57.54% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 103: Taking down warriors & High Priest summon

บท 103: Taking down warriors & High Priest summon

After all groups of soldiers split up around the island's shores, moving to separate targets, the brothers also jumped down, prepared for a fight.

Levon, who was welding a light longsword, went to cover a part of the soldiers, while Yetty went in the opposite direction while carrying a two-handed axe behind his back.

Flex also went in separate directions and quickly blended with the island's greenery, which was so tall that it made him think for how long they kept this grass like this.

Using light steps that could be only heard by the most sensitive animals, he began approaching a group of islanders lurking around a large tree, visible from a trained eye who could discern changes in the field.

'Good, I sense no activity from those indigenous guys. So they should be slacking on their watch.'

Moving deeper to where those warriors were reported to be spotted, he finally could hear the indigenous guys speaking in their dialect.

(Conversation between the indigenous people - going in their native language. Making it intelligible for Flex to understand and pick up.)

"Man, why does the high priest have to choose us to do such a boring job? Look at Zeke Goddonk's men, they are always around the city doing whatever, yet us? I feel that the high priest doesn't even think of us that much."

"Don't go that route man. I also ask myself if the High Priest feels something about us brothers when we die. The answer is a sad no. We're not even his elites who he protects from any bad miscaf happening. I think you are right. The priest just uses us."

"Sigh, a sad truth, but we can't go to Chieftan Zeke clan, or the Moriah's who got whipped out by the priest. We aren't even allowed to talk with those foreigners about their land and how is their life. We could join them since they don't seem like bad people."

"I feel you. I heard from some guys who went to Chieftain's house and talked a bit with those foreigners. They found out that their village, which they call it Kaysang Kingdom, is so big that it could house all of us there. With so many things to see, large buildings that could rival the Ancestral Temple, and many things they couldn't bring with them here.

Also, the ones I asked heard from the foreigners boast that their Prince, someone who's like a chieftain for them, is so powerful that he could rival the ancestors."

"What? Rival the ancestors? That feels a bit weird when hearing it. But we also only heard about stories of the ancestors who created Tamuin so who are we to deny it."

"That's also what I thought, this Prince of those foreigners at least is alive. If we meet him we can glimpse at what the ancestors looked like."

"Haha, yes. Probably there's many guys thinking in their head about this encounter with the foreigners."



Flex stared at those indigenous guys who seemed to have a casual talk between friends, even laughing heartily, felt a bit weird about himself who tried to take them down.

'Isn't this weird, as if they don't really wish to be here? Could it be that they don't work for the High Priest or have a bad relation with him? No, I can't approach them thinking they don't wish to harm my boys. I'll capture in the fastest manner and see what information I can get from them."

Thinking that he moved stealthily toward the islanders in his head before finally, he attacked them when he was in close range.

There were three guys that he tried to take down, each reacting fast, taking their sword that had the form of a gladius.

"Wait foreigner, we don't want any trouble with you and your people. We are here just because t he high priest told us, but we don't want to harm you. "

"Ohh, so you guys don't want to harm us, yet you spied on my ship for 2 days. Don't worry I will not kill any of you and just knock you out unconscious and capture you."

"Foreigner we are peaceful, you don't have to fight us."

"No, I still don't know your true intentions."

As Flex said that he appeared in front of one warrior and hit him behind the back of his head, letting only 2 more guys stare weirdly at him.

Seeing their stare, Flex really couldn't sense much hostility in them, as if they believed that he didn't want to harm them.

"Sigh, at least fight a bit with me, don't make it seem so easy." commented Flex while rushing at those two indigenous guys.

The indigenous warriors smiled a bit and took a sword guard stance with their gladius.

Flex nodded his head and prepared to do a rapid combination of strikes with his short sword and long dagger.

The islander warriors managed themselves well in the first part of the strikes, blocking in an able manner Flex strikes, but the young officer increased his pace at a greater amount that took the warriors on the backside.

Striking their weapons down, Flex stared at the warriors calmly and heard the warriors say with heavy breathing.

"Foreigner, you really are strong, comparable to the champions of our island."

"You two aren't that bad either, you just lack speed and a bit more power. Well, if you keep quiet and follow me back to my ship I will spare you from getting knocked out. How does it sound?"

"Foreigner, you won against us fair and square, even fought against 2. We people of Tamuin respect the strong. We'll follow you to where you say."

"Hmm, you guys are smart. You give me another impression about you guys."

Said Flex as he was moving to Valor, followed by the two indigenous warriors who picked up their unconscious comrade.

"Foreigner, what happened with you that made you hit us warriors? Did the High Priest did something?"

"Ohh, so you guys don't know the reason you have been placed to look out at my ship?"

"Isn't it to keep you at your ship, that's what the priest told us. That we should be around the forest to remind your people to stay there and not approach Tamuin."

"I see, so that old man likes to play with peoples lives. Do you want to hear the real reason or what I mostly believe it is, for you looking out for my ship and people?"

The indigenous warriors following Flex to his ship nodded their heads and agreed on hearing Flex words.

"I heard from my men inside the village that your so-called High Priest wants to capture all of my men and citizens of Kaysang here and have them some sort of sacrifice. Guess where you guys came in his plan. Yes, you were the first line of people who would be commanded to attack us.

Most of you would be dead meat only at the shortest hostility against us, proud silver eagles."

The warriors looked at one another and talked a bit in their native language.

("So our feeling was right. The high priest really never thought about us, as one of his clansmen, but just some disposable people. This foreigner doesn't seem to lie at all. He could even kill us easily if he wanted, but look at him, he even tries to explain to us the reason for acting against us."

"I heard it brother. *Spit* that old man really planned to have us killed. See man, those foreigners aren't as bad as we first thought. With this occasion we can also see that big boat, and see with our eyes how great they are.")

Flex looked a bit at the talking indigenous guys and asked them casually.

"So what were the two of you been talking behind my back? Are you planning to backstab me?"

"No, no, sir. We've discussed the priest betrayal. We have no reason to fight you and your people. You have honor and so far respected your word."

"I see. Good, you guys of the Rain really aren't so bad."

As he ended saying that, he looked around himself and sometimes he could hear the sound of fighting.

"The fights should be over by now. Wait for a bit you two, I have to call someone."

Then Flex took a tiny snail from his pocket, which turned the two warriors curious as to what that weird snail could be. But when they saw Flex spin something on the snail shell and later seeing the snail giving out some sounds, they awed by themselves.

"Levon, Yetty, after the boys finish those bastards gather them at the ship."

"Brother Flex, there've been some weird islanders who didn't want to fight at all, I currently hold with me two of those guys. They keep saying something that the "High Priest betrayed them in sending them to their death."" replied Levon in a slightly angry tone.

"Same with me brother, only that I have only one guy. Tsk, I even wanted to wash my great axe in some blood before going to rescue little Valen."

Flex could hear a gulping from the receiver that made him laugh a bit, turning at the three islanders he had with him, who starred with big eyes at the den-den mushi.

After another 15 minutes passed, some soldiers began carrying the unconscious warriors, followed by some islanders who walked by their own volition to Valor big main desk, dropped down the unconscious ones, and had the awake guys climb down.

Flex stared down at the indigenous guys and said in a high a dignified manner.

"Guys, listen up. We soldiers of Kaysang have no interest in harming you or any citizens of this island. We gathered you here to avoid unnecessary bloodshed if it happens.

I heard from my soldiers that some of you resisted the capture, who should now be meeting with your so-called ancestor for a bit and you who can enjoy this new experience at being inside Valor main heart, the low deck where our strongest weapons are located."

"You'll have to remain here until we get back our people stuck in your city."

The indigenous guys nodded their heads, understanding what the young officer just said, and looked around themselves with curiosity at the cannons stationed at the many openings.

Then, when Flex finished instructing the sailors to look over those islanders who were bound, one of the indigenous guys who fought Flex said something to Flex, who was about to climb up.

"Sir Captain, you might need someone who can speak with the people inside the city to not enter in conflict with them. I'm willing to offer myself and help your case."

Staring sharply at the indigenous guy, Flex asked him.

"Do you by chance plan something?"

"No, no, sir Captain. I heard from your people that the merchants are held hostage inside Tamuin, I might be of help with the others and convince them to not fight you."

"Hmm, well it might not be that bad also having one of you islanders with me who can speak to the heart of the people in this island. Soldiers release this guy, he will join us."

The soldiers complied with the orders and unbound the indigenous guy, who quickly followed after the soldiers led and tried to reach Flex and the two brothers but were blocked by the soldiers.

"Let him pass. He fought against me, he's quite strong, comparable to you guys."

"Thank you sir Captain." responded the indigenous guy as he got next to Flex and the other two brothers who started walking toward Tamuin.

"Stop calling me sir Captain, you are not even a soldier of Kaysang or citzen of Kaysang, so you probably don't even understand the meaning of this title. Call me Flex."

"I understand Flex. Well, I heard your men call you Captain, so I thought that was your name. I'm called Atepa.

"Okay, now keep it quiet because I want to think. Talk only when asked."

As Flex said that, the large group of soldiers numbering in a number of 100 able men holding rifles in their arms moved in synchrony after their officer who was wearing the black military uniform with the crowned silver eagle on their backs while they were wearing a blue military uniform that looked a bit cheaper compared to how glorious the officers uniform was.



While the soldiers captured the high priest scouts, inside the village around Chieftain Zeke, there were 10 guys and a young woman moving stealthily in the cover of darkness and the high grass and tall tree's.

"Slowly guys, we don't need to rush anything. We barely got out from the range of the building. We still have a lot before getting close to the exit." said Valen to the rest of the soldiers, who started getting impatient.

"Valen there's no one around here so why are we moving while laying so low?" asked one soldier behind Valen and the Maisha

Before Valen could reply, Maisha said in a quiet tone.

"That's because the old priest war maniacs are patrolling around this area. They are really trained, the elite warriors. They can quickly pick up any changes around them as if they control the power of the ancestors." said Maisha while leading the way.

Valen looked at her and asked.

"They don't control that power right?"

"No, the only people who control the ancestors power's was my dead father, Zeke and the high priest. But, the high priest is the most dangerous on the island. He knows more secrets about the ancestors and the island then everyone on Tamuin."

Minutes passed, and the group who left the area of where Zeke's house arrived at where a canal was.

It was a dirty zone, full of manure and other dirty stuff.

The soldiers looked at Maisha with questioning expressions, and before they could say something, Maisha took the lead and climbed down the canal.

"Jump here. This will take us to the periphery of Tamuin, but we still have to walk. We have no other way outside if we want to be unseen."

"Damn girl you really are starting creeping us, are you sure this is the right way?" asked a soldier while looking down at Maisha, who started getting dirty by the manures.

Valen jumped down and stared at the soldiers.

"Get down already, haven't you guys boosted that you lived under the syndicate guys? Why are you acting as you're some nobles?"

Bors, Valen's friend, also jumped down and said while patting the guy's shoulder.

"We can't compare with you, peasant boy. The smell of shit for you is just a reminder of your home. Get down already you guys, don't embarrass yourself."

"Thanks, but also fuck you."

Bors just chuckled softly and watched as the soldier's jumped down.

"Now what girl?"

"Yes, follow me. The canal system is really complex and old, like a maze. Made in the time of the ancestors, so it's usually left alone by us."

"A maze? Interesting." replied Bors with a smile on his dirtied face.

"Indeed, I don't know why the ancestors built it like this, but it leads outside of the village."

"Hehe, probably built for some important guy to have an easy way to escape if something happened." replied another soldier as they followed Maisha and Valens' lead.

After another minute, Maisha suddenly stopped at a crossroads of the canal system.

Her face hardened as if something happened.

"What's wrong Maisha? Did anything go wrong?"

"She probably forgot in which direction to go, correct girl?"

"Argh, as much I want to say I have everything in control, I indeed forgot some parts of the canal system because I never thought it would be useful for me."

"Then what now? Do we try our luck in one of the three directions?" asked Bors while looking at the three directions the main canal split.

"Let me think. Maybe I remember it."

Yet another minute passed with the group stuck at the crossroads, and Maisha finally said something after keeping silent.

"I don't know exactly which path lead outside, but if we go a bit more we should see some water dripping down in the system, that should be the correct path. If we go on the other paths one could lead to the temple, the priest main seat, and another one leads to the Arena's."

"I see, hey Morloc, you're the luckies among us at gambling and the other luck games. Try your luck and pick a path." said Bors to one of the soldiers who had a wide nose and big ears as if resembling a frog.

The others laughed a bit and continued with.

"Yes Morloc, try your luck, it's also boosted by all this shit. What do you say Valen, isn't this the best way to go forward."

Valen chuckled a bit and nodded his head.

The guy called Morloc looked a bit around the paths, took some garbage from the ground and throw it in all directions as if checking something.

Then after finishing his checks, he pointed at the 3rd path.

"I would go with that one. That's what my guts tell me."

"Then let's get going."



In another part of the village, while the group of soldiers, together with Maisha escaped using the canal system.

Inside the large temple, an old man was kneeling in front of a statue of a person who was holding a sword that had a sun pattern on its hilt and who was holding his crowned head tall, looking arrogantly at the entrance of this room.

The body and face of this statue was similar to the one Vlad stumbled inside the crumbled temple.

"Great ancestor, your servant Kuljub will offer you a satisfactory sacrifice, that would put a smile on your face inside your great kingdom."

"Please continue on guiding my choices in leading my people."

Kneeling for some more time and reciting some prayers at the feet of this statue, he rose on his feet in a determined manner and walked toward another room of the temple.

When he arrived in another great room that had a throne on it, the old man who was seated on the throne and holding the golden staff called one of the priests inside.

"Check on Kulubuk, it's been already almost one hour since he went to the dungeon. Also bring along that little Moriah slut."

"Yes High Priest." bowed the priest deeply to the old man before taking his leave.

When the old man was all alone, he felt a sudden coldness on his back that was short lives.

"This feeling? Another prophecy from the ancestor? Something happened to someone close to me? But who? Kulubuk should be guarded heavily by the guards. Who?"

Yet, as the old man was thinking about the coldness he felt, the priest he sent to check on Kulubuk returned with a panicked expression followed by some warriors.

"High Priest, something happened inside the dungeon. The warriors sent to guard Kulubuk got killed, and the Kulubuk is nowhere to be found."


"We checked on those foreigners and even killed some to check if they told everything truthfully. Zeke probably figured out the plan you held targeting him. Since we took down the Moriah's, he looked at us differently, on high alert."

"Also, high priest I think there's some history between him and that slut Maisha."

"It's really Zeke? We finally decided to strike. Could it be because he now has the support of those foreigners?"

"I can't explain Kulubuk missing, without drawing the conclusion that it was Zeke targeting you High Priest."

"I see, I see. So he thinks I'm a dying old man? I Kuljub, blessed by the ancestors with their power, I still have long years to live before meeting and dining with the great ancestor."

"Summon all my warriors. Since Zeke wants a war with me, he will have it. Hmph, that brat thinks that he holds more power than me? He's clearly mistaken."


A/N: " Summon the scourge, High Priest, let them feel your wrath. " this High Priest is really high asf, but hey, he seems strong I guess.


Guys you have interesting information revealed inside the story, from what the simple warriors of the island said, to the canal system. Lastly, if you still haven't found the biggest foreshadow, check the last part with the High Priest temple.


Hope you liked this chapter


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