78.05% Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat / Chapter 280: The Taste Of Defeat

บท 280: The Taste Of Defeat

Read up to 18 chapters ahead! Celestia TIER patreons also get to read the first few chapters of my new series:

MHA - Return By Death.

https://pa treon.com/StickSwinger

Chill with us!



Hu Tao smiled widely, "Uwaaah...I lost again...My future husband is very smart when he feels like it!"

"...You lost in five moves...Hu Tao..." Yomite dryly replied. She was absolute trash at chess...

After Yomite watched Paimon and Lumine play a few more times, Hu Tao woke up and wandered around the house until she eventually found them.

She proclaimed herself to be the master chess player and wanted to take revenge for the "doggie" thing, so she went ahead and challenged Yomite, but not only did she lose, she also lost in just few moves!

How embarrassing was that?

"I'm gonna go outside to stretch a little, who wants to go with me?" Yomite asked.

"I am a bit angry with you, my Assistant, I will abstain." Hu Tao pouted.

She used to play chess with herself and a few ghosts, yet it seemed that all of her experience was for naught.

"Paimon wants to go with you! How about we go and buy some sweets!"

"I will also go with you, Party leader."

"Alright, let's go then."

He didn't go and ask the rest of the girls since Fischl was still asleep, and Barbara and Iris were still talking in her room

Once they got outside, somehow, they began talking about his old world.

"Paimon didn't think you were so smart, Good Tattoo! Chess takes a lot of effort to master!"

"Does it? I played chess ever since I was little. It doesn't seem hard to me. I can visualize it pretty well."

He was from Japan, meaning he had to either undergo Violin, chess or piano classes as a beginner package when he was a child, or else his free trial of living would end.

"Woah! Visualize it? Does that mean you've played mental chess before?"

"Ah, actually, yeah. I played it a few times."

"Paimon wants to play with you then!"

"Well...sure I guess. What game? Rapid, blitz, bullet, king of the hill or classical? Or does this world have some other variations I am ignorant about?"

"Eh!? Eeeh wait! Paimon didn't know there were more variations of chess!?"

"Ah, Paimon is so dumb sometimes, alright. We will go with classical then."

"Hey! Just because Paimon hasn't heard of those terms before, doesn't mean Paimon's dumb! "

"Just because you call me Bad Tattoo doesn't mean I need to fulfill your made-up expectations about me."




"...Paimon is silent."

She murmured under her breath.

"No, you're clearly still talking though? Let's move on....Which side do you want? "

"Oh! The white one!"

"Alright, that leaves me the black side—...if we were in my world, people would for sure complain about this one on some social medias..."


"It's nothing. Well, you begin." Yomite walked forward with Paimon flying next to his head and became mitten in the magic dust around them, emitted from her cape.

"Paimon chooses...Pawn E4!"

"Pawn E5." A swift response came from him, matching her.

In game theory, pawns were seen as little bugs, due to their speed at moving while occupying multiple tiles and most often being subjected to attacks by pieces already established on the board and sacrificed for the greater good.

The chess theory went by two ways; quantitative theory, where game was quantitatively measured, and strategic theory, which concentrated on the pieces themselves instead. Both were useful but the latter seemed to be more accurate.

After a few moves each, they had found themselves pretty much standing back to back, exchanging blows to see who could knock off their opponent's piece first.

Lumine was observing the two of them from behind, as Paimon and Yomite were battling it out inside of their minds.

Well, she had never seen anyone play a mental chess before, but she assumed from the name that the battle of wits would take place inside of their mind instead of a wooden board...

It was certainly interesting.

She wasn't entirely sure what kind of worlds these "fighters" were living in.

Or did they simply exist inside the intricacies of their own thoughts?

Were they actually so intelligent that they could play a chess game without a chessboard and set pieces on specific positions, and remember it all? Or were they just that good at creating an illusion to fool her? Maybe it was just an elaborate prank they conspired together?

This got into a new realm altogether, and her perception skills weren't nearly enough to comprehend it.

When Lumine played with Paimon, she could barely concentrate on the game when it was right in front of her, much less the entire board with positions and pieces not existing...

How was it even possible to play like this?

Things got intense after the battle for queen began. They stood toe to toe, each trying to knock off the other's pieces.

Soon it came down to the fact that they were either advancing, defending or playing bait, distracting each other. With neither able to gain an advantage or safe position yet, it started to get tedious.

Yomite smirked at the Fairy who continually kicked the air in front of her out of frustration.

"Paimon is getting annoyed now!"

"Less talking, more concentrating. Or else you might forget the position of all pieces and lose instantly."

"You don't know Paimon very well! Paimon is smart and never forgets!" The little fairy snapped back, still pouting, "Paimon hasn't lost a match ever since Paimon became Paimon! Just because you have a few tricks, doesn't mean Paimon has no counter-tricks! "

The fairy seemed to be rambling on about herself while looking smugly satisfied at sweet victory she would soon taste. It seemed that her attitude changed in the face of someone strong.

This wasn't like playing against Lumine, where her tactics were the same every time.

Yomite was showing some unpredictability in his strategies which allowed Paimon a small glimpse into the unknown, as if she were making sense of a puzzle piece for a brief moment before it fell into place and turned out being something completely different than what it initially appeared as...

Paimon held her head and muttered to herself after Yomite made a move to knock off her knight.

"Oh...Paimon missed that...?"

She was beginning to realize that Yomite's intelligence wasn't quite as simple. He was predicting her next moves.

He seemed to be great at reading the situation ahead of time and acting accordingly.

Once Paimon lost her knight, her rook soon followed and her defense fell apart completely.

He continued knocking off more pieces until she had nothing but the king piece left.


Paimon smiled, not so much triumphant but happy nonetheless, seeing how easily she had been beaten.

"Paimon's head is overheating...Paimon will go and take a quick rest!" She smiled once more, and disappeared into the air as she usually did when bored or exhausted.

At times like these, Yomite didn't know whether she teleported away somewhere or just turned invisible and rested mid-air. This mysterious little fairy was full of tricks none of them could comprehend.

"You did it! You avenged me." Lumine came to stand right in front of him with an expression of joy.

"Of course."

Stick_Swinger Stick_Swinger

Thank you, my kind Chinese Billionaires and Sugar Daddies who keep on sponsoring me:





Vadim G

hart l powell


Nicholas Castiglione


Kris Height


Rasheek Mahmud

Kataku Shimoatsu




Traveling Toaster




kris ross

Bloody Eclipse


Lucesky 9



Lawrence Craft



Ashton Mitcham

Brian Lock





บท 281: A Teapot Party!

Read up to 18 chapters ahead! Celestia TIER patreons also get to read the first few chapters of my new series:

MHA - Return By Death.

https://pa treon.com/StickSwinger

Chill with us!



A few hours later after Paimon had disappeared due to her loss in chess.

Yomite gathered all of the girls to tell them about the teapot he received from the old granny and Morax.

He explained that this was a symbol of her gratitude for his "kindness", which meant she wanted him to use it to his full advantage.

"Here are the special tokens you need in order to enter the teapot. I'm only giving it to you because I trust you all the most."

"Enter a...teapot? Yum-Yum I'm afraid I don't understand." Barbara said, looking slightly confused.

She felt embarrassed because everyone else seemed to have understood perfectly well what Yomite was talking about, while she didn't know at all.

"Yeah, Assistant, I'm also a bit confused." Eventually more and hands were raised so he was forced to give a better explanation.

"Alright, so...think of it as some sort of secret door into another world," Yomite replied.

"In order to enter that location, you need these tokens I'm currently holding in my hands. The place is great, trust me. Once I develop it a bit, it's bound to look even better."

"Oh! Could this be the primordial residence named Der Immernachtreich? Thou must take us there posthaste! We shall enjoy ourselves immensely!" Fischl urged.

She was sure that Yomite planned on building his kingdom over there. And no doubt, she'd help him by ruling their empire together once they got settled.

Her own Immernachtreich was just within reach, but it was definitely not enough for her. She had dreamed of conquering other worlds and expanding her dominion.

This world was just the start; there were far more wondrous places waiting out there for them!

As Yomite handed each and every one of them a token, he looked around, yet the floating fairy was still missing.

He planned to also give her a token, yet she wasn't present...

There wasn't anything wrong with that, since she could do whatever she wanted to do, however, since there was no way of entering the teapot without the token, and if all of them disappeared at once, Paimon might be confused where they went off to once she was back, and might think they abandoned her...

"Lumine, have you seen Paimon anywhere?"

"No, I haven't seen her ever since the chess game you two played. Maybe she ran away after being bullied...?"

"Oi... don't say it like that...we just played one chess game...you're making it out to be as if I beat her up or something..." Yomite objected.

He put the teapot on the ground and soon, the teapot started levitating in front of everyone's eyes. "Alright, now that everyone has their own token, hold it in your hands and think about wanting to enter the teapot."

Everyone followed his instructions and they ended up holding their respective tokens in their hands. They then closed their eyes tightly, trying hard to imagine a door opening right before them.

The smoke from within the teapot enveloped them and once they opened their eyes again, they noticed their surroundings had turned into a bright scenery with a yellow-brown horizon.

There was nothing else but an endless stretch of flat green land for miles and miles, and rivers that also seemed to stretch forever.

"Welcome back! Mr. Yomite. It's been some time!" The voice sounded cheerful, and it was definitely female...it belonged to the large finch bird who served as a maid to this place.

"Oh, I see. You've brought some guests! Welcome to our humble abode!" she exclaimed happily. "I'm called Tubby, and I'm the teapot spirit!"

Tubby appeared to be very happy to welcome them all, so much so she even seemed rather giggly.

"Woah! A Teapot spirit! We can afford something like that? Don't you know how valuable they are, Assistant?" Hu Tao immediately proceeded to pet the Finch on it's fluffy head while giggling like a child at her reaction.

It felt almost like she'd touched cotton candy for the first time, she couldn't stop herself from rubbing her fingers on it... "She really is cute! Just look at her face! She looks just like one of those 'dolly' characters in the books! Can we keep her?"

"What...how adorable...is this your pet, Yum-Yum?" Barbara asked while staring at the bird with wonder. She couldn't believe there was such a thing.

"Woah! That's amazing! So cute!" Fischl cried out.

Her words were not too different than those of Barbara or Hu Tao, yet after realizing she blew her usual demeanor out of proportion by jumping up and down in excitement, she tried her best to act normal and play it cool once more.

*Cough* "Cough"

"It ist as thou had said. This ought to be our first servant of doom, before we completely rebuild Der Immernachtreich! And thy title shall be 'The Spirit Knight!" Fischl declared proudly as if she'd found the perfect title for the Finch Bird.

She then started acting as if she owned the world and began rambling about how they needed a loyal royal guard here that would serve them faithfully until their eventual perpetual death.

Lumine also went ahead and pet Tubby like a dog, and so did Iris who seemed to feel a certain particular emotion towards Tubby.


Her saliva glands seemed to have been awakened, perhaps because of her overwhelming desire to eat the Finch in front of her eyes. Her mouth even moved unconsciously, wanting to taste it.

It felt kind of embarrassing for her though, so she closed her lips tightly without biting into it. "You're...quite an interesting creature..."

"Woah, Mr. Yomite! All of your friends are so nice! You must be very blessed!"

"That's right. Please treat them well like you'd do me. There'll probably be lots of fun times ahead." Yomite replied.

After the introductions were over, the girls ran all around and scouted the surrounding area. They took in the sights that the scenery offered.

Hu Tao and Fischl took of their shoes and socks and chased each other through the river, splashing and playing in the water.

Iris kept asking Tubby questions whether she was edible or whether there were more of her kind, but it didn't seem she got any response back.

Lumine brought out her fishing rod with its hook-shaped lure on it from her inventory. She cast the line into the water and began waiting for something to bite.

Yomite soon joined her, but didn't have a fishing rod, so Lumine handed him her spare one instead, while giggling happily to herself at the thought of them being married after her journey was over.

She taught him how to fish using her own tricks and tips. It seemed she enjoyed teaching people new things quite often.

Paimon still wasn't anywhere to be seen...

Lumine used this chance and leaned her head on Yomite's shoulder as they sat down beside each other in the grassy field by the river bank, waiting for fish to bite.

The scenery looked so peaceful it almost felt like heaven itself; it could make anyone fall in love instantly and Lumine had fallen for it completely.

This place really was perfect, wasn't it? She always dreamed of growing old with her future loved one, basking under the sun with nothing else than tranquil nature all around them.

The sound of flowing water surrounded them while the smell of fresh air filled their lungs. And just sitting here with him made everything feel just right.

"I love you so much." Her words slipped out naturally without even realizing it herself.

"Lumine," he answered, smiling warmly next to her ear. "You don't need to say it so often, your confession early into the morning is still fresh in my memory. I'll never forget it." He suddenly hugged her tight, before settling his head on her soft thighs.

The moment his short hair brushed against her skin, Lumine let out an enticing "Mn~", but soon proceeded to stroke his head tenderly and run her fingers through his dark locks.

Pulling on his bangs and poking her finger into his cheeks, Lumine happily played with Yomite's head.

Knowing that it was an expression of her affection, he didn't feel the slightest urge to push her fingers away.

"Are you tired? You must be..."

She gently stroked his hair away from his eyes and smiled at the sight of him resting like this.

Yomite didn't say anything back and simply took hold of Lumine's hand and kissed her palm softly.

She then held him close in a loving embrace.

It seemed like they were both lost in their own world where there wasn't a single thing bothering them anymore...where they would live peacefully together forever.

Lumine leaned downwards towards Yomite's lips, pecking lightly as if afraid to mess up what she'd started.

Yomite wrapped his arms around Lumine as she got closer, forcefully kissing her as if to make sure she wouldn't escape once again.

"Wah-Wait! Yomite! I caught a fish! A fish! Wai-!?"

Lumine tried to break free from Yomite's kiss for just one second to pull the fish up, but before she could, he grabbed the fishing rod out of her hands and threw it aside.

"No fish will be interrupting us." He chuckled while leaning forward with the utmost care and passion, deepening their kiss even more intensely.

"Can I join you two?" A sweet voice interrupted their lovey dovey moment when Barbara appeared beside them, sitting on the other side of Yomite.

"Sure." Lumine replied calmly even though their beautiful moment was interrupted by her.

Still, Lumine owed everything to Barbara, as she was the person who essentially made her confess her feelings to Yomite in the first place. She couldn't deny that fact nor could she tell her not to come over.

And so, Barbara joined in.

She noticed that his head was already being caressed, so she decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity herself, and began massaging his neck and shoulders, her slender fingers stroked his smooth skin lovingly.

"You sure are amazing, both of you," he muttered from within their embrace.

He took hold of Barbara's long pigtails and pressed them against his lips as a show of affection. This gesture only encouraged her further as she continued to massage him all over the place.

Meanwhile, Hu Tao and Fischl were still playing in the river, splashing each other playfully like children, until Hu Tao slipped and brought Fischl down with her into the water; they were completely soaked up afterwards, yet they didn't mind at all since they were having such fun together.

As they lay on top of each other inside the river, Hu Tao suddenly spoke up: "I have something I need to say..."

Fischl's ears perked up upon hearing those words. What could she possibly want to talk about?

"Tonight, I plan on going to Assistant's room...would you come with me?" She asked softly.

"What for? To help out with something? Does he want help cleaning his room again? This Prinzessin thought Noelle's cleaning was superb!" Fischl asked back curiously.

Hu Tao grinned and whispered something in her ear.

Instantly, Fischl's face turned red when she heard what her best friend had in mind for tonight.

"H-How depraved! This Prinzessin shan't go! That'd be too shameful!"




And so, several peaceful hours had passed, and it was now night.

Everyone said goodbye to Tubby and promised to return soon.

A whole day had passed in the blink of an eye and Yomite fell into his bed after showering, utterly exhausted.

However, sleep eluded him and he tossed and turned through the sheets as he tried to find his way towards slumber.

Soon, he felt like he could hear voices whispering in the hallway outside of his door. He stopped moving for a moment while listening closely but could not make anything out.

The door to his room then opened without any prior notice and Fischl with Hu Tao walked in.

He sat up on his bed to get a better look at his intruders and realized that both girls were only wearing a towel around their bodies; their hair wet and their skin flushed pink from the heat of the bath.

The small towel did its hardest to keep them covered from head to toe, which made them alluring enough to cause one's heart to stop beating right there.

They walked into Yomite's room and sat on his bed, smiling mischievously while making themselves comfortable on either side of him. It seemed they planned on having some fun with him tonight.

Yomite was tired and wished to sleep a bit, but now it was evident he wouldn't have that luxury for much longer.

The whole night was about to be spent in entertainment and excitement by two beautiful women...


(Insert Fischl/Hu Tao/Yomite threesome scene later, now I am really not in the best mood to write anything with smut, later.)

Stick_Swinger Stick_Swinger

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