Walker had found himself leaving the gates to the mansion with a strange feeling eating at him. He was alone and about to walk off alone. This was the first time he had done so in a while. He rarely walked alone for long periods of time and now he was about to wander out in to the city just to walk about and explore.
He pointed himself in the direction of the lower class area. He had made the decision to head to the adventurers guild to see how Clara was doing. He was sure she was in a mess of work because the farmers' fields needed patrolling, cleaning, and homes rebuilt. It was only natural that the extra manpower would come from the guild.
Walker himself was not planning to leave the city because he just wouldn't feel comfortable without the party there. He also had the feeling that there would not be an exciting adventure without them. It was just not the way things were meant to be.
We are doing great on golden tickets! Let's see how many more we can get! At this rate, we will crush the record of 530 last month!