
ตอน 15: The Straw Hat Crew

The history of Skypiea goes back far, the ancestors of three sky people. Skypieans, Shandia, and Birkans had lived on the Moon together a long time ago but once had headed to this planet.

While the Birkans and Skypieans settled in the Sky Islands, The Shandia once called Shandorians, made it as far as the Blue Sea. They settled on the island of Jaya. They used to be one of the more powerful societies on the Grand Line, but their city of Shandora was invaded during the Void Century by the Twenty Kingdoms. Their kingdom fell and only a small tribe was left.

Though the Shandorians disappeared, they left their descendants a legacy, including the ruins of the golden city of Shandora and the Shandorian Golden Belfry Bell. This was also one of two poneglyphs, containing the details of Poseidon which they had guarded with their lives for generations.

Four hundred years ago half of Jaya, subsequently called Upper Yard, was knocked up into the sky. By that time, it had been the homeland of Shandia for many centuries. Upper Yard presented an amount of earth never seen by Skypieans before, and that is why they wanted it so badly that they fought off the Shandia to claim it. Kalgara, the Shandia leader, fought bravely to defend his home, yet he was killed in battle. The Skypieans successfully drove off the Shandia and claimed the Upper Yard. For 400 years, Skypieans and Shandia were at each other's throats. 4 years ago, Gan Fall wanted to return the Upper Yard to the Shandia to end the 400 Years War, but his negotiations failed to take place due to Enel taking over.

"Why do you tell us this?" As I sat on what looked to be a throne, the 3 races of Skypiea stood before me, while looking at the lifeless body of Enel at my feet. Gan Fall couldn't help but ask the question as I finished explaining their past.

"I'm saying... I don't see any of you as earthlings. Piss me off and I will slaughter you all." I said coldly, while my conqueror Haki spread out, making their legs go weak. I was joking, I was not the type to slaughter a whole race... then again, I do see myself doing it. so maybe what I was saying wasn't a full lie.

"So, as the leaders of your 3 respected races. I will tell you all this, i'm not asking, but I'm ordering. I expect Peace between you fools. A bunch of dogs that forget their past and slaughtered their kind, what respect do you expect from me?" I said coldly while they shook in fear.

"But as you are all under my rule starting from this moment onwards... It will be nice. The Upper Yard shall belong to everyone, capable warriors will join my pirate crew. As you have noticed, my mouth has no filter and I could give a shit about your feelings. if you want to cry, cry me a river and I might give a bigger shit. So, you will be speaking through my left hand, Charlotte Linlin. She would be far nicer than me." I said calmly.

"Now leave me be, there will be new islands coming up here, they are not to be touched by you," I said while my conqueror haki slowly died down, allowing them to breathe. they all left, leaving me alone. I went on to close my eyes, trying to improve my Haki with the boost to my new devil fruit, while at the same time waiting for Shiki to arrive.

Reiju and the others had left to go tell Shiki to bring the islands, so Skypiea would be our new base. Other than this place, I was thinking of going to Fishman Island which was under Big Mom, but thanks to how unique Skypiea was, I picked this place... although, it would be troublesome coming and leaving this place... 

"... I guess I never thought about it... how is the boat floating on the clouds? if the clouds are so dense, then shouldn't they fall? " Currently, Yamato and I were walking down the streets. the place looked to be a desert, so Yamato was wearing clothing suited for the place. meanwhile, I was just walking around in shirts and a simple shirt.

"Boats float, clouds float... makes sense to me," I said lazily while a finger was up my nose. but my words caused Yamato to slowly turn to look at me with this blank look.

"I'm not book smart, but even I know what you said was stupid," Yamato said to which I shrugged. the whole floating ships on the cloud was stupid, it was a waste of brain cells thinking deeply about it.

"Wow! Really! That apple can help someone live for 1,000 years?" Someonew screams caught our attention, causing me and Yamato to look over. Yamato's eyes were bright hearing something could help someone live for that long.

"Really?" Yamato shot over, joining the guy with the long nose, and the oddly hairy man with a hat.

"Indeed, I found this in an ancient ruins. For just the small price of 1,000 belly, this apple is all yours." A man holding a golden apple said with a smile, Yamato was just about to pull out the money when the two guys she had joined were hit in the head.

"Don't believe everything you hear." a green-haired man who seemed to be a part of the group said while revealing how they were just painting the apples. This caused Yamato to glare at them, before she looked over towards me, wanting to know if she could teach them a lesson.

"Luffy! Why must you go... wait a minute, you're not Luffy." the woman who hit the two guys who were about to join Yamato to buy the apple said in shock. The group of 4 all looked at me with a shocked look, as I indeed looked a lot like Luffy

"You guys know Luffy? This is Luffy Elder brother, Sora." Yamato Said in shock while looking at the group of 4. 

"Luffy has an elder brother?" They were all stunned at Yamato's words, but Yamato's eyes quickly landed on the guy with a long nose. She had seen him in Luffy's wanted poster.

"They are members of the Straw Hat Grew. Pirate Hunter Zoro. He was the first to join Luffy and is skilled with the 3 sword styles. The beauty there is Cat Burglar Nami. She is a skilled navigator, who joined Luffy after helping her save her home from the fish man. the guy with the long nose is the son of Yasopp, he is a skilled sniper although he is a coward and a lier. lastly, the hairy human is a raccoon that ates the human-human fruit." I said calmly,

"i'm a reindeer!" the hairy man said feeling wronged that I was right about everyone but him.

"You know a lot about us... I'm guessing you didn't just happen to be here." Zoro said with narrowed eyes, to which I just smirked slightly. but I said nothing while I simply looked off, looking towards a woman with glasses who was looking at the price for a sword, and angrily speaking at the seller for selling something at such a high price. Zoro's face instantly dropped upon seeing her, and quickly hid avoiding her seeing him.

"What's wrong Zoro?" Ussop, the guy with the long nose asked seeing Zoro's odd actions, but the whole crew instantly went into hiding as a white-haired man came up to the woman with a group of pirates on his shoulder.

As he was speaking to the woman Zoro was hiding from, the man looked over toward us, and his eyes landed on me. instantly, the man froze. He looked at me, and at Yamato, while slowly reaching behind his back to grab his weapon.

"You disappeared 10 years ago, what are you doing here?" His name was Smoker, and he was currently after Luffy. but Luffy was forgotten as he looked at Dragon's son... 

"Who are you to question me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, instantly the air grew heavy, and everyone found it hard to breathe. Smoker instantly had sweat covering his forehead, he wanted to run forward and attack me, but his instincts were telling him to flee.

"Well, let's go," I said with a bored look, Yamato waved goodbye to the straw hat crew while following me. we walked past Smoker, and the woman who was just under him, but the two didn't dare to even act against us.

"They're are a whole new level," Zoro said while looking at his palm, that aura scared even him...

"Ace!" Yamato said happily upon walking into a restaurant and seeing Ace, Ace who looked as if he just awakened looked back towards her with a blank look before his eyes widened.

"Yamato!" Ace said in surprise before his eyes landed on me,

"Sora..." Ace said in a soft voice, a huge difference between when he was speaking with Yamato, which I didn't care for. I just went to sit down, while ordering something to eat.

"I hear you running after blackbeard..." I said calmly, to which Ace frown

"You're not capable of defeating him, just return back to your crew," I said calmly, to which Ace frowned.

"This is Whitebeard's matter, he committed the worst crime a crew member could make, you expect me to just ignore it?" Ace asked angrily

"No, I'm saying you're weak and still stupid. All you would do is cause trouble, which I will have to come clean up. You get a father figure in your life, and all of a sudden you lose the power to think? Blackbeard isn't simple, he is the man who gave Shanks that scar... the last time I checked, well, you might not even be able to touch Shanks." I said, making Ace grit his teeth in rage.

"What happened? Who is Blackbeard? It doesn't Matter, Ace I will help you out." Yamato said while glaring at me,

"It's alright Yamato, this is something I have to do," Ace said softly while still glaring at me.

"Stupid, you even refusing back up. What is this, you have to prove yourself. Do you think you can't be a part of your new dad's family if you can't do this?" I asked causing flames to slowly appear on Ace's body.

"You're stupidity would be the reason for his death, when I do save you. it would be just you, everything else would have nothing to do with me." I said with a shake of my head, before just ignoring Ace, who wanted to attack me, but Yamato stopped him.

"He is a jerk, but he came all this way to stop you... he just doesn't know how to come off as soft." Yamato said while looking helplessly towards me. Ace just gritted his teeth, before choosing to ignore me.

"I didn't expect you 3 to know each other. Second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace. Son of Dragon, Sora... the mad woman at Sea, Yamato. What are you all doing here." Smoker said while standing at the door, looking at all 3 of us. everyone in the restaurant was shocked to hear Ace and Yamato's names, all but mine which wasn't well known since I rarely did anything. This caused them all to move away, realizing a fight might happen.

Yamato did make a name for herself during the few 7 years at sea, being free for the first time in her life, she went around attacking Pirate ships, and stealing their treasures. She was attacked by many marines, leading her to destroy their headquarters, leading her to have a bounty of 450 million. 

"You do know you are no match for all 3 of us? hell, just one of us can defeat you with ease." Yamato said while standing in front of Ace, looking at Smoker with annoyance 

"yeah... I can't do that." Smoker said while his fist turned into smoke. Yamato's eyes narrowed as she got ready for a fight, but at that moment, something... or rather, someone slammed through the door to the restaurant, 

Everyone was caught off guard and couldn't react in time, leading to the person slamming hard into Smoker's back, who in return slammed into Yamato, who in return slammed into Ace, sending all of them flying through the wall... as for me. I was sitting to the side, I just lifted my food off the table so it wouldn't be dirtied by the dust that was picked up.

"Finally! I can eat, I was dying of hunger!" Luffy said as he wasn't sent flying through the wall, instead, he landed in front of me, jumping in joy, before he shot over to a chair and began ordering food, which he began eating.

"... you do know who you just sent flying through the wall?" the man who brought Luffy his food asked wanting to warn Luffy who was just eating like tomorrow wasn't coming.

"Who sent someone flying?" Luffy asked in confusion, he was too hungry to even notice the whole within the restaurant, but when he moved to the side to see the many holes in the walls that went through countless buildings, he was stunned

"What's with all of these holes? It's kind of weird to model the place like this" Luffy asked while still stuffing his face with food. this caused everyone to nearly hit him. but from the holes in the wall, Ace walked out with an annoyed look while looking at all of the damage that was caused. Seeing this, the remaining people turned to flee

Ace couldn't help but wonder what idiot caused all of this... well, his questions were answered when he saw Luffy who was eating. but before he could even say anything, he was slammed into the ground by Smoker who saw Luffy. he came all this way to capture this pirate, why? because he saw the pirate king within this brat.

"Straw hat Luffy, I knew you would be here... but you will meet your end here." Smoker said while Luffy just looked at him blankly, trying to remember who the guy in front of him was... that was until he remembered Smoker. Smoker nearly captured Luffy, if not for Dragon popping up to help him.

Luffy quickly ate his food before running off, while Smoker dropped everything, and ran after him. he even threw me a look, before ignoring me as he saw Luffy to be far more dangerous. I didn't care, as I spent the whole time just eating my food,

Ace quickly ran after Luffy, while Yamato who was last due to the fact she was helping some kid arrived, just to run after Ace after realizing he was running after Luffy...

"Interesting..." I said softly, Smoker didn't realize me and Luffy were siblings even now. But what I found more interesting was Luffy... the will of his devil fruit was affecting him far more so than others.

What did I mean? I remember something in the anime, where Luffy said something about him being far more cheerful ever since he ate his devil fruit. He became more cheerful and more childish. adding the fact he got the dream of being a pirate on that same day, it makes sense why that dream never died out.

But this mindset changed during the 2 year time skip... Luffy became more mature after the death of Ace... it was a small improvement. the first half of One Piece was filled with joy and laughter, but after Ace's death, it wasn't filled with jokes all that much.

"Joy Boy..." I said softly while closing my eyes, remembering the part in the anime where the pirate King and his crew found The One Piece and how they just kept laughing nonstop, before thinking about Luffy Devil Fruit awakening and how Luffy just kept laughing nonstop...

"Luffy? You knew that guy?" Nami and the rest of the straw hat crew who had met up were running at the moment, behind them, Ace was holding off Smoker and the others marines.

"Yeah, he is my elder brother," Luffy said with a huge smile, it's been a long time since he saw Ace. Ever since Sabo's death, it was just him and Ace living in the mountains...

"What! I thought Sora was your elder brother?" Nami asked everyone confused

"Sora? Yeah, he is my eldest brother, but I never saw him. Although Ace said that he came to save me when I was a kid." Luffy said with a shrug, before looking towards Yamato who was sizing him up.

"I'm Yamato. Sora friend. Lucky you never met Sora." Yamato said confusing Luffy,

"Sora is... well, he has no filter on his mouth, he speaks the crew hard facts without care for anyone's feelings," Yamato explained,

"but he is also kind, although you would have to see past his cruel words to understand he mains the best for you," Yamato said with a helpless sigh, leaving everyone speechless at her words. But Yamato stopped talking about me and went on to explain how she and Ace were friends. but their attention was soon caught by the fight between flame and smoke in the sky.

They quickly arrived on the straw hat ship, and were about to set sail, yet to realize they had lost Luffy at some point while running.

"Just like Sora..." Yamato said with a slight laugh, confusing everyone on the ship.

"Sora disappears from time to time, leaving his crew searching for him. Sora's crew is unstable and isn't friends like you guys, so if he ups and disappears, fights break out. What makes it worse is that Sora is too arrogant to tell them where he is going, thinking it's below him to explain himself." Yamato said with a helpless smile before she changed the subject so they could get Luffy and leave...

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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