82.1% Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction) / Chapter 210: CHAPTER 210(Elven Pride)

บท 210: CHAPTER 210(Elven Pride)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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"STOP!" Riveria screams out as the arrows are released.


Bowstrings flex and tense as twenty arrows are fired at Yang.

As if seeing them frozen in mid-air Yang looks around at the rangers, some of them moving forward with shortswords drawn, others still frozen in time after firing arrows.

'Annoying,' he thinks to himself before moving. Simply reaching out he snatches all the arrows out of the air without taking a single step.

To everyone else there wasn't even a blur, the arrows were simply about to hit him before they all disappeared.

"Wha---" The Ranger's words are cut off as Yang raises a hand, holding all the arrows in his metal hand, perfectly and delicately caught for everyone to see.

"I'm keeping these," he says with a bored expression plastered plainly on his face.

"That's enough," Riveria commands, all the Rangers hold their positions as they reconsider this situation. "Yang is my guest, I won't have anyone attacking him, escort us to the palace so I may speak to my father."

All the rangers take a few steps back as her words sink in, leaving the female ranger to speak, "Y-Yang? Yang Shen?"

"Uh, yeah," Yang says with a raised brow.

Clearing her throat Riveria has all eyes focused on her, "he is Yang Shen, The Dungeon Emperor," Yang cringes at his title. "He is here to assist in the coming war and is a friend of mine, now unless you wish to keep trying his patience please escort us to see my father."

Looking at each other for a few seconds the Rangers leave the choice to their captain. "Alright," the woman says as she lowers her bow, "but let it be known that we did our duty as best as we could, Princess," she gives Riveria a respectful nod.

"Of course Captain," Riveria says.

"Scatter," the captain orders, all twenty-three of the remaining rangers back away into nearby bushes and completely disappear, even with his senses Yang can barely hear their footsteps on the forest floor.

"Well that was fun," Yang says as he stores the arrows into his inventory and approaches both women. "So, ready to go?"

"Normally I'd have to at least restrain your arms," the captain glances to her side to see Riveria giving a murderous look. "But I do believe this is an exceptional case, it's not as if they would hold you anyway if what the reports contain is true."

To the surprise of both women and all the Rangers watching from the shadows, Yang offers his wrists with a calming smile, "if it makes you feel safer, sure. Rules are rules for a reason, right?"

Under the fiery gaze of Riveria, the woman takes out what looks to be two red vines, placing them on his wrists. Moving like two snakes the vines wrap around Yang's arms and bind them together, much to his amazement.

"Wow...magic rope?" Yang asks.

"Tangle vines," Riveria says, "let's go, the sooner we see my father the sooner you can get out of those things," she glares at the Captain once more before turning to walk down the stone pathway.

Falling into step behind Riveria, Yang has the Ranger Captain behind him. "How long is this walk?"

"Only an hour," the Captain says.

"Wish I could just fly there..." Yang mutters.

"No magic," the Ranger says. "If you start chanting I'll have to---" she cuts herself off, realizing that she'd didn't actually have anything she could do against him. "Just please don't start chanting any spells."

"That's not how my magic works."

"So that's true?" the Ranger asks.

"What's true?"

"The chantless magic, flying, controlling the elements?"

"Yeah," Yang says, not quite sure how she didn't know considering that the entire world saw him fight Ottar. "Didn't you see the fight?"

"There are no gods in the Elven Forests Yang, can't summon a Divine Mirror without a god remember?" Riveria asks.

"Ohhh, forgot about that, wait so how do you know about me?"

"Lady Riveria sends us information ever so often, as well as those who travel outside and other ambassadors in Orario," the Ranger explains. "She speaks very highly of you."

"Oh really..." Yang sees Riveria stiffen up as she keeps walking ahead of them. "Anything interesting in those reports?"

"Only basic information about you and your magic, all high-level adventurers are reported to us so we can better prepare our defenses in case of an attack, ever since Loki and Finn invaded this forest to recruit the princess we've made sure to keep an eye on dangerous individuals."

"Yet you didn't recognize me, how?"

The Ranger looks away at this question, not sure how exactly she should say this to avoid offending a man that supposedly can scorch the planet, "we...expected you to be bigger."

To her surprise, Yang only gives a defeated sigh in response, "yeah...I get that a lot..."

Almost an hour later the trio arrive at the largest tree Yang had ever seen in his life.

Surrounded by a system of dozens of rivers with small islands scattered about, all connected by massive roots that Elves were clearly walking across as bridges. All of this was located down a large but gentle hill putting the base of the tree a hundred feet below them while the top reached just as high as all the others, making the total height a staggering three hundred feet tall. Observing the width of the trunk Yang sees it's as wide as Loki's castle, making Babel seem thin in comparison.

"My gods..." he says in awe, staring up at the 'Palace', seeing windows carved out on what must be dozens of floors all contained inside the tree.

"Beautiful isn't it," Riveria says with a prideful smile, soaking in a sight she hadn't seen for decades.

"Yeah...that's an understatement."

"Let's get inside," Riveria says as the walk down the pathway to the tree.

As they approach the large stone doors sealing the entrance, Yang notices the same crest of a tree with deep roots carved into the doors.

Seeing the approaching trio the guards step forward, their engraved Mythril armor catching the light of the glowing moss that illuminates the forest as they ready their spears and glare at Yang.

"Welcome home princess Riveria, your father will be most pleased to see you," one of the guards say as the other steps toward Yang. "We'll take this to the dungeon for you."

Stepping in front of Yang, Riveria raises a hand to signal the man to stand down, which he does. "This is Yang Shen, he is my friend and a guest, here to assist us in the war." Both guards are shocked by this revelation and share uneasy looks between themselves.


"Just let us through," Riveria says, already annoyed from simply knowing this was going to be a recurring problem.

The guards open the door for the trio to enter, but they silently join the group, not trusting a human this deep into the Royal Forest. especially with war looming overhead.

Ignoring all the shocked and scared looks of both staff and politicians alike Riveria leads the march directly to the throne room in the middle of the entry floor.

Within the palace, Yang noticed that the walls and floors were all coated with smooth grey stone, not at all what he was expecting when considering that the tree looked extremely healthy from the outside, following the wide hallways they eventually arrive at a pair of guards posted outside the throne room.

Upon seeing Riveria both the guards knock once on the door simultaneously before locking their eyes onto Yang.

Another pair of guards posted inside the throne room quickly open the door, allowing the group to quickly enter before walking in right behind Yang.

Looking about the throne room it wasn't as glamourous as he expected, a large round table with ten seats around it was in the middle with documents and a map spread out atop it. The throne was located at the far end of the room one a plateau five steps high.

At the table in the room however was who he presumed to be the king, the man looked exactly like Riveria --even wearing similar robes considering the set she adventures in originally did belong to her father and was already enchanted to offer some protection against attacks,-- only he had wrinkles under his eyes and a silver circlet on his head containing a collection of Emerald's. If Yang didn't know any better he would have confused the man for Riveria's mother.

Beside him were two Elves in light armor with bows and shortswords, also staring intently at the documents, presumable battleplans for the coming war.

Hearing the crowd entering, Riveria, Yang, the Ranger Captain, and four palace guards, the three men looks up from the table and immediately focus on Yang.

"Riveria," the king says, a joyous smile warms the room as he walks forward to embrace her in a hug.

Riveria raises a hand to stop him, causing an awkward tension to befall everyone.

"Father," Riveria says, her tone hitting him like cold water. The king's face falters for a moment before he composes himself. "You rejected The Trifecta's offer for assistance in the war against Rakia, why?"

Everyone looks between Riveria and her father as the air becomes uneasy.

"Because we don't need help, we can fight our own battles," the king says.

"I already informed you they have at least fifty Welf Crozzo Magic Swords, almost three times as many as the last crusade that cost us two forests," Riveria says.

A look of shock befalls everyone but herself, the king, and Yang.

"We will manage without the help of warmongering humans, look," he gestures to Yang, seeing him still restrained by the vines. "They lack confidence if they've broken the declaration and sent scouts before the war officially starts. We have nothing to fear from lowly humans," he says proudly.

"This is Yang Shen," Riveria almost growls out. "He came here to help us, not to be insulted."

"I don't care why he's here, his kind isn't allowed in our forests, especially not the royal palace," the king says, not even trying to mask his disgust. "The guards will escort him to the borders at once."

"He is our guest," Riveria argues. "We've come to speak to you directly, to renegotiate the terms of his team getting involved on our behalf in the war."

"Tch, you think so little of your people that you're entertaining the idea of hiring their kind to fight for us?" the king glares at Riveria. "Where is your pride daughter?"

"Cast aside for the good of our people, your majesty," Riveria bites back.

Narrowing his eyes at her the king waves his hand, "everyone out, I need to speak to my daughter," he gestures to Yang specifically, "and escort it to the border."

"Stay right there Yang," Riveria says, not looking away from her father.

As everyone is leaving the room the six guards try to move Yang, only to realize that they can't even get him off the ground as if he were stuck to the floor, eventually the king gives them an annoyed look and conceded, "leave him," he says.

Now the four guards and Ranger Captain wait outside the throne room as Yang awkwardly watched Riveria and her dad argue.

"You know what Welf Crozzo Magic Swords can do father," Riveria pleads. "They have more than enough to destroy the Ryumilua Forest and burn this palace to the ground, if that happens and this tree is destroyed all the Elven Forests will begin dying, we can't allow that under any circumstances."

"We will endure, when we stand together nothing can bring us down. Have some faith in your people and some pride in yourself Riveria," the king says.

"Why must we endure when we can easily win, your pride will get our people killed," Riveria was seething right now, openly gritting her teeth to prevent herself from yelling at her father.

"We will discuss this matter at dinner, you clearly need time to come to your senses," he says dismissively. "I'll have the guards escort the human to our borders."

"Yang is our guest," Riveria grits out. "I will escort him to an appropriate guest's chambers and WE, will join you for dinner," she says with narrowed eyes at her father.

"Tch, clearly I was mistaken to allow you to leave the forest all those years ago," he turns back to the documents on the table and dismisses them with a wave, "just get it out of my sight."

With a disgusted look caused by her father's words, Riveria leads Yang out of the throne room, sneaking a glance at the man to see a completely stoic expression on his face, unable to even meet his gaze because of how ashamed and embarrassed she feels.

"The guards can return to their posts, now," Riveria orders to the group outside before pointing to the Ranger, "you're coming with us," she says before walking off.

Riveria led her group of three to the upper floors of the palace toward a guest's chamber, stopping in front of a pair of large wooden doors before turning to Yang and the Ranger.

"Yang will be staying in this guest's chamber," she tells the woman. "I want you with him at all times including posted outside his room in case he needs something and I'm unavailable. The palace barracks will have equipment for you so please go change," she tells the woman.

The Ranger politely bows and quickly walks away to change out of her camo and ghillie suit to find a more appropriate outfit for palace life.

As the Ranger rounds the corner Riveria sighs and turns to Yang, noticing his unbothered expression she can't even find the proper words.

Instead, she simply presents herself with a deep bow.

"I'm sorry you've had to experience all of this!" she cries out, unable to contain her outrage behind the elegant mask she always uses. "You came here to help and everyone has been nothing but cruel toward you simply because you're human, we truly are unworthy of your help."

Yang is surprised by the sudden outburst but quickly composes himself and shakes his head. "Relax, I pretty much expected this, and I really don't care what your dad or anyone else think's about me so it doesn't matter, not as if they can actually affect my life in any way," he says dismissively.

Riveria stands up straight and looks at him with wonder and amazement, "you...you really care that little about what people think, I always assumed Freya was exaggerating."

"Even before I became an adventurer I didn't care, now after facing death so many times, I know the only people who matter are the ones fighting by my side to make sure we can all survive," Yang says with a warm smile.

"When you explain it like that it seems so simple," Riveria says.

"Well, we don't all have the expectations of the crown, right?" he gives her a sympathetic look.

"Says the Dungeon Emperor, you have a crown of your own, remember?"

"For the record, I wanted to keep the title 'The Elementalist,' but Freya is prideful and Hephaestus likes annoying me with crap like that," Yang says.

"I assumed as much," Riveria chuckles. "Well then your majesty, I need to go prepare for dinner and get ready to hopefully make some progress convincing my father, I suggest you do the same."

"Sure thing princess," Yang says with a teasing smile.

Giving him a polite nod Riveria makes her way down the hallway to ascend the palace and return to her old room, still feeling extremely ashamed and embarrassed by her father's words but relieved that they don't seem to reflect on her personally in the eyes of Yang Shen.

"Pride, such a stupid thing to die for," she mutters with a tired sigh, "hopefully Yang truly doesn't think any less of me after this..."

As her thoughts are running wild Yang steps into the guest's chambers.

Finding a four-post-bed with a room that he would consider being fit for a king. A door leading to a connected bathroom, a desk, couch, fireplace, and even a balcony with large glass doors showing the magnificent forest outside.

"Well, definitely a lot better than a prison cell, which is probably where her dad would have put me," he shakes his head at the thought, even he has limits to what he can tolerate after all. Walking toward the bed he moves to feel the softness of it only for his hands to move as one.

Looking down he sees both his hands still bound in the Tangle Vine.

"Oh, right," he casually separates his arms and the vines snap as if they weren't even there, vines made and enchanted to hold up to level three adventurers.

"The things I put up with for you Welf..."


So this chapter wasn't supposed to exist but I felt the pacing needed it so, um...here it is. Honestly no idea how many chapters are left at this point because at chapter 210 we were supposed to be starting the next volume already.

Working on some stuff in the background so by the end of next month I'll hopefully have completed and edited the Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic and will post it early on pa treon(Which is currently purely for donations at the moment there isn't any content on it). Unlike this story, it eventually follows canon so I don't have to wreck my brain thinking of every plot point :)

Fun fact: This war actually happened a bit, Orario VS Rakia took place in the anime and light novels but was completely ignored --in favor of Hestia fawning over bell,-- in that they were fighting to take Welf back to Rakia...

keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yang and Riveria go to the Royal Palace...

---Riveria speaks very fondly of Yang in her reports...

---Everyone is hostile/suspicious of Yang as a human...

---Riveria's dad detests humans and wants Yang kicked out and refuses to accept his help...

---Riveria and her dad have a clash before everyone leaves to get ready for dinner...

---Ranger is assigned as Yang's chaperone when Riveria isn't around and she's impressed by how little he cares for the words of others...

---Yang enters his room and gets ready for dinner...

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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