25.31% Autumn / Chapter 20: Week 10 - pt 2

บท 20: Week 10 - pt 2

15th November

Daniel smiled at Autumn. ‘So how are you today?’

‘Okay I guess.’


‘Look.’ They both chimed.

‘You first.’

‘No you.’

‘I know that we were supposed to meet up and do our assignment, but with everything that’s been going on we’ve sort of found it hard to. So… I spoke to our communes tutor he gave us an extension and said we could study this morning . He’s spoke to our other tutors and they agreed to it so we’ll be given out work to do at the end of the day.’

‘Is he feeling okay?’

‘I guess he’s got he end away he seemed in a good mood.’


‘So are we okay to go into the library to do this?’


‘We’ll meet up Saturday and try and rap it up. He wants it in by Tuesday.’


‘So are we ready to do this?’


They walked up to the library going onto the computers listening to music to help them to concentrate in the work log ahead.

Daniel nudged Autumn. She pulled her head phones off. ‘Time to go.’


‘Yeah we’ve got to got break them lesson before lunch. She stopped the music turning the computer off. ‘So did you get a lot done?’

‘A bit.’

‘We’ll meet up Saturday at eleven by the lake and hopefully we’ll finish it.’


They pulled themselves up slipping their flash drives into their inside blazer pockets, levign the library.

Connor wrapped his arms around her kissing her cheek. ‘So what were you doing in the library, were you being a boffin?’

‘No our commune tutor allowed us to talked time out from lessons to do our assignments.’

‘He feeling okay.’

‘I guess.’

‘So have you finished?’

‘Almost, we’ve got to go through it, type it up then print it.’

‘So do I get you to myself this weekend?’

‘Sorry Con but me and Dan have to finish the assignment he wants it in on Tuesday.’

‘Oh okay.’

‘I’ll meet you about four.’

‘Sure that’s long enough?’

‘Yeah It will be. Won’t it Dan?’

‘Yeah it should be.’


The bell rang.

‘Come on let’s get to lesson.’

They all walked down the corridor saying their goodbyes before their next lesson.

‘Hey wait up red.’


‘Where were you in lesson I missed you.’

‘Sorry me and Dan are a little behind with our assignment.’

‘I see.’

‘We are. Our tutor cleared it with our other tutors so we could have time to sort it out.’

‘And did you?’

‘Some of it yes.’

‘Oh here’s the work from the lesson. We have homework too.’


‘So Sunday good for you?’


‘Cool I’ll see you then.’

‘Thanks Stenton.’

‘No probs.’

He jogged away as she continued walking down the corridor where she met Connor and the others in the que for lunch.

‘Where you been babe.’

‘Talking to Stenton he gave me the work from today.’

‘That’s nice if him.’

‘I guess we have homework.’


‘Yeah I know. We’re doing it Sunday.’

‘So another late meet up.’

‘I’m sorry Con I have to finish assignments and homework.’

‘It’s cool I best do mine too.’

‘We all have to.’

They all went into the dinner hall after acquiring their lunch sitting down.

They all walked home after school ended saying goodbye to their friends.

‘You okay Con? You haven’t said much.’

‘I’m okay babe.’

‘I’m sorry Con everything seems to be coming all at once.’

‘It’s okay babe.’

‘Are you sure?’

He turned looking int her eyes. ‘I said daint I?’

‘Yeah but..’

‘Look babe we’ve got all the next hols to spend together.’

‘I know.’

‘We’ll be spending a lot of time together once the mocks begin after next year.’

She looked nervously at him.

‘It’ll be okay babe. You’ll have have me, Dan and the guys to study with.’

‘So you’re letting me study with Dan?’

‘Like I have much choice. You have lessons together.’

‘I know.’

‘It’ll be okay babe I promise.’

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her

He moved away. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’


‘Later babe.’

‘Later Con.’

He smiled turning walking away. She walked away heading home.

16th November

Daniel and Autumn met on the lake side sitting down. ‘So are you ready?’


‘Let’s do this.’

They opened there laptops up and turned them on, logging on putting their flash drives in finding their assignments continuing finding out the rest of the information before putting them together.

They dropped to the grass in relief. ‘Well that’s finally done. Now all we’ve got to do is print it up.’

‘I’ll do it.’

‘Are you sure? I mean I can if you like.’

‘Maybe it’s best if we both do just in case.’


He looked at her his green eyes sparkled in hers, under his Mohawk.’It’s been good today.’


‘Pity we haven’t got longer.’

‘Shit Con. What time is it?’

‘Almost six.’

‘I have to go Dan. I have to meet Con.’

‘By the bridge.’


He kissed her quickly. ‘I’ll walk with you and leave you by the bridge to wait for Con and to what ever plans you may have together.’

They pulled themselves up putting their laptops in their bags walking away to the bridge. ‘I’ll see you Monday babe.’ He said pecking her on the cheek.


‘Later red.’

‘Later Dan.’

He walked away as she lit a cigarette. Connor placed his hands over her eyes. ‘Guess who?’

‘The boogy man!!’

‘Ha ha funny.’

‘I thought so.’

‘Guess again.’


He took his hands off her eyes kissing her cheek. ‘Come on we’ll drop your laptop off and we can go for a walk in the park.’


They walked away from the bridge taking Autumns lap top back telling her mom she wouldn’t be late back.’What about supper?’

‘It’s okay Miss. Cleveland we’re getting something to eat while we’re out.’

‘Are you sure Connor?’

‘I’m sure it’s my pleasure.’

‘Okay I’ll see you later.’

‘Bye mom.’

‘Later Miss. Cleveland.’

‘Bye you two.’

Autumn closed the door behind them. ‘You don’t have to buy me supper. I mean..’

‘I don’t mind babe.’ He said dropping his arm over her shoulders as they walked away. ‘So we’ll go to the flicks tomorrow.’

‘Sounds good.’

‘You okay to go to the guys tomorrow.’

‘I don’t know Con. Dan.’

‘We’re cool.’

‘Are you sure.’

‘Yep. So we on?’


He smiled as they walked imo the park getting hotdogs and coke.

They sat on the bench his arm lay lifeless on the back of the bench. ‘It’s been good babe maybe we should just chill sometimes.’

‘Yeah we should.’

He pulled her close she lay in his chest. ‘We can do this next weekend if you like, just me and you.’

No reply. ‘Autumn.’ He said looking down, she lay sleeping on him this girl would sleep anywhere. He kissed her brow. The barking dogs and arguing woke her. ‘What time is it?’

‘Almost nine.’

‘I’m sorry Con I…’

‘It’s cool babe.’

They pulled themselves up walking out of the park heading towards the lake. He looked at her. ‘Try not to fall asleep during the film tomorrow aye.’

‘I won’t, and don’t forget I’m meeting Stenton at nine.’

‘Gee he’s early what’s he gonna do shit the bed?’

‘He said they were going to relatives in the afternoon so he asked me if we could meet as early as possible.’

‘So I’ll meet you around twelve and we’ll grab something to eat and go to the flicks, then the guys okay .’


He kissed her softly. ‘So here tomorrow at twelve.’


‘Would you like to chill in the park next weekend too.’

‘That would be nice.’

He smiled. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘You will.’

‘Night babe.’

‘Night Con.’

He turned walking away She walked over the bridge sitting down lighting a cigarette. Gaz approached her. ‘So Are you ready to go?’

She looked up. ‘I don’t know Gaz..I..’

‘Come on babe we can get to know one another.’


He smiled holding his hand out, she too it and he pulled, her up. She quickly pulled it away.

‘What’s wrong Autumn it’s what couples do.’

‘I can’t.’

‘Con right.’

‘He doesn’t know none of them do..’

‘Sure let’s go.’

They walked away from the lake heading for the cemetery.

He opened the gates taking her hand in his he could tell her reservations and unease after what had happened Halloween.’it’s cool autumn I’m here there’s nothing in there, but the dead and they ain’t gonna pop up anytime soon. Come on.’ He led her into the cemetery closing gate behind the, leading her over to the office he opened the door leading her in. He closed the door behind them dropping her hand out of his. ‘Sit down babe.’

She feel onto the sofa he placed the helmets down making them both a coffee. ‘You didn’t have to get all dressed up for me.’

‘I didn’t. I always go out like this.’

‘I remember the first time that we met.’ He said sitting down.

‘Me too.’

He moved closer. Slipping his arm over the back of the sofa. ‘I hope that it don’t bring too many band vibes.’

‘No I just didn’t expect to come back here.’

‘I liked you then.’

She looked at him.

‘I remember seeing you at the track you scared the shit out of all of us. I ain’t never seen an accident like that before.’

‘Guess you have now.’

‘What happened Halloween?’

‘I blocked it all out. I can’t remember anything.’

‘I’m glad Jae brought you into the cemetery that night. I’m glad I got a proper chance to meet you. I’m glad you gave me a chance I never thought that you would.’

She smiled nervously.

He glided his hand down her face, curling her hair in his fingers making her more nervous. ‘I hope that we can spend more time together.’

‘Don’t you work every night?’

‘Not all of them no. I’m down the Go Carting track till three every day unless it’s the hols then I’m there till six. I only do three nights here. We can spend more time together. He edged closer. ‘We could get to know each other better.’

She sat nervously as his lips touched hers kissing her. ‘Just relax okay, we’re on our own.’

‘Apart from the dead.’

He laughed. ‘Who they gonna tell?’

She looked at him.

He pressed his lips back on hers kissing her passionately his tongue slipping in. He placed his hand on her leg, nerving her kissing her us hungrily. He moved away passing her her coffee. ‘Here babe.’

‘Thanks.’ She said taking it off him.

He smiled. ‘So how’s school been?’


‘So have you got a lot of course work to do?’

‘A bit.’

‘I remember when I was there they knew how to pile it on and you had to get it done or you’d be in shit and not just by your tutor for that subject but by the head too. That sour faced bitch she sure knew how to get in your face about anything. And she did, if it wasn’t your uniform, your hair or the shoes that you wore it would be piercings.’

‘So nothings changed.’

‘I guess not Jae said she’s a right bitch no one takes any notice of her.’

‘I noticed.’

‘So how do you like it there?’

‘Okay I guess.’

‘So it still has all the I’m it your shit people in it.’


‘Guess things never change.’

‘I guess they don’t.’

‘So which school did you attend before you ended up at that dump.’

‘One in the city.’

‘Bet it was better than that one.’

‘I guess.’

‘So why did you leave.’

‘Mom got promoted so we moved down here.’

‘Sweet. I’m glad you did.’ He edged forward. ‘We can make a go of this Autumn.’

She swallowed the mugs went down onto the coffee table.

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her passionately almost swallowing her almost suffocating her as he kissed her harder and harder. His tongue slipping in she felt breathless as he continued. His hand on her waist as he continued. He moved away. ‘I’ll meet you tomorrow night okay after Con has gone I don’t start till nine tomorrow so we’ll spend some time alone before I do okay.’


‘I should’ve chose to ignore Connor at the bonfire he can be such a dick.’

‘He’s my friend and he was looking out for me.’

‘I know. He just has to realise that you’re your own person and it’s not his choice to make on who you decide to see or not it’s yours.’

‘I know.’

‘Come on. I best be getting you back it’s getting late.’

He took her hand pulling her to her feet, switching the cameras on taking her hand leading her out of the office through the cemetery closing and locking the gates behind them.. He walked her to the bridge by the lake. ‘I’ll se you tomorrow okay here.’


He pressed his lisp on hers kissing her hungrily. He moved away.

‘I have to go Gaz.’

‘Sure I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Night Gaz.’

‘Night Autumn.’

She walked away he stood watching her till she opened the front door stepping in closing it behind her. He turned walking away.

17th November

Autumn met Stenton at the café he’d asked her early this morning if it was okay she

agreed and they’d met outside and gone in ordering coffee sitting down getting their work out.

‘You okay with this red homework then the course work.’


‘So did you get your work done.’

‘Yeah I was up late Monday finishing it.’

‘And you other course work.’

‘It’s almost done.’

‘Well at least we have time to do this course work. We don’t have to hand it in for two weeks.’

‘Well we best get started then.’

‘I guess we should.’

They went through their homework and took a look through their course work. Stenton’s dad pulled up. ‘Oh shit my dad’s here.’

‘Is it that time already.’


‘Well I best be going.’

‘Come on I’ll introduce you to him.’

‘You don’t have to.’

‘He knows all about you red come on.’


‘Five minutes.’

‘Okay then I really have to go I’m meeting Con.’


‘They put their books away he grabbed her hand pulling her out of the café to his dad’s jag. Dropping her hand. ‘Dad I’d like you to meet Autumn.’

He looked at her she could tell he was a cop. ‘It’s finally nice to meet you Autumn I can finally put a face to a name.’ He said holding his hand out.

She looked unsure Stenton smiled.

She put her hand out he shuck it. The hands dropping. ‘Jonah speaks highly of you. I’m just glad he’s knuckling down this year unlike any other year.’

‘He’s a pleasure to work with he tires hard.’

‘And his grades have improved that I have you to thank for.’

‘It’s my pleasure.’

‘Would you like a lift anywhere.’

‘No Im fine thanks for asking.’

‘It’s no problem. I have to pick up Jonah’s mom from work before we visit his grandmother.’

‘Okay thanks.’

‘So where would you like to be dropped off.’

‘By the lake.’

‘Is that where you live?’


‘It’s nice around there hop in.’

They all got in the car and he pulled away. He dropped autumn off outside of her house he insisted upon it and she thanked him for the lift and her and Stenton said there goodbyes. She dropped her bag off at home.

Connor knocked the door she opened it. ‘So are you ready to go.’

‘Yeah. Mom me and Con are going to the flicks.’


‘I don’t know what time I’ll be back.’

‘Sure Hun enjoy yourselves.’

‘We will bye mom.’


She closed the doo. ‘So have you eaten?’

‘A few hours ago.’

‘So we can grab something we haven’t got to meet the guys till four at the flicks I’m sorry babe but they insisted.’

‘Sure no problem.’

He dropped his arm over her and they walked away from hers walking through the park it was so quiet today unlike any other day. ‘It’s cool isn’t it us two just hanging?’


‘You didn’t forget that I was coming around.’

‘No just me and Stenton haven’t long finished our homework I haven’t long got back.’

‘So did he walk you home?’

‘No his dad gave me a lift.’

He chocked. ‘Really that’s unlike his dad, he usually don’t ask his friends if they’d like a lift, Well anywhere. You’re honoured.’

‘He was going that way Con and he appreciates all the hard work I’ve done with Stenton to get his grades up.’

‘Let’s just hope that they stay up after Christmas when he no longer has you and someone else to take your place.’

‘I know.’

‘So are we meeting up next weekend.’

‘Once me and Stenton have done all our course work yeah.’

‘Cool.. So how did it go with Dan did you get it all done?’

‘Yeah I was up til one this morning checking it through re-typing and printing it out. I just hope that it’s good enough.’

‘Does dan know?’

‘Yeah I e-mailed it over to him once I’d finished it all. He said it sounded better.’


‘We’re meeting the guys there just before four it starts at four we have to get the tickets.’


‘You should’ve bailed if you were tired.’

‘I’ll be fine Con, if I can get through three hours with Stenton I’m sure I can get through a movie.’

‘You could’ve stayed at home.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘Is it that bad?’

‘Just mom likes to talk and I like..’



‘Guess talking to Harding twice a week is enough for anyone.’

‘It is. Mom likes to know what we talk about.’

‘And you’d rather not tell her.’

‘It’s private Con. My business.’

‘It must hurt her though you not being able to open up to her.’

‘I’m dealing with it the best way that I can Con.’

‘By pushing away the ones that love you the most.’

‘She doesn’t understand Con.’

‘It has to be hard for her too, moving here starting again.’

‘She didn’t loose her friends I did.’

‘I know babe. You should try talking to her you might be surprised.’


They walked out of the park after eating a burger and having a bottle of coke. They headed through the tows to “flicka” the multi story cinema.

‘Bout time. Daint think that you were coming.’

‘We walked.’

‘The scenic route.’

‘I guess.’

Dan yawned. ‘Gee Dan you sound as bad as Autumn looks .’

‘What you two been up to then aye?!’ James cracked nudging him.

‘Nought, just finishing off our assignment.’

‘I e-mailed it over I didn’t realise the time and I apologised. I didn’t mean to keep you awake.’

‘That’s cool red it’s all done now.’

‘I just hope he sees how hard we’ve worked on it.’

‘I’m sure he will.’

‘Come on or we’ll miss it.’

They all went onto the cinema obtaining their tickets going in to watch the movie. They all walked out of the cinema. ‘Well that was a waste of a tenner.’

‘What a load of bollocks.’

‘So are we all going for something to eat.’

‘Yeah we’ll all share a pizza. You all in?’


‘Con, Autumn?’



‘Sound let’s go.’

They all went into the pizzeria ordering a triple cheese pizza and six cokes. They ate and rank their cokes telling lame jokes and seeing who could burb the lousiest.

‘Guys we have company.’

‘You don’t mind do you Autumn?’

‘No, but I think the manager does.’

‘Come on let’s go.’

They all pulled themselves up leaving the money on the tray leaving the pizzeria.

‘That was close I thought..’

‘You guys really should consume yourselves.’

‘Says the one who burps the loudest.’

‘He I’m just saying we’ll be thrown out there ain’t many places we can eat.’


‘We best be going Con we have home.’

‘Ain’t you done it yet?’


‘You’ll get on shot if you don’t get it done this year it’s the “most important “ don’t forget.’

‘How can we Con we had it drilled into all our heads by every fucking teacher we have .’

‘We’ll see you at school tomorrow.’

‘Sure will.’

‘Con,Dan Autumn.’


They all walked away Connor, Daniel and autumn walking passed the high school heading home. Daniel yawned. ‘I’m sorry guys I’m gonna have to love you and leave you. My bed calls.’

‘Sure Dan.’

‘Later Con, red.’

‘Later Dan.’

He walked away. ‘Guess its just us two or are you going to do a rain check on me too?’

‘No I can stay with you a while.’

‘Cool I’ll walk you home.’


They sat by the lake he placed his arm around her. ‘It’ll be just us next weekend. I promise.’ He said kissing her brow.

She remembered Taylor telling her that to and they never were. She just hoped Connor could stick to his promises. They sat silently for a while. ‘I have to go Con.’

‘Sure.’ He said taking his arm from around her. They pulled themselves up walking down the street. They stood outside the house. ‘I’ll see you in the morning babe.’


He pecked her on the cheek.’ Night babe.’

She walked down the drive opening the door she turned and waved he returned the gesture she turned back closing the door behind her. He turned walking away.

She slipped out of the house after her messages on her phone had woke her she walked over to the lake where Gaz was waiting. ‘You forgot didn’t you.’

‘I’m sorry I’m so tired.’

He took her hand pulling her down onto the grass. ‘So you finally finished your assignment.’

‘Yeah early this morning.’

‘Jae said he saw you this afternoon.’

‘Yeah we all went to the cinema and had a pizza.’

‘Was Con there.’

‘Yes he was was that a problem?’

‘I guess not.’

‘Good cause he’s my friend.’

‘And he wants more. Jae told me Autumn him all over you.’

‘He wasn’t he’s just over affectionate.’

‘You have to tell him Autumn or he’ll keep trying it with you.’

‘He’s not trying anything Gaz.’

‘He best not or he’ll have me to answer to.’ He moved closer. ‘He needs to know Autumn he needs to know that you’re with me and he can’t ever have you.’

She looked at him he was beginning to sound like Con. He moved forward. ‘We do this Autumn you can’t keep hiding us if you don’t tell him I will.’


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily lowering her to the grass kissing her harder and harder now on top of her she felt suffocated his legs either side of her his hand on her breast her knee went up, he fell off her and she’d gone. ‘Autumn.’

‘Leave me alone.’

‘Please Autumn.’

‘You know something Gaz I don’t care how Con feels about me cause he respects me and I feel safe with him unlike you.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘Just go home.’

‘We can sort this out.’

‘No we can’t. Good night Gaz have a nice life.’ She said angrily walking away.

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ของขวัญ -- ได้รับของขวัญแล้ว


    Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง








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    รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
    โหวตด้วย Power Stone
    Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง



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