20% I Became the Knight's of Hell / Chapter 3: New Start

บท 3: New Start

Kim Woo lie down in his bed and think. 'Is it really powerful?'

He's thinking of his class, because of the world message. Only a person with a powerful class can send a world message, that means Demon Knight class is powerful.

On his unawakened days, Kim Woo only dreamed to be awakened, he didn't hope of getting a strong class. But then he appointed as a Demon Knight.

"I guess im lucky enough, or maybe a late bloomer? I don't know. Anyway im sleepy."

He closed his eyes and sleep.


A dark place, Kim Woo is on a dark place again, no sound. It is just like after he died.

'Hell again?' No. The dark surrounding starting to fade out. A voice of a man. That's the first noise he heard. A man entering a black spiral thing, with a few hard cloud. It was a gate.

After he saw the man entering, he saw a kid watching the man. Then Kim Woo's eyes were widened. He recognized the face of the kid, it was Kim Woo, but the face of the man is unrecognizable.

"This might be the past."

He think, think, think. then. He moved his face upward a bit. "Ah! Yeah i can't remember this event hehe."

Then he heard something's ringing.

Ririririrng riririring

"Oh it is the System message? hehe mayb.... Kuokk!"

a powerful kick landed oh his belly. He heard a female voice.

"Kim Woo wake up!"

Kim Woo's face was distorted, ah he heard the voice. He woke up and tapped the alarm.

'Damn it, I thought it was a system message.'

He saw Chae in a dress.

"Where are you going?"

Kim Woo asked her before he stand up. Chae tilt her head a bit on Kim Woo and said. "I'm not going anywhere, im just trying this new dress. How is it look?"

Kim Woo looked at the dress.

"It's good, not like the others."

"What? What's with the other clothes?"

Kim Woo smirked and said. "You look like a

bit*h on your other clothes."

Chae's face was distorted.


Kim Woo put his hand up. "Im just joking hehe.... ah? ha? Chae.... Chae!"

He felt an strong aura as Chae approached him. And then Chae grabbed his neck with a force. She choked and swayed his head.

Chae left his room, then a message popped up.

tiririrng tiririring

[The skill 'Hell's Gate' acquired.]


Thump thump thump

A beautiful lady around 40Y/O walking at the airport with her beautiful assistant, 20Y/O. Her assistant asked her. "Ma'am. Why'd go back suddenly here in south korea?"

The beautiful lady's walking while her hand is trembling a bit. And then she answered.

"My son."

Her assistant were shocked. 'I'm working on ma'am for 5 years. I didn't even know she got a son.' That was she thinking.

The Lady's heart was beating fast, as she stepped outside the airport. "I'm back, Kim, Chae. It was their mom.

Hyun Kimchae. Kim Woo and Chae Woo's mother. She is an A rank healer with an S Healer skill. She knows a magic too. How? A healer know how to use magic. Well healing is a part of magic too. But Kimchae is different. Her magical power is like a mage. That's the power of Priest Hyunur. Yes that's right, Kimchae class is Priest Hyunur Kinship. A Priest that can resurrect dead, with a powerful magic abilities. Priest Hyunur is Kimchae's ancestor.


Kim and Chae were walking to the street. Three men approached them.

"Hey boy, mind if we borrow your sister a bit.

One of the men touched Chae's hair.

Kim Woo's eyes were furious as he saw the man touched Chae's hair.

"How dare you!"

Kim Woo was filled with killing intent. A demonic aura started to come at his body. He grabbed the man's collar. Kim Woo glared at the man. His wide eyes made the three scared.

When Kim Woo's about to punch the man. The man cried out. "I'm sorry! Please spare me!"

Spare? Yes, because of the demonic aura around his body. Aura can't be seen, but you can feel them, unless you're a special person who have a skill to seen an aura.The men ran as fast as they can.

meanwhile in Chae's point of view.

She felt her brother's demonic aura, she got nervous as she feel it. She's worried. About what? About the men, because Kim Woo can kill them in a second.

'What is this aura.' She trembled when she spoke.

Demonic aura is different from other aura. Demonic aura is the strongest, Only the strongest person can withstand it. Others when they feel the Demonic aura, they flee.

Demonic aura can activate, when a Demon is furious.

They've arrived home. Chae asked Kim Woo something.

"Kim Woo, can you tell me what really is your class?"

Kim Woo was shocked.

"My class is a knight, why'd you asked?"

He is smiling when he said that. He wondered why'd Chae ask about it.

"Earlier, i feel an ominous aura on you. It's like you're gonna unleash a beast nor demon."

A beast nor demon, ominous aura. That's the word that made him speechless. Then Chae spoke. "Kim Woo please tell your real class. i have suspicious about knight as your class."

Kim Woo smiled and told her that. "My class

is really a knight."

Chae stared at him.

"I'm gonna ignore you if you don't tell me."

"Hey my class is really a knight."

Chae pout and said. "Go to hell."

Chae turned his back and about to head on her room.Then something came at Kim Woo's mind.'Come to think of it, I don't have weapon like sword, maybe the Demon Lord will give if i came back, No. Request, let's request a sword to the Demon Lord.'

Kim Woo say the Hell's Gate skill. Then Chae felt a very strong atmosphere. She turned her back at Kim Woo and saw a Gate. She's shocked at what she saw.

She saw Kim Woo who's about to enter it, then she asked. "Kim Woo? where are you going?"

Kim Woo turned his back at Chae. And then

he spoke.



Chae tried to reach Kim Woo but she failed.

She's confused. A Gate's appeared at their house? She wants to enter it but she's scared, and then the gates began to fade out.


She spoke as he trembled.

"Why'd he take it seriously? Wait."

She's really confused. When she stared at Kim Woo, before he enter the gate, Kim Woo's not afraid. it's hell after all, but why?

"Is this really a coincidence?"

A gate a appeared after she said the word 'Go to hell'. Then Her eyes were widened. She was pure convinced. 'It didn't appear randomly. it was summoned by Kim Woo?'


Kimchae arrived at their house.

'So many, i saw so many changes.'

She walked fast at door and press the doorbell.

Ding Dong

Chae's point of view.

Ding Dong.

Chae who can't move on at the gate. She went downstairs and open the door entrance of their house, and then she saw her mother standing at their house. A tears came out on her eyes.

Kimchae's Point of view

Someone opened the door, it was Chae. A tears came out at Chae's eyes. Kimchae ran toward her and hugged her tight.

"Hey why are you crying?"

Kimchae's heart is beating so fast when she saw Chae crying. It made her think something. 'No please.' She thought that Chae was crying because of Kim Woo. No but actually yes, she's crying because she saw her mother, and it is because of her brother to who enter the gate's of hell. Kimchae's asked.

"Where's your brother?"

Then she cried out a lot of tears.

"Mom." sob sob.

Kimchae's mind's blank, as she saw Chae crying out loud when she asked of her brother. A tears started to came out on Kimchae's eyes.


Yoon JinHee. A South Korean citizen, Kimchae's assistant. She moved overseas to get stronger. She's a hunter, Warrior (Swordsman's class). one of the Top 10 candidates of becoming a sword saint. At age of 15, she became an assistant of Kimchae. Now after five years, she came back to South korea because of her boss(Kimchae).

When they arrived at their house. She saw a girl, it was Kimchae crying at her mom while hugging her.

'I thought it was a boy, she said 'Her son after all.'

It made her confused. Then, Kimchae asked Chae about her brother. it made her confusion solved. She saw Chae crying out loud after Kimchae asked about her brother.

JinHee wondered why. 'Maybe me boss came back to South Korea because something happened to her son.


Kimchae asked Chae again.

"Chae, Where's your brother. Please tell me."

"Hell." sob sob.

Kimchae's fell down on her knees and cried.

Then something reminds her. 'Resurrect!'

Kimchae asked chae again but this time it quite Disturbed Chae.

"Chae, Where's your brother's corpse?"

Chae tilt her head because of the confusion.


She asked what. Then Kimchae tilt her head too after the word 'what'


"Mom, that's not what you think it is. Help me

Kim Woo just ent...."

A very strong atmosphere just appeared around their house. JinHee, Kimchae, take out their equipments at the inventory, but Chae feels different.

She ran upstairs and saw her brother with a sword.


Kim Woo entered the gate to go back to earth and then she saw Chae standing.

"This is my class Chae. I'm a demon, Demon Knight." then someone's walking at the stairs. He draw he's sword that he obtained by requesting at the Demon Lord and aimed it at the person who's walking upstairs.

Kimchae and JinHee's point of view


Kimchae shouted her name when she ran upstairs. They feel the ominous atmosphere upstairs so they ran upstairs too. Then Kimchae and JinHee heard a male voice.

"This is my class Chae. I'm a demon, demon Knight."

The eyes of the two are widened. Kimchae reminded her of her husband, The father of the twin. 'Kim Woo. Kim Woo is a Demon Knight too?'

Too? Yes. Her husband is a Demon Knight. That means Kim Woo followed his father's legacy. Is that why the Demon Lord is so nice to him because of his father? Why the Demon Lord appointed him as a Knight of Hell?

(AN: Demon Knight and Hell Knight are the same. I just changed it because it kinda disturbing.)

Then they arrived upstairs. They saw Kim Woo, who draw its sword. Kimchae felt relieved as she saw Kim Woo. She's so happy.

While JinHee. When JinHee saw Kim Woo. Her heart start beating, when she stared at him. Why? It is lovestruck, Love at first sight. That's what it is. A girl who feared nothing, who fight like a badass.


"Kim Woo withdraw your sword."

Chae hold his Arm to stop him. A two girl appeared in front of Kim Woo. Then a tears fell from his eyes.


Kimchae ran towards him and hugged him so tight. They both cried out while JinHee who's blushing while staring at Kim Woo's face,

made a weird confused face. "Eh?"

She shook her head, and stared at Kim Woo and Chae.

'Oh They're twin.'

"Kim Woo, what is your class again?"

Kimchae asked him so she can make it sure.

"I don't wanna keep this secret but.... I'm a Demon Knight."

Being a Demon Knight means you're a Demon. That means Kim and Chae are demon? Earlier ago, Kimchae said that their father are Demon Knight. If you're a Human and appointed by the Demon Lord as one of Hell's Knight. That means you'll be a half demon, half human, but since Kim Woo's father who's a Demon Knight in the past. That means Kim Woo is already a half Demon, half human, before he got his class(Demon Knight). If that's the case Kim Woo became a pure Demon after he got his class.

How about Chae. Chae didn't inherit most of her father's blood. Even though she inherit much, the blood itself will be change, or wiped by another blood. Chae's class is the Descendant of the Great Elf Queen. that means, Chae can be a Half Elf, half Human. Plus the ancestor of Kimchae, Priest Hyunur.

Solved. Chae inherit most of her mother's blood, while Kim Woo inherit most of his father's blood.

Kimchae asked him, and Kim Woo said that he is a Demon Knight. Then she approached Kim Woo and pull his shirt. Kim Woo felt weird.

"Uh mom?"

Kimchae touched his belly, why? Because of the spear that stabbed him.

"Kim Woo are you all right? is it hurts?"

She worried as she asked.

"Yes im all right hehe."

Hatred. No hatred can be found on the twin. They're happy when they saw they're mother.

Kimchae smiled. She rose from her sit, and told something to the twin.

"Kim, Chae. pack up your things, we're moving."

Kim and Chae were shocked.

"Why'd all this sudden.?"

"Where are we moving.?"

Kimchae winked at both of them and then.

"We're not moving overseas, don't worry."


The twin went to their room, to pack their things. JinHee who's standing behind Kimchae's side. Followed Kim Woo. Kimchae asked. "Where are you going?"

She swallowed her dried saliva and blush after Kimchae asked her.

"Uh... um... im going to help Mr. Kim Woo pack his thing."

Kimchae felt suspicious, because she have heard Kim Woo class. Demon Knight is a powerful class, but the word Demon can make people worried. But the suspiciousness disappeared at Kimchae's face when she saw her cheeks blushing. Then she smirked. "Ok go ahead.... And wait. Take care of my son in the future." And then she winked.

JinHee can't help blushing after she heard that.

"Wha.....What do you mean boss?"

Her voice cracked as she said that.

"Anyways im going."

Kimchae laughed at her. Then she went to Kim Woo's room.

"Hi Mr. Kim Woo, im here to help pack your things. I'm Yoon JinHee."

Kim Woo smiled at her. And said. "Just call me Kim Woo hehe. I'm glad you're here to help me."

JinHee's heart were beating very fast. As she entered a male's room for the first time. The two chit chat while packing things, until they made themselves comfortable talking with each other. If it's in game, JinHee made 10% in Kim Woo's heart.


They've finished packing they're things. JinHee and Kim Woo who's laughing at each other after getting out of his room went to the living room. Chae who saw the two

'Who... They're laughing each other, maybe they can made a good chemistry hihi.'

Then Kimchae Who's waiting at the Living room rose on her sit.

"Ok let's go!"

The twin who's excited said at the same time.

"A Brand New Start!"

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