97.64% Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies / Chapter 81: Reward

บท 81: Reward

As the two of us rode into the carriage, Aerin opened up the conversation by saying: "Earlier, I had to restrain myself and act like a dignified noble lady since we were in public," she said, seated from across my seat.

She beamed a radiant smile as she beckoned for me to come over to her side. "But now that we're somewhere more private, I can indulge in my emotions a little bit more."

She opened her arms wide as if ready to accept a hug and I responded in kind, moving over to her side of the carriage. Immediately, after I moved closer to her, she pulled me into another tight embrace and whispered softly to my ears: "Good job, sweetheart."

Her soft voice and warm breath on my ear caused a tingly feeling to spread through me. "You have no idea how much this meant to me," she says as she strokes my hair.

"What do you mean by that, teacher?" I couldn't help but be curious as I ask.

Aerin didn't mind me poking in her private matters and personal history.

She sighs softly. "When I was your age, dear, I was just as passionate as you are right now. I wrote and created compositions in great numbers. However, you're already aware of my heretical magic, right? Well, my family didn't want any risks, no matter how slight, and thus forbade me from ever performing or even showcasing my magical and musical prowess in public."

"But you, my dear student, have reminded me of the joy a teacher can find in a student's success." She meets my gaze with misty eyes. "This is just the beginning for you – you still have a long, promising journey ahead."

Sensing the opportunity to win even more of her favor, I say: "If teacher likes it, then I can maybe play your compositions that you were never able to showcase in public. It must hurt to create something you pour your heart into, only to be told to hide it away."

She smiles, visibly surprised at my words. "That.. would be wonderful. I didn't even think of that," she says rather wistfully.

"But why is the mood so glum?" she then says, her tone more cheery. "Those regrets and events are in the distant past. Now I have you," she pinches my cheek.

"That must've been hard and nerve wracking for you, no doubt. But I'm proud that you pulled through, and did so flawlessly."

With me now being seated beside her, she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I sink into her warm embrace, feeling the soft curve of her sideboob pressed against the side of my face.

"Teacher.." I call out with a low voice.

"Yes?" she asks, turner her head inquisitively down at me.

"You said earlier that you'll give me anything as a reward, right?" I say in a more careful tone, like I'm probing something.

"Of course. I haven't forgotten. In fact, I'm thinking of adding another one considering how good your performance was earlier," she says matter-of-factly.

"Well, what can I get you to make you smile?" she asked. "Some exclusive sweet treats? An exotic pet? I can give it to you by this week if you want." She hugged me closer. "Just say the word and your teacher will spoil you rotten." Aerin kissed my forehead gently. "My precious boy deserves only the very best."

"Uhm.. actually, can I get my reward now?" I say, my voice sounding slightly embarrassed.

"Now?" asked Aerin in surprise. "I'm afraid it'll be pretty difficult now. I mean I don't mind myself, but it's already so late. Your options would be very limited given how many shops are still open at this hour."

"No.. we don't have to buy anything," I say while leaning in even closer to her side, my cheeks pressed even harder against the side of her breast. My hand then moved up and gently cups her voluptuous tit through the soft fabric of her dress.

At first, she looked unsure of what I could possible have had in mind, and asks: "Really? Then what do you– Wha–!?" she then lets out a shocked gasp when she feels my hand land on her chest.

I held back from squeezing her breasts too aggressively, not wanting to seem overly perverted. Instead, I gently cupped them, treating them delicately like a computer mouse. Any squeezes I did make were at most light.

"Riel.. is this.. the reward you had in mind? Touching my boob?" Aerin asked, looking visibly uneasy about the situation.

Her hand were raised up the air, however they didn't do anything past that. It was as if she was debating whether or not she should stop me. However, since I wasn't doing anything too out of line—yet—she didn't stop me.

"Can I make this the reward?" I ask before looking up to her with unsure eyes.

Aerin hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting back and forth between my hand and my face. I could tell that she was uncomfortable with the situation, but at the same time, she didn't seem entirely unwilling.

"I don't know," she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's just that...this isn't exactly the kind of reward I had in mind."

I nodded understandingly. "I know, I know. That was too much. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just thought…" I say taking my hand off her chest.

But before I could finish my sentence, Aerin interrupted me. "No, it's okay," she said, her voice a little stronger now. "I mean, if this is what you really want, then I guess it's okay. It's just a little touch… But this is just a reward... so I expect you to behave."

Her words surprised me because I fully expected her to say no.

I was all ready to bring up her past actions of making me 'massage' her in places that no young boy should've ever been allowed to touch to basically guilt trip her into letting me do so, but I could see in her eyes that she was actually trying to be understanding and considerate.

"You're already at the age where you're curious about these kinds of things," she added, trying to justify my actions.

She then closed her eyes, basically allowing me free rein over her voluptuous chest. Feeling emboldened, I reached out to touch her again. However, I continued masking my perversion as curiosity and still asked, "Then can I? Just a little squeeze..."

Aerin nodded slowly, her eyes still closed. "Y-yes," she whispered, her voice still hesitant but that was all that I needed.

Immediately, I took ahold of as much of her breasts as I could and gave them a strong squeeze, as though I was trying to reshape them.

The softness of her sizable rack in my hand was heavenly. It was no surprise, given that she had been nourished with nothing but the Empire's highest quality food all her life. This was a body raised by only the finest champagne and caviar.

However, it is the stunned look on her face, as though unsure of what to do, that made it all the more exciting for me.

"W-wait..." she suddenly said. "This position is a little uncomfortable.. let me just–" She then turned her upper body sideways and moved to the corner of the carriage, where she could lean on the side wall.

With her in the corner, I was able to climb up on the seat and position myself to a better angle for me to see and touch her breasts more fully.

As I continued to touch her, I fully enjoyed the softness and weight of her breasts in my hands. As my hands continue to cop it through the fabric of her dress, I actually gained a rough idea of where her nipples were but pretended not to notice it.

"It's soft," I remark callously.

"Of course they are. What else could they feel like?" Aerin managed to squeeze out a weak laugh, trying to make light of the situation. She resigned herself as she watched me play, grope, and fondle, her breasts however I pleased.

Seeing her resign herself, I decided to see just how much I can press her further without having to bring up her past 'grooming' actions.

"How long have you been this interested in my boobs?" she asks, trying to make small talk as my fingers moved over the fabric of her dress.

I didn't respond. Instead, I said "Teacher, can I touch them directly?" I asked with pleading eyes, hoping that she would agree to my request.

However, that might've been where she drew the line.

Aerin hesitated, clearly uncomfortable with the idea. "I don't know, it's just that...this isn't exactly appropriate behavior," she said, her voice trailing off.

I put on a face as though I was surprised by her words. However, I didn't press any further than that and stopped.


I remained silent for a while, disappointment settling heavily in my face. I slowly took my hands off Aerin's breasts, feeling a sense of regret wash over me. I purposefully put on an awkward, dead silence in the carriage. I put some distance between us, scratching the back of my head as I spoke.

"I guess that's about it for my reward, huh?" I said, forcing a light chuckle.

Aerin's face fell at my words. The 'reward' barely lasted a minute and even for her, a woman, she knew that that was barely enough. Especially considering the work that I had put in to get this earn this reward in the first place.

"How was it?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible over the sound of the carriage wheels.

"It was fine. I was asking for too much at that point," I say as I turn my gaze out the window, staring out at the passing scenery.

"…!" Aerin's eyes widened slightly at my words. I could tell that she was taken aback by my candid admission.

"...you still have another request," she added, her voice hesitant and wanting to make amends. "So if you want something else, just tell me…"

I turn my attention towards her, closing my fists, making a face as though I'm unsure whether or not I should say my next words. But in the end, I did. "There's just something I'd like to ask.." I say softly.

When her ears picked up on my voice, she immediately replied. "Sure, what is it?" she says, wanting to get rid of this awkward atmosphere.

I look at her face, making sure to take note of the changes in her expression, and continue. "I don't want to sound accusatory or anything. However, has any one of my massages before been what you would call inappropriate?"

"W-what do you mean?" she asks, looking visibly rattled. Obviously, she recalls all the time where she made 'massage' her and there are plenty of cases where we had crossed the line of what she would deem 'appropriate'.

I then proceed to explain the things that have, supposedly, been bugging me for quite some time. "I just want to know if touching you in the chest like that has always been inappropriate?" I first ask.

"I mean, y-you shouldn't be touching me like that… I made an exception because I promised you a reward.. but I'm your teacher and–" she explains, sounding like she was quite uncertain herself.

There were uncertain paused in the middle of her sentence, totally unlike the usual calm and certain way of speaking that she had always adapted. She's afraid to say press her point to hard because if I were to bring back the past, then she would sound like a hypocrite.

Unfortunately, that's what I'm planning to do.

"It's just that, if it's always been inappropriate, then why did teacher never say anything when I was giving you those massages?" I ask, a look of genuine curiosity and confusion on my face.

"It's… because.." Aerin looked stumped for an answer.

"Has anything changed that suddenly makes it wrong now but okay back then?" I press on, eager to get some clarity.

Aerin remained quiet, biting her lips as she racked her brain for a proper response. But I wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily.

"Teacher kissing me, as well as those other strange things," I said, my voice growing more accusatory by the second. "I thought that it was okay, since teacher used to do it to me all the time..."

I scratched my head, trying to make sense of it all. "But there must be something more to it if only you can do it and not me," I added, my tone dripping with bitterness.

Kissing me on the lips, her guiding my hand between her legs, twisting her nipples, pushing me down on my bed. The list goes on. Had she done that to any other boy besides me, no doubt that boy would currently be on the palm of her hands, having already fallen so madly in love.

I bite my lip, trying not to spill everything at once, as I don't want her to feel threatened or blackmailed. I only want to evoke guilt in her, so I choose to subtly imply those past actions.

"I..." Aerin hesitated, her voice trailing off. "Suppose you're right," she finally said with a sigh. "Forgive me, sweetie. Your teacher should know better than to deny her baby what he wants."

I can see the tension in her face slowly dissipating, and I know that she's finally relenting to my request.

"That reward earlier must've felt pretty lackluster, right?" she said, turning towards me with a forced smile. "Well, let's fix that, shall we? Come here again, my precious pupil deserves only the very best."

Her words were like a balm to my soul, soothing any guilt and shame that might have been building inside of me.

She leaned back in the carriage walls again, her body language inviting me to come back over and claim my hard-earned reward. Her ample bosom was thrust forward, emphasizing just how lewd and busty this noblewoman truly was.

Without waiting for her response, I came back over in front of her. She was staring right back at me with a gentle, maternal gaze. But I didn't want her tenderness, I wanted her body, her tits, her pussy. Quickly, I reached under her dress and grabbed hold of those luscious milk jugs. My fingers dug into the soft flesh of her breasts.

It seems that a part of her still expected my touch to be similar to that of my previous massages. However, my hands this time had no intention of relaxation—just pure unadulterated pleasure, like nothing I've ever given her before.

As I groped her chest, I couldn't help but admire the way her tits bounced and jiggled beneath my touch. I knead and squeezed her tits like they were nothing more than playthings. Her nipples which I had consciously ignored before were now the center of my attention as I stimulated them between my fingers, rolling them back and forth as Aerin arched her back in pleasure.

"Wah?! Nnggh~♡" she gasped, her eyes widening in surprise as I stimulated her nipples between my fingers Like lightning and thunder, after the gasp came the muffled groan.

Shortly after, I found myself needing even more visual stimulus. So, with a smirk, I pulled down her dress, revealing those luscious titties in all their glory. They bounced and jiggled beneath my touch, making me even more aroused. They were soft, milky white, without any blemish, and stood proud without any shame like twin peaks of snow. And at the peak of each mound were two adorable yet swollen buds of pink, swollen and sensitive.

As the initial barrage of sensations passed, Aerin regained her composure, her cheeks a little more red than before. With a dry laugh, she asked, "Are you...enjoying your reward?" She knew the answer, of course, seeing how focused I was.

"I guess this is just how boys are," she added, teasingly. "You're even more focused now than you are in any of my lessons."

But her teasing only served to fuel my desire, and without hesitation, I leaned in and took one of her nipples into my mouth. I flicked my tongue against it as I sucked and nibbled on her flesh, savoring the taste and feel of her.

"Baby, no milk will come out of teacher's boobs even if–" Her words were cut off by a gasp of surprise, as I continued to tease her nipple with my mouth. "Nggh… oh, god," she moaned, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

It was like she couldn't believe how good it felt, how much she was enjoying it.

And who was I to deny her that pleasure? I moved my mouth to her other nipple, giving it the same attention as the first. Aerin's moans grew louder but she tried to muffle it so that the coach wouldn't hear, her body writhing beneath me as I played with her breasts like they were nothing more than toys.

By the time I finally stopped, Aerin's chest was heaving with each deep breath she took as she panted. The tips of her breasts were coated with saliva, glistening in the dim light of the carriage. In her milky white flesh, there were red marks left from the touch and groping that those supple breasts had just endured.

As I looked into her hazy eyes, I wasn't that clueless not to know what an aroused look is, given my experiences with Mom and Celine.

"That should be a good enough reward, don't you think?" she said, looking down at the state of her own breasts. "I hope my dear student has had his fill of teacher's boobies," she added, her voice laced with both exhaustion and arousal.

She looked like she was just about to wipe the drool off of her nipples when I asked: "Teacher, can I ask for my other reward now as well?"

Aerin stopped, visibly taken aback by my request. "Now?" she asked weakly, her eyes widening with surprise. Given the situation, she no doubt had an inkling about the nature of my next request as well.

But I was determined to get what I wanted. "Yes, please," I said, my voice soft and a little embarrassed "I've been working really hard, and I think I deserve it."

For a moment, Aerin hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. But then, with a resigned sigh, she nodded her head. "Well, if it could be done now, then I guess I don't mind," she said, her voice trailing off as she looked away.

Aerin looked at me, her eyes searching mine. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice soft.

I appear to hesitate for a moment, like I was unsure of how to ask for what I wanted. But then, with a deep breath, I spoke up. "Uh...that thing you did for me before... with my penis," I said, my words coming out in a rush.

Aerin's expression was unreadable as she looked at me. But then, with a resigned sigh, she mumbled to herself: "You're really taking advantage of the fact that you know I'll always spoil you, sweetie," she said, her fingers trailing lightly over my cheek. "Whatever you want, whatever you need, I'll make sure you get it."

She reached over and slid open the communication window in the horse carriage. "Take us for a few round trips around the northern district," she said to the driver. "Take the longest route possible."

Fnatic_Fan Fnatic_Fan

I'm a fcking liar xdd

"Next chapter is ready by tomorrow" lol

Seriously, I need your honest opinions on this chapter. This one underwent so many revisions because I just couldn't settle on the how this one should've progressed. T_T

This one should've been up by sunday, but I feel like I forgot how to write a sex chapter.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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