52.74% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 48: Pill Reader

บท 48: Pill Reader

"Game over? What do you mean by that?" The blonde asked with a frown. Sure, this thing tells what kind of thing the pill is. But how is that a game-changer?


"I thought you were smarter than this."

Her golden eyes narrowed for a bit.

"I would. But this is not my area of expertise."

"Alright, fine."

He lifted his hand, and the orb came off the pedestal. At that moment, all of the barrier walls disappeared.

The orb flew into his hand, and he showed it to her.

"This, in simple terms, is a brain." He showed it to her.

"Like any brain, it needs the body to operate. The magic behind this is that the brain and the body are customisable."

She slowly nodded. Now this sounded more interesting.

"So it will fight for you or what?"

Still, she didn't see what it truly was. Her brain is wired for Cultivation and self-strengthening, not whatever this is!

 "No, No, No. This is for arrays and formations. If I put this in Phoenix trials or my Pagoda, it would improve by more than ten times! Those arrays would become 'Smart'!"

"But it's not just those two! The Profound energy-gathering formation would become even more powerful if it could manage how the Profound Energy flows and concentrate where it needs.

It would manage the flow itself!

But this is just the tip of the iceberg! What about bloodlines? An array that could manipulate and adjust MAKE bloodlines; hmm, What do you think about that?"

Her brain slowly started to catch up.

"...This-This would be a game changer!"

"Game Ender. Bloodlines, Soul purities are the critical factors for high cultivation. Arrays I would make would dictate the bloodline potency. I already have an array that makes Phoenix Blood.

"One example of it already exists. Now, we only need to delve more into it and start splicing away certain aspects from bloodlines to make an ultimate one."

The blonde moved her head up and down. Yes-Yes! This is it! This is what she has been looking for!

Means to remove herself from the chains, which is the [Divine Master]!

She finally did it! She found her Chosen One!

A beautiful smile crept on her lips!

"This sounds just… Wonderful!"


"I can feel that greed all the way from here."

She didn't even look ashamed or embarrassed.

"I am not hiding my intentions. As someone pursuing strength for many years, your creation is the greatest treasure I have ever seen!"

"Yes. And I only gave you one example. It tells me how BAD Is your Realm of Gods is. It sounds almost like "Realms of Ruins."

His words made her frown slightly.

"In a way. I am not hiding that."

"Yes. I do have a question for you."

The beauty finally smiled at him! Can she show her usefulness finally!?

"Do you want to learn about the Realm of Gods?"

Her over-eagerness slightly weirded him out.

"No. I already know what it is."

"Oh? Did that little brat explain to you?" Qianye Ying'er, for a second, was pissed off.

"No? I had less contact with her than you."


"You think it's hard to understand? Your Realm of Gods is just a larger version of the Divine Phoenix Empire. Simple Empires were built around ruins left behind by long departed Gods. Am I wrong?

"The difference is that your 'Realm of Gods' has More Profound Energy and more ruins."


"Your facial expression tells me that I am right."

"Now, my question to you." As he said that, he made a chair using barrier walls and sat down.

"How long has your family owned those ruins?"

For a second, she has a thoughtful look.

"It would be for 31 generations?"

"And how long is that?" His question made her think some more.

"Around 1.5 million years?" She answered, not understanding his questioning. The Goddess was feeling out of her element right now.

"So out of 31 rulers and over a million years, how much effort has been made to understand the ruins and the legacies left behind by the Gods who ruled the Star you come from?"

He asked curiously.

"This. We truly did want to figure out some of the legacies and the arts. I even mastered all available Brahma arts." She felt like he was accusing her of something!

"Hoh, so basically, your clan did nothing. Since I checked your blood and since the very beginning, the Legacies have been losing their strength as we speak."

Now she was spooked!

What he was saying was Taboo. No one should know that her family, with each generation, is losing its power. But then again, her clan suspects that other Royal Realms like Star God Realm and Moon God Realm are in the same situation.

"My blood? Do you already have an artefact to check it!? I thought you still need to make one!"

"I have a blood reader. It's not as complex as the pill one I am making."

As he said that, he got up from the chair and made the chair disappear, he then motioned for her to follow him.

He took a few steps to one of the corners of his warehouse.

There were two floating translucent cubes above a table. On the table, there are runic carvings in a circular style.

As Qianye Ying'er got closer, she saw that the cubes had blood inside.

"After the poison I acquired, blood from the two of you was the second most amazing gift." He took one of the cubes.

His words made her eyebrow twitch. As if she had given it by choice.

"You're welcome then."

He snorted with amusement as he understood her sarcasm.

After the small exchange, he placed the cube in the array, which started to glow.

A few seconds later, small barrier walls started to appear.

"Look at this. This one here tells us that your Legacy has been weakening with each generation." He pointed at the barrier wall, which had some text.

He then brushed it aside before pointing at another one.

"This one here tells us that your Legacy is neutral in attribute. More precisely, it leans towards power and control of Profound Energy."

His explanations started to make her uncomfortable; this was hitting far too close to her.

"This one here tells us that your maximum power is not something you acquired yourself, but it was given to you by an Artefact. Quite impressive, but at the same time, it's easy to lose such power.

"And this here tells me that your bloodline is attached to an Artefact, which can strip and manipulate your bloodline as easily as it was given."

Qianye Ying'er's eyes trembled as he spoke about her clan's secrets!

"It appears your Father has some sort of artefact that he can strip your cultivation immediately." Xiao Long finished with a casual shrug.

"What I find intriguing is that your family artefact has some rechargeability. If any of you don't take legacy for an extended amount of time, it should recharge fully, eventually."

"...You… what are you?"

In the end, the blonde could not control herself.

"Just an average Young Master who wants to put his Sect at the peak of existence."

"Pffff Hahaha!"

The blonde Goddess could not control herself and started to laugh uncontrollably.

"This is— hahaha, the most hilarious thing I have heard! Ever!"

Xiao Long just shrugged. He was not wrong. He is just a diligent Young Master who is a future Sect Master. One who takes his duties seriously.

"Whatever makes you happy, Ying'er. I have seen some worthless Young Masters. So I am better than them. But I do think I could do better."

His words made her stop laughing and look at him thoughtfully instead. She just found what makes him 'special'. It's his mentality!

It's a certain 'broken' humble mentality who thinks he is never good enough and is always trying to improve.

Where she is always hungry for power, which makes her focus on one thing, he, on the other hand, always thinks he is not good enough, so he keeps trying harder and harder.

What makes him dangerous is that it makes him more down-to-earth and less focused on a single thing.

At the core, they are very similar. They want to progress further.

"Yes, Ying'er apologises for laughing. My knowledge of this matter is very limited. This makes me unable to see the way you see." She tried to downplay herself and make her look dumb, as she is in this situation and related to things he does.

"If you say so."

"...Young Master. I wish to understand how I could assist you~ After all, I am your maid~."

Qianye Ying'er started to push her looks now. She is quite eager to get this done!

"Hmm, then you should become a perfect maid and get acquainted with Chu Yuechan. She will tell you how long it took her to get to 'know' me." He said with a 'smile'.

'H–He rejected me!?'

The blonde reeled back! What in the world!?


"But what?"

"H-H-How can you decline!? Thousands of Realm Kings lined up to get my hand in marriage!"

"Oh? Good for them."


She ended up being lost for words.

A vast amount of anger and shame washed over her as she returned to her spot and started to brood.

Oh, how she wanted to leave and return to her small room and continue to cultivate!

But, if she did that, she would end up crippling herself. Yes, she is sure the Head Maid will tell her about the deal she has.

Qianye Ying'er is confident that the Head Maid will use her to get some brownie points from her Master by doing that.

~~~~~~Xiao Long~~~~~~

I briefly smirked as I watched how the blonde returned to her spot. That pure and utter shock on her perfect face.

It was beautiful. If I didn't know the information from my previous life, I would be a half step into a significant mess with this extremely dangerous golden rose.

Yes, Golden Rose. This woman is perfectly described as a flower with sharp and poisonous thorns.

Regardless after the episode with her, I returned to my work to perfect the pill reader.

The basics are done; the reader platform is finished, and the only thing left is the Computer Core.

The letter still sometimes mixes with the numbers.

So the command tablets were rearranged several times before the perfect display was achieved.

This caused me to grin as a pop-up appeared.


{[Basic Artefact Creation] Art Mastered}


{[Basic Artefact Creation] art has evolved into [Artefact Creation] art}

This was just beautiful to look at!

So after a few moments of giddiness, I returned to the test.

'One more time.'

I dropped the sensitivity pill into the circular array.

The runes started to glow.

[Profound Energy Sensitivity Boosting Pill]

[Effect: Magnification of Profound Energy Sensitivity]

[Potency: Up to Monarch]

[Duration: From ~36.4 hours to ~5.1 hours]

[Side effects: Disorientation]

'Hmmm, the time is still random-ish, but this is because of the cultivation differentiation.'

After testing the basic sensitivity, it was time to test the Vitality one.

[Vitality Root Pill]

[Effect: Permanent Vitality Boost]

[Potency: Depends on Lifeforce]

[Duration: None]

[Side effects: Limited use]

'Ah, simple and straightforward. Sometimes scary how this energy works.

'Sometimes I wonder how Profound energy can just rewire bloodlines and overwrite the very DNA of human beings, like Star God legacies.

'The moment you take in this unique, Profound Energy, it changes your bloodline and boosts your Cultivation to peak existence.

'Just where does this much energy come from?'


"Whatever. Now let's see this."

I sighed. It was no use to think about something far away from my humble abode.

Instead, I placed the new pill on the reader.

[Blood Erupting Pill]

[Effects: Overloads Blood Veins, Erupts Heart]

[Potency: Monarch?]

[Duration: Instantaneous]

[Side Effects: DEATH]

"Ugh…I guess I still need to work on this some more. Thankfully, I didn't just swallow it."


"Don't look at me like that. I just made a pill which erupts blood veins." I said to the blond who was looking at me. She was still spicy about that decline.

'Ah, so cute.'


After finishing the pill reader, I returned to working on blood pills.

The subsequent failure was a pill that could melt blood veins. With such a pill, one would become a lobster.

Then the third try was a blood vein pill which overloaded blood veins.

The fourth one, weirdly enough, was the blood vein regen pill.


'This is annoying; I need to find a specific runic letter as I am just going in circles.'

Eventually, after the twentieth try, I got what I wanted!

[Bloodline Purification Pill]

[Effects: Removes Impurities in Bloodlines]

[Potency: For Everyone]

[Duration: Instantaneous]

[Side effects: Loses Potency After Two Uses]

'Not bad, the Pill Reader finally shows better precision. I guess I just needed to gather more information.'

 After making this pill, I made another 50 of these.

Once I was done, my gaze went to the blonde who watched all of it. She was silent the whole time. Oh, she was angry that I declined her. The Goddess is even giving me the silent treatment.

"We are done for today. We can go see Grandmother." I motioned for her to follow.

"So what does this pill do?" The blonde eventually could not hold in and asked. I smirked when I heard the deep curiosity in her tone.

"It cleanses one's blood. This does two things. One is that, by nature, it improves one's potency of the bloodline, even if it's not the goal of it. Second, if you have a dormant bloodline, this could awaken it.

"Though this is not the end, I will make bloodline potency pills later to make this into a set of two pills."

I could hear how her breathing got chaotic for a second. Greed flashed through her beautiful golden eyes.

Truly a Goddess with an attitude.

"You like it, don't you?"

"Of course! Such pills! With this, you could become the number one most wanted man in the Realm of Gods!"

I know. With how much they are like beggars, anything like this will make their heads spin.

"I can guess it from your expression alone."

After talking with the greedy Goddess a bit more, I arrived at the pavilion where my grandmother was staying.

"It has been a few short days, Long'er. You have already finished it?"

"I did. I could have made it sooner, but I needed to be careful with blood-related pills."

As I said that, I pulled out three pills which looked like a crystalised vortex of blood in the shape of a pill.

"Just like Vitality pills, these only work three times. But it should be enough to improve the bloodline and its potency."

"Glorious! You made it happen so quickly!"

"Well, I did fail many times," I said with a shrug before making a table and two seats with my barrier walls.

After looking at the pills, my grandmother looked at who was behind me.

"Long'er… you made the Crown Princess of the Empire Beyond Heavens into a maid?" She asked with a baffled tone.

"No? She asked herself to be one."

"Huh? I thought you would take someone like her as your wife. Such a great opportunity."

By this point, Qianye Ying'er got slightly robotic, which made me laugh internally!

"I would have, most likely. After some negotiations, I could have done it, but she insisted on being a maid."

"W-Wait, what!?" She couldn't take it anymore and squeaked out. The blonde walked over to my side.

"Y-You saying that you would have married me!?"

"Maybe? It depends on what you could have offered, but now you are my maid. So, stuff like that is postponed until further notice."

Her head moved forward, then back, and her mouth opened, then closed. No words have left her lips.

"Anyway, Ying'er, be a good girl and bring us some tea."

The blonde stiffly nodded before flying away with her impressive speed.

"Such a curious girl. Why did she want to be a maid?" My grandmother asked me with a fascinated tone.

"I think she is a scheming type and didn't realise that she could just be direct about it," I said while taking my seat.

The Sovereign of the Seas followed suit and did the same.

"Hmm, interesting way to use barrier arts. It is not even that bad."

"Yes. I have been practising my art as much as I can."

She nodded at me before becoming a little more serious.

"Since we are talking like this, I want to address the situation around the continent."

I nodded at her and motioned to continue.

"Our Supreme Ocean Palace has been making 'friends'. Sun and Moon Divine Hall and Absolute Monarch Sanctuary are buying pills at a discounted rate; this puts them at our side.

however, we don't sell any of them to the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region."

Oh, I see. Do they want to deal with them?

"Any specific reason why you are leaving them out?" I asked her, pretending not to know.

"With the ascension of Xuanyuan Wentian, the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region became extremely power-hungry and focused less on the swordsmanship they are so proud of.

"The man used us to destroy the Fifth Sacred Ground, and by the time we realised that he had used us, it was destroyed, and we felt quite ashamed, so we erased any clues that it existed.

"I was not proud of that. The man was far too convincing as that family practised strange profound arts similar to that of devils and demons."

As she was saying, the blonde returned with the tea. I could see her forehead was slightly red. Did she bang her head?

'How cute.'


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