In a moment, everything went still. No one could tell when it began or when it ended, but one thing was certain, the royal beta had made his decision.
The Penta and their friends looked at Hera, wondering what she had done and why she had been so insistent on it all, but she just shrugged, as if she had succeeded.
Carl had subconsciously created a portal in which he disappeared with his mate, leaving everyone else shocked.
"Well, he isn't a goner and he's proven it. Relax your muscles y'all" Hera said as Angelo looked at her wondering what she meant.
"I told you not to try that out! What if it didn't work?" Nimue said as she grabbed Hera's ear, before throwing Angelo an apologetic smile. She needed time with her sister and needed to give her a lesson on what was rational and what wasn't.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!