Zenith had been excited to record a little extra information on the rock horned vipers and their actions. However, it was nothing compared to her desire to explore the ruins. She had already seen them but needed to retreat as soon as she got near. The only reason she had not snuck past the golems and slimes was the fact that the slimes had targeted her equipment she wore and she knew that she would need it to do her job.
"Midnight, smell anything ahead?" Walker was a little warry of the ruins. He had the memories of the ancient ruins above ground and didn't want to end up trapped again. It was just a precaution but a wise one to take.
Midnight sniffed a few times then shook her head in disgust. Onyx convened with her for a moment and replied to Walker slowly, "Sister says she smells bones but nothing too rotten. But she says they smell a little burnt." This was worrisome since a fire in caves was a very dangerous thing.
weak sauce skeletons...weak sauce