"The crazy one… Here? Without supervision?" Sherry asked.
"Unfortunately, yes. The protectors are linked to Malika. Which means that we can wake them up if we wake Malika up," Hudhayfah explained.
"Great, and Mbali fits how?"
"She is Malika's blood sister," Hudhayfah said, earning gasps from Sherry.
The warriors in the room didn't seem so shocked or maybe they were too shocked to even come to terms with that little reality. The chance that two of the psychos were of the same bloodline wasn't something they wanted to let the world know.
The Jabali sisters were doomed on their own and to know that they were together in this would make it all a little too crazed. But then what other options did Hudhayfah have?
If he didn't reach out to Mbali, there would be more massacres and right now there were a little too many wars going on and they needed to try and have the winning hand.
Jeremiah... why is he still alive?????????? aaargghh