24.26% I Only Have One Wish, I Want to Become a Knight / Chapter 40: Chapter 39 : The Villainess Showdown (Part 1)

บท 40: Chapter 39 : The Villainess Showdown (Part 1)

In the early morning of Rubal Village, the villagers gathered around in front of the entrance, standing around a single young man who wore a black armor and red scarf on his neck and down to his shoulder.

Today was the day for Kiritsuka Rei to continue his journey.

Rei decided to tag along with the carriage that filled with the bandits, just in case they're going to attack when the driver let their guard down.

After the remaining bandits got inside while their body was tied firmly with chains, Rei looked over his shoulder at Alicia and Leticia who was about to cry, knowing Rei would leave them for his journey.

"Crimson-san!" Alicia called, stepping forwards a bit.

Rei turned around to respond to her call.

"In the future...if I get much stronger...will you allow me to accompany you on your journey?" Alicia spoke, her violet eyes were glazed but there's a burning determination in them.

Rei sighed a bit then smiled behind his helmet,

"Alicia...the path that I'm walking in is much dangerous than you think...and along the way...my hand might get dirty once more."

"Can you take someone's life...for your own survival in the future?" Rei spoke from, obviously having experienced it once, to the little girl in front of him.

Alicia was silent for a while but the grip on her hand tightened, "I cannot say that...I can take people's life so easily...but...I shall brace myself to do it...and if I can...I want to save people more than taking them!" Alicia shouted with so much conviction as she stared at him.

Rei widened his eyes and smiled, "Heh...just as I thought...you are the future [Saint]." Rei mumbled so softly that he was inaudible to the people around him.

Alicia blinked, tilting her head a bit. "Did you say something?"

"No, nothing...in that case, I shall reserve that seat for you but...that is if you can catch up with me."

Alicia beamed and smiling brightly after hearing his answer. "Y-yes!"

"Right, well…I shall get going now."

Rei turned around as he walked towards the carriage, taking his seat next to one of the villagers who was assigned to deliver him and the bandits to the nearest city.

"Uncle, let's get going."

"Aiyo! Ha!" The man shouted as the horse in front of them started pulling the carriage.

When they are out from the gate they heard a voice.

"Crimson-san!! Thank youu!!! And Farewell!!!" Alicia shouted as she was in the verge of tears.

Rei smiled, raising his hand to respond to her voice.

After that...his journey continued once again.


On their way, Rei sighed when he looked at the inside of the carriage.

The bandits looked like they're not gonna cause trouble anytime soon but…more than that, they looked like they've just lost their reason to live after knowing their boss died by his hand.

Rei turned around to look at the road again, "Uncle, I'm gonna rest for a moment. if something happened, you can just wake me up."

"I understand, Crimson-san." The man smiled and allowed him to lean his back for a moment and closed his eyes.

In that moment, Rei went deep into his mind and met Ray who's already waiting for him.

Upon his arrival, he could see Ray was holding onto something and aiming it at the target in front of him.







When Ray hit the target with his arrow, he sighed quietly before he looked at Rei who approached him.

"Oh hey, Kiritsuka."

"How did it go?"

"It was surprisingly easy, since I already know how to make a bow, I just need to get used to using it."

"Yeah, well…we are [Blacksmith] after all…" Rei responded with a smile before he took one of the spare bows that have been prepared on the training range and taking an experimental hold on it.

"How is it?" Ray asked.

"It feels weird since this isn't the real world, but I guess I can feel the weight only just a bit."

"Of course since that's more like things produced by your thoughts and mine."

"I see...but why does it feel so light?"

"The difference of the bow with any other kind of weapon is that they are light and pretty hard to master. Even I just got the hang of it now." He supplied, and then pointed at the target in front of him. "How about you look at the target?"

His arrow missed the middle spot and end up hitting the sides of it.

"Well...at least you did manage to do it."

Rei took an arrow and positioned himself, taking a deep breath and started to pull the string.



Then he released the string...







Rei sighed when he saw his arrow missed the bullseye, landing so far away from it and much farther than Ray's arrow.

"Dammit...I guess I have a long way to go to get used to this."

"Don't rush it, we have time to train" He cheered him up and then changed the topic, " By the way isn't today…y'know, the day…?"

"Huh?? Oh yeah…I wonder if the things I made arrived safely at her place in time…"

"Who knows, but I bet she and her brother will be overjoyed."

"Haha, well...we did use our entire ingredients to make them."

"Yeah, if we didn't use them all we would have the complete parts for that spear."

"But I still owe her an apology for missing out on her birthday."

"Heh, we were so focused on training so it can't be helped."

"I guess so..." He hummed, "...I wonder how is she doing...my dear friend...Iris-san."

Rei thought of her for a moment before he decided to continue his training with Ray.


At the same day when Rei departed for his journey after saving Rubal village, there was a glamorous party held inside the Welford's Manor.

People wearing their fancy clothes and blinding jewelries, talking with themselves and enjoying their drinks. It was the display of such a grand party inside of a gorgeous hall with so many delicious food buffet prepared at the sidelines, waiting to be eaten.

Today was the 12th birthday of the eldest son of the Welford's family and their heir–Albert dragh Welford.

Among the crowd...there was a single girl who caught the eyes of the guys who attended the party.

She was wearing a beautiful dress with golden lining, her silky black hair that looked like a night sky fluttered as she walked while her eyes gleamed like that of a sapphire gem.

The girl was [Iris may Welford], the daughter of the Welford family and Albert's little sister who are now 8 years old.

Iris was standing between her friends, the twins from Schafer's family of the Five Great Family of the kingdom, Alex Nox Schafer and Emma Shalifa Schafer who were at the same age as Iris.

"It's been a while Iris-sama" Alex greeted her with a smile.

"Indeed, it's been a week Alex-kun." Iris replied with a smile as well.

Emma like usual was hiding behind Alex, "H-hi, Iris-sama." She greeted her while peeking at her.

"Hi, Emma-chan. It's been a while for you too~"

"Y-yes! It was." Emma replied shyly.

Iris smiled at her, "Did you enjoy the party?"

Alex nodded, "Yeah, thanks for inviting us Iris-sama."

"Your welcome, we are friends after all~"

Alex smiled, along with Emma.

"Iris-sama do you have any news about Ray-san's whereabouts?" Alex asked and looked at her curiously.

"I don't know...ever since he departed a week ago, I haven't heard anything about him coming to some city." Iris replied while folding her arms together.

"I see...I hope he is fine." Alex said while looking down a bit, feeling worried of his friend and the atmosphere around them slowly getting grim.

"O-onii-sama! You must believe him! Ray-sama is strong after all!" Emma said out loud to cheer her brother up.

"You are right Emma-chan~he is our friend so we must believe him that he's gonna be alright."

"Y-yeah...that's right! I should believe him! He is the one who defeated a boss monster after all!" Alex exclaimed and that made the others smiled seeing the good atmosphere was back.

But suddenly another voice cameout and someone joined into the conversation.

"Hah! What do you mean by defeating a boss monster! He still need some help from the soldier to defeat it, he's just only a mere commoner who doesn't have power or whatsoever."

A young boy came into their group with his lackeys following him from behind. He had brown hair and quite of a handsome features on his face.

"Watch what you are saying! Bartho!" Alex shouted in anger after his friend was being belittled by someone like him.

"Pleasure to meet you, Iris May Welford." Bartho spoke, ignoring Alex on purpose.

Iris ignored him in return but Bartho smirked, as if he had some ulterior motive towards her from the looks of it.

'Bartho...from Bentone Count family, from the information I had...he was the type who change partners all the time and yet the girls around him seems okay with it.' Iris thought while glancing at him for a moment.

Alex got even angrier after he ignored his warning. "Bartho! Take your words back!"

"My apologies~ but I'm just stating the truth~ how could a mere commoner like him can defeat a boss monster on himself~ he doesn't even have a noble blood like ours!"

"But don't worry Iris-sama, since I have a noble blood like you, we can be friends~"

Bartho spoke boldly while his lackeys started snickering behind him, they seemed to be looking as scummy as he was.

Both Iris and even Emma found it disgusting seeing these boys behaving like a pervert so Iris decided to step in...


"Ara~ so you want to be friends with me?~"

"Yes! If you allow me–"

"With such a snotty ignorant brat like you who are too stupid to understand how the world works?"

Her tone was ice cold and the aura of her change from the approachable flower into the one that was surrounded with unapproachable blizzard in the snowing mountain...

Bartho's face quickly turned red after being insulted, "H-haah! How dare you to call me that! You are just a weak little girl!"

"Am I?~ Hmmm...ignorance sure is bliss~" Iris swayed her hair and turned around for a moment to pick on a silver spoon on the table.

"Let me ask you this~ do you know what my nickname is?~" Iris asked with a sweet smile towards them.

"Huh? What does that have to do with this?"

"Hm." Iris curved her lips widely, showing off her devilish smirk.

In that moment her skill activated.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Calmness washed over her when she faced the boy in front of him and when she walked towards him closely...


She released her bluish aura around her and her eyes gleamed a bit, sending such an overwhelming pressure towards Bartho and his lackeys, making them hard to breathe and paralyzed them from a powerful unknown force.


[Skill "Intimidate" have been activated]


'W-what...??? M-my voice...I can't speak...' Bartho thought.

Iris slowly walked forwards, getting closer and closer to him then tilted his chin with one hand.

"Let me tell you this...while you were having fun befriending those girls...I, Iris May Welford...have been training my powers...and just so you know...the one who mess with me will end up..."


"Like this~" Iris smiled.

Their eyes widened seeing the silver spoon on her hand was twisted with her barehand until its shape cannot be recognized.



From Bartho's sides, they trembled in fear after seeing such display of power while Alex and Emma were astonished seeing Iris did something unimaginable before their very eyes.

"You are way weaker than he is...if the boss monster was right in front of you...maybe your head will be gone before you even realize what happened~"

Iris spoke with such an innocent smile despite saying something rather disturbing to them.

After that, she snapped her fingers and immediately, he pressure that was put on them was released, causing them to fall on the floor, shaking in fear.

"A-aaghh...haaa...haaa..." Bartho could only looked up at her from where he was sitting on the floor, meeting her devilish smile on her beutiful young face.

Yes...it was the face of the future [Villainess].

"It's your lucky day~ Bartho Bentone. If it wasn't my Onii-sama's birthday, you wouldn't be standing here~" Iris cooed as she turned away and walked back to her group but before that, she spared him a look.

"It's also a good thing that my Father and Mother weren't here...if they were...your family...won't even stand a chance with us Welford, so I bid you farewell~" Iris spoke and continued to walk with Alex and Emma, away from them.

Bartho widened his eyes as he could tell that wasn't a simple threat...it was something real...and it might happen in the future. The thought alone made him so scared to the point of pissing himself.

From then on, they learned that [the Villainess, Iris May Welford] must not be provoked in any means.

Although in reality...

After her skill [The Villainess] stopped, despite having calm conversations that she had just now...

she went panick inside of her head after causing such a scene like that.

'Aaaghhh!! So embarrassing!!'

Instead of her cheeks, her ears turned bright red after realizing her action.

"I don't think...I'm fit to be Villainess."

People never know...Iris May Welford...was just a girl who always got embarrassed after using her own skill to pass through the problem.


Afterward Iris, Alex and Emma went to another spot as they continue their discussions once again.

On that moment, a voice echoed through the whole room.

"Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen."

All of the people in the room, including Iris, Alex and Emma put their attention to the source of the voice.

It was a young man with blonde hair and red eyes who stood on the second floor right on top of the stairs.

Albert Dragh Welford, Iris' older brother. He was wearing a white tuxedo with golden lining that matched the color of his hair and there's a red gem brooch attached on his left chest.

"I thank you all for coming to my 12th birthday party. It is my pleasure to have you here, my honorable guests and I hope you all enjoy the party."

"We shall continue the party after praising our kingdom's long history of protecting the human race!"

Albert shouted, raising a champagne glass on his hand and smiled.

"Long live to our Kingdom! Cheers!"


As Albert cheered, the others follow alongside him and just like that, the party continued.

As Albert went down the stairs, a servant stopped him as he knelt right in front of him, which caught the attention of the party goers, including Iris, looking curiously at them.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"My apologies...Sir...this is for you." The servant spoke politely while holding onto a small pillow with a letter that was addressed for him and some sort of an item wrapped with a cloth.

"Huh??" Albert knotted his browsing in confusion but he took the letter first and opened it.

"Happy Birthday, this is my gift for you...sign from [R]. Who is that?" Albert asked .

Unlike him, Iris could tell the familiarity coming from it as she uttered his name.


Albert took the item that was covered with cloth and he carefully opened it.









In that moment, their eyes were drawn to the shiny item that Albert held in his hand.

It was a black sheathed sword that have red gem embedded on the hilt and covered with its sheath.

When Albert pulled out the sword, it showed a pure black blade that somehow looked even more beautiful than the sheath itself.

Albert widened his eyes seeing such a thing in front of him and when he touch the gem...it reacted.


The gem shined and showed him an image of someone...








A young boy who looked much younger than him, forging something in the dark room.

In that moment, Albert froze as the sword began to be surrounded with two different kinds of power that resonated with his affinity elements which was fire.

"Is this...for real." The boy snapped himself back to reality to look at the sword in his hand.

Iris who were far away from where he stood, saw the sword and quickly used her [Magic Eyes] to Appraise the item.

She smiled widely at what she found, "Ray-sama...to not have you work with me...what a shame..."

"You really exceed my expectations."

Iris wondered how could such a young boy who are pretty much the same age as her...

Could create such a magnificent [Epic] rank sword in that age...

A black sword with a red gem embedded on it which held two differrent kinds of power from a wolf monster and the boy himself.

Mixed into one sword and it is name...

[The Crimson Moon Sword].

To be continue...

*Iris' current status*



NAME: Iris Mei Welford/ Hanamachii Yomi

JOB : Magic Swordsman

TITLE : [The Other Worlder]; [The Villainess]; [Quick Learner]; [Magic Master]; [Sword Master]

[Level: 27]

[HP: 4020/4020]

[MP: 1200/1200]


EXP: 0/9000







SENSE : 59



Magic Mastery Lv5; Sword Mastery Lv5; Super Growth LvMax; Darkness Magic Lv5, Light Magic Lv4; Magic Eyes Lv4; The Villainess LvMax; Etiquette Lv6; Knitting Lv4; Cooking Lv4


Status Appraisal Lv4

Foresight Lv4

Restraint Lv5

Intimidate Lv4

Shadow Movement Lv5

Shadow Blade Lv5

Heal Lv5

Holy Light Lv3

Sword Dance Lv5

Vital Strike Lv5

Omni-Slash Lv6

Dark Pulse Lv3


Seizou_Haku Seizou_Haku

Thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoy this new chapter, and thank you again for my friend for editing this chapter.

Sorry for the late update, got trouble these days.

Make sure to keep supporting me and don't forget!

if you love it make sure you all add it into your collection and vote this novel to earn its rank!

Stay tune!

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