Raf was still in the living room with the two guards and the couple, waiting for the police. He was also anxiously waiting for any word from his uncle. All he wanted was to know where Sabrina was, so he could save her from the people who took her.
He did not care if he had to put his life in danger. It did not matter if he died as long as he made sure that Sabrina and his babies would be alright. He could not stand the waiting, even though it had been just a few minutes since they had called the police.
"Are you sure that you did not see anything that would indicate the identity of the men who took Sabrina?" He asked again the two guards who were now sitting on the living room sofa.
"We did not see much since it was dark outside, and it happened so fast. The men were all wearing black and a hood on their faces." One of the guards said.
Please feel free to tell me what you think of my book... I still consider myself a newbie writer... I try to do my best, but I am sure that there would be some or more who would not like my work... I welcome your opinion and would like to learn from them... Just take note that if you put an offensive word to your comment, it will be deleted by WN from the comment section... Other readers will not be able to see it... But rest assured that I will read it in my personal inbox and reply to it cordially.
Thanks again to those who still support my work, comments and even votes... I appreciate it very much.