{Please read Author note}
As the Saintess its my job and life to make sure the forces of evil stay at bay, and I intend to do just that. The strike team is getting ready to move out in a few minutes, we all know our roles and we'll play them accordingly. The Pope was very adamant on us just leaving, but there is valuable information to be had. If we leave now we are throwing away an opportunity to get an advantage, many would call this mission unnecessary. They are the ones who are safe from attack at the moment, and with Alsoma gone the monsters have a foothold for more attacks. If it were a different enemy I'm sure that we could swiftly deal with this, but this is a war we haven't seen for centuries. I hate to say it, but we are slowly losing a balance with this war, we haven't even launched an attack yet.
Dear Novel_Equilizer
I see your reviews, and they are completely biased and lack any sort of real reason the story is bad. Even if you post a bad review over and over I'll delete it. I delete bad reviews only if they show no real criticism or logic. Most people like you find any reason to hate on a person, I've inspected your profile and seen the comments and reviews you leave on other stories. So do yourself a favor and stop reading this story.