As the group slowly made their way through the same passageways and crossings that they had gone down before they managed to encounter some lost yellow slimes. The reason they were being classified as lost was the fact that they all seemed to be aimless in their movements.
The slimes had been placed in the caves by the slime breeder and now left to be alone and do anything their instincts told them to do. They wandered looking for metals and ores while some were able to be gathered and corralled by the miners and merchant district citizens. They were easy targets to get rid of and the fire fighter dwarves were able to defeat any that even crossed their paths.
"So, what were the skills you used to fire all those arrows?" Walker finally had the chance to ask Gil this while they walked through the intersection from much earlier.
Our golden ticket ranking is great! Thank you all so much. The gifts have really helped and I can't wait to post more chapters!