83.52% Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies / Chapter 69: Proper Guidance

บท 69: Proper Guidance

I could feel Aerin's troubled gaze staring down right at me.

"How long does it take for it to usually go away? Have you tried doing something to get rid of it? Maybe some physical activity or a cold shower?" she asked, obviously referring to my erection which her hand accidentally brushed against earlier.

This entire situation is only possible because of the countless harmless interactions that has happened between us over the years.

Otherwise, there's no way that she would ever believe that a boy my age could possibly remain clueless about this matters. However, she knows me. She knows my family, my friends (or lack thereof), the isolated environment I grew up in, and only now—in the city—have I been truly exposed to what a 'normal' life should be like.

She has gone as far as kissing me right in my lips once and has let me massage her bare body in several separate occasions. Never once have I shown anything even remotely close to having vulgar thoughts. When you consider all these little factors, the unbelievable reality suddenly starts to look plausible. Of course, the idea of me being a reincarnated person is something that would never even cross her mind.

Even then, the idea of a completely sheltered boy is much more believable than a reincarnated person. So right now, she thinks that she has a very good grasp of my character, and her own memory serves as proof of that.

"No..I usually only wait for it to go away on its own," I answer, feigning ignorance.

However, it won't. Right now, my mind is filled with nothing but the most lewd and debaucherous imagery possible—fantasies of having a threesome with mom and Celine: both of them giving me a blowjob, one wrapping her lips at my shaft while the other lavishes attention on my balls—all to ensure that this erection wouldn't fade away.

Laurel has been gone for quite a while, so who could possibly be causing this erection? Surely, it can't be the woman has been giving me providing me with affection and physical contact that went beyond the boundaries of a typical teacher-student relationship, can't it?

Once she realizes that, then she would know that simply waiting for it to disappear wouldn't happen, because she's the reason it's happening in the first place.

However, my message has yet to go through to her head as she said, "Would you like me to help you practice some relaxation techniques? If you want, I can maybe get you to talk to someone who specializes in performance anxiety?" she asked.

I feel like she's trying to avoid the matter with my erection altogether, and hoping to focus on the 'anxiety' that I displayed earlier. But how can I let her just sweep it under the rug like that? She's been leading me on for years, purposefully making actions that will make any ordinary boy fall stupidly in love with her, and she thinks she can get away with just kisses and hugs?

If it's my anxiety that she's so worried about, then I'll give her one way she can fix it.

I understand to some extent what I mean to her—my unrivaled talent, my quick thinking, and most importantly, my hopeless admiration for her. If she's not dumb, then she would be able to see just how bright the future that lay ahead of me is, and as long as she plays her card correctly, then she might be able to 'wrap me around her finger'.

I'm not someone she'll simply give up on without a fight.

When faced with the possibility of getting such a bright young talent, a little social anxiety is practically negligible. It's something that could be worked on. So if she wants me to remain as her little adorer, then she has to work a little harder for it.

"N-No, there's no need. I'm fine..I'll do better nex–" I say, continuing to downplay the extreme display of nervousness I showcased earlier however, she cut me off before I can even finish my sentence.

"No, it's not." she said, gently cupping my face with her hand. A worried look is plastered across her face, "Riel, I want you to know that it's okay to feel nervous and anxious. It's a natural response to stress and pressure."

"But if it's causing you to feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, we can work together to find ways to manage it," she says softly, a pair of sapphire-blue eyes locking into mine.

"No, I'm fine teacher…" I shake off her hands. "I wasn't nervous or anything . It was just a one-time mistake, it won't happen again." To emphasize my point, I purposefully palm my crotch through my pants, as if attempting to ease the discomfort that wasn't going away. Aerin's sharp eyes catch this little action, and I know she notices.

If it's my music performance that she's so worried about, then let's focus on that. She won't be moved until she's convinced that this untamed arousal is severely hampering my musical ability. Still playing the role of a student that doesn't want to burden his teacher any more than he already does, I brush her worries aside and hover my fingers over the piano.

What better way to showcase mistakes by playing a difficult tune?

Thus I start playing a melody again, this time I play one of my more demanding compositions—one that took Aerin by surprise when I first played it and earned her admiration: Liszt's La Campanella.

However, I added a little tremble to my hands as it danced around the piano keys, the mistakes weren't too glaring but it was a far-cry from my usual flawless standards. Notes were sometimes a quarter of a beat too late, sometimes it was a beat earlier, and then mistakenly pressing unnecessary keys.

The difference was subtle, but someone as skilled as Aerin definitely noticed it.

"No, Riel, stop it," she asserts, forcibly taking my hands off the piano. "You're not fine, I can see it. Tell me honestly, is something bothering you?" she worriedly asks, all the while, I catch those split-seconds where her eyes briefly drift down towards my dick, assessing the evident tent forming there.

I grit my teeth, appearing to hesitate about revealing the matter.

Seeing that, Aerin pressed further. This time however, she maintained a safe distance, trying not to provide any more stimulation for me.

I took a deep breath, grappling with the decision of whether or not to divulge the truth. The intensity in Aerin's eyes made it clear that she wouldn't let me evade the issue any longer. 'Reluctantly', I decided to open up, hoping that she would understand.

Finally, I decide to open up, my voice barely above a whisper. "Teacher, it's... it's about these... these feelings I've been experiencing lately." I stumble over my words, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "It's like my body has a mind of its own, and it's becoming harder to control," I pull up my shirt, revealing the hard-on pressing against the fabric of my pants.

Aerin's eyes widened, biting her lips in response. She maintained her safe distance, aware of the effect her proximity had on me. "Why? Is it bothering you?" she asked gently, her voice filled with compassion.

"I don't know why, but lately, it seems to happen uncontrollably, even at the most inconvenient times." I muttered, my voice barely audible. "Whenever this happens, I just can't think straight. I can't focus because my head is filled with.. with…" I didn't continue my words.

"Filled with what?" Aerin prompts, her curiosity evident.

Blushing, as if recalling something embarrassing, I decide to bring up a specific memory to prevent her from shutting me down with statements like 'we must maintain proper boundaries as teacher and student.' "I keep replaying in my mind the time you kissed me on the bed..." I trail off, averting my eyes.

Aerin is momentarily speechless after hearing my confession, but I'm not finished yet. "And for some reason, the moments when I was massaging you also keep playing in my mind..." I add, my voice trailing off.

After bringing up all the dirt I have on her, she couldn't deny what the issue is any longer. Her actions were the reason for my sexual awakening and now it was interfering with my thoughts because I didn't know any way to release this built-up tension within me.

Unbeknownst to me, Aerin felt a small wave of relief wash over her when I made the decision not to disclose this issue to my mother. Because if I were to explain it to Lucielle the way I had just explained it to Aerin, she was certain that she, Aerin, would be banned from coming anywhere within a 50-meter radius of me.

What came afterwards was probably the longest half-a-minute silence of my life. Aerin considered lying, however, if I were to ever ask anyone else about these matters, her lies could easily be exposed and the my trust towards her would be damaged as a result.

Thus, she decided to tell the truth.

Finally, Aerin's expression softens and she nods understandingly. "Riel, I want you to know that what you're going through is a normal part of growing up. It's natural to have these feelings and sensations. It's called an erection, and it's a natural response for boys your age. It happens due to certain stimuli or even for no apparent reason at all."

I feigned innocence, furrowing my brows as if trying to comprehend her explanation. "An erection? Stimuli?" I repeated, pretending to be unfamiliar with those terms. "But why does it happen? And why can't I make it go away when it does?"

Aerin's empathy was evident as she delicately addressed my questions. "It happens because of changes in your body, Riel, as you grow older. It's a sign that you're maturing. As for making it go away, sometimes it disappears on its own with time, but there are also strategies you can try, like distracting yourself with other activities, simply waiting it out, or…" her voice trailed off.

"I... I didn't want to trouble you with this," I admitted, adding a tinge of guilt to my voice. "But it's been causing me some discomfort, especially in situations like earlier. Sometimes it even hurts when it lasts really long. I was really worried that it might've caught a disease…"

Aerin let out a strained smile. Talking about erections isn't something that anyone is really used to.

However, hearing me say that it sometimes hurts caused a little worry to appear in her face. Being a member of high society, she has heard many rumors and scandals, and is aware of the many problems that men can potentially face in the bed—being unable to get it up or never lasting for more than a minute. In addition, this world currently knew less about the role of hormones, nerves, and tissues, in cases like erectile dysfunction.

Thus, Aerin became more worried about the potential repercussions that this could cause if things were to continue like this.

"Sweetie... I..." Her mouth went dry, and she swallowed hard, steeling herself for the task at hand. "I'll help you, okay? Just this one time. I'll teach you how to handle it when you experience these... urges."

Her commitment to my well-being was unwavering, but little did she know of the extent of the intimate journey she was gonna embark on. Maybe she had imagined offering comforting words, showering me with affection, perhaps a few tender kisses here and there is all it will take to string me along.

The reality, however, surpassed her wildest imagination.

With a deep breath, she extended her pale, trembling hands towards me, caressing the bulge in my pants. "Does it... Does it hurt?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine concern.

She moved her hand, tracing the contours my throbbing shaft through the fabric. With both care and slight reluctance, she began to stroke and caress my cock, her gentle touch sending electric shocks through my entire being. The thin layer of fabric was the only thing separating her delicate hand from my bare shaft.

Instantly, my arousal surged.

Before, it had always been me just touching and massaging her body. Never had Aerin given me anything more than a kiss or a hug. But now, the dynamic had finally shifted, and it was her delicate hands that found their way to my throbbing cock. The best part is, there's only genuine care and concern in her face as she did so.

"It feels strange, teacher…" I remark as if feeling a new sensation for the first time. "I.. It's never felt like this before."

Aerin stared at the look of wonder and anticipation in my face, as though I was being introduced to a brand new world. My reaction might be 'innocent' but as an adult, she's fully aware of what she's actually doing.

She realized just how much of a scandalous and borderline criminal act her current actions are—given the difference in status, wealth, age, and the power dynamics in play. The revelation of our actions could shatter her reputation irreparably, casting her into the depths of societal condemnation.

"…" Her lips parted slightly before she bit down on them, concern and guilt etched across her face. She looked like she was about to say something but held back on it, continuing to delicately caress my shaft through the fabric. She wanted nothing more but to get this over as quickly as possible.

"Let's move to a better spot," she suggested.

Currently, the two of us were seated side by side, sharing the small piano seat. There was little room for movement and there was nothing to lean on, forcing us both to sit upright. "You go to the sofa," she said as she stood up and checked her drawers, looking for something.

When I plopped down the sofa, Aerin came back holding what seems to be a bottle of fragrant oil.

Naahh..is that how she thinks every guy masturbates? Oiled up and slippery? That'd be such a mess to clean up afterwards… How do you even explain it, if someone were to knock on your door suddenly? Your glistening hands and the fragrant smell would be such a giveaway. I can usually just do it dry.

"Teacher, what is that for?" I asked, looking at the bottle.

Without sparing me a glance, Aerin gracefully lowered herself between my parted legs, her focus solely on the task at hand. "You'll soon discover its purpose," she replied, her voice laced with the same tenderness as if she was just teaching me music, like she does all the time.

"For now, sweetie, I need you to lower your pants. Allow me to show you do when your little companion here becomes hard like this again."

The temptation to swiftly comply with her request was strong, yet a part of me yearned to savor this long-awaited moment, to seize the opportunity and leave a lasting impression. It was not enough to simply lower my pants; I want her to be the one to lower it herself, to see my growing dick for the first time.

"Wha-?" I stammered, pretending to be taken aback. "Mom always told me it's improper to show my... um, penis to other people."

Aerin's brows furrowed, a mix of surprise and annoyance flickering across her face. She let out a sigh, her patience tested. She was just about to open the bottle of oil, ready to lather her hands with the slipper substance.

"Riel, just listen okay?" she replied, her voice tinged with a touch of exasperation. "It's important for me to guide you and help you understand your own body. There's nothing improper about it when it's part of our learning process."

"But…" I continued refusing. Still, my resistance only fueled her determination.

"Don't be stubborn now sweetie.." she said, her voice slightly annoyed. "Let's get this over as quickly as po– eh?" Without further ado, Aerin leaned forward, her hands reaching for the waistband of my pants.

As her fingers expertly unfastened the buttons and pulled down the fabric, a rush of anticipation coursed through me. Once the waistband was lowered enough, my dick sprung out of its confines, the cool air brushed against my exposed skin, heightening my senses and causing a shiver of delight to go down my spine.

Meanwhile, Aerin's gaze was fixed on my bulge as she unveiled it herself, her eyes widening slightly as she took in the sight before her. But what she saw left her momentarily stunned, her breath hitching in surprise. Though I was young and my manhood still in its developmental stages, its length and girth were far from modest.

"W-What? My nephew's isn't this..." she murmured under her breath, but my ears were still sensitive enough to pick up on it. The realization of its size seemed to have surpassed her expectations.

As I shifted my gaze to Aerin, a grin spread across my face, relishing at the brief sight of her dumbfounded expression. Her face, always so composed and intelligent, for a second looked stupid, contorted in a mix of shock and confusion, her mouth hanging open mindlessly.

"Damn... hahaha... that caught me off guard," Aerin chuckled uncomfortably, her laughter laced with a hint of embarrassment and disbelief. "What on earth is your mother putting in your food..."she muttered under her breath before nervously reaching for the bottle of oil, her hands trembling.

Her once-assured demeanor had crumbled, but she still attempted to maintain a façade of mentor as she continued, her voice slightly shaky, "Alright, uhm... I'll... teach you how to handle this, I guess..."

Fnatic_Fan Fnatic_Fan

Next chapter comes tomorrow. I don't like ending on cliffhangers as well, but I think the beginning was too long on this one. Plus, I haven't written an 18+ ch in so long, I needed some sort of a warm up.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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