87.91% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 80: Tropical Paradise Added

บท 80: Tropical Paradise Added

(2 out of 3 chapters of this week)

After removing Moon Slaughter work could properly start in earnest. The formation used to keep the Supreme Ocean Palace afloat was similar to the one used by Xiao Long.

The difference was that it drains Profound Energy from the Dragon Vein right underneath them and does not gather energy from their surroundings.

This means that the island simply can't move because it gets all the energy from a single place.

To fix this the Young Master simply proceeded to expand on this formation.

The whole thing was right underground just like how it's with his islands so he just added upon it.

Nothing difficult, he simply added the cross-shaped tunnels and added the profound energy flow. 

Once finished with the tunnels he needed to switch power which was extremely simple with Formation Core installed. It was, after all, a computer-like system. He simply powered one in the background while slowly closing down the previous one.

Just like that, in two short days, the Supreme Ocean Palace island was added to the archipelago.

The other two islands were on the West and North of Xiao Island, the Supreme Island is on the southeast extremely close to the city. This makes the city look like it has a castle-like structure right next to it.

For some, they might get intimidated, others might get motivated to become part of the core of Sect.

Regardless, this island was brought much closer than Feng and Frozen Cloud islands, and it had several bridges built to make it look as seamless as possible.

Once finished with this he left the rest for his grandparents, all three of them, to sort out the rest.

In the meantime, he flew down to look at the chain of tropical islands. 

He brought his hands as if taking a picture. 

The Young Master is imagining how it should be. He wants to take the islands and the water. Authenticity is important after all.

After figuring out what he wanted to do and how it was going to look like he proceeded to work. 

For this island, he turned on his Minecraft imagination. Minecraft specifically as the game has wacky physics and he can imitate them with Profound energy.

So the first thing was to fly down and then mark the boundaries of the floating island. 

Since he will use these markings to orientate where is what.

With the basics done, the next part was to proceed to dig. For that, he took one of the islands which are on the path of the cross-shaped tunnel and proceeded to dig.

The excess earth will go to enlarge the islands as some of them are extremely small so he will give them some substance. 

Since he had done this several times now and his Earth Profound Energy mastery was at max he could easily make the tunnels. What took him longer was to place lighting instead of making the tunnels.

Once the cross-shaped tunnels were done he proceeded to make the hall. This is where the true magic will happen.

Instead of making it a simple hall underground, he decided to fully carve it from top to bottom, to make an opening. This will turn the island into a doughnut.

The reason for this is the circulation, the water needs to move. So the centre will work like a vacuum that picks up the water and lets it flow on the top of the island, making it flow to the sides once again, getting captured and funnelled into the centre once again, then getting picked up and sent to the top.

Rinse and repeat. 

To make sure no water simply dissipates the bubble system is in place, meaning that once enough water is gathered in the air it will rain and this water will return to the island. 

However just in case he did decide to add arrays that turn regular Profound energy into Water Profound Energy and then into water.

One could say this will be his first-ever try on a proper weather control system.

After all the basic digging was done, Xiao Long spent a couple of days spreading out the dirt. Through the islands, it looked quite ugly so he swiftly hurried the dirt under the sand. 

He was feeling like a terraformer reminded him of the Spore video game where you could carve and terraform planets however he wanted.

Once that was done he went back to his workshop where he spent a couple of days making the Profound Cores.

Then set up arrays, several sets of extra arrays in the water itself.

The thing about being a Late Monarch is that one can be deep underwater and nothing will happen to him, just like that he can spend hours without even needing to breathe. 

There were simply no issues for him to work in such conditions.

After connecting the formations and arrays via Profound energy flow. Since he has the potent Dragon vein flowing here, why not abuse it?

So he did. It's like playing Minecraft in Creative mode.

Once all the preparations were done. He flew into the centre of the formation.

He looked around for a bit, by this point it was a dark and very wide cavern with no light as the lighting was only built in the tunnels, not the cavern.

The moment he placed the formation core in the socket the whole place lit up. Lights on the floor lit ignited showing the way where to walk, on the cavern walls runes lit up, starting to pulse with energy.

That moment he looked down, runes lighting as the current of power washed them up. The whole place turned and got illuminated but it could not make it bright enough, it didn't need to be, as the ceiling cracked up and water started to fall. Same time the walls trembled as the island started to rise.

The water that was falling ended up being captured by the runes on the wall.

Bringing it closer to the walls 

As this was happening the Young Master looked around. He was in the middle of this cavern on a bridge-like construct that was kept in place by the formations. This is the most unique place on the whole floating island.

As the island started to rise the bottom opened up and the formation system finally kicked in… instead of continuing to fall the water started to rise.

The falling water generated enough power to start reversing the process. 

To watch this work Xiao Long simply looked at the barrier walls in front of him. He has linked up every single formation and array to be monitored by the centre formation core.

However, he won't be making the same mistake as he just said about the Supreme Ocean Palace. The island has three formation Cores. Even if one fails or someone tries to mess up the remaining two can easily step in.

They have enough processing power to keep it running.

Not that this is the only means to keep the island afloat, Xiao Long made several fail-safes in this place. So even if the core is forcefully removed the array will continue to work, the formations don't even need the core in the first place.

The core is to manipulate and adjust the arrays and formations. He realised that after thinking about fail safes for this place as he is planning to make his family stay here he was thinking of extra-extra protection.

After realising that he simply adjusted the arrays. So now if someone wants to bring this place down that guy would need to remove formation and arrays one by one.

And that is not a small task to do. It's better to try to destroy the whole place instead of trying to bring it down. Which again is not a small task either.

Once everything was in working order Xiao Long dismissed all the barrier walls and looked around. The place was simply something from Minecraft. He was surrounded by waterfalls in all directions but instead of flowing down the water went up.

There are only four entrances to this place which are from all four directions as this was the core of the cross-shaped tunnels.

However now one can leave either from the top or the bottom. To check this out in person Xiao Long proceeded to descend to the bottom.

What he found was another body of water which gets sucked up, but no matter how much gets taken in the water still is there.

He continued to fly around looking down and he could see the ocean down there which was getting further and further away.

'This is simply a beautiful, Cultivation World version of the infinity pool. Simply glorious for any water lover.'

Xiao Long was impressed by his work. After all, all he saw before this was simply letters and numbers written in paragraphs.

Now however he can see it in the flesh. 

After enjoying the views he noticed some fish and predators swimming in this pool. This was not good as regular fishes need proper food which they will not find here.

So he quickly returned to the central Formation core and added some sub-commands.

Once done, he went down to check. 

A small smile appeared as he saw small currents that guided the fish back up. 

Well, they are going to have an interesting life…full of roller coasters.


While Xiao Long was busy on the island, the girls with the maids were already moving out to the new residence in one of the Palaces in the Supreme Island which used to be the Supreme Ocean Palace.

This island was massive compared to the other three islands. It was a city built from the Palaces. When Qu Fengyi said it was far too big for just Core members she was serious as at this moment all their outer and inner members moved into the Floating Cloud City. 

Making the whole Supreme Island barely populated. It will take years for it to be populated again. But this is a good motivator for them to work and return to live in this place. Especially when cultivation is not as hard as it used to be before.

"...so much space, is this really for us?" Cang Yue asked with wide eyes. They have a small tropical forest, a lake, a small stream flowing into a lake, and a huge palace that could house hundreds of people.

This place was more beautiful than her Imperial Palace.

"Grandmother-in-law personally handed it over to us." Xia Qingyue said with a casual tone. She was already thinking about how she would organise everything, She has her maid, Xia Dongling and she can easily get several maids to help her.

However, what she needs to know is which room will be her husband's so that she could have a close to hers.

Well, and the bedroom… Beauty is already weighing the subject that they all should stay there together. She knows that her husband doesn't mind debauchery with all of his maids at once.

That is something embarrassing for her but, if it means that she can spend more time with him then she doesn't mind.

Regardless she stroked her tummy before continuing to explore the new palace they had been handed to them.


"Hmm? Look at that!" 

People sensed large fluctuations of Profound energy so they went to see what it was…

What they saw were islands rising with the ocean water. It was like a chunk of ground was scooped up and started to rise.

What was baffling was that the water didn't drop fully, instead, it was kept by barrier walls in the form of a bubble, this bubble fully encased the whole island! It was something else to see such a thing!

The water, which was at the bottom of the bubble, started to move towards the middle area under the floating island, proceeding to the endless loop of circulation.

"... unbelievable! Young Master adds two islands at once!?"

The disciples who observed this from the air were simply shocked by this development. By this point, they have so much land that they have no idea if they can run the place properly!

"Yes. But look at what is happening! All those waterfalls, the whole place is a huge waterfall! Do you know how much power this will generate!?"

The people from Artefact and the Array Halls were discussing how much power this would generate. If their speculation is right the crystal will be dirt cheap. If they are dirt cheap then they can effortlessly cultivate and make new things.

Simply astounding even if they never will be able to visit this new island. As they can, this bubble field around the island is separated from the main bubble which is around the Sect.

It's like double the protection, not only that but they can't truly see what is happening on this floating island. There is a mirage of some sort which keeps people's eyes away.

"...Hmm, it appears only people from the Palace will be able to access this island." One of the disciples saw how the island floated close to the Supreme Island and a bridge created from barrier walls proceeded to be built.

And that is correct. There are only five islands on this floating landmass. It has limited space and Xiao Long won't allow just anyone to enter his paradise.

Nope, only his family members can enter this place, for the rest…they think that this place is the ultimate battery for the sect, and they can't complain about that.

Of course, Xiao Long is even thinking about breeding some delicious fish here as well.

The Young Master after all picked up a few habits from his grandpa who just loves making a profit from nothing.


The group of girls walked through the barrier wall bridge and entered the floating island surrounded by a bubble of profound energy. Once inside they felt the increase of heat and the sounds of falling water. 

The mist was rising at the edges of this place 

"...So much water…I had never seen this much water before being used in such a way!" Feng Xue'er the most sheltered girl from the group exclaimed with joy. For one the waterfall is huge and they extend as far as the island goes. 

She can even see fish big and small going down this massive waterfall, for a moment she thought they were going to get hurt but then she realised that it was built this way on purpose. So she relaxed immediately.

Once they passed the long barrier bridge and arrived at the first island they were greeted by Xiao Long who was only dressed in short pants.

Most of his body was on full display which affected his beautiful women.

"...Husband?" The pair of his wives asked at the same time.

"This is our forever summer paradise. This place will remain warm no matter what, and where we can relax and do nothing. As well it will be the perfect place for our kids." As he said that he got up from the sand and motioned to fly and follow him.

The group of ladies nodded at him and proceeded to fly as well.

They flew over and passed several islands.

Their eyes ended up on something huge in the middle! There was a hole! As water rises and disperses on top of the islands they could see a complex system of water currents. Meaning that even if this was a small floating landmass it still has waves in it!

Truly…how much thought did Xiao Long put into making this thing float and work the way he wanted it to work!?

Eventually, the group arrived at one island which was away from the other four. 

It was slightly bigger than the other four islands, and there was a Laguna beach. A small body of water is separated by corals from the larger body of water. The laguna wasn't deep so it will be perfect for leisure and kids.

"This…what is your plan for this place?" The Frozen Beauty asked with confusion. As someone who had never been in such a tropical place, she had no idea what to do! As in… 

She sees no purpose.

"Should be obvious, husband wants this peaceful and beautiful place to be used for our children to grow." Xia Qingyue said with a small smile. Though her gaze was telling a different thing she is eying her husband who is barely dressed and showing off his draconic body.

The beauty has a general idea of the purpose of this place. Since he is barely dressed, so will they. This means that the amount of steamy action they will get will increase!

"Yue'er is right. This island is secluded and the kids will be able to do whatever they want here. The other four islands will be used as well but that's for later decide who can use them." He explained with a simple shrug before starting to walk around and look for the best place for a tropical-style house. 

Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue swiftly joined him. Leaving behind the other somewhat confused fairies…except Feng Xue'er who was following after them, she wants to know more about this place and the plans.

The ones who were the most affected by this are the pair of ex-royals from Realm of Gods. They never expected he would add something like this to his family. This made them… somewhat horny…

After the most attractive male is the one who can protect and provide. Especially when he in the most literal sense can provide an environment itself.

"Hmm? Mom, are you okay?" Xing Tong asked her mother who had red cheeks, who was blushing up a storm which was noticed by the younger redhead.

"I-I am fine. I think this place is just too warm." Xing Rouyu waved the question off.

But it only made the girl more confused. Her mother was a late Monarch. How can she be affected by such a thing?

Though the pair of blondes not far from them had a similar dreamy look, they didn't even notice that they had.

Only the Fairies were confused, as they by all means and purposes felt out of place.


For advanced chapters(5 chapters +18 chapters of lemons ) my pat: pat reon.com/DragonsFics


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