No sooner had he got inside the shuttle, Scorpio appeared in front of him, pleading for mana stones, which surprised Jason.
Scorpio had only requested food until now, but Jason felt an itchy sensation radiating from his small soulbond, causing him to feel expectant…
'Is it already time?' He wondered as he retrieved a batch of small mana stones from his vast storage device.
Cheng would need some time to gather all materials, but to appease Jason, he had already sent him a `small` batch of mana stones. Jason asked himself if it was already enough for Dalia to enhance Scorpio's potential but it was unlikely.
But that could wait for some time, as Artemis' evolution was more important than increasing Scorpio´s potential for now.
Once Scorpio's potential increased, he would look for a suitable evolution path for his cute scorpion who laid on the grade-1 mana stones on his lap.
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