6.25% A Song of Blood and Sunlight / Chapter 1: The First Contact

บท 1: The First Contact


Known as the Land of the Ancient Lords, where their kingdoms converge. It was a land of miracles, Magic and Gods, containing a great variety of environments and filled with many dangerous creatures.

Once a land full of turmoil, ancient horrors, war and death. Countless Kingdoms fought against each other in a never-ending struggle for supremacy while countless dangers encroached on the Lands of Lordran every single day.

Everything changed when a Twin-Tailed Comet appeared on the horizon.

The Twin-Tailed Comet is a comet with two tails that has been sighted multiple times throughout history from the surface of the Known World. The Twin-Tailed Comet always heralds extraordinary or tumultuous events.

It is unclear whether the comet is a single object whose orbit passes close to the world on a regular cycle or whether the comets are separate objects that have been seen consecutively.

And a child was born on the exact day, in the province of Reikland, in a certain noble house. A child born under the sigil of the Twin-Tailed Comet, destined to greatness, greatness far higher than anyone before.

A child that one day rose to the Divine Throne and new age came to the Lands of Ancients.

His name was Karl Franz I. Holswig-Schliestein von Reikland de Anor, Emperor of The Empire, Royarch of the Lordran and High Lord Magistrate of the Anor, the supreme ruler of the lands of ancient.

It was the 10th Millenium; for more than several centuries, the Holy Imperator and High Lord Magistrate sat on the Divine Throne of Sunlight and Cinder. He is Lord of the Lands of Ancients by the will of the Gods and Master of the City of Gods by the power of his inexhaustible armies.

He is the embodiment of might and wisdom and the sage of the long-forgotten past. He is Lord Carrior of a mighty nation, whom they all serve, Heir of the Old Blood and their chosen instrument on the mortal plane.

And yet, even in his immortal state of the Old Blood, the High Lord continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battle formations cross the demonic miasma of the Abyss, the endless hordes of Demons and abominations from the deepest parts of damnation.

Vast armies fight in his name across the lands; they scream his divinity and die for the Sunlight and Cinder. Across the lands of known and unknown, everyone whispers in fear of the Old Blood.

Chief among them are his Reiksgarde, Templar Knight Executioners and Hunters of the Hunter Order from the Workshop.

They are his champions, pioneering the path in the darkness and banishing the ancient horrors.

To be human in such times is to be one among millions. It is living in dark times, always awaiting the End Times, and yet it is a time of heroes and courage; it is time to fight for the future and to resist the horrors of the old night.

It is the 10th Millennium and silver ships are for the first time departing through the Sunset Sea, in search of the civilizations that were thought to be long lost to the night.


Year 280 AC, Westerlands, Lannisport.

The Sunset Sea was sea west to the continent of Westeros and east to a landmass known just as the Land of Ancient Lords. It was a dangerous sea, roamed by countless creatures, many of whom were considered a myth, but one was clear...

What the sea took once, it never returned back.

Lannisport is a walled city in the Westerlands located less than a mile south of Casterly Rock, the seat of House Lannister. Lannisport is located along the coast of the Sunset Sea, where the River Road, the Gold Road, and the Ocean Road meet.

It is one of the major ports of the Seven Kingdoms and is the largest settlement in the Westerlands. It was ruled by Cadet Branch of the House Lannister of nearby Casterly Rock and today, the Lord Warden of the West was on inspection of the port city.

Lord Tywin Lannister was a tall, slender, broad-shouldered man in his fifties. His arms were thin but muscled, he had golden hair, though it was clear that his age was already coming up to him, and pale green eyes flecked with gold.

While he was carrying out the monthly inspection to ensure everything went according to his wishes, suddenly bells started ringing across the entire Lannisport, signaling that something was happening.

Only several minutes later, Lord Lannister was notified that an unknown fleet of fifty ships was sailing towards the Lannisport, which made everyone believe that this was some kind of Ironborn raid.

"The sigils belong to someone unknown, my Lord... and..."

The soldier who came to report the news looked nervously as Lord Paramount of West pierced him with his glare. The ships were bearing the weird sigil of the golden skull with a crown on it, surrounded by the sun above two griffons that were looking at the warhammer.

Not to mention, they were far larger than any standardized warship that was seen in the Seven Kingdoms. Even an idiot could tell that those ships didn't belong to pirates or any outlaw group.

"Say it already!"

Tywin Lannister was already getting irritated, but at the same time, it was good news that the ships didn't belong to the Ironborn raiders.

"They are sailing from the direction of the Sunset Sea..."

The moment that was said, everything went quiet and silent for the first time, as nobody could muster the next words. But at the same time, wheels were already working inside Lord Tywin's brain as he was deciding on the next course of action.

'So indeed... something truly exists beyond the Sunset Sea and if everything goes right, then the House Lannister would be able to capitalize on it tremendously.'

He thought because there was nothing more important in his mind than the strength of his House and the legacy of the House Lannister.

"Guide the ships to the port; I doubt that they are hostile; prepare a welcome ceremony as fast as possible."

Tywin ordered as everyone started running here and there, carrying out his orders. At the same time, the Lord of the Casterly Rock looked far in the distance at the incoming fleet of enormous ships that were far bigger than anyone had seen before.

Those ships were constructed for the sole purpose only... war.

And Tywin Lannister knew that whoever had the manpower and resources to construct something like that would be a powerful opponent or powerful ally.

For a long time, he had attempted to bethrote his daughter to the Crown Prince Rheagar, only for Aerys to choose Princess Elia Martell of Dorne last year. This year, they even married, destroying any opportunities to secure a match that would strengthen the power of his House.

Just thinking about it made him rage inside every cell of his body because he knew that it was just another of his attempts to spite him. Still, it was not official, but Tywin's sources were telling him that Elia Martell was already pregnant, so he needed to look in another direction.

Right now, his son was in the King's Landing and soon would be knighted, but he was still sending him rather reliable information.

Yet today, he decided to change the course of action because he knew that setting Cersei for a Targaryen match was already a lost cause.

Today, he may be presented with opportunities way better.

He sensed it in his bones.


On the deck of the biggest ship, battleship Smeidnir.

The ship was enormous, strengthened by steel as it wasn't made entirely out of wood, but large parts of the hull were made from steel and it was moving on some kind of mechanical engine that were made by scholars of Byrgenwerth.

Countless Knights in pristine shining silver armor were stationed at their positions, holding their weapons, ready to fight at any given moment and not moving an inch, proving their superior training and discipline.

Among them all, the most notable was the tallest knight, wearing pristine golden armor, who was observing all the others, never leaving his sight from the ship or from the horizon, as if he was always expecting something happening.

"My Lord, the ships are hailing us... we can dock at the port."

One of the Silver Knights reported to the Golden Knight, who nodded his head and issued orders for the ship to dock.

"Go and wake up, His Majesty... tell him that we have arrived."

The Golden Knight ordered as they had finally crossed the Sunset Sea after several weeks of sailing. Who would have thought that the legends that the Elector Counts of the Grand Province of Fernis were true...



I am Karl Franz I. Holswig-Schliestein von Reikland de Anor... yes, my name was long as fuck, but I liked it that way because it sounded intimidating and intriguing.

Holswig-Scheliesten was the name of my Noble Hosue; von Reikland meant "from Reikland", which signaled that my Noble House originated from the Grand Principality of Reikland and finally, de Anor was adjusted to surnamed, signifying the Master of the City of Gods.

As I woke up from my slumber, I had a very pleasant dream; a dream of the long-forgotten past, a dream of my past life when I lived a boring and very normal life.

"Dreams become dreams... and the horrors I have experienced would have broken lesser men..."

I lived for several centuries, my dreams were fulfilled, and I became someone important, someone who decided the fate of countless and who experienced reincarnation, who survived the Void and made deals with the Great Ones.

I was Karl Franz I. Holswig-Schliestein von Reikland de Anor and yet, before I created this name, before I forged myself through the grand powers of the Great Ones, I was Patrick Smith, from an unassuming blue planet called Earth.

And even though all the horrors of the old night I survived, through the abominations slayed, wars won, foes killed, atrocities committed, enemies slaughtered, I would have still chosen to walk on this path.

Because it was the path that was fulfilling.

"I survived Lordran, hostile Great Ones, demons of the Abyss and horrors of the night and I will not be scared of some Westeros... shame my memories of the show are murky at best."

I muttered to myself while washing my face, in this luxurious gothic-looking chambers where everything was decorated, the golden skulls or symbols of the Great Ones... I then put up on my armor, personally forged for me by the Darwen smith Dalbran Felhammer and it was the pinnacle of the dwarven smithing.

It was made from pitch black steel, tempered in fires of the Great Wyrms, from ores harvested from fallen meteorites, adorned with gold, symbols of the Empire and countless runes.

"Let's get this over with, so I can return back home and finish the subjugation of the barbarians in the badlands."

Right now, most of the Lordran was unified, with only some regions being problematic, but they would soon fall... I spent centuries preparing the broken cities, helping the people, quelling the rebellions and ruling the nation.

Dealing with barbarians of the badlands was at the bottom of my to-do list...


3rd POV

Karl Franz entered the deck of the ship, but it didn't make any commotion because he didn't need any ceremonials or bowing that would only distract the Knights from their duties to be always on guard and always ready to fight.

Only a few of his personal guards, the Reiksgarde that were accompanying him, bowed lightly before they flanked him from every side as their white armors and cloaks shined in the light.

"Are we already docking?"

He wanted to already get on the ground because he wasn't a very big fan of the seas... during those few weeks he spent on the sea he "enjoyed" it too much for his tastes already and now he would appreciate some solid earth.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The one who replied to him was the Grand Marshall of the Silver Knights, Ornstein the Dragon Slayer, who earned his title by slaying a Great Wyrm. He was also participating in the expedition to Westeros, mainly because he also had a seat on the High Council of the Empire.

When the ship started docking, Karl Franz sighed in relief, but soon enough, his expression morphed into horror because he saw a chamberlain preparing the announcement, meaning that the contact would be going according to the protocol.

How he hated protocols...

As the ship docked, everyone in the Lannisport could see several hundreds of silver-armored knights who were a bit taller than the average human males exiting the ship as they created a line for their Monarch.

Tywin Lannister, together with his brother Kevan Lannister, watched this, and if one thing Tywin was right now, it was being impressed. In Westeros, there was only one Kingdom that had a standing army, and that were Westerlands.

Only his House had a standing army and that was because he established it after fighting in wars and shattering the power of the Noble Houses of Westerlands that gained too much power under the rule of his father.

And he could see that the soldiers before him were the epitome of discipline and power.

"Presenting, his Imperial Majesty, The Holy Imperator of the Holy Arcadia Empire, Lord High Magistrate of Anor Londo, Elector Count of the Reikland, the Lord of Sunlight and Cinder, Royarch of the Lordran, Heir of the Old Blood, Lord of the Ancients and the Chosen One of the Great Ones, his Holy Imperial Majesty of The Empire, Karl Franz I. Holswig-Schliestein von Reikland de Anor."

After the chamberlain said several titles and very long names of the foreign Monarch, everyone saw the Emperor of The Empire walking down from the ship, surrounded by several white-armored knights with long white cloaks.

Even Tywin thought it was a pretty lot of titles for one person and the introduction was even longer than for the King of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Still, there was one thing that he noticed about the Emperor of The Empire was that he looked very young, not older than twenty-five and he had shining golden eyes.

"Greetings, Your Imperial Majesty."

Tywin Lannister was quick to greet Emperor as he bowed slightly, to which Karl-Franz nodded his head and acknowledged him as fellow Noble.

"I am Tywin Lannister of House Lannister, Head of the House. Lord of the Casterly Rock, Hand of the King, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of the West and Lord Paramount of Westerlands.

From the information that the House Russ-Stark had in their archives about the Westeros, he knew that the House Lannister was one of the most powerful Houses within the Westeros and they were the Royal House of the Westerlands...

Apparently, it seemed that someone managed to unify the Seven Kingdoms under their rule.

"While certainly the formalities are appreciated, I think we can cut these things and go straight to the matter..."

The Emperor Karl Franz stated frankly that he himself wasn't a big fan of formalities, especially when he had just now spent several weeks on the ship.

"Of course, then allow me to host a banquet for your arrival..."

Tywin Lannister stated just as dictated the noble protocol and Karl Franz didn't refuse because he wanted to eat and relax a bit after the arduous journey to the Westeros.

The Lord of the Casterly Rock saw that the Emperor was a rather straightforward person; thus, he decided to act appropriately for the situation. At the same time, acting naturally and not behaving like the spineless cowards in The King's Landing was a bit refreshing.

"Kevan... keep city close and monitor every known spy... if someone decides to try something, kill them. And also... keep Tyrion as far from the delegation as possible; he would create just embarrassment for the House Lannister."

Tywin instantly issued a few commands to his younger brother Kevan Lannister who was together with him on the inspection of the Lannisport.

"Of course, brother. Should I send someone for Cersei?"

He asked as Tywin's eyes glinted with opportunity, nodding his head in agreement; afterward, he returned back to the people from the Empire, as he needed to learn more and play a good host.

"Lord Tywin, this is Knight-Kommandant of the Silver Knights, Ornstein the Dragonslayer of; he is head of the Silver Knight Order numbering 40,000 Silver Knights till this day.."

Karl Franz introduced the golden armored knight who was holding a huge golden halbert, with the title of "Dragonslayer" which nobody would take seriously. Not even him, but he didn't dare to voice his doubts because that could offend the foreign ruler.

And he had some plans in his mind; the cogs of scheming were already spinning.

"I can see that you have some doubts about it..."

Karl Franz said with a laugh as Tywin Lannister's expression frowned a bit before he attempted to say something, only to be cut off by Emperor Karl Franz.

"It is good to have doubts... it means that you are thinking for yourself and for your doubts; indeed, Ornstein did kill one of the Great Wyrms, not like the wyverns that are roaming the continent of Essos."

Karl Franz said with disdain as he mentioned the wyverns because people rarely knew the differences between the True Dragons and Wyverns that were used by the Valyrians.

Aside from some scholars across the Westeros and Essos, practically nobody would bother with differences. For most, if not all, they were all dragons and the same thing...

And thus, both Karl Franz and Tywin Lannister were discussing many topics, mainly exchanging pleasantries, while checking out each other, measuring personalities and how to act around each other.

Despite Karl Franz's jovial speech and uncaring attitude, Tywin could see beneath the mask of a young-looking ruler of the seemingly enormous nation known just as Empire; he saw ruthlessness matching that of his own.

The predator will recognize another predator and that was a truth. During his discussion with Tywin Lannister, Karl Franz learned how outdated their intelligence on the political state of the known world was.

The sole things that they knew came from the archives of the Elector Counts of Grand Duchy of Fenris ruled by House Russ-Stark. It was an old house founded several thousand years ago by a man known as Brandon Stark and Astrid Russ, daughter of Leman Russ.

Soon enough, they arrived at the castle that was overseeing the port city of Lannisport, surrounded by the Silver Knights, Lannister Soldiers and a few of the Sternritter.

It wasn't that impressive compared to the structures and buildings in the Lordran, especially the castles, but it contained a certain degree of old beauty that was already lost to the wheels of progress in Lordran.

Meanwhile, Emperor was talking with Lord Lannister; Grand Marshall Ornstein was having a pleasant conversation with the younger brother of mentioned Lord as they were having a talk about the military and other things.

"If it is not rude to ask, but is His Majesty married?"

Kevan knew that his older brother intended to have Cersei marry the Emperor if possible because it would create ties with the foreign Kingdom and it seemed that the show of power convinced his brother.

Even the armor that the ordinary Knights wore was delicately and masterfully crafted, looking like something that not even most of the Lords in the Seven Kingdoms would be able to buy with all of their money.

"No, he is not... he has yet to take any wife, though, for the last decades, he had been close to the Lady Maria Vileblood of the Astral Clock Tower."

Ornstein answered, not really seemingly thinking about what he said because he didn't really care about the implications of his words. But as a Lannister, even though Kevan Lannister wasn't his brother, he understood many things from the answer provided.

The first thing, apparently, longevity was a thing among the newcomers or at least a part of them, and another thing that he caught was polygamy was also a thing in the Empire. Which certainly wasn't false, but mainly for the most powerful people within the Empire.

"Lady Maria?"

Because he knew that his brother would try to marry his daughter to the Emperor, Kevan Lannister needed to obtain some more information.

"Yes, she is the most dazzling talent and treasure of the Empire, the most talented warrior that the Empire has produced for the past centuries. Prized pupil of the Gehrman the First Hunter and daughter of High Lord Magistrate Annalise Vileblood of Cainhurst... in the Empire, if there is one person worthy of the title Empress then it would be Lady Maria."

Warrior women were not common at Westeros, mainly because the Faith of Seven considered such things barbaric, but at the same time, Kevan Lannister couldn't help but be astonished hearing such praise from the Ornstein, who evidently slayed a True Dragon on his own.

'It seems that this would be a big obstacle... Cersei will have strong competitors; from what I have seen and heard, their entire nation revolves around Military Service and fighting.'

Kevan Lannister thought while Ornstein answered what he could, though, at the same time, the Grand Marshall had been extracting information about the military powers of the known world from the younger brother of Lord Lannister.

Behind him, one of the Scholars of Byrgenwrth was talking with the local scholars known as Maesters and exchanging information about the history, languages and geography of the Lands of Ancients, Lordran.



In the Lordran, dealing with Nobles was much easier because everyone was used to solving all matters with their fists... On the Lands of Lordran, there was an unwritten rule for anyone to solve their dispute, which sounded: "Might makes right"...

One big plus around the entire situation was at least Tywin Lannister was able to read my intentions and was rather casual with me, at least...

Unfortunately, the things I remembered from the canonical events of the A Song of Ice and Fire almost equaled zero. During a few centuries, one would forget a lot, especially if there are far more important things to learn during the centuries.

Even though I wasn't be politician around, I knew what was happening right now because from the bits of canon I remembered about the ASOIAF and reading Tywin Lannister, it was easy to get to the result.

His aim, in the end, was to tie the Empire to House Lannister to obtain something for his House; he was the person who cared for the glory of his Hosue, the Inheritance of his House the most in his life.

And if I was correct, then sooner or later, he would try to arrange a marriage between myself and his daughter Cersei to establish strong ties between us. Probably for that reason, he sent his younger brother to Ornstein to gather information.

Ornstein indeed didn't fail and provided everything that Lord Lannister wanted to know, but at the same time, by spilling the beans and telling him a bit about my personal life, he was able to gather information about the military powers of all factions within Westeros and Essos.

In truth, I wasn't that much against marrying Cersei Lannister... she could be summarized by words as a mad ruthless bitch, but at the same time, she was my exact type. From the shows, she was my favorite, not only for her beauty and but she was smart, not the smartest, but she was very ambitious and competent.

The only thing I will need to take care of would be Maria back home... and maybe Rosie, but being alibistic as I am, I will let them deal with it themselves. In the Empire and the entirety of the Lordran, polygamy was common, especially among the nobility and the bearers of the Old Blood.

We were in the castle of the Lannisport while the servants were already in full preparations, while Tywin Lannister was keeping me company until he excused himself for a bit. I knew that he went to his brother, probably to hear what Kevan Lannister learned from Ornstein.

"Your Majesty."

I heard a voice that belonged to one of the Scholars of Byrgenwerth that were part of the expeditions. All Scholars of Byrgenwerth were the pinnacle of researchers and Sorcerers of the Lordran.

They were an organization that sought the truth of the world, no matter the cost. As a result, most of them have detached themselves from the mundane in pursuit of knowledge that would further Lordran's heights.

"What it is, High Scholar?"

High Scholar Jinfarah was an old-looking man and he didn't just look old, he was really old... and when I meant really old, then I meant countless years. To a degree where even he himself forgot about his age, it was a wonder that he could even move without falling apart or crumbling to dust.

"I was having a pleasant talk with the Maester and he told me that they have mined a weird ore in the metal... a description fitting Dimeritium and apparently, they have even large number of Lacrima Crystals, even though they have absolutely no idea for their use."

High Scholar Jinfarah stated as he stroked his long beard, leaning over his magic stave while I frowned a bit, but soon enough, I grinned because this increased the importance of the Westerlands several times over.

Originally, our aim was to establish some minor trade and have some time to wait for the right opportunity to initiate an expedition into the Lands of Always Winter to mine resources.

The so-called True North would be our first colony, not to mention the Valyria was brimming with treasures.

"I will keep that in mind, High Scholar."

This indeed changed the game because the importance of Westeros suddenly rose from Level 1 to at least Level 3, possibly Level 4, if the quantities of Dimeritium and Lacrima were high.

Easily the partnership with the Westerlands could become of strategic importance to the Lordran, mainly due to the presence of precious ores. Lordran was always in need of metal and Lacrimas.

And while our own veins were huge, it wouldn't be bad to have another source; at least we could spend the gold that is right now constantly growing in the Imperial Vauls and Treasuries.


3rd POV

As Karl Franz predicted, the first thing that Tywin Lannister did when he excused himself was to consult his younger brother Kevan on things he learned during the conversation with golden armored knight Ornstein the Dragon Slayer.

He took every bit of information and soon enough, he decided to proceed with his chances to marry his daughter to the Emperor of the Empire. At the same time, he drew another plan in his mind which was to prolong his own life.

Humans were greedy creatures that always wanted to have more than they had. Even the ancient Valyrians could not live for centuries, though they had far longer lifespans than a lesser man, but unfortunately, their methods were lost with the Doom of Valyria.

In another room, after being told the news, the daughter of Tywin Lannister was throwing a tantrum for a moment before she calmed herself after some time.

Her temper tantrum was coming from the fact that the man her father intended for her would most probably take more than one wife, but she was deeply aware that, in the end, she was just a tool for her family and nothing more.

Cersei Lannister was a strikingly beautiful woman with curly golden hair, emerald green eyes, fair skin and a slender, graceful figure. She wore a fine gown of black silk with red rubies sewn into the bodice as her father ordered her to wear her best clothes.

"I don't want to see anything that would put shame on our House; bear yourself straight... maybe you would be pleasantly surprised."

She heard his father humm as he then led her to another room, where the man whom her father wanted her to marry was already waiting. The introducement would be done before the banquet officially started.



"What is happening, High Scholar?"

I asked the High Scholar Jinfarah while I was relaxing in the lobby while waiting for our host to return and for the banquet to start. The High Scholar Jinfarah was sitting on the sofa opposite me as we were having a discussion about the Arcane Magic.

Though several seconds earlier, the old man's eyes suddenly gleamed in a dark purple color as if he sensed something.

"I sense something, Your Majesty... a Blood Curse probably... though I don't know from where."

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks because the Blood Curses were very dangerous things, especially in the Lordran...

"Be vigilant and send someone to summon a few Templars and Scholars; I am not feeling safe knowing that there is someone with Blood Curse moving through these walls..."

It was not the cursed person whom I feared, but rather the one who issued such a curse...

Blood Curses were extremely dangerous, especially if the blood was willingly given; it could have disastrous consequences for one's life and fate. For that, I would rather have a few Templar Knight Executioners from the Healing Church...

High Scholar Jinfahara immediately carried out my orders; just at this moment, I could see that Tywin Lannister, together with his brother, returned, but they didn't return alone...

I had to admit that Tywin's daughter Cersei was beautiful, far beyond her age and mesmerizing at the same time.

It was a different type of beauty compared to that of Maria Vileblood.

"Your Majesty, allow me to introduce my daughter, Cersei."

He said as I went up to her, gave her a deep bow in the style of Imperial Nobility, and gently kissed her hand as she blushed at it.

"Greetings, my fair lady. Karl Franz I. Holswig-Schliestein von Reikland de Anor, the Emperor of The Empire and Royarch of the Lordran at your service... though you may call me Karl Franz."

I introduced myself, as she was mesmerized by my appearance, which I had to admit that I had a certain sort of ethereal beauty; some may even consider me androgynous with my long blonde hair...

Meanwhile, I introduced myself to Tywin and his daughter Cersei, whom I would most probably marry in the future, depending on if we get to know each other, but I could see my attraction to her already...

"Your Majesty, I believe that I found the source of the Blood Curse..."

Suddenly I heard High Scholar Jinfahar say as his staff shone with dark purple color, to which everyone was instantly attracted. Even though Magic was clearly not the thing in Westeros, neither of the Lannisters could have a different explanation for it.

"Splendidly... who is it?"

I asked as an elderly scholar pointed his stave at the young woman to whom I was talking, as every pair of eyes looked directly at her. Especially her uncle and father were both horrified and anxious about the situation and I could see that Tywin was about to burst...

That man really had a "good" temper.


- "And this was how I met your mother."

Karl Franz I. Holswig-Schliestein von Reikland de Anor to his children with Cersei Holswig-Schliestein von Rekland de Anor

Read my Other Novel

Read Crimson Devil of Two Houses

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