While i was watching the movie, a thought came to mind. I decided to ask Airi about it.
"Hey, when did you lock your doors?"
"Eh? What are you talking about?"
"You know, when i kept banging on your door earlier. It was locked up. We brought you in here and didn't lock the door up just in case of anything, so when did you lock the door?"
"I didn't. In fact i haven't seen my key card."
"For real? That's weird."
"I probably dropped it at the mall when i was running from that guy."
"Hmm? Alright then. Don't forget to go get a new one later. Or check the lost and found."
"Wait... did you just say 'kk'?"
I asked a blushing Airi.
She slowly nodded her head.
OMG this girl was too cute. Too precious for this world. I just grabbed her in a bear hug and teased her for a bit.
I got up from the couch and grabbed Hyouka. Airi was fast asleep, so I could leave her here. I needed to go to my own room to get a night's rest. She probably wouldn't mind if I left.
Hyouka was purring lightly as well. I needed to hide him on my way out. I opened the door and closed it lightly so as to not disturb Airi.
On my way to my room, I paused because I saw someone standing in front of my door. The person had a short stature and held a cane in their hand. She wore a simple night gown with a coat over and a cap over her head. The moonlight bounced off her lilac short and beautiful pale skin.
She was like a precious pearl. A bunny of sorts.
But those definitely weren't my first thoughts on the matter.
'What's a kid doing here?'
She turned to look at me and her violet eyes seemed to glow with interest.
"I suppose you are Tatsumaki Shiro?"
"Yes please. Who are you?"
"Someone who is here to make your life in this school exciting."
She declared proudly, grinning confidently.
I didn't know who this girl was, but she was giving me this feeling of familiarity, as if I knew her from somewhere. It was probably just a feeling though.
— ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ — เขียนรีวิว