Maurie didn't think that Ainsley would receive her gift. She thought that she would be rejected, but she's not!
Thus, excited by Ainsley's response, Maurie immediately opened the pink gift box and took out a handmade clay figurine the size of her palm.
The clay figurine wasn't as good as a ready-made figurine in markets or those made by professionals.
It really looked like elementary or kindergarten children's handcraft!
But the clay figure was Ainsley's figure when she was half-kneeling to receive the crown at the coronation event.
This scene really fascinated the little Maurie, and she decided to make a clay figurine based on the scene.
"Here you go, little sister! I-is it good?" Maurie asked nervously as she peeked at Ainsley.
When Ainsley saw the crooked clay figurine with uneven paints and weird shape that looked so ugly yet full of effort, the baby softened her heart.
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