"The cave crawlers, right?" This was one of the monsters that the Fel empire archangel had brought up. Walker had remembered it because he was sure that they would show up at some point when he was going through his travels in this area.
"Yes, they are one of the more dangerous monsters. They prefer the dim light of the caves and their entrances. They will often make sounds like an injured animal or monster to attract their prey to a cave. But the moment that the sun starts to set, they will travel outside of their cave to other nearby caves. It is partially to hunt but also to find others of their kind."
"If they are mostly a species of monster that will avoid others, why would they look for their kind? Can they make packs?" Walker had to get as much information as he could before they were faced with nighttime in these mountains. From the sounds of things, caves were not uncommon. They were going to come across the caves often.
two differnet groups of wyverns? doesn't sound fun at all.