
Annie is on fire~

"Wait! There really is an island?!" Nami still couldn't believe it even when I was reassuring her, so she snatched the map and started to observe it.

"YES, IT EXISTS!!!" Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Buggs and Lux.

I give Lux a weird look, she sees my look and blushes.

"What? I came for adventures… Why wouldn't I be happy about going to an island in the sky?" She looks pouting at me.

"Well alright… We just stay here and wait for someone to come pick us up. Let's just take everything else too." We start to rummage, find a weird scooter, some weird shells and the remaining texts.

"Um, so when will the person come pick us up?" Lux is waiting bored.

Robin and Chopper are looking through the remains while the others are just playing around with the wreckage.

"Should be soon since the wreckage fell about an hour ago." Lynx

And soon we hear a clear sound on the sea.

"Salvage~ Salvage~ Salvage~ Salvage~ Salvage~,..." The singing is being accompanied by cymbals.

"What's that?" Usopp looks through his goggles.

"Twee! Heave to! Twee!" A voice booms from an approaching ship.

"Aye aye captain!" The crew yells.

"And there is our guy!" I smile seeing the monkey with two cymbals figurehead.

"Is there where the ship sank?" The first voice booms again.

"Aye aye boss!!!" Crew shout.

"Boss? That's me!!! Prepare to raise the ship! That sunken ship is ours!!! OK KEE KEE!!!" Masira shouts.

"OK KEE KEE!!!" The crew impersonates him.

"Oh hello there, mister! You came for this ship?" I shout towards the other ship while pointing at the wreckage.

"What good manners!!! Do you think I warrant such admiration?" Masira smiles stupidly.

"Admiration?" Siren looks confused at him.

"Do you really think I'm that handsome?" Masira smiles brightly.

"Nah, that's just gorillas? I don't see who else would mate with you." Annie looks confused at him.

"..." Masira freezes and falls down to his knees with tears in his eyes.

"Oy Annie! Now is not the time for insults! He is a good guy!" I defend him before jumping to his ship.

"Sorry, I taught my daughter to insult any pirate we come across. So don't take it personally~ Nice to meet you~ I am Clawe D Lynx from the Straw hat pirates!" I smile and help his stand.

"Ah! I get it! She insults everyone even if it's not true~ At least the dad has manners!" Masira picks himself up happily.

"No, I really me-" Annie tries to continue but her mouth is covered by Braum.

"Now now Annie. Lynx is trying to talk. Don't make it difficult." Braum smiles at her.

"Fine… But it was true…" Annie pouts.

"So you are salvagers?" Lynx

"Yes! This is the salvaging territory of the Masira pirates!" He says proudly.

"Oh alright… But since that ship almost sunk us after falling from the air, we kept it over the water and explored it. I hope you understand~" Lynx

"WHAT?! You dare to invade my territory?!" He puffs himself up and the crew get ready to fight.

"Oh you don't know us? Here, this might help~" I give him some paper.

He takes the papers and looks at them

"What is this? Bounty posters? Shieldmaster Braum, bounty 40 million. Roronoa Zoro, bounty 70 million… Monkey D Luffy 150 million… Clawe D Lynx. Bounty is 250 million…" His voice becomes quieter as he looks at the bounties and the crew present.

"... WELCOME TO MY TERRITORY~ OK KEE KEE!!!" He welcomes us a bit nervously.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything to you~ You can keep most of the junk, but we would like you to guide us to the island you come from. You see our log pose has reset to the sky island so we are kinda lost in the sea. Such a good man, would definitely help people in need, right~" I smile at him.

"Oh yea! Of course, I am the most generous monkey man alive!" He starts to laugh at the praise, biting my bait.

"Good! Then please lead us! The ship had anything interesting salvaged so you don't have to bother. Zoro! Throw me the bags with the stuff without the shells and that scooter." Lynx

Zoro just throws the bags effortlessly before I catch them and put them in front of Masira.

"Sadly there was no real gold or whatever else." Lynx

"Oh, no problem! Let's go to Jaya! OK KEE KEE!" Masira

"OK KEE KEE!!!" The crew repeats and starts to turn the ship.

"Well I'll go back to our ship. Let's hang out on the island~" I jump back to the Merry.

"Alright, just follow them. We will go to Jaya to restock and get our way to Skypiea. A man knows the way there." I tell the crew.

"FOLLOW THAT MONKEY!" Luffy commands.

"Oh you think I'm hunky?" Masira scratches himself behind his head happily.

"Do you really want me to answer?" Annie looks at him.

"... No, I am fine…" Masira looks away from Annie.

I stare at Annie looking for any chance to throw an insult.

'Foxy, I pray that you will never meet us… Or you will commit suicide from depression.' Lynx

"Achoo!!! Hm? Something is itching in my ear?" Foxy picks his ear.

"Are you ok, Foxy? You didn't catch a cold, did you?" Porsche asks him.

"Someone must be talking about the great me! Feh feh feh!" Foxy giggles to himself.

*Press F for poor Foxy*

Luffy and some others are talking and playing with Masira as we keep sailing.

"Usopp! Janna! See anything yet?" Zoro is kinda impatient.

"Not yet!" Usopp.

"Only the wind has changed and remained as a warm one. Nothing else." Janna descends from the sky.

"It shouldn't be that far anymore, right? That guy said it is his territory." Zoro

"Well, the weather is stable and like Janna said, it must mean this is the normal temperature of the island." Nami

"I bet Jaya is a spring island!" Luffy relaxes.

"It's so warm~" Chopper, Lola and Buggs.

"Yep, it's a spring island with tropical vegetation. Ok kee kee!" Masira reaffirms it.

"I like spring… I think the seagulls like it too." Chopper

*Thump thump thump.*

The seagulls fall onto the deck of the ship, dead.

"Oh? What's the situation, doc?" Buggs

"Ah they have been shot down!" Chopper

"Nice, throw them on the grill!" Luffy smiles.

"Huh? But there were no gunshots? Have you heard anything Buggs?" Lola

"Nope! Me neither." Buggs shrugs and eats his carrot.

"See! Here is the bullet!" Chopper pulls out the bullet.

"Judging from the direction they flew and the disturbance in the air, it came from straight ahead." Janna comments.

"TIME TO TROLL!!!" I run inside, come back with a bow and fly into the air.

Facing forward I give the middle fingers towards the horizon in front of us. Right after I summon Braum's shield.

*Bang bang bang bang!*

Bullets impact the shield but do no damage.

"MY TURN BIATCH!!!" I smile.

I nock my arrow, pull the heavy bow as much as I can and aim at the spot where the bullets came from. I feel my observation and concentration on the rise with the stimulation of the bow.

"Disintegrate! Zephyr! Tailwind! Power chord!" I imbue Annie's firebolt, Janna's wind spirit, give the arrow tail wind for better flight and use the Power chord ability of Sona to enhance the power. Lastly I put a lot of mana into the bow so it becomes stronger.

Letting go of the string, the arrow disappears from sight only leaving a big light trail behind it.

"Tch, showoff! Prepare for impact!" Van Augur warns the people on the raft.

"Huh, what do you mean? Can't you shoot it down?" Blackbeard looks weirdly at him.

"It will power through, we need to dodge it." Van Augur warns.

Lafitte changes the course without saying anything.


The trail of light hits about 20 meters away making a fiery explosion with wind impacting them, almost destroying their sail.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Blackbeard is pissed at someone actually shooting something like that at them.

"An arrow." Van Augur says annoyed.

"You telling me that was a fucking arrow?! WHo the fuck did you try shooting?!" Blackbeard can't believe it since there are rarely any bow users if they can use guns. And no one was anywhere close to this power!

"It's the rookie crew that beat Crocodile. That little bastard who exposed everything gave me the middle fingers, shielded against the bullets and shot back." Van Augur.

"... Is this kid a bastard of Whitebeard or Roger? Like what the hell was that power in Paradise? And he must possess haki if he almost shot us from that distance." Laffite comments.

"I better not meet you kid or I will shove that arrow up your ass!" Blackbeard curses at me.

"Hahaha! This itch in the ear! I guess he will be the victim of my million years of death! Just need to figure out the best combination… Hm, Durin has been commenting on the baton becoming a cursed weapon, maybe if I upgrade the move to that point, it just might really become one~ Can't wait to try~" I smirk.

I descend and land on the deck.

"What the hell just happened?" Zorro

"And what did you shoot with that?" Sanji

"What was that even?" Usopp had shining eyes seeing the projectile.

"Oh, I gave the one who shot the seagulls the middle finger. I blocked his attack and sent one back. Used Annie's, Sona's and Janna's abilities on the arrow." I smile at them.

"Did you hit them?" Mikita asks.

"No, but it was probably close. It's hard to hit something over the horizon." Lynx

"THEY ARE OVER THE HORIZON?!" Usopp gawks at me, he didn't know why I could see someone so far.

"That's the future of marksmans~ You better learn observation haki, or you will never hit anyone anymore since they are too fast or too far away." Lynx

Usopp clenches his fists. Why wouldn't he? If he ends up as a marksman that can't hit anything, he is essentially useless!

"... Can you train me?" Usopp looks at me determinedly.

"Oh, don't worry! I will train everyone about it soon! Chopper, you better stock up on cooling creams for head bumps~ I will count on you girls too~" I grin at all the healers.

"So what's the name of the move?!" Luffy became impatient.

"Ah, right… I have to name the move." Lynx

"Yup! It needs to be cool so people are in awe as you shout it!" Luffy

"It also helps concentrate and prepare the move faster, since your body remembers what you did to achieve it." Zoro

"Yea, daddy! Make it cool!" Annie

"... Fine, since the bow is the 'Sky hunter', let's name it the 'Hunter comet'! After my observation haki archives a better stage, it will literally hunt the one I shot like a guiding missile." Lynx

'Maybe I should get Ashe next, so I can put her ult on top.' I think to myself.

"Awww, I wanted it to be like 'Sky boom of death'!" Luffy pouts.

"..." We just look at him stupidly.

'Did he really suck at names that much?' Lynx

"Hey! Look at that city!" Luffy

"It looks like a resort!" Usopp

"You're right! I wouldn't mind spending some time in a place like that." Nami

"Me too!" Lux

"Ah, a bath would feel heavenly right now~" Sona

"The wind is stale there…" Janna frowns at the atmosphere that is similar to Bilgewater.

"Daddy, are we going to the resort?" Annie tugs on my clothes.

"It's not a resort. It's a city where pirates are free to move." I stare at the distance.

"Really?" Sanji looks interested.

"Oh, you better watch after Annie then. She will either create an army of enemies or burn the city to the ground." Mikita pushes Annie to me.

"That's likely to happen." Braum nods.

"I concur to that." Masira raises his arm.

"Fine! I was planning to go with her anyway."

"looks like it's so! All the ships in the port are pirate ships!" Usopp

We let Masira go ahead and go home first before we meetAfter landing we jumped off the ship. Me, Luffy, Zoro, Annie, Lux, Mikita, Buggs, Lola and Zala left the ship.

Braum, Nami, Sanji, Robin, Usopp, Chopper, Marianne, Siren, Sona and Janna stayed.

I advised Siren to stay on board since a mermaid would be too attractive to the pirates, Janna didn't want to enter the town because of it being so similar to Bilgewater, while Sona was put off by it being mostly dirty scallywags.

"Ew, so many dirty bastards… I will just stay here." She stays on the ship.

"Suit yourself, you want me to bring anything?" Lynx

"Good red wine!" Sona

"Anything delicious." Janna

"Books?" Robin

"Sweets!" Marianne

"We are low on sugar, spices and some fresh vegetables." Sanji

"Nothing really. Braum will look after the ship!" Braum

"Just come back safe master." Siren smiles.

"Got it, will try to find the stuff." I turn and go to the others while holding Annie.

"There are all sorts of characters here." Luffy smiles.

��Seems like a fun place." Zoro grins

"There is no way that group isn't getting in trouble!" Nami

"Yeah. Zala and Mikita would behave themselves… But Luffy, Zoro, Lynx and Annie in this rough town…" Usopp

"I'm not worried about our group. I'm more worried about this town still standing in the evening." Marianne comments as she relaxes with some sweets besides the reading Robin.

"Well that won't do! Wait everyone!!" Nami jumps off and runs after us.

"She's gone…" Chopper becomes worried.

"I promise to never fight in this town." Luffy promises to Nami.

"Good. Now keep your promise, okay?" Nami

"Yeah." Luffy, Zoro, Lux, Mikita, Buggs, Lola and Zala promise.

"I will not make any such promises. I only promise to not start the conflict." Lynx

"Me too! These bastards will find a fight with us by themselves~ There are only three guys, two Lapins, four women and a kid-me. This is practically asking for people to find trouble with us." Annie

"... Shit!" Nami realizes it.

"Let's just hope that our bounties would make people less likely to find trouble with us." Lynx

Soon we find a white horse with a collapsed man on the floor. He is coughing up blood.

"Hey… Pardon me folks, but… Can you help me up?" Doc Q asks

"Aren't you even going to try to do it yourself?" Zoro

"Much obliged. Ah, I made it." Doc Q is helped by Zoro up.

"I was born with a weak constitution. Alright Strongheart, let's go…" Doc Q

But then the horse coughs up blood too.

"The horse too?!" Zoro

"I haven't any money to give you, but… Please take one." Doc Q holds out a basket of apples.

"No thanks. They look suspicious as fuck. Just go." Zoro

"Oh apples! Thanks!" Luffy tries to eat the apple but I grab it and throw it far away.

"Hey my apple!!! What's the big deal?!" Luffy looks at me angry.


A shop behind us explodes.

"That's the deal! Most of his apples are rigged into bombs or poison! Think before you do something stupid like taking food from strangers!" I bitch slap Luffy.

"Ah sorry then… So which ones are good?" Luffy asks me.

"... Let's just leave. Just don't trust him anymore." I tell everyone as we continue our way.

"What kind of place is this?!" Nami screams.

"Fun, isn't it?" Lux smiles.

"Too many retards for my taste…" Annie mumbles.

"Hey ladies~ Why don't you leave these chumps and come with real men like us?" A random pirate.

"... Tibbers, set an example." Annie throws the teddy bear as he crashes down in front of the man with hulking size.

*Growl* He looks at the man and his companions with fire burning instead of eyes.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!" Tibbers wipes the floor with the pirates before returning to Annie.

Annie just sends a glare to everyone around us making them back off before snuggling into my arms.

"Too many retards~" She yawns.

"Why don't we try this place? It's not noisy here. In fact it's quiet. Maybe there is information here, so we don't have to rely on that man, Lynx talked about." Nami

"That won't happen since these bastards are stupid." Lynx

But at this moment a person comes running.

"Oh! Please! Please! You can't! You can't just walk in here! The tropical hotel is currently being rented out by the Bellamy party." The hotel owner.

"Hotel? This is a hotel?" Zala

"If captain Bellamy finds you here, there will be big trouble! Please leave at once!" Hotel owner

"Can't we even look around?" Luffy

"What's all this? Who are these bilge rats?" A long haired blonde man with sunglasses, a fur coat and a woman walk over.

"M-Mr. Sarquiss! Welcome back! I, uh..." Hotel owner

"No excuses. Just get them out of here! We're not paying you to let people wander in here!" His bitch

"Got it brat? Get out of here." Sarquiss stares at Luffy's face.

"Nami, can I beat this guy up?" Luffy looks at Nami and points at him.

"Haha! That's very funny. You beat ME up? What a joke. Here. Go buy yourself some decent clothes." Sarquiss throws some money on the ground.

"What is this spare change, you peasant? You want us to look like a hobo like you?" Annie glances at the money before insulting him.

"You are saying I look like a hobo?" He looks angrily at Annie.

"Feh, like a kid like you knows anything about fashion!" His bitch

"To him. Yes, a hobo that stole some glasses, robbed a gold merchant and killed a beast to wear it on top. To you bitch, I have seen many ugly clothes, even an okama. Your fashion sense seems to be a crossover between an okama and a bandit, so I probably have a better sense than you~" Annie grins at the bitch.

"Good one Annie~" I pat her head.

"You little piece of shit! You really want to mess with us?! This here is Sarquiss! Bellamy's first mate with a bounty of 38 million!" His bitch.

"Pfft! You are proud of that? And you haven't heard of my daddy? Hahahaha!" Annie starts to laugh and seeing me let Annie provoke them, Mikita, Zala, Lola, Buggs and Lux start to laugh with her.

"Haaaah? Then tell me how much your daddy is worth?" The bitch

"Stop pretending you are all that tough before I stain the ground red." Sarquis

"Pfft hahahaha!" Annie just bursts into laughter as she pulls out a newspaper with a bounty notice she had in her clothes.

She jumps out my arm and hands over both of it to the stupid pair, smirking at them.

"... 250 million?!?!" Both their eyes bulge as they see me grin maleficently to scare the shit out of them.

Natsujan Natsujan

Man hardly made the chap as my cat kept jumping at me and not letting me write. In the end it finally fell asleep so I could write xD


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Stone -- หินพลัง








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