21.05% the bird cage / Chapter 4: ch 4. the rescue

บท 4: ch 4. the rescue

for the first time in all those weeks he was here, kookie got a homely feeling. this was not a prison anymore, but a home. and he lived with somebody he started to like too much, in his mind.

currently he was working in the kitchen with tae. they asked jin to get them a job after the 2 stubborn idiots wouldn't budge to consider their wishes. now they are working for 5 days in this huge kitchen and they loved it. even though tae was a bit clumsy.

"bang klirrr daaeeengll"

kook turned. "oufff tae! not again!" "sorry! everything is ok. nothing was in it!" tae crouched down to clean up his mess, when some guys from hunters gang came from behind. "naaa? whata doing?" "cooking?!" kook snapped at them. "wow, this queen is sassy. maybe we should get her down from her high horse?!"

they grinned and picked tae up. "dont u dare to touch us! do u know to whom we belong too?" the men laught. "yeah we know. and we dont care anymore. its unfair that these fuckers namjoon and suga get the best meat and we left empty."

"uhm... thats not right. they get the same food u get." tae said.

*facepalm* kookie moaned at taes answer.

"they mean us, u idiot!" he hissed in his direction. the men laughed.

"oh" taes eyes got big, now he started to get in panic. two of the men grabbed kook and they startet to pull them with them. tae tried to get out of their hands. "let me go. i dont want to!" he yelled. "suga! suuuugaaaaa" "shut it" he raised his fist and knocked him almost out.

"tae! u fucking assholes, let us go. put your hands away." kook also struggled to get out of their gribs, when he also got hit very hard. his vision blurred out and his knees lost their strength. "oh great now we have to carry him?" "oh shut up, he is light." the men huffed at each other.

they made their way to a small room behind the prison gym. which was currently a storage room for old and stuff. they threw the boys on two of the mattresses and high fived each other.

"who is gonna go first?" "me. i want sugas little suger" he giggled. he got down on his knees and started to pull taes pant down. "ok, than i guess i will start with namjoons honey" he grinned and kneeled down to do the same. they all whistled after they stripped the boys. "nice!"

tae and kook started to get their conscious back and to move again. "do it now, theyre waking up" hurried one of the men. "yeah yeah. let me enjoy this beauty first. we got time. hunter and the 2 fuckers are in a business meeting. that will take some time. so dont push me" the other man grumbled.

"but i want that piece too." "stop whining or u get nothing" he stripped and kneeled between kooks legs. "so let me see what u got princess" he grabbed kook under his knees and pulled him closer. he spread kooks legs wider and pushed the knees to the boys chest.

"wow nice pink clean mouth u have down here, boy" he smacked his lips. "thats gonna be fun" tae on the other side was laying on his knees, butt high. the man caressed the cheeks and pinched them. tae moaned and got out of his unvoluntary dreamland.


kooks eyes shot open. immediately he started to fight. "stay still or i will slit your throat!" the man hissed at him and showed him a small knife. kook froze. tae still fought.

"LET US GO U PIGS" but to no avail.

he felt an ultimate sting and pain, as the man shoved his dick into his hole. "urghaaaaaaaah!" tae screamed out.

kook saw the scene and knew he was next. he closed his eyes to prepare himself for the pain. but nothing happend. the weight of the man was suddenly away and tae stopt screaming. kook opend his eyes.

a fuming namjoon held the rapist into armlock and looked at kook. finally help. kook couldnt stop his tears from falling. suga helped tae up and kicked the man on the floor very hard again.

he hugged tae tight and tried to put taes shirt over the shivering boy. jin punched the others down.

"hunter?" joon growled calm.

"i have nothing to do with that. they are not my men anymore. u can do with them whatever it pleases u"

joon nodded. "jin get some of our men and do as u like" jin smiled big. "really? oh great! i was starving" he chuckled at the man next to him. his eyes widend and he started to whimper.

"no please dont! it wasnt my idea. i didnt touch the boys! please" he squeeled. "i dont think so. jack, mason and kazu be my guest." the named men smiled and proceeded to come into the room. joon and suga got their boys out and brought them to the infirmary.

"dr. spencer! we need help" suga almost yelled. "i am not deaf, mr. min. got yourself stabbed a again?" "no its my.... taehyung. he.. he.. got raped." the doc looked. "oh. put them down on the beds and tell my nurse to come in, on your way out, please."

"no no no i stay here! im not going anyway" suga stated and crossed his arms. the doc sighed. "listen here mr. min. i have to take care of these boys. i have to examine them. thats not an opened show and its embarrassing for this lads. so take mr. kim and get out now."

suga sighed and pulled joon to the door. joon didnt want to leave either. but the doc was the doc. he knew best. doc. spencer shook his head and sighed. "uff i could tell u boys that this is rare, but unfortunatly it isnt. so u are taehyung right?" tae nodded and tried to stop brawling out. kook sat up from the bed and came to taes side to hold his hand.

"i wasnt.... raped.... he didnt get the time to do it. but tae...." he looked with tears in the eyes to the doc. "i see. but u got a cut on your neck. i will look at it, after i am done with him. ok?" kook just nodded. "good. so i know this is tough taehyung, but i need u to lay on your belly and show me your butt."

"i will kill them! i will cut their dicks off. i wanna put them into the meatgrinder and feed them to the other assholes. i...." "stop yoongi. jin takes care of it." "how could this happen joon? were we too reckless?"joon shook his head. "maybe. we should take more care now."

"i didnt fuck him, joon. i wanted to give him more time. and now some dirty ugly cock was there before me." "are u disgusted of tae now?"

"no! i just wanted to be his first. and his first time should be wonderful and not like that" suga almost cried.

joon tapped his shoulders.

"its gonna be ok. tae is like a ray of sunshine. a little odd but he will get through." he sighed big.

"uff, on the other side, my chances to get there just went down the drain." suga looked up.

"huh? kookie didnt get raped."

"yeah but almost. and he is still too scared of my dick. now i can forget to get near to the holyland in the future soon." he burried his face into his hands.

suga grinned. "hehe. i didnt know that your dick is the issue."

"stop laughing! thats not funny! how would you react if tae would burst into panic sweat everytime u drop your pants?"

suga laughed silently.

"thats the good thing with tae. he loves to play with the suga cone!"

joon looked disgusted at suga.

"the suga cone? really?"

the doc interrupted the boys. "so. they are both wrapped up and fine. i gave them some meds to calm down. taehyung is ok. nothing ripped open. i still order some test just to make sure he didn't get any nasty things. and kooks cut will heal soon. so u can take them back to your cells." the boys stood up and thanked the doc. "thank u so much"

"i heard there was a commotion today?" guard brenner came in. "yeah, but we handled it." "as always namjoon, huh?" joon nodded. "yeah as always." "looks like doc u will have a nightshift today." brenner stated. "hm." the doc hummed in response.

"are they ok?" suga nodded. "they are okay now. we wanted to bring them back into the cells just now" brenner clapped his hands. "okkkeeeyy, than do that. i think my work is done. i will write a report and thats it." joon got close to brenner. "tomorrow its in your account" brenner smiled. "i know. u are always on time joon. i appreciate that." joon noded and walked into the room to get his boy.

suga helped the sore tae on the bed. "do u need something? anything?! i can get u some ice cream?!" tae smiled. "ice cream would be nice." "tanner!" he yelled. in seconds the man appeard. "yeah?" "get some ice cream. choclate?" tae nodded. suga looked at tanner. "on my way. some wipcream too?" tae smiled again like an idiot. "hm." and tanner disappeared.

suga caressed taes face. "my poor baby. i am so sorry. i am really really sorry" he got closer to taes face. "hm.... wasn't your fault... wow do u see the smurfs too? they are soooo cute...." "what?" suga looked around. "what on earth did doc gave u? are u stoned?" tae just giggled and grabbed into air. "got u smurf!" suga looked dumfounded. "oh fantastic" he sighed.

kook layed on his bed. joon sat on the chair and watched him breathing. he thought that kookie was asleep. "joon?" he whispered. joon shot up in his seat. "yeah, what do u need. does it hurt somewhere. tell me" kook giggled.

"wow. can it be that u really like me?" joon froze. "where is this coming from now?" "i dont know. i think im stoned. that always gets me chatty" "more than usual" joon grinned. kook looks at him. "smartass" "i am just happy we came at the right time. i will never let this happen again i swear it to u. on my life, if u want. and yeah u mean a lot to me." he said the last thing in a whisper.

kook sat up. he took a deep breath. "really? like what? u like me, or... are u in love with me... or?" joon looked away first, took a breath and looked back. he stood up and walked to kooks bed to sit down there. he grabed kooks face and pulled him very close to his face.

they starred at each others eyes. "i might fell in love with u. and i want u to stay with me." kooks eyes were unnaturally wide open. his mouth was in an O shape. "r-r-really? i was just joking... i.. i... dont know what to say...."

"do u want me to love u?"

"hm. yeah. i think....no i want it. u were only nice to me, since i came here. i saw how u can be, but u never were any like that to me. u didnt even hurt me when i yelled at u or calling u names. i am sorry for that" he babbled.

joon smiled. "so we are officially a thing now?" kook nodded. "i rather get stabbed by your monster than any other dirty dick in here. i made up my mind. i want u to be my first man and i will not budge again." "okay baby. glad to hear that." "i looooovvveee uuuu" kook cooed. "kookie?" his head fell onto joons shoulders and he snorred a bit.

jin was drenched in sweat. he stood up and examine his work. "not bad. not bad at all." he smiled. his men panted hard. "jin do u need a towel? u have blood everywhere." jin didnt even looked at him just raised his arm in the direction. kazu gave him a wet towel. "ahhh that felt good. boys we should get into the showers. brenner will take care of the rest." he looked over the bloody bodys on the ground and took every detail in.

"god it feels good to be a gangster sometimes"

he giggled. they left the room and hopped into the showers. before he walked back into his box, jin payed suga a visit.

"hey, how is he?" suga had taes head onto his lap. the boy was asleep. "he is patched up and stoned. i think he is okay" jin laughed. "i got u 2 presents. first: here some pills for tae. u may want him a bit stoned for the next few days and 2nd...." he handed him a bloody package. suga looked at him. "is this the thing?" jin nodded. "he screamed like a virgin on her first time. very pleasurable." jin sighed. suga tilted his head.

"i really dont know whats going on in your head and i really dont wanna know it. but thank u jin. it means a lot to me."

jin smirked. "u may destroy it soon, or your little bird will get a heartattack. or u can show him so he understands how much he means to u" jin raised knowingly his brows. suga looked away to compose his expressions. "he doesnt mean that much to me. it wasnt for him. he is my property and this wankers touched my proberty. this was for myself, ok." he looked at jin with a blank face. jin smiled. "whatever u say, yoongi. but if u ever wanna get into his pants again, u should show him or at least tell him. sleep tight" he turned and walked out.

suga sighed deep and long. *nobody is going to touch u again, or hurt u. even if somebody just dares to cough near u he will be destroyed. i will not let u be alone anytime soon again. u are mine. damn it. MINE* he growled at his thoughts and stroked taes hair. "mine" he whispered.

kook growled when he woke up. everything hurt and that joon was almost crushing him in his arms, didnt help either. kook sighed and looked in joons sleeping face. he took in every inch/centimeter of joons face.

the straight nose, the full lips, the eyebrows, who where nicely swung over his beautiful closed eyes. the sculpurted chin and the high cheekbones. he loved this face, he had to admid. he raised his hand to touch him. joon let out some breaths and slowly opend his eyes. "morning love. how do u feel today?" kook smiled. "i am good." "i knew u were a tough kookie" joon chuckled and tightend his grib on the boy. "uhhh" kook moaned.

joon let go of him imidiatly. "did i hurt u?" "no its fine. im just a bit sore." "do u want breakfast? i bring it to u. u can stay in here." kook thought of it and noded his head. "good" joon proceded to get up when kook shoved him back on the bed. "huh?" "i want breakfast" "if u let me up, i will bring it to u. are u still stoned?" "no. but i have my meal right here." joons eyes popped out.

"oh.... oookkaayyy... u sure?" kook nodded eagerly. "yeah. i want it now."

he pushed joons shirt up and tossed it away, than he went for the pants. "woah.. slow down." "i cant wait anymore joon" he whined. *wow whats going on?* he helped the boy to get out of his clothes and layed him down. kook immediately pulled joon on him and started to kiss him desperately.

"hhmmhmmngg... kookie... not that im not into it... but slow down a bit." joon panted. "cant" kookie whined and started to roll his hips against joons. he was stone hard. joon looked down amazed.

*is this the drug he got yesterday? better jerk him off first. maybe that ll help to calm him down*

so he did. kook became a moaning mess in no time. he moaned out joons name like a mantra when he came hard. both were panting and trying to get their breaths in control. "do u feel better now?" kook wiggled around.

"no. i need more. its so itchy down there."

"itchy? where?"

"down there..... my hole u idiot!" "woah u dont have to be rude."

"just help meeee"kook almost cried. "okay okay. let me have a look first"

joon went down. he pushed kooks legs to his chest to get a good look on his hole. *wow* joon looked amazed at kooks holygrail, which was kinda like talking to him. it opened up and closed again, and opened up.

"damn. do u want me to help u?"

"do it"

joon backed down and started to lick him.

kook imidatly responded to it. he moaned out loud. "yeah right there. dont u dare to stop!"


both flinshed and looked up. jin was at the door. he looked shocked after he processed the sight infront of him. "ups my bad"

"get out and u keep going!" kook demanded. jin giggled.

"ah the famous side effect of that new drug. amazing isnt it joonie?!" it clicked in joons head.

"its just a side effect?"

"i dont care keep going" kook almost yelled at joon. jin laughed.

"enjoy it as long as it last. see ya" he went out and closed the door. joon looked at kook.

*it was too good to be true. wasnt it*


kook yelled. joon flinched. "its just the drug kookie"

"i dont care" joon sighed.

"okay but dont complain afterwards."

he continued to suck kooks hole and put his tongue inside, before he replaced it with his fingers. kook started to go, with his hips, the same rhythm joon had. he pushed harder down on the fingers. "right there, dont stop" he moaned and lifted his head up to see joon.

"ok whatever feels good for u" after some time kook started to whine again. he grabbed joons shoulders and pull him back onto his body. he placed his legs high up and begged joon to do "it". joon kissed him rough and slid his monster inside kook. the boy arched his back and let a cry out.

"that feels soooo good"

joon looked surprised. he imagined anything else than that. happy at his reaction, he started to move his hips. slowly first than on kooks angry demands faster.

*oh god this is heaven* joon jolt out.

finally he had his time with the boy, he started to love too much for this place. he went fast and deep as he could just to satisfy his boy and kooks body reacted heavenly. he even started to suck joons cock in at one point.

*he is close again*

after a few seconds kook let out an absolute delicious loud moan and came hard on their stomach. "u too" he panted.

"wait let me pull out"

"no stay there"

kook tightened his legs around joon to held him in place. joon moaned out and came. they looked at each other and tried to get their breaths in control again.

"u...u. were amazing baby." kook smiled.

"u were the best, i never felt so good. wanna do it again?!"

"woah! lets just get settled first, than we think of round 2, ok?"

he pulled out of kook and layed on his back. kook turned and put his head on joons chest, one leg on his leg.

"wow your heart is beating fast"

joon laughed. "cause of u"

kook smiled. "i dont know why i was so afraid of it. it was fantastic."

"thank u for trying."

"thank u for keeping up with my idiotic behavier."

joon kissed kooks head. "all good now." kook giggled and sighed. "why did something bad have to happened first to get this great thing?" "i dont now. but i am almost thankfull for that. dont get me wrong. i am just glad it turned out this way" "me too" "dont u dare not remeber everything, when u come down from this drug!" kook laughed. "we will see."

tae woke up next to suga. he blinked a few times and tried to get his head clear. he touched his body around the bruises and stopt at his dick. he was awake and stood tall and proud.

*oh shit. why now?*

tae looked at suga and tried to get up quietly as possible. sugas arm shot around taes waist, when he felt movement. tae froze and waited a few minutes to try again. but suga only tightened his grib. tae sighed.

"what are u sighing for?" suga mumbled sleepy.

"need the toilet"

suga sighed now and raised himself up. "ok. lets go"

tae looked at him dumbfounded.

"i can do that alone. go back to sleep" "na. i told u i take care of you."

"oh yeah? when?"

suga opened one eye.

"are u kidding me? come on let me help u"


"dont be stubborn!" sugas both eyes were open now and he looked angrily at tae. than he noticed taes red face and the sweat. he raised one hand to his forhead.

"are u sick? do u have a fever?" *kinda* tae thought. but turned his head away.

"no. all good. just the toilet and u back to sleep, okay?"

suga was still not budging. he poutet his lips and looked over taes body to find any clue. finally his eyes scaned one bodypart that tae tried to hide. sugas mouth shut open.

"u have a boner" he stated. tae was embarrassed.

"thank u for noticing. can u go back to sleep now, so that i can take care of it?"

suga raised his hand to taes area and startet to caress it.

"can i see it?"


"come on u saw me naked. but i never saw u. and i never saw u horny."

he smirked.

"i dont know why its like that. even after what happen. how can it be up? i dont understand suga"

tae looked desperate.

suga pulled him into a hug.

"all is good. its natural. our dicks are mostly up in the morning." he assured tae.

"but not hard like this. its hurting" tae whined. suga smirked into taes face. "so we should do something about it. right? ease the pain?"

tae nodded. suga pushed him back down gently and took his boxers off. "wow. i had no idea" suga stated with wide eyes starred taes cock.

*boy is huge!*


taes voice got him snapped out of his thoughts.

"oh yeah. sorry. i was just...wow tae" taes face went redder.

"sorry" he apologised.

"no no its okay. do u want me to suck u or just jerking of?"

tae turned his face away. he was too embarassed. sugas hand turned taes face back.

"come on. tell me. what do u want?" "suck" whisperd tae. suga smirked. "see wasnt that hard was it?" he hesitated.

"can i kiss u first tae?"

and came closer to his face. tae looked shocked. "u want to kiss me?" "yeah" tae raised his hand to sugas lips and let his thump slide over his mouth. "do u know that u have doll like lips?" sugas eyebrow went up.

"oh yeah? wanna feel those doll lips on yours?" he wisperd seductively. tae crinched and giggled.

"yes please" sugas lips didnt smash on taes, he wanted it sweet and light, so that tae would forget easier what had happened to him. they were so into it that they forget everything around them.

not even jins very short visit. *the next couple i see*

the kisses got heated. no more sweetness involved as their tongues danced a hot samba.suga backed away eventually to get air. he panted and smiled at his beautiful tae. "can i get this shirt from u?" tae nodded and away it was. suga scaned his bare body.

he saw the bruises. *assholes. i really should at least crushed their dicks* he let his hands ghosts around taes body, cause he was afraid to hurt this fragile human beeing.

"arent u gonna touch me?"

"i dont want to hurt u"

"nothing hurt anymore, only the cock"

suga giggled.

"yeah we should start taking care of" "take your clothes off" suga looked at him and shoved his shirt and pants off.

"are u okay with that?" he widened his arms, so that tae could get a good look of the naked body. tae saw some scars on suga.

"u got hurt a few times" suga smiled. "i survived" he stated. he kissed tae again and went down his neck to his nippels. tae tried to press down his moans, he didnt like how he sounded.

but he was wrong there with suga. "moan for me tae. i wanna hear u loud and clear."


"no buts today!" suga demanded and turned his attention back to the nippels. tae started to moan louder. suga liked that very much. his hands were busy with taes dick.

"oooooohh fuuuuuuck suga" tae moaned with a very deep voice, which send shivers down sugas back. *fuck he sounds sexy* tae gripped the sheets, just to have something occupied his hands.

"i am going to suck now. okay?" "yeah"

*holy shit. how i am gonna handle this thing?*

suga thought as he looked at taes dick. he started to lick and suck the length until he finally sucked the tip. tae bucked his hips up. "aaahhh sugaaaaa" suga smiled and put as much as possible of taes dick into his mouth.

he had a gag reflex.

the rest was handelt with his hands. tae was delicious, his face red, the mouth open, the moans loud, the eyes shut and suga never saw something more beautiful than that. tae came in no time.

he tried to catch his breath, when suga layed next to him.

"sorry i came in your mouth, but u did it too!" suga laught. suddenly tae sat up.

"oh my god! u shouldnt have done that! what if i got something nasty from this asshole!" suga looked confused and than it clicked.

"oh. no no! your results came back negativ. jin told me, when u were asleep" tae let out a huge sigh of relief. "oh god thank u"

"relax a bit"


suga tilted his head up.


"its still up"

"what?!" he sat up and saw tae was right.

"holy shit!"

"what now? jerking off?" tae asked. suga sighed big.

he turned to tae.

"listen! what we are gonna do is just between us. so u will not tell anybody of anything we will do today. understand?" tae looked confused.

"i cant fuck u to get u relief. but i can do something else, which i havent done for a fucking long time. okay? and if joon or anybody else knows about it, i would loose my manpride or face or whatever. u understand?" tae still confused nodded.

"i tell nobody what we are doing today. got that. but what are we doing, suga?"

"u can say yoongi, when we are alone and doing sexystuff. okay?" taes face lit up, he smiled big.

"okay...yoongi" suga smiled back.

*he is just so adorable*

"good. just give me some time to get ready okay?" tae nodded. he followed sugas every move and his mouth fall open when this unbelievable scene unfolded infront of him.

the mean grumpy cold suga stuck some of his wet fingers in his ass and moved them. tae was mesmerized.

"doesnt that hurt?"

suga moaned quietly. "no. shut up let me concentrate" tae sat up too to get a better look and started to lick sugas nippels.

suga let out some louder moans and grabbed with his other hand taes hair. "the other nipple too" tae did as he was told. "oh thats good! harder tae" his breath got heavier and faster, his dick was hard. he pushed tae back onto the bed and climbed on him.

"hm" suga hummed as he slide taes cock inside. tae couldnt grasp that suga was tight around his dick and he got feelings, he didnt know he could have. the two now moaned in unisono as suga started to move his hips up and down on taes length.

"ohhh suuuuggaaaa" "yoongi! yoongi" tae sat up. he needed to kiss him asap. yoongi was in heaven. he started to love this. taes cock was sending him into space, he couldnt get enough of it. "tae, help me" he whispered. tae started to move his hips up, he held sugas waist steady and got faster and faster. both were out of breath and out of their minds.

"gooooooodddd"yoongi came finally, but kept going for tae. tae came soon and milked his orgasm out. they fell back on the bed. "fuck. fuck yoongi" "what?" "if that feels the same for you as for me, you can fuck me all day" yoongi laughed. "ok i take u by your word" they laught. "remember! this is our little secret" tae nodded. "yeah. can i kiss u again?" "yeah"

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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