Remey was caught up explaining a few things to Elis since he was a little on edge now that he had a system. He wasn't sure what he would be doing and how he would go about things. Gil had taken full babysitting duty since he had led the other children to the archery games.
"Hey Walker. Do you think that the military academy will recruit a knight system user? You know, the kind of system known for protecting people as a body guard or defending those weaker than themselves?" Walker could tell that Remey was trying to get his help convincing Eli that he had a place to go.
"Oh, you know it. I would expect them to jump to get someone with a knight system in their ranks. I bet they could even have an entire group under them after spending years of hard work to get stronger." Eli looked much more calm after hearing another person speaking so positively about the future.
Good for you Remeys' little brother