27.02% The Last Blood Elf (Completed) / Chapter 69: Nice.

บท 69: Nice.

Cross was hugged and pulled into two soft mounds by Luna. The armor and mace returned into his body and the sword of Gryffindor fell to the ground along with the Elder Wand. Cross has a face full of chest and sighed, so this was what heaven is.

Luna kissed his head and said "Are you okay?" Cross was drooling with blood coming down his nose, Luna slapped him and giggled as she said "I guess so~" Cross woke up and said "No, heaven come back!" before burying his face in Luna's chest.

The rest looked awkward and Luna blushed in embarrassment as she said "There's people!" Cross got up, picking up the sword and wand before saying "What is this a free show?! I don't like audiences! Shoo!"

Luna buried her embarrassed face in Cross chest as the rest coughed. Cross threw the sword and the wand at Harry before looking at the second years as he said "I think you have class now?" the second years froze and McGonagall rolled her eyes as she said "Class is canceled for the day."

Cross clicked his tongue and the students cheered.

Moody hobbled over and said "Excellent work, Greengrass. What in Merlin's name was that creature?!" Cross scratched his stubble and said "Didn't catch his monologue... But he's dead, does it matter?" Moody looked at the ashes and said "I suppose not."

Sirius slapped Cross' shoulder as he said "Amazing! I've never seen anything like it! Can you teach me that?" Cross chuckled and asked "Are you an elf?" Sirius clicked his tongue and said "I'm a dog, does that count?"

Cross snapped his fingers and said "You know, you just missed the cut there, Sirius." Lupin burst out laughing and slapped Sirius' back as he said "Maybe... Hahah... You can learn some pet magic! HAHAHAHAHA"

Sirius growled and lunged at Lupin, starting a fight.

Cross looked at Moody and said "You should probably start cleansing the Ministry. Undesirable number 1 isn't a very good look for Harry. Though with those glasses... Actually keep the title." Harry coughed and Hermione patted his back.

Moody grinned and said "Ah, Yes.. The 'Ministry' I almost forgot about them..." Cross smirked and said "Someone should really fix that bridge. I don't know who broke it but it should really be fixed." Everyone gave him a look of disdain before going to work.

The Order along with the Weasleys left. Fortunately, not a single one of them died! That's some plot armo- Good luck!

The Professors started fixing the Castle along with the students, who weren't injured, while the Nurse was drowned in work on all the injured kids. Luna went to help lessen the load.

Some students died but none of them had a name, strangely enough.. It was like as if they weren't important enough to be mentioned...

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stayed behind to help and McGonagall gave them a ton of homework for missing so much school, the same with Draco.

Cross was standing around, laughing at all the people working before he was dragged by Luna to help heal the students.

A while later

Cross wiped the sweat from his forehead and Harry walked over saying "Hey!" Cross replied "Hey." Harry nodded and said "Anyway, here's the Elder Wand." as he handed it over. Cross took it and said "What am I supposed to do with this?" Harry shrugged and said "I don't know, but it doesn't listen to me after you took it from my hands so it's yours now, congrats." before walking away.

Cross was stunned and shouted "Hey, four eyes! You can't just dump a burden on me like this!!!" Harry started speed walking away and Cross chased him shouting "Potter! Damn it! Give me the cloak instead!" Harry shouted "No! It's mine!" before running as Cross chased after him.

Everything went back to normal after that. No better than normal! Hogwarts wasn't being run by a scheming body snatcher and McGonagall did a pretty good job! She finally instilled new classes, Hogwarts would teach everything in the future, from normal magic to dueling, healing, dark magic, and everything in between.

Since Cross defeated a literal god, Hogwarts' popularity was on the rise, and a meteoric rise at that.

Cross continued to teach and reluctantly accepted to come teach again next year, officially breaking the one year one teacher curse for the DADA position.

On a happy note, Luna gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Cross named him Zephyr and Luna reluctantly agreed as Cross said that he would just leave him with his grandparents if he had any other name. Luna almost killed him but held back, the other baby was also born around the same time as Zephyr, it was instead a girl.

Cross named her Storm and received a swift slap from Luna, who decided to name her after her mother, Pandora. Cross agreed since it was a personal thing for Luna and as a loving husband he would naturally agree to what she said.

He seemed to forget he threatened her with never seeing Zephyr again if they named him Lucas.


Zephyr and Pandora were born, and Luna was working double time just feeding them. It didn't help that Cross wanted to pretend to be a baby as well. Little did he know, she almost killed him several times.

Cross tried to make her laugh most of the time since she seemed to be stressed a lot and he tried to take care of the kids, bringing them to classes and strapping them in harnesses on his chest as they slept.

The students felt it was weird to see Cross holding two babies while teaching, but kept their silence as the babies actually didn't make the class any different. A small sleeping charm may have been used, but Cross wouldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death.

The school year came and went, Slytherin was pushed so far down that they might not ever win a house cup again, obviously this was false because Cross gave absurd amounts of points for every little thing.

This one time, a student tripped and another student caught them. Cross awarded 5000 points to Slytherin for bravery and being an upstanding moral citizen. McGonagall almost fired him then and there, but the students loved him too much so she couldn't do anything.


Cross and Luna got married over the summer, they had the wedding at Xenophilius' house. Marcus and Xenophilius held a baby each and Cross was dressed in a completely white tuxedo, the entire order was invited along with all of their friends and some teachers.

Luna wore the most beautiful white wedding dress and walked down the aisle with her mother in ghost form, who was so happy she cried as she witnessed the wedding. She managed to hold out until the end of the wedding and Cross smiled as he personally promised to Luna's mother that he would take care of her.

Pandora was so happy, she cried again. A bit of a crier, this woman. Sure enough, she cried again when she found out their daughter was named Pandora and that they had kids. By the time she returned to the underworld her eyes were red and puffy but she had the brightest smile on her face.

Even Cross cried a little, but immediately cursed that Pandora had infected him with her crying sickness. He wasn't down with the sickness, and hoped it wouldn't be a reoccurring issue.

The Wedding was fantastic and fun, though some people, Hermione, got a bit too drunk and started spouting nonsense. Pouring her heart out to whoever listened eventually grabbing Draco and blasting him with her mumbo jumbo.

Cross could've sworn he saw Draco and Astoria leaving with Hermione that night, though he had no idea why. Actually he did have an idea but he didn't believe it. Anyway, Hermione wasn't important.

Luna and Cross enjoyed their honeymoon traveling the world looking for strange creatures, leaving Xenophilius and Marcus to take care of the kids.

When they came back, Luna took the kids with her and Cross bought a house before contacting a house elf. The cute little elf was Dobby, he explained that being a free elf was cool and all but he missed doing things. Cross signed a contract with him after giving him clothes and saying that the rags weren't very chic.

Dobby dressed up and Cross threw a drop of his blood into Dobby's mouth, transforming him into a High House-Elf. Dobby was ecstatic and his butler clothes actually fit him now, also he didn't look like a gremlin anymore, but a small nice looking young man.

Cross continued to teach at Hogwarts while Luna stayed home with the kids, she wasn't lonely at all because Cross would just teleport home after his classes were over. Luna was happy, Cross was happy, Dobby was happy.

The 7th year students that Cross taught took up a lot of the Auror spots and Amelia returned to the Ministry as the Minister, while Sirius just followed her around in dog form, protecting her from the shadows. The students that didn't become Aurors, got different jobs at the Ministry and they cleaned it inside out, breaking the retarded Muggle-born are inferior belief.

What a joke, the biggest contender for the next Minister spot was Hermione.

Some of the older houses disagreed with this but the 7th years, that were reborn from the blood during the Death eater battle, gave the resistant houses their own 'input'. Those houses soon became the biggest supporters of Muggles in the world.

Cross continued to teach, soaking up all this info from the outside but really he could not care less. He was teaching to alleviate his boredom, while practicing on the side. Fun fact, he had access to the library in the Ministry and learned all the spells inside, now it was time to train his magic and body.

So he did. Very thoroughly. Cross pushed his body to the absolute limit every day, but felt like he could go higher and so he continued to up his workouts and magical training, draining out his absurd amount of magical energy every night and meditate on no mana, becoming a strainer sucking in only the purest amount of mana possible.

He also made time for his loving wife and kids.

Quickly, 6 years passed.

Cross found himself unable to cross the barrier no matter how hard he tried. His current self could obliterate his past self with a flick of his finger. He was extremely powerful, Luna had also joined him and hit the barrier as well. She was confused and Cross shrugged saying that they probably needed to leave this plane for a higher one to advance.

Luna got worried and hoped that Cross wouldn't leave her and the kids, Cross laughed and said that she was coming with him and she said that she wouldn't leave the kids no matter what, to which Cross explained that they were all coming, once he figured out how to get there.

Luna felt relieved and smiled as they shared a night together. A night that got interrupted by Pandora and Zephyr crying that they had a nightmare, apparently they were being chased by a giant chocolate frog.

Cross picked up Pandora, who looked like a mini Luna with pitch black hair and red eyes. She was as cute as a porcelain doll.

Luna picked up Zephyr, who looked like a mini Cross, minus the black markings, with pale blonde hair and pink eyes. He was also as cute as a porcelain doll.

Quite the cute kids, their ears were also long and pointy just like their parents. Pandora stuck to Cross most of the time and Zephyr was the opposite, sticking to Luna like dog plaster.

Cross hugged Pandora, Luna, and Zephyr as he went to sleep. Luna cuddled into Cross' chest along with the two kids and they all fell asleep as a big happy family.

The next day

Cross was sitting in his class room, smoking. He had picked it up since he was so stressed from the kid stuff, it was nice and they were harmless, since his body filtered all the bad shit out of it. He was reading a newspaper when he heard the castle speak to him "Come to the Room of Requirement...."

Cross teleported to the Room and the Castle said "Take me with you... The Tree has asked me to send you up..." Cross said "I can't leave my family." The castle said "Not a problem... Come back in the summer..." Cross agreed and went back to teaching.

The summer rolled around and Cross went to the castle. It shoved him out and Cross was standing high up in the air. The entire castle along with everything around it started glowing and condensed into a single object before floating towards Cross.

It was the entire area around Hogwarts and the castle itself on a torn out chunk of land, but this castle looked much different. The main building had 9 layers with balconies around the building on every floor. The towers were in all 4 corners, the maze, the forest, the lake, and a mountain were on each side.

It was symmetrical and beautiful.

Cross looked down and saw that nothing had changed on the ground, everything was the same but Cross felt that it wasn't the same.

The castle in front of him spoke "I will... create.. an inner world.. inside you. Only you can choose who comes in and out..." a beam of Golden Green light fell on the castle, who added "The tree has.. blessed me... Only you will be able to feel me... nobody else.. I need to.. rest..."

The castle floated into his abdomen and his body shined, the last thing the castle said was "Chamber... Under the castle... That's where you'll... leave from..." before going silent.

Cross smirked and teleported back to his home.

He explained everything to Luna and brought her inside her inner world, the two were immediately assaulted by pure energy. They both felt refreshed and explored the entire space, everything was great except there were no books or people, not even an animal.

Cross and Luna came out and discussed, Cross said that they should take the kids and leave. He didn't know where they were going and it could be that they can't come back. Luna disagreed and said that they should at least ask if other's wanted to come along, Cross was torn and retorted that they may have to live inside his inner world for life if it was too dangerous.

Luna hesitated before standing firm and saying that her father must come the others would be up to them. Her father was the last of her family and she wanted him to come with them. Cross agreed, having no problems with that.

They then went around with Zephyr and Pandora to everyone they knew saying their goodbyes while also asking them if they wanted to join them in going somewhere new. Cross had to explain that it could be extremely dangerous and there's a potential to never come back.

A lot of the excited faces died down after that.

Surprisingly there were a few who wanted to come, namely Xenophilius, Marcus, Daphne, Astoria, Alyssa, Draco, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Ron.

Cross explained to them that there might not even be magic where they were going, and that it could be 100x more dangerous than here.

They all agreed to come firmly. Ron said that he had no wife or girlfriend so he would try his luck somewhere else. Cross almost slapped him, but he had to agree with him. His chances of finding a wife were much better somewhere else where no one knew him.

Curiously, Hermione was still alone. Seems like Draco and Astoria brought her home that night. As was Daphne. Cross gave them a month to prepare before they left.

When Cross got home, he moved all his things into his inner world. He set up his room in the castle with everything he had, all the books he could find on all sorts of magic, but he didn't even manage to fill up 10% of the bookshelves in the 5th floor library. It was the entire floor, and it seemed to have an enlargement charm or something on it, it went on for miles and was extremely high.

Regardless, Cross spent a month getting all the books he could and moved the beasts from the bag into his inner world. They went off to find places where they could be comfortable and set up their homes.

Curiously the lake was empty.

Quickly a month passed.

Cross gathered everyone, they all had big bags of stuff along with their wands and things they thought they might need. Cross bought a whole store worth of clothes and filled his giant closet with all sorts of clothes for him, Luna, and the kids. He even bought clothes of different sizes for when the kids grew up.

Cross brought them all into his inner world and they were shocked for a moment before remembering what Cross was capable of, then they were less excited as they went inside the castle and settled their things.

It was almost exactly like Hogwarts but it was much, much, bigger. It had a gardening area and everything. The shelves were stocked with food and everything was perfect for them to live in.

Cross left Luna inside with everyone else and teleported to the Chamber of Secrets only to see a giant blue rune circle with a bunch of letters and and lines he didn't quite understand. He could feel the Space Element in the air.

He took a deep breath and checked himself. Seeing he didn't forget anything and he had nothing but the clothes on his back with him, he stepped into the blue circle with eagerness to see a new world.

The blue circle lit up and Cross felt his body getting sucked in, he let go and disappeared. The blue circle dimmed after he left but didn't disappear. The Chamber of Secrets went back to being calm and peaceful, as if nothing happened in the first place.

*(Read the Author's Note)*

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Say "Hello" to my little Power Stone!

ALSO! I don't know who told you all it was over, the power stones have been falling like hot potatoes as we got closer to the end of HP like as if you all thought we were finished or smt.

I even got beat by a Percy Jackson fic and a HP fic that the MC is the nicest person in the world! NANI!? How is this possible!?

The Show has just begun!

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