Walker was stunned. The number of sun bathing fish that he saw were only increasing as the sun rose in to the sky. The surface of the water was also warmer which made the merfolk patrol closer to the ships. It was just a habit to avoid the warmer streams of water that would flow around. Many of the merfolk preferred the slightly cooler waters instead of the hot sun heated waters.
There were many things that Walker was catching on to while they were underwater. He was seeing that the merfolk had to carry their weapons in certain ways. He had seen some of this before but was jo able to see it in better detail.
The way a weapon, or anything, was held underwater would cause friction. It was why Leon used a spear for battle instead of an ax. It was actually very uncommon for any merfolk to use an ax at all. It was hard to keep in water because the broad side would catch the most water resistance causing them to swim slower and slower.
The smallest drop of blood can attract the largest predator...