like the dregs you are, you've decided to sell out the rest of your kind for a chance at political protection."


The noble stood shocked, his mouth agape like a fish as his mouth mimed the motions of words.

"H-how..?" He finally managed to stutter out, after what seemed like a whole minute of stunned silence.


Raxas stepped out of the door frame, motioning inwards. "Take a look for yourself."


A cackling was heard from inside as the noble's face paled, looking in and seeing a large group of nobles, heads hung in defeat. Standing guard over them, smugly, was Judge Tylich, his smug cackle echoing menacingly in his spiked helmet. Vega raised an eyebrow.


"So." Raxas breathed out, placing a firm hand on the noble's shoulder. "Shall we discuss terms?"




Soon after, all of the nobles were led out of the building by Tylich, chained together like a gang of prison workers. One attempted to break out of the chains and flee, casting a pitifully small fireball, immediately snuffed out, just by the mana that leaked out of the judge passively. Tylich just laughed, tugging on the chains and sending the noble sprawling to the ground, dirtying his robes on the harsh ceramic flooring. Vega watched half-heartedly, while Aisha and Sui continued their conversation, not even paying the caravan a single glance.


"What are you going to do with them?" Vega asked.

"They can rot in prison." Raxas muttered. "The information they can give me is worthless. Although it does make me glad that I can finally rip them from their protected little bubbles and enact justice."


"You don't look happy." Vega observed, as Raxas walked back into his office, removing his helmet.

"I suppose satisfaction is a better word for it." The tall man mumbled.

"You don't look satisfied either."


Raxas raised an eyebrow. "Did you just come here to play word games, or is there something you want from me?"

"What, I can't come just to check up on an old friend?"

"Vega, you're missing an arm."


The purple-haired woman made a gagging noise in response, making a face that spoke volumes about her displeasure. Raxas's expression didn't change, although the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


"Come in, cute girls!" Vega shouted, motioning with her hand for Aisha and Sui to come in, which they obliged with, standing next to Vega in her chair.


Without warning, Aisha suddenly found herself in Vega's lap, an arm wrapped snugly around her waist, as if she was a teddy bear.


"I'm here to recruit you." Vega declared, resting her chin on top of Aisha's head. "Along with your… little friend here."

"My name is Aisha." Aisha whispered.


"You haven't shown up to work." Raxas glared. Aisha shrunk. "And at any rate, I told you, I have no interest in joining Gehenna."

"I'm not talking about Gehenna." Vega corrected.

"Then what are you talking about?"


Vega grimaced as she looked in between Raxas and Sui, very much looking like a teenager who had to tell her parents that she was pregnant. She blew a raspberry and groaned, throwing her head back.


Raxas just stared blankly at her.


"Alright, whatever!" She said, throwing her hand up in an exasperated manner. "Shinra can eat my ass, for all I care. I'm already doing this for her."


"Which is?" Raxas asked, leaning his cheek against his fist.


"One of her little experiments has gone rogue." Vega sighed. "Tore the fuck up out of her lab, and half of the guild. It put a few of ours out of commission. Apparently, it's running around, and we need to stop it before it destroys the world, or something."


Although her mask hid her face, Aisha imagined that Sui's face would be agape with shock, if it were visible.


"What about the rest of the guild?" Raxas asked. "You didn't… bring any of them with you?"

"She thought I would be enough." Vega huffed. "Paid me an entire platinum coin. I lost it, though. Like my arm."


"Well, I can't help you." Raxas deadpanned. "I am busy here."

Vega's eyebrow twitched. "Surely you can get someone else to do this mole-monkey work."

"I cannot."

"This is important, James!" Vega furrowed her brows. "This thing leveled an entire city - it was able to beat Cirin, for god's sake. And it'll get stronger!"

"Sorry." Raxas muttered, hanging his head. "If it beat Cirin, I'll probably not be of help either."

"You know it's not about that!"



"I'm sorry, but I can't." Raxas mumbled. "I have a war to fight, Vega. I have a city to run. Something is going to happen. The noble houses are in turmoil. The magistrate is... in agreement, for once. Someone is planning something. There might be fighting in the capital. I have to be here."

Vega grimaced, clicking her tongue in displeasure. "Whatever. Fine. Be that way. There really nobody you can spare?"

"Nobody I can trust." Raxas said quietly. "Other than her."


He tilted his head over to Aisha.

"What about people you don't trust?" Vega tried.



Vega just looked at the man with an intense look of pity, and annoyance, one hand crossed over her chest. The dark circles under the tall man's eyes, and dead expression, were more prominent than ever.


"You're all alone now, huh." She said slowly.



"There's still time."

"There's no point."


Vega just shook her head and got up, sparing a single glance at her old friend before turning away and almost running directly into Tylich, coming back from his errand. She furrowed her brows for a second, looking intensely at his aquamarine eyes, but just as quickly, she just shrugged and walked off, closely followed by Sui and Aisha.






"Aisha?" A soft voice whispered.


Aisha's sleeping form vaguely recognized the heavenly voice as her mistress's, and her entire body relaxed, feeling nothing but safe, light, fluffiness, all over her body. She shifted slightly, if only just to remind herself of how good it felt to cuddle - her arms loosely wrapped around that soft body, the woman's skin so smooth, so warm, so lovely to feel. She wanted to feel more of it, so she did - hugging her mistress tighter, but instead of pulling the large woman towards herself, the differences between their masses allowed Aisha to pull herself right into the big girl's breasts, the large globes inviting Aisha like a warm hug. A hug on top of a hug. That was what being in her embrace was like - not only was she being hugged, completely enveloped. every single part of her body was also being hugged by something else - mistress's heat, her softness, her love…


Her mistress cooed above her, and Aisha felt her entire body go alight in pleasure. Gods, cuddling and snuggling with her mistress was… she was sure that even drugs couldn't replicate this feeling. This feeling of absolute safety, of pure… good feeling. This feeling of… complete helplessness - but in a good way - she didn't have to do anything, she just had to lay there and feel good.


Aisha never wanted to leave that half-awake state, entire body buried deep inside mistress's, inside the covers. She was so warm. So safe. So fluffy.


Why did it feel so freeing? Her entire life she had been helpless, so why did it feel so good now? Her entire life, she had fought desperately, to take control of her life, to be as good as the others, to be independent…


But now that she was completely dependent, completely… submissive, she had never been happier. It made her blush just thinking about it - the Aisha of the past would have never thought that she would end up as such a submissive little cuddle-kitten. Just a cute little housewife for her adored mistress, her owner, her lover, her… everything. Taken care of, and pampered the entire day, with belly rubs, headscritches, pets, and loving hugs. Completely useless. Just a… thing, that mistress poured affection into, and got back in turn.


Was it… was it that fight that made her so miserable? Did she actually… have any desire to be independent at all? Or had it just been what she had been pressured into thinking?


She knew she was happy now.


Distinctly, she felt a finger brush against her lip, collecting the drool that usually leaked out of her mouth when she slept. Oops. But then she heard a slurping noise, and her cheeks went red.


"Awake, kitten?" Lorian asked softly, smiling down at Aisha's tousled hair.

The little kitten opened her mouth barely, letting out a noise from her throat. "Mmmmmnnnn…"

"Did you sleep well?"


(Of course.) Aisha wanted to say. (I have never had anything but the best rest in my life since I've met you. I love you so much mistress.)

"Mhm." She said instead.


"That's great!" Lorian said, genuine happiness and affection in her voice. "Good girl."


Aisha flushed.

"B-but… I ha-haven't done anything…" Aisha whispered, shivering at the wave of soft pleasure that surged through her.


God, did she have a praise kink or something? Or rather… no, she had a mistress kink…


Pleasure continued to assault the girl as mistress started to plant little kisses on her ears and head, the feeling of her soft lips absolutely melting her.


"H-hhah!?" Aisha's eyes shot wide open, letting out a girlish moan, as mistress licked the inside of her ears, sending shivers all over her body.


She was fully awake now, a blushing mess as she pulled away from the embrace to look at her mistress.


Bad idea. Looking at the woman was just an invitation to get embarrassed. And when she saw that radiant smile, that playful, mirthful expression, Aisha couldn't help but blush visibly, prompting mistress to smile even wider and coo in delight.


"Good morning." Lorian giggled, her voice coming out like wind chimes, airy and beautiful. Compared to Aisha's gravelly morning voice…

"Good morning." She mumbled shyly.

"Awwww!" Lorian squealed, wrapping her arms around Aisha's head and pulling her in tight. "So cute so cute so cuteeeeeee!"


Aisha flushed red as mistress aggressively nuzzled her face with her own, rubbing her nose into Aisha's cheeks, all while heaping on those damn - fluttery, lovey compliments. It was maddening - Aisha knew they had no substance, since mistress just repeated them over and over again - besides, she would call her "adorable" and a "good girl" for basically anything - but still, Aisha could not stop the wave of utter… affection, and submissiveness, and pure pleasure that rushed into her body, against her will, against all logic, as mistress praised her for basically just - just existing.


She shouldn't feel so damn happy! She hadn't done anything! She hadn't-


"Good girl!" Lorian cooed. "Good girl good girl good girl! Who's a goooood girl?"

"Memememememe!" Aisha cried excitedly, heart flooding with butterflies, her mind turning into absolute gooey mush. "Me!"


"Good girl!" Lorian giggled, smiling and laughing. "Good girl! Good girl!"

"I-I love you mistress!" Aisha cried desperately, head and heart assaulted by submissive, lovey feelings, feeling her entire essence being slowly filled with nothing but mistress, as she continued to repeat those pleasurable, ecstatic words.


O-oh god, it wasn't stopping. She wasn't stopping! Aisha was going to break- she was going to- her mind was going to shatter, until there was nothing left- until there was nothing but Lorian's kitten, her good girl. She was going to- oh God! Oh God oh God oh God!


She w-was petting her too! Nooo! Nooo! Aisha could feel it slipping away, against her own will- her body wouldn't listen to her, it only listened to mistress - she was trying desperately to save her sanity, but with every "good girl," every headpat, her body was telling her that she was an animal, that she was PROPERTY.


And the worst part, was that it was true! Aisha did belong to mistress, she was nothing but this big girl's property, her pet, her possession to play with. And she fucking loved it. Aisha felt the heat growing in her loins, and her cheeks burned with shame - she wanted to be property. She wanted her mistress to fucking USE her, like an inanimate object - to force her to bend over and sit on her like a chair, or sit on her face, crushing Aisha's head with that perfect ass -




Distinctly, Lorian recognized that at some point during their play, Aisha had passed out, her tongue escaping from her mouth as her head lolled, and the small lil girl panted.


What a cute little expression! Lorian smiled as she cuddled Aisha like a teddy bear, scooping her up and nuzzling the fainted girl aggressively. So adorable, so lovable! She wanted to kiss the fey, but she wasn't awake. Damn. Lazy little girl, going back to sleep like that.


But she still loved her. Or rather, she loved her even more for it.


She was, however, bored. Call her childish, for having such a low attention span, and you would probably be right - that was one of the things she loved about Aisha, she could always keep up with her, always be ready to play. And by play, she meant the erotic, sexual tension-filled, animalistic rutting together of their bodies that they engaged in almost constantly, the counterpart to their wholesome cuddles and snuggles. It drove Lorian fucking insane, not being able to actually fuck Aisha, but it felt GOOD. More than a few pairs of panties had been soaked through during their play. She loved Aisha so much, gods.


But she was asleep!


"Wake up." She whined. "Aishaaaaa."


"Play with meee. Aishaaaaaaaa!"

"Mmmmyours… mistress…"

"You are mine!" Lorian pouted. "So I command you to wake up and play with me some more!"


Like a jolt of lightning through her body, Aisha suddenly felt a surge of consciousness through her body. She blushed. Oh God… even her body… it had been tamed, trained by her mistress…


But as the big girl smiled in joy, pulling Aisha in for a sweet kiss, she found that she didn't mind…


Lithkren Lithkren

You think Lorian would start an only fans?

I want to see if my writing conveys her personality well enough. As always all comments and review blah blah blahpfaikfihafpsoihipoqf

EDIT: If you've been reading this story for a long time, I would advise revisiting the first 7 or so chapters, if you want. I've changed a lot of the content, but the overall events have stayed relatively unchanged, if you don't want to bother.

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    Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง








    เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C89
    ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
    • คุณภาพงานเขียน
    • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
    • การดำเนินเรื่อง
    • กาสร้างตัวละคร
    • พื้นหลังโลก

    คะแนนรวม 0.0

    รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
    โหวตด้วย Power Stone
    Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง



    เข้า สู่ ระบบ