The wyvern queen was clearly very different. There was a lot more control over her movements even though she would have lasting injuries from the attack of the yellow acid slime. But what contributed to the sudden change in mentality wasn't only the fact that she was seeing the beings that she had seen in the ruins as statues. She was different because of her bloodline changing.
The wyvern queen was not influenced by the simple brutality of dragon blood within her anymore. She was now able to discern the differences in a proper intelligent species and a real species. The differences that had been between them and their race before was simple, anger and instincts.
The wyverns had been many in number, enough that if they were more intellectual, then they would have already been recognized as a race. When the dragons had appeared to take the lead of them, the world had enough reason to push for a world quest. A racial quest to help the wyverns.
the need to catch up and get ahead of the demons is a pretty important fact that they are finally saying out loud!