The pair seemed that they had a lot on their minds when it came to the water elves. The fact that Alma was just as stuck as Walker on the water elves being so isolated, made them both worry. "If they had always been that way I would understand. But they are not necessarily high elves, right? Eleven you and the queen have mentioned how high elves are too thin of blood nowadays. That's why the skills are so rare."
Alma knew that this was more true with every elf born, "There has to be some outside force that made them this way. I understand leaving the oceans because it is safer in the lakes. That makes sense for their people. But isolating themselves has to be something else. Something that convinced every single member of their people. I asked around and apparently, there was nothing recent for their history. It was as if they stopped accepting people near them one day out of the blue."
drop those golden tickets!