99.24% Warlock of the Magus World – Redux / Chapter 131: Newcomer

บท 131: Newcomer

"Now, let us discuss your first assignment…" Reynold said, his gaze fixed intently on Leylin. "According to Wade and Tyne, you possess extraordinary talent in Potioneering. Such a prodigy cannot be overlooked. After careful consideration, I have decided to include you in the order's First Potioneering Team. Do you have any objections?"

"I couldn't wish for anything better, my lord. I assure you, I will strive to meet your expectations," Leylin replied with a charming smile. If he set his mind to it, he could be the most charismatic and smooth-talking man alive.

Given the nature and origin of the Four Seasons Garden, there were likely hundreds, if not thousands, of Potioneering teams within the order, alongside alchemy and battle teams. The organization encompassed all aspects of arcane research and the development of new spells and technologies. It was a vast and intricate network dedicated to the pursuit of magical excellence.

However, Leylin's true intention was to secure a stable source of high-grade arcane resources and use the organization as a platform for more worthwhile ventures in the future. He had no desire to risk his life in battles or serve as a mere foot soldier. His ambitions were far greater, and he saw the Four Seasons Garden as a stepping stone to achieving his ultimate goals.

Joining the First Potioneering Team was no small feat. The requirements were exceedingly high, and the team was likely composed exclusively of official Magi of great skill and renown. Reynold's offer clarified the current state of the organization. Assigning Leylin to such a prestigious position immediately indicated that the Four Seasons Garden was in a period of decline. The once-great institution was now struggling to maintain its former glory.

If the order could produce great talents on its own, they wouldn't have been so eager to recruit Leylin. His high-standing position, despite being a newcomer, signaled the organization's desperate need for new geniuses to revitalize it and nurture acolytes who could restore its former glory. Leylin understood this well and planned to leverage this opportunity to his advantage, ensuring that he would not only meet but exceed the expectations placed upon him.

As Reynold continued to discuss the specifics of Leylin's new role, Leylin listened attentively, already formulating strategies in his mind. According to the old man's words, the Magus leading the team was not fond of newcomers, especially those granted special privileges like Leylin. 

Leylin's calculated display of his innate skill and power had undoubtedly aided his promotion. However, he was not naive enough to believe this wouldn't also earn him many enemies on his first day as a new guest professor.

"Alright!" Reynold snapped his fingers, and Wade entered the room once more. "Wade, escort Leylin to Lord Decarte's tower. Regarding the Moonflower Flame incident, I believe there are better ways to handle it… we'll discuss it later."

"Yes, my lord." Wade bowed deeply and led Leylin away after he had bid farewell to the chairman.

"What do you think? My mentor is a good person, right?" Wade asked Leylin, his voice tinged with pride and a hint of jealousy. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and possessiveness, eager for Leylin to share in his high regard for his mentor.

"He is a wise Magus, worthy of admiration," Leylin replied, aligning his words with the general sentiment he had observed among the other magicians. He knew it was prudent to echo the respect that others held for Wade's mentor, even if he had yet to form his own opinion.

"Ha ha… everyone says that. Come, let me introduce you to the Potioneering team. Lord Decarte might be a bit difficult, being overly conservative, but he diligently cultivates truly talented young magicians," Wade continued, his tone shifting to one of casual camaraderie. He seemed eager to share more about the inner workings of the academy.

Wade divulged quite a bit of information without much thought, perhaps trying to stoke any apprehension Leylin might have about his first assignment. Leylin listened intently, absorbing every detail. He knew that understanding the dynamics of the Potioneering team would be crucial for his success.

As they reached the end of the hallway, a magician in white and gold robes emerged from a shadowy alcove. The air around him seemed to grow colder, and Leylin felt a chill run down his spine.

This magician exuded a twisted and chilling murderous aura, accompanied by faint howls from vengeful spirits, causing Leylin to be on high alert. The very presence of this figure seemed to warp the atmosphere, making the air feel heavy and oppressive.

The most striking feature of the magician was the vertical third eye in the middle of his forehead. Unlike his regular blue eyes, this yellow eye was always open, devoid of feeling or sensation, sending a shiver down one's spine. It seemed to pierce through Leylin, as if seeing into the depths of his soul.

The eye's unblinking stare was unnerving, and Leylin's battle instincts kicked in. He seemed unfazed, but inwardly, Leylin had already come up with various counter-attacks in case this mysterious figure tried anything.

"Wade, this insolent brat doesn't seem to know his place. Why hasn't he bowed down to me?" the three-eyed Magus demanded coldly, his voice echoing through the dimly lit corridor. With a swift motion, he extended his hand, unleashing an icy barrage of Spiritual Force that pounced onto Leylin like a ravenous beast.

Leylin, however, stepped forward to meet the incoming wave, effortlessly batting away the energy with his hand that was covered in his characteristic black-crimson aura. His eyes glinted with a mixture of defiance and amusement as he faced the formidable attack head-on.

The clash caused the walls of the passage to collapse, followed by a small tremor that reverberated through the ancient structure. Dust and debris filled the air as many acolytes and a Magus emerged from nearby classrooms and offices, watching intently but remaining silent and still, their expressions a mix of awe and fear.

As their Spiritual Forces collided, Leylin sensed a strong aura of fresh blood emanating from his opponent's energy. The odor was so intense that Leylin nearly succumbed to his feral impulse to annihilate anything in his path, a primal urge gnawing at the back of his mind, born from his bloodline. His heart pounded in his chest, the beast within him roaring to be unleashed.

Calming himself with a deep breath, Leylin observed that his opponent's level of Elemental Essence Conversion far surpassed that of semi-converted elemental Magi. The sheer power radiating from the three-eyed Magus was overwhelming. Had the attack been more potent, Leylin's Spiritual Force would have collapsed under the pressure. Instead, it was merely a probing attack. The enigmatic figure had intended to test Leylin's strength, to gauge the depths of his power.

"I am not obliged to bow to you. The Chairman himself bestowed upon me the title of 'Lord,' making him the only person to whom I owe such courtesy. If you have any complaints, take them up with him," Leylin declared resolutely, his unwavering gaze causing onlookers to dismiss him as an arrogant fool. Little did they know, he was entirely justified in his stance.

The three-eyed magician looked at Leylin with bewilderment, his third eye narrowing slightly. "Your Spiritual Force is commendable, but it remains inadequate to challenge someone of my stature…"

Without another glance at Leylin, the magician moved past them, his robes billowing dramatically. Clearly, he had been attempting to flaunt his prowess and humiliate Leylin in front of the gathered crowd.

"Are you hurt?" Wade asked, feigning concern while secretly pleased that someone so powerful had taken notice of the newcomer. His eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and hidden satisfaction.

"Not at all," Leylin replied nonchalantly, his eyes following the departing three-eyed magician with a hint of curiosity. "Who is he, by the way?"

"He is Lord Caesar, the former personal apprentice to Chairman Reynold. He is one of the top battle Magi in the entire Four Seasons Garden. He's also in charge of the Hunting Team, and our deputy commander," Wade explained, his voice tinged with a mix of respect and bitterness.

Wade's lips curled into a bitter smile as he continued, "Lord Caesar believes that foreign magicians will only harm the unity of the Four Seasons Garden. He thinks recruiting new official Magi should be banned. It seems his views align with those of Lord Decarte, who has always been wary of outsiders."

As if afraid that Leylin would worry too much, he added, "Of course, Lord Reynold does not agree with his point of view. Furthermore, my mentor was the apprentice of one of the founders of this organization, so he holds great influence. At present, the Four Seasons Garden's high committee is still in favor of recruiting new magicians…"

'Head of the hunting team and deputy commander… huh?' Leylin glared in the direction of Lord Caesar, a ray of crimson light flashing from his eyes.

'Aralis, run a simulation of the opponent's strength based on available data.'

[Based on the Spiritual Force emitted by that Three-Eyes, his strength is estimated to be at around peak Rank 1 Magus. Elemental Essence Conversion above 80%…]

'With this kind of power, he resembles the elder from the Lilytell Family. If I were to fight him, my victory would not be guaranteed…' Tons of elaborate schemes swirled around in Leylin's mind as he pondered his next move.

"Be that as it may, let me bring you to the Potioneering team." Wade quickly changed the topic, and Leylin followed without comment.

Along the way, Wade tried his best to discuss other topics, hoping Leylin would forget about the earlier danger. He did not wish for Leylin to run away scared; he wanted him to stay and face his demise slowly. 

As they walked through the winding corridors of the Four Seasons Garden, Wade pointed out various landmarks and shared anecdotes about the history of the organization. He spoke of legendary magicians who had once walked these halls and the groundbreaking potions that had been developed within these very walls. Leylin nodded occasionally, his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of an impending confrontation with the Three-Eyed Magus.

"After joining the Four Seasons Garden, you have the option to live here permanently in one of our staff dorms, free of charge. However, life here can be quite monotonous. Therefore, many prefer to simply own a home in Teljose City, allowing them to rest and unwind from time to time," Wade explained responsibly, setting clear expectations for Leylin. His tone was firm yet kind, ensuring Leylin understood the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

After navigating several forks in the road, they arrived at a stone bridge suspended mid-air over an overhanging cliff, leading to a lush botanic garden. The floor beneath them was made of gleaming metal, and the pristine white surroundings evoked a sense of returning to a laboratory from Leylin's past life. The air was filled with the faint hum of machinery and the subtle, earthy scent of growing plants.

Transparent glass lined both sides of the path, revealing rows of planters containing a variety of exotic plants. Walking Earth Grass, Giant Food Flowers, Face Vines… With just a casual glance, Leylin identified countless precious plants, some of which were crucial ingredients for cultivating Spiritual Force, albeit only effective for acolytes. The plants seemed to pulse with a faint, magical energy, their vibrant colors and unusual shapes creating a mesmerizing display.

While any newly recruited Rank 1 Magus would be awestruck by these wonders, Leylin remained unfazed. He had witnessed the grandeur of the Great Magus Serholm's Dylan Gardens, and these ingredients paled in comparison to the marvels he had seen before. The memory of those gardens, with their towering trees and shimmering flowers, filled him with a sense of nostalgia and a reminder of the heights he still aspired to reach.

Wade, noticing Leylin's composed demeanor, couldn't help but feel a twinge of respect. "You're not easily impressed, are you?" he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Most newcomers are overwhelmed by the sight of these gardens."

Leylin smiled slightly, his eyes reflecting a depth of experience beyond his years. "I've seen a lot in my time," he replied, his voice calm and steady. "But I'm always eager to learn more."

As they continued their walk, Wade began to explain the significance of each plant, detailing their uses and the intricate care required to cultivate them. Leylin listened intently, absorbing the information and mentally cataloging it for future use. 

The path eventually led them to a vast, open expanse teeming with exotic flora, each plant more mesmerizing than the last. In the heart of this botanical wonderland stood a towering five-story edifice, constructed from a mysterious concrete that shimmered and glowed when kissed by the light at certain angles. The building exuded an aura of ancient magic, its walls whispering secrets of a bygone era.

"We've arrived. This is the Potioneering headquarters," Wade announced, guiding Leylin through the lush, verdant garden filled with exotic plants and vibrant flowers. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flora, and the gentle hum of magical energy was palpable. They stopped in front of two enormous stone statues that resembled fearsome monsters, their eyes glowing with an eerie purple light.

"Password!" one of the statues demanded, its voice echoing ominously through the garden.

"Inform your Lord that I've brought the new member. And also, don't amuse yourself with jokes! If it happens again, I'll have my mentor replace all the guarding systems in this facility. You know I have that power!" Wade bellowed at the statue, his voice filled with authority and a hint of irritation.

The enormous stone monster bowed in shame, clearly understanding Wade wasn't joking, and moved aside to let them pass. The other statue remained silent, its eyes following them as they walked through.

"These statues were manufactured defectively. The creator mistakenly infused them with mischievous spirits. Just ignore them," Wade explained as they continued down a cobblestone path lined with luminescent mushrooms.

"Mischievous spirits? How… peculiar," Leylin mused, recalling a passage from an illustrated handbook he had read during his studies. The idea of spirits causing trouble within such a prestigious institution was both amusing and intriguing.

As they spoke, a tunnel behind the statues opened, revealing a grand auditorium. A magnificent gold chandelier hung from the ceiling, its numerous giant candles illuminating the vast space with a warm, golden glow. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting legendary Potioneers and their greatest achievements.

Inside, unusually long white birch tables were laden with all sorts of delicacies, from enchanted pastries that sparkled with magic to steaming cauldrons of aromatic brews. Hundreds of acolytes were present, with the occasional Magus sitting far apart. The Magi huddled together, chatting amiably and exchanging notes. The difference in status between acolytes and Magi was evident, as they sat at separate tables.

On the dais stood a middle-aged Magus, his presence commanding the fear of every lesser Potioneer in the room. His robes were adorned with symbols of power, and his eyes sparkled with wisdom and experience. As he began to speak, the room fell silent, every ear eager to catch his words of wisdom.

"Allow me to introduce Lord Decarte, the head of the First Potioneering Team. He is a Magus at the peak of Rank 1 and on the verge of breaking through to Rank 2," Wade announced with a respectful smile. As the two approached the dais, Wade bowed deeply to Decarte before turning to Leylin.

"Lord Decarte, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I am Lord Leylin Farlier, the newly appointed guest professor in your department," Leylin said graciously, his tone firm and resolute, bracing himself for any potential backlash.

"Well, since I've escorted Leylin here, I will be taking my leave…" Wade whispered, slipping away from the building as if he anticipated the storm that was about to unfold.

The balding Magus threw his head back and erupted into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. "What nonsense?! Lord Leylin, he says! Hahahaha!" His laughter echoed through the chamber, bouncing off the stone walls and filling the air with a mocking tone.

After a moment, he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and fixed his gaze on the young man standing before him. "First of all," he began, his voice dripping with disdain, "don't even try to exert any type of pressure on me by using titles. I will NOT give you special treatment just because the Chairman thinks you're worth the waste of resources."

He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the young man. "I can see through you," he hissed, his voice low and menacing. "You're nothing but a filthy leech, a pretender here to steal our formulas and ingredients!"

Leylin remained unmoved, growing bored by the exchange. "I assure you, my intentions are—"

"Silence!" the Magus interrupted, raising a hand to cut him off. "Your intentions are irrelevant. I know your kind all too well. You come here with your fancy titles and grand promises, but in the end, you're just here to take what isn't yours."

Contrary to what the onlookers expected, Leylin smiled charmingly. "I am here to learn and contribute, Lord. You will see in due time."

The Magus sneered, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "Yes, we shall!" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But mark my words, I will be watching you closely. One wrong move, and you'll regret ever setting foot in this place."

Leylin was about to take his leave from the dais but was stopped by another bout of laughter from the haughty Decarte.

Decarte's voice oozed with contempt as he confronted Leylin. "I've heard all about your pathetic performance in the trial. You only won by sabotaging your fellow participants. Disgusting! Your technique was atrocious, or so I've been told! From now on, we'll be colleagues, and everything you do will reflect on me and my team. You'd better start refining your potion-brewing skills immediately!" His words were accentuated by the spray of saliva from his plump lips. "Now, get out of my sight!"

With a snap of Decarte's fingers, two magicians stepped forward, blocking access to the dais as if to prevent Leylin from making any sudden moves. Leylin simply turned around wearing a blank expression.

[That actually went better than expected. And I guess we already know who spread those lies.] Aralis chimed in.

'Yes, we do. And I honestly couldn't care less,' Leylin thought with a smirk. He was going to relish the opportunity to crush anyone who dared to offend him. But he knew it would take time.

Leylin moved past everyone, who, of course, ignored him to avoid falling out of their mentor's favor, and arrived at an empty seat by the window.

Only then did he have the chance to size up Decarte, the formidable yet thoughtless Potioneering team leader. Decarte wore white robes embroidered with intricate green plant designs.

His facial features were common, bordering on ugly, denoting advanced age but not to the extent of the Chairman. A dark green headband adorned his forehead, making him look somewhat ridiculous and out of touch.

Around Leylin, a couple of servants dressed glamorously stood out. From the aura they gave off, they were level 3 acolytes from noble families.

He took a look around. In this auditorium alone, there were at least thirty official Magi and countless acolytes. This was only a Potioneering team, yet in terms of overall strength, it had already surpassed the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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