10.43% Highschool DxD: A new opportunity / Chapter 11: One cat is not enough? How about three?

บท 11: One cat is not enough? How about three?

∆ Part 1

Once again in the familiar white space, I was facing He(?).

"Unfortunately, You have died". Said He(?) regretfully, now with all necessary human facial features on his(?) face. His tone remained flat though.

"Eh? Just like that? I mean...". I mumbled doubtfully.

My memory is a little foggy right now. When did I get here anyway?. Did I just die?.

"Of course... That was a joke. Wow, you should've seen the look on your face just now". He(?) joyfully admitted.

This b*stard.

"Hey, hey... It was just a harmless joke. Don't get angry". He(?) said.


"Then I can at least assume that I am still alive...". I muttered to myself in a low tone of voice.

"Can't you remember what happened? Here, let me help you". Said He(?) as he once again put his hand on top of my head.

My last memories before I ended here came flooding back at once.

I see. Before we were able to beat Touji... someone attacked us. And while I was recovering from the aftermath of the attack, that individual knocked me out... no, I recall that I felt something on my neck. A stinging pain.


What now?.

"Thanks for that, I guess... That does not leave any side effects right?". I asked something that just occurred to me. He has done that a couple of times already.

"...". He(?) remained silent.

No, if you stay silent then...

"Nothing bad happens, haha, you freaked out, huh". Happily said He(?). No matter what, it sounded strange since his tone did not change.

What's with this guy? Hasn't He(?) changed a bit too much?.

"That is because of you... or rather your memories. I took it too far when I read them and now I am taking bits of the way you are". Explained He(?).

I am not the jester type though?.

"Put your hand on your heart and say that again. Who are you trying to trick here?. I know every single part of your life. Every single part". He(?) replied to my thoughts.

Is it like that? Letting yourself be influenced like that...

"Even my appearance is changing somewhat. Is it that weird that I act like you? It is normal to be influenced by your friends... I have none other than you so I might've allowed myself to take more than you would usually do. I can just go back to how I was before if that is what you wish though". Said He(?).

No, it is fine. Just do what you want. I was just surprised by your sudden change.

"I tried to joke since I recall that people seemed to like comedy... but maybe it backfired... This is more difficult than it looks". Said He(?) as he(?) scratched his(?) head.

That is some human-like reaction.

"Did you call me here for a particular reason?". I asked.

The pressure from this place is starting to affect me again. It had not appeared until now so I thought that maybe I was not going to feel it again, but I was wrong.

"Hmmm, oh. Yeah, yeah. You have been sleeping for quite some time, you know?. I am not suddenly talking to you as soon as you were put to sleep". He(?) explained.


"You have been sleeping for quite some time, you know?. I am not sudden-". He(?) began repeating what he(?) said before.

"No, I did not ask you to repeat it... *Sigh*". I said to stop him(?).

Talking with him(?) can be tiresome sometimes.

"Then you are talking to me because you wanted to tell me something related to that?". I inquired.

"Not really, I was just bored. But since you mentioned the topic... things are not looking good for you. Be prepared, because you won't be able to 'rest' easily anymore". Explained He(?) in unusual seriousness.


That sounds ominous.


Wait, If you can tell what is going on around me then...

"Can you tell me where Kaa-san is? Is she ok?". I suddenly asked.

Why didn't I ask this first? I went out of Urakyoto for this.

"I don't know where she is. I don't know it all you know?. I can try to find her, although I am not sure exactly when that will be. You might even find her faster than me. I can only see that 'world' from over here after all". Explained He(?).

Oh... that's right.


"Well, don't be so discouraged. That woman... is strong. So she will probably be fine... Hmm, yeah... probably". Said He(?).

Your(?) lack of confidence in your(?) words makes it worse.


This feeling... Did I reach the limit?.

"You held out pretty good. You spent here more time than before. Keep it together... you will have it hard". Warned He(?).

Waving his(?) at me as I was leaving this place, He(?) did not say anything more.

I was not even able to reply to him(?) either, the pressure that this place gave me did not allow it.

Really, what strange place.

∆ Part 2

Waking up, even before opening my eyes, I could tell that a strong light was being pointed at me. With some effort I tried opening my eyes but the light blinded me before I was to see anything.

Trying to move my arms to cover my eyes, I found them to be locked in place. No exertion of strength allowed me to move them from their position. I also found myself to be lying somewhere, a cold feeling was transmitted from the surface of my back.

At loss, I tried to figure out what was going on. Recalling what He(?) told me. I was supposed to be caught by someone. This situation did not look good. Not only my arms, but my legs were fixed in place. I was not able to move from where I was.

As I prepared to use my Ki to break free, I heard a voice.

"It is useless, I have dealt with your kind before so I made preparations in case I had to take care of any 'unruly' behavior". I heard a cold voice saying that.

Turning my head in the direction of the voice, it took me some effort to distinguish the speaker due to all the light.

A man with gray hair and blue eyes was standing at one side of me before I noticed. But there was something about him that raised my alertness by a huge margin. He was wearing a surgeon's garb. That image along with how my body was bound sent a chill down my back.

I tried to circulate Ki... but as this guy said, I can't seem to be able to use it. Even when I struggled with all the strength I could muster, I was stuck here.

"You can struggle all you want, no matter what, you won't be able to break away". Said the man in a mocking tone of voice, there was even a slightly sadistic smile on his face.

Is this what you meant He(?)?.

At the beginning it was hard, but with some effort, I managed to speak.

"Who... are... you?". I raised a question, my voice was a little raspy, probably because of the time I spent unconscious.

Still maintaining his expression the man answered.

"You people always make non-sensical questions. Always the same... *sigh* You will eventually learn my name since you won't be going anywhere. However... for now, instead of my name... Shouldn't you be worried about something else?". Replied the man in slight amusement.

Mentally cursing the man, I tried harder to look at my surroundings with the limited movement that I was allowed.

No matter how you looked at it, this place seemed like an operation room. I was not one hundred percent familiar with all the equipment here, but there were a lot of things that looked the part.

Feeling unease for what it is going to take place, I once again heard the man speak.

"Yes, that is the face you should be making. Remember well this feeling well. If you don't obey, it will be much worse". Explained the man as he began putting his gloves.

I don't like where this is going.

"Well... That will be only if you survive though...". Said the man as he took a syringe filled with some liquid to inject me.

The few things the light let me see turned hazy in my eyes, probably thanks to whatever was injected into me.


Observing as the child loses consciousness again. The man who injected him just now stared at him expresionlessly.

He had emptied all the syringe's content when you would usually need only about half the amount to knock out an adult devil. It is very interesting how this kid is becoming with each dose, more resistant to the number of drugs he has used to kept him in deep slumber. His body seems to automatically develop in a way where these substances are less effective rather quickly.

An interesting test subject. Considering that it's been weeks since he captured and kept him in an unconscious state by constantly injecting different substances... No, even when you take that into account, it does not seem normal. That makes this kid pretty valuable in his own way... not to mention, he already put him through minors modifications and he recovered at an amazing speed.

Today was the day he decided to include him in more complicated experiments. After doing a number of tests, he learned that he vitality that he exhibit is impressive. He might survive a certain procedure that he had plans to try when a suitable candidate appeared... since someone lacking just dies.

Originally he did not dream of completing that procedure due the large amount of failures... Although lacking better test subjects had something to do, in fact, their vitality or compatibility was lacking. This one has the durability... as for the compatibility... well, you need to actually do experiments to make sure of that anyways.

Too bad that the woman never appeared even after we kept the child this long. She might have a higher durability than her child. He can only imagine how many experiments she would be able to endure. Really too bad.


Sighing in disappointment, he took a scalpel a prepared to start the procedure.

"Now then... 'Reproduction of the Original 72 Devils' Project'. It is time to restart this project again... the question is... how long with this subject last. Hmmm... What was his number again? Considering he will become part of this project... then it would be... subject 10032 I guess". Muttered the man to himself before bringing his scalpel closer to the child.

∆ Part 3

-Time skip ???

It is difficult to tell how much time passes when you remain uncouncious for so much time. The only thing I have to remotely tell me that, it's the grow of my hair, judging by its length... I have been here for months at least.

Everytime I wake up, I find new scars from what I learned, were operations. Although I can't exactly tell what they were doing to me.

There is a good thing I found out, while they have somehow sealed my ability to circule my Ki more anything more than what I need to live normally, my body is still able to recover from the procedures effectively albeit at a slow pace. I seem to nonetheless enjoy of my enhanced life force, that comes with higher levels of Ki reserves. Some of the scars from the first operations are have already disappeared. I really can't help but marvel at the possibilities that would arise when people reach even more elevated levels of Ki reserves.

Well, the total amount of scars does not exactly get reduced since I am sent to the operation table rather often.

Should I be thankful from that thing He(?) said about making me more resilient? Or perhaps was that a joke on his part?. The point is... the tougher I am.. the more procedures they put me through.


I won't touch the subject of how painful this is... because I try to keep my mind distracted in other stuff. Although sometimes I ended up unwillingly focusing on the chilly sensation that this damned patient garbs causes and I just don't know what to do at those times.

Well, I do make an effort to concentrate in more meaningful goals.

For example... how to get away from here. Unfortunately the small bits of time I spent awake, I am in a rather weakened state. Which does not allowing me to do much.

Like now.

The place I am usually being kept at is a small room lacking windows, with a simple bed, a toilet, there was also a small table where they leave me water. Everything is painted white. The door has a glass opening in the upper part were I am observed from, and there is an opening on the lower side, where sometimes I am given solid food.

It is terrible... but you would think that the door is closed?. Not during the day, at night you can hear a small click that indicates a locked state.

Once , I tried leaving the room once but all I found was a long hallway with multiple doors like mine. At the end of it, I found stairs that lead both up and down. However, going up and down is impossible for me since they are tightly locked by some thick metal doors.

There are other problems as well, on my arms there are two bracelets that I believe are the responsible and for my inability to use Ki. Nevertheless, the most troubling matter is that I have a collar attached on my neck, which activates by releasing an electricity charge quite strong depending what you are doing. One time I began kicking those metal doors out of frustration but the only answer I got was an electric charge. It was painful... and the door was intact even after I hit it which made me mad.

For now... there is nothing much to do.




I wonder if it was something good or not, but my Nekomata traits were not hidden anymore. They were forced me to show them somehow while I was unconscious. Well, my ears and tails were still attached so that was good enough for me I guess.

However... thinking about it, being might've led to a small coincidential meeting. Maybe, it was the way things would obviously developt considering all the factors which at that time... I was not in mood to pay attention to.



One day when I was just lying on 'my' bed trying to use my Ki but kept failing continuosly.

"Really, using my Ki doesn't seem like a an option no matter how much I try...". I muttered after another failed try.

Somewhat focused too into my unsuccessful tries, I failed to notice how the door slightly opened.

Now tired of doing the process over and over with no gains, I stood up in order to drink water and it was at that moment that I noticed the door slight ajar.

Curiously staring at me, a pair of gold colored eyes with cat-like pupils were directed at me.

Perplexed, I just stared back at those eyes. With my line of sight being slightly higher than the other party, I could conclude that those were probably a child's eyes. Although I did not pay attention to the characteristics of said child. I kept staring back, somehow I felt that I had to do so.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was opened and the staring contest came to halt. I was now able to observe who was the owner of those eyes.

A little girl, a head smaller than me, with white hair styled in a short bob cut along two long bangs of hair and golden eyes with cat-like pupils. On top of her head, there two cat ear which twitched the moment I laid my eyes on them and a tail that kept moving back and fort. She was wearing a simple white dress...

I blinked my eyes at that sight... I mean, she was a cute girl, but that was not what surprised me.

She was much smaller... but she did look like her. Another of the Canon characters in Highschool DxD. Koneko Toujo... although at this point she was called Shirone as I recall.

For a moment I was not sure what to feel, it was an amazing coincidence finding this girl here. However, she was here. Connecting the dots in my head, I concluded her possible reason to be here.

Before she joined Rias-chan peerage, she and her sister were working under another devil. Her sister, Kuroka joined that devils peerage as his bishop. The b*stars used her as subject of an experiment to create Super-devils. You could say that her presence here is proof that these sisters were involved in that.

"...Are you the same as me?". I heard her say in a low tone of voice.

She was staring straight at me as she said that... well, more like my ears and tails.

"No... you also have two of them...". She said before I could reply . Her tone seemed slightly discouraged.

"You don't have to worry about that... I was just like you not too long ago". I spoke before I realized it.

While her crestfallen look was still adorable... I think that it is better for children to be happy.

"...Really? Then, Will I get another one?". She asked me hopefully with upturned eyes.

Kuh. Do you wish to kill me?. I knew it... Moe is the true answer of life.

"Yeah, so don't worry. You are still small, when you grow up it will grow as well". I explained.

However... at my words she just pouted.

"I am not small.". She complained.

No no, no matter how you look at it, you are small... but telling her that would just upset her more.

"You are right, sorry. You are not small". I said, a hand of mine moved stealthly to the top of her head... which she avoided.

Now she was looking at me with a slightly wary look. Hmmm, it didn't work. Those ears look soft.

"I am sorry about that". I apologized for my acts.

Before she could say anything back, a third voice was heard coming from the hallway.

"Shirone? Shironya! Where are you?". The voice belonged to a young girl who I was able to see after I went out of the room.

A girl with long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils and the characteristics cat ears and tails, was coming this way, she would sometimes stop to open the doors of some of the others rooms along the hallway, peering anxiously inside. Wearing a black dress, she could only be someone... Kuroka Toujo. The big sister of the child who is behind me gazing silently at her.

"Is she looking for you?". I asked even though I knew the answer.

As I stared at the little white cat girl... I saw her nod in response to my question.

"Shouldn't you call out to her? To let her know that are here?". I asked another question which I was curious.

She remained silent for a moment before saying...

"...No need. She will arrive here soon anyways". She replied this time.

This kid is quite merciless.

"Hey! Over here!". I raised my voice to call out to the anxious Kuroka.

Waving my hand at her when we made eyes contact, she seemed confused and wary that someone called to her when she was looking for her sister... at least that's how it looked to me.

But once she saw who was behind me... she moved at full speed in my direction. And after arriving to where I was, the black cat girl shoved me aside and hugged the white cat girl.

My weakened self could not offer any resistance so I fell to the floor. It hurt I must say.

"Nyaaa! Shirone, Are you ok? Are you hurt? You were not in the room so I was worried-nya!" Anxiously said the black cat while tightly hugging her sister.

Standing up with some difficulty, I could only watch the spectacle dumbfonded.

"Nee-chan... It hurts...". Complained the white cat.

"What!? What happened-nya? Who did it? Was it him-nya?". Said the now angry black cat.

Directing a glare full of animosity my way, she walked and stood in front of me.

"What did you do to her-nya?". Exclaimed the black cat as she grabbed me by the patient garb and started shaking me back and forth.

There was a time when I believed I liked cat girls... but with each shake that belief is slowly disappearing. Well, that is a lie. Moe is justice.

"No I-". I tried to defend myself but...

"What were you thinking of doing to my Shirone-nya!?". She interrupted me.

Urgh... I don't feel that good.

"Nee-chan...". Called the white cat.

But the black cat did not stop and kept shaking me.

No good... Urgh.


Watching her Onee-sama continuously shake that other Nekomata, Shirone was somewhat exasperated at her. She had overreacted again.

"Nee-sama...". Shirone tried to call out to her but she was not listening to her.

Perhaps her tone of voice was not loud enough, or maybe she was being ignored. Either way, it seemed that more effort was needed to stop her. Shirone was the one who made contact with him first so this was her fault. It appeared to be the right thing to help him.

"Kuroka-nee-sama!". Raising her voice somewhat, Shirone tried calling out to her sister again.

"Now that I am here you wo-nya? Shirone?". Asked Kuroka surprised since Shirone is not someone who speaks that much.

"He did nothing wrong... I was the one who came to fin him first". Explained Shirone as she pointed at the now dizzy Nora.

"Nya? Are you sure-nya?". Inquired Kuroka.

Shirone nodded in response.

Seeing how she is holding him by his patient garbs and how this nekomata was not looking good, Kuroka began to regret acting on impulse.

Considering how he is on this floor of the facility, this child no doubt is being used as a test subject as well. Feeling a bit of pity and guilt now that she calmed somewhat, Kuroka dragged him into his room again and helped him to get into his bed.

"Thanks...". Said the now lying down Nora.

"No... Hmmm.... Sorry-nya". Still feeling sorry for her actions, Kuroka apologized.

"It's ok... You did not mean any harm... Kinda wished you held yourself back though...". Complained the lying Nora.

Crestfallen Kuroka just remained silent.

"Ah, no... Hmmm, don't be sad please?". It was now Nora's turn to feel guilty. He might've been a bit harsh on her.

Watching the awkward conversation between the two, Shirone just shrugged her shoulders. Feeling a bit sleepy, she just wanted to take a nap while those two kept talking. Lazy to just go to another room looking for a bed, she just went to the bed and snuggled in one corner of it. When her Onee-sama leaves, she will tell her... until then she... will... sleep.



Feeling the added weight on the bed, Nora turned his head to see what happened only to find a white cat taking a nap. With a wry smile, he pointed at the sleeping girl as he called the still crestfallen one.

"Hey...". He thought of calling her by her name, but soon remembered that they have not introduced yet. Which then would make it strange to do so.

Looking at Nora pointing in one direction, she was curious to see what he was trying to tell her. With a turn of her head, she saw her dear little sister sleeping. Such a sight made her smile... although it also put her in a tough spot. If she took her to their room then she would probably wake her up.

"You can leave her like that if you want... I am Nora by the way. What about you?". Asked Nora as he saw the troubled look that Kuroka had.

Wondering for a moment is she should be telling her name that easily, but later coming to the conclusion that it is already too late for that kind of worry.

"I am Kuroka-nya... and she is my little sister, Shirone-nya". Said Kuroka as she pointed at the sleeping girl.

"I see". Replied Nora.

After a moment of silence, Kuroka spoke again.

"Why are you here-nya?". Asked the older sister.

A somewhat stupid question considering what this place is.

"Oh, you know. Just came here for the view". Replied Nora.

A stupid answer that clearly avoids the subject, but Kuroka can somehow understand that he does not wish to speak further about it. In her case, she would also try to divert the conversation. Still... she thought of playing along since it seemed fun.

"Really-nya? What is there to see here other than these white walls?". She asked.

"Well, Aren't you here? You are not a wall either...". Said Nora with a rather mischievous expression.

Blushing a little at those words even thought she knew that he was teasing her, she did not reply at once.

"Haha, it is just a joke. So don't get angry". Said Nora after seeing that she remained silent.

Finding his reaction rather funny, she decided to not to talk yet.

Seeing how he was getting anxious with each second that she spent with her mouth shut. She could tell that he is not someone who would usually say words like those easily. Maybe he tried to make a joke to get rid of the awkward mood that appeared because of her actions.

"Nyahaha, you should've seen your face just now". Now that he appeared to be in panic, it was time to say something already so she just laughed.

With a relieved expression he just shaked his head.

"You got me there...". Said Nora.

"You were being cheeky for a kid-nya". Retorted Kuroka.

Looking at her with barely a head taller than him, Nora couldn't help but comment...

"You are not much older yourself...". Said Nora.

"I am the Onee-chan here, call me Onee-chan-nya!" Excitedly exclaimed Kuroka at the idea of having someone calling her Onee-chan, which her own sister does not exactly do.

"No, now choose... Kuroka-chan or Kuro-chan, I will only use one of those". Instantly replied Nora with a slightly grin.

Kuroka remained dumbfounded for a moment, in her head this was not how things would play out. She expected him to refuse her at the beginning, but she was going to slowly coax him into doing that.

"No-nya. Call me Onee-chan-nya". Insisted Kuroka again.

Shaking his head in disapproval, Nora just stared at her. The meaning was rather clear, he was not backing down. But she was not going to do so either so she stared back.

For a minute or so, they stared at each other until Nora cut the eye contact. Kuroka broke into a grin considering this her victory, but that grin transformed into a frown then later into worried look. Nora was clutching the area just below his chest, a little higher than his stomach. He got covered in cold sweat rather quickly. Kuroka did not know what to do. She was aware that being here alone had certainly implications for Nora, but she did not try to pry more than necessary during their chat. It was obvious that he was being used in an experiment, and by the looks of it, the effects were far from pleasant. Along with pity for him, she also felt fear for her. She did not join that man's peerage for long, and he had already started to make her go through several tests. She wondered if she was seeing her future self, and that scared her, for her safety and her little sister's as well.

Seeing him struggle, she got closer to him and hugged him to calm him down, to help him go through his pain. For a moment she lwondered what was that spurred her to do it. Was it that she saw her future self in him? Or just plain sympathy as a former Nekomata?.

He struggle at their contact.

"Shhh. Calm down-nya, I am here. Just relax... It will soon pass... nya". Said Kuroka in a coaxing manner.

She lightly caressed his hair as she remained by his side, watching him and her little sister alternatively.



Some time passed until she heard soft breathing noises coming from Nora, no longer sounding forced. She tried to carefully move him from her bosom and she saw him asleep.

A small smile could be seen on her face, she was rather happy to be able to do something for him. In this place, Kuroka only has Shirone with her. Losing their parents has been really hard on them, and with little option she accepted the offer to join that man's peerage in order to provide a place for her sister. Yet... she can deny that she feels lonely, it does not happen as often as before but... she misses her mother. And she can see that Shirone has been affected by it as well. Shirone was not someone of many words but now she speaks even lesser.

Meeting this child, she found an amicable face among all the scary adults in this awful place. Although their first contact was not that friendly... because of her.

This was not the first time she had come to this floor to drop off Shirone while she goes to the testing room to receive 'treatment'. But it was the first time that Shirone was not in the room she left her before she departed.

Perhaps bored of the same routine, her sister just went to explore the floor, finding Nora in the process. Honestly, she originally thought that he was doing something bad to her... after all, Shirone avoids people other than her. Although she can't blame her, considering the kind of people who move around this site.

Watching as the two younger Nekomatas slept, Kuroka began to feel sleepy as well. Not being in a hurry to leave as Shirone was peacefully napping. She just followed the sleeping Nekomatas example after making herself comfortable near Shirone, and fell asleep as well.




Feeling someone bothering as she slept, Kuroka was annoyed so she just turned her head the other way.


Once again, she felt something. It keep touching her cheek. Resigning herself to waking up, she opened her eyes to see her little sister Shirone poking her cheeks.

Noticing that Kuroka was awake, Shirone spoke.

"I am hungry...". Said Shirone as she rubbed her stomach.

Kuroka put a hand on her stomach and it felt empty. It seemed that they spent here more time than she thought. A look at Nora and she noticed that he was still asleep, and for the looks of it, he won't wake up any time soon.

"Should we go back to our room then-nya?" Asked Kuroka as she got off the bed.

Shirone was about to nod but she caught sight of the sleeping Nora and stopped. Turning to Kuroka again she spoke.

"...Can we bring him with us?". Asked Shirone.

Smiling wryly at those words, Kuroka did not know what to say. It would probably be impossible to do. This was an underground laboratory, and their room was outside of this place.

"I am sorry-nya. We can't-nya. Are you worried about your friend?". After replying Shirone, Kuroka asked something that made her curious. Did they spend that much time together?.

Shaking her head in denial, Shirone remained silent for a moment thinking.

"He... like us... but... alone". Said Shirone.

Kuroka felt an impulse to hug her sister at this point because she sounded adorable, but held herself back. Pondering for a moment, she could not think of a way to bring him with them.

"Do you want to come back here at another time-nya?. I don't think we can do something other than that". Explained Kuroka.

Nodding at her words Shirone walked near Nora and poked his cheeks.

"*poke* Bye *poke* Thanks". Said Shirone before turning around to leave the room.

Following hurriedly after her sister, she wondered what was that about.

Not knowing what she meant, Kuroka remained clueless all the way back because Shirone did not say a word about it.

Leaving behind the sleeping Nora, the two sisters just left.


Reading the result from the test papers, a certain man pondered silently for a moment.

If Nora had been here, he would've recognized the man as the one who always dis the operations.

This man, called Theodore Naberius, belonged to a branch family of the House of Naberius. He had taken the Nekomata Kuroka as his bishop using two pieces in exchange of taking both Kuroka and Shirone into his protection. He was also responsible for Nora's kidnapping.

He was comparing the notes of experiments between the Nekomatas. They are both responding well to the procedures. Each of them is being put into different experiments but you can't deny that they have adapted well.

His latest bishop became a reincarnated devil, and was put through her father's research to artificially create Super Devils. While the experiments just started, there has been a good increase in her prowess.

In the Nekomata he had kidnapped, he was still alive, which is a great advance compared to other subjects. After three operations, four at most, the subjects would usually begin showing signs of incompatibility and they die days later. But the child has been in more than ten procedures, yet he is still is holding up.

"How long could these two last...?". Muttered the man to no one in particular.

With the Super Devil project, they just have to follow the notes from that scientist. However, for the other project, there has not been such a successful case since it started. Perhaps they could go a little further?.

∆ Part 4

Waking up, I found the pain long gone. As the memories of the meeting with the Nekomata sisters start playing in my head... I felt slightly embarrassed. To think I tried to tease that Kuroka, but she ended teasing me back. Damn you He(?), I knew that I was not made for that kind of thing.


Putting aside that... I wonder why my body reacted that way, the pain is not usually that strong. Kuroka-chan did shake me a lot so maybe it was that? No, I can't deny that it was because I talked a lot. Besides that man, I had not talked to anyone. Nevertheless, it seems unlikely. Even if interacting with others tired me out, it is too far fetched to consider the reason. Although... It could be because the procedures themselves are the cause, not by an outside stimulus but they acted by themselves. That is not a good new. This kind of stuff usually gets worse with time. And trying to fix myself using my Senjutsu is impossible with these things attached to me.

Hmmm... Isn't there a way to use it?.

This time that girl remained by my side lessening the pain somewhat. But next time I will be alone so I need to find the way to use my Ki... my Ki. I wonder... Can't I use the Ki from my surroundings?. The Ki gathered inside my body is more effective than the normal one due raising the quality after compressing it, but in theory l, you gather the Ki in the environment to use it. Just that... Normally I have my body to circulate it in a particular way in order to prepare and use spells. Will it work the same with the one I gather and keep outside?.

No choice but to try, I guess. Unless I get these things off me somehow... after all, I won't be able to do much with the current state of my body.



The first try was a failure, there is hardly any Ki in the surroundings that I could use. I must be rather far from nature and there are not any living creatures nearby judging by the lack of Ki.

I continued trying over and over, until I gathered a small amount in my hands. Yet, when I tried to make use of it... the Ki just dispersed.


Roma was not built in a day as they say.

Trying again, I did everything in a slower motion to see what the problem was. Just a moment before it dispersed I saw the problem. I focus to much in instantly using it, but I forget the importance of my body which was used as a vessel. Like blood flows through arteries and veins, I need to an image of something similar for the Ki to not disperse.



Finally after who knows how long, I was able to make this work. The effiency was the worst I had seen but I was able to use Senjutsu. Only something simple like helping to reduce the pain I felt.

In my head I began to imagine how much further could I go with this unrefined use of Ki. But it was unrealistic to escape this place with just this. Liberating myself from the things that limit my use of Ki is the least of the requirements I need to fullfit. In particular, the one in my neck has to come off. This damned thing sends electricity when that man wants. I had tried refusing his orders before and I got a taste of good ol' electricity discharge, he kept it until I fainted. I won't be going more than a few steps with this attached to me.

I don't want to leave those to behind either... it doesn't feel right. I never liked what they went through so I would like to do something about it. Although that is easy to say... I can't even help myself so helping them is beyond reckless.

Keep thinking is the only thing I can do now... along with practicing using Ki from outside my body. I must make use of the time I have instead of just lying down even if the pain has raised somewhat.



Few hours later, I was brought to the operation table again, a process that I had unwillingly gotten used to.

Lying down, I was expecting the familiar feeling of the anesthesia but I never felt the injection. A little confused I turned my head in the direction of that man.

"Oh, Were you waiting for the procedure to start already? Eager, aren't you?". Said the man in his now familiar sadistic smile.

As if...

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but there has been a minor delay with the people who are bringing me my 'supplies' for the surgery, but don't worry... the wait will worth it". Explained the man as began reading a few documents.

I don't mind if they delay this all they want. Taking this rare opportunity to glance around the room, I began to inspect what I can see from my position... and what the damned light pointing my way allows me too.

There are a new equipments in the operation room, which I don't recall seeing in any of the other procedures. This can't be good.

Hmmm... This is... This could help me. Beside the operation table, this man always has a small table with all his instruments. Now that I thought about it, everytime is in the same place. If I extend my hand, I could get something I could use as a weapon. Should I use this opportunity?.

Before I could decide, the door leading to the operation room opened. A man came through it moving a huge glass cylinder filled with some sort of liquid... Wait, What is that floating inside?.

"You finally arrived, leave it there and help me get the body out". Ordered the man who was reading the documents just now.

The body? There is a body inside?.

Somehow, I think where this is going. I have read enough novels to have an idea about it.

I was about to move my hand to grab the first sharp object I found but that man turned to look at me, I could only hide my hand quickly.

"See this?. It is the body of an original devil, one of the seventy-two original devils made by Lucifer-sama and Lilith-sama. Every procedure from before was to prepare your body for this. Adding little cells into your body until you got used to it... all for this. Remember, I have big expectations for the success of this experiment... don't disappoint me and die in the process". Said that man as he applied me anesthesia with an injection.

Scr*w you, b*stard. I don't want to fullfit any of those damned expectations.

Losing consciousness I barely managed to see the body. It belonged to a young woman with black hair... Who was she?. This was the only question I could formulate in my head before I was knocked out.


"Naberius-sama, Is it alright?". Asked the man who just brought the gigant tube.

"What is it?". Answered a somewhat distracted Theodore Naberius.

Watching as his superior neatly arranged the body he just brought in, the man debated whether he should say this or not. But he spoke at the end.

"I know that this project is about reproducing the power of the original devils but... This woman, her powers were not used in combat. Is it alright using her? Because Naberius-sama...". The man stopped and seemed to hesitate with the rest of his words.

Understanding what his subordinate meant even without saying it, Theodore spoke.

It is ok, I understand. I am certainly more interested in obtaining power. But there was not much I could do. Orders from the higher ups. They were incredibly eager to have someone who could use her powers. Many grieved when she died with decendants. And now that there is a chance to reproduce her powers again". Explained Theodore as finished with his arrangements.

Understanding and not understanding at the same time, the man just remained silent. It was not his place to comment since their patrons asked for it.

"Now leave, I will do this alone like always". Said Theodore, ending the conversation at once.

Obeying the orders, the man just left. It was an habit that his superior adquired as of late to work alone. The incident with the human scientist raised his level of distrust for others. The accident served as the trigger that reinforced the idea the working with others led to undesired results.

Leaving the operation room, he just went to complete any remaining task he had for the day.

∆ Part 5

Even though I try to focus on other things, the pain is affecting more than any other time. My body is sore all over and my left eye feels like burning. I don't know what kind of things he did to me this time around but it left me in my worst state so far.

It truly brought a new level of appreciation for what Kuroka-chan did for me before. She did nothing special, there was no special technique involved... just being held in her embrace. Having someone with you in these kind of times makes a huge difference. Now that I am going through this alone... I truly learned that.

Just when I tried to use Senjutsu, I could not concentrate enough to complete the process of gathering Ki and then using. Another inconvenient point of this method.

With my mind in fragile state, I could not help but to remember a few things. Not exactly something I had forgotten, but I did try to get that off my head for the time being.

Kaa-san. Is she alright? Did she go back on her own?. How about those two pair of lovers? Did they escape at the end? Did they meet with Yasaka-san and gave her the message that Kaa-san left?. Yasaka-san... How are you? It has been a while so you probably had your child already. I am sorry for not being there for you. I miss you. I truly do... Kaa-san as well.

How lame of me... getting all emotional like this. Being vulnerable physically affects mentally as well. I will sleep... let the drowsiness sink in and make forget about those worries for now... those worries that I can't do anything about.




Opening my eyes the next day, I found my self being stared by two pairs of cat-like eyes. A pair golden and the other hazel-gold.


"What happened to you while I was gone?". Said Kuroka-chan with slightly anger in her voice, she even forgot to add 'nya' in her words.

If she came while I was sleeping... Did she found me tossing in my sleep?. That is something that could worry people.

"What are you talking about? I am fine". I answered trying to reassure her.

Unfortunately her face does not look like she bought my words. Shirone-chan could be seen frowning as well.

"Left eye... is different". Said Shirone-chan as her line of sight was directed at my left eye.

No, no... don't joke around please.

"You two are such a pranksters..". I said.

I would like to think this is a joke but... that man is a sicko. Who knows what kind of stuff he did. There is no pain in my eye though... so I don't think he swapped my eye.

"Your left eye is not completely green like before-nya , it has a tinge of blue too... I am being serious here Nora-nya". Said Kuroka-chan in firm tone of voice.

Noticing how serious she is trying to be, I was not going to reply with a joke... even if it was meant to lighten the mood.

"I see... If you what said it's the truth... then my eye is looking as you said. I can't see it but I trust your words. Thank you for worrying about me you two... and thank for getting angry for my sake, Kuroka-chan. However... I am ok. Nothing happened". I explained.

It is probably useless to try to hide what it is happening to me now... considering this case, and the one from before. Yet, I don't think these two deserve to carry or worry about my problems too when they have been through difficult situations as well.

"You... *Sigh* Alright. You don't want to talk about it, I get it". Said Kuroka-chan with a bitter expression on her face.

"Sorry...". I muttered in a low tone of voice.

It is not fair to involve them in my problems. Although turning down goodwill is not something nice to do.

"Well, I am sure you will soon tell your 'Onee-chan', since I will be coming here more often. You will be a good little brother right?". Said Kuroka-chan with a strange glint in her eyes.

She is not giving up huh.

"Hmm, yeah... No". I plainly said.

I will not give in... probably, I mean, yeah... never.

"I am the older one here so you have to listen to me, you can't be like that". Pouted Kuroka-chan.

If your start pouting I don't think I can take your words seriously. I mean... really stop. You look rather adorable.

How can this child become that voluptuous Onee-san? The common sense of this world is too different from my previous one.

Talking about adorable children... Where is that loli version of the already loli Koneko, Shirone-chan?. She suddenly disappeared from my view. Sitting up I move my gaze around the room to locate her. I did not take long to find her eating snack in one corner of my bed curled all by herself. As she noticed me looking at her... she ate faster the snacks in her hands and went she finished she said.

"Won't give... Mine". Exclaimed Shirone-chan in the most serious tone I have ever heard her in our short meeting.

Yeah, I think it would be better if I don't mess up with that girl. As I am now... She could probably swept the floor with me.

"Hey, Are you listening to me?". Interrupted Kuroka-chan from my side.

She grabbed my head and turned it to face her. You are close girl. Don't you know about personal space. Hmmm? I can see my reflection in her eyes... wow, my eye is truly like they said. What the heck did that sicko do?.

"I can hear you just fine". I replied to her before she began pouting again.

"I was asking you how are you feeling. Last time you even fell asleep, Has the pain bothered you again?". Asked Kuroka-chan clearly concerned.

Why do you want to know...? Aren't you having it hard on your own?.

"Don't worry about it...". I replied.

I should probably recieved some divine punishment for rejecting her concern.

"You are not being honest...". She said.

"By the way... Are you sure you can be here?". I asked something to change the subject. Although I was curious about it too.

These two have their own rooms somewhere else. I have not seen them before on this floor... so if they had come here before, it was went I was sleeping. Not staying enough to meet them whenever I walked around the floor.

"You are changing the subject-nya. I will answer though. I was allowed a free level of access to different areas in these facilities as long I stayed away from certain places. Your Onee-chan is great-nya. You can be amazed and start calling me Onee-chan already-nya". Said Kuroka-chan with a hint of pride in her voice.

She is rather valued here huh... as expected. Kuroka-chan must be going through that experiment after all... It's quite dishearting.

"How about no?. Please give up". I answered her obvious request.

"Never! I will have you call me like that or my name is not Kuroka-nya". Instantly replied Kuroka-chan.


"But your name is not Kuroka-nya so... You will stop already? Good". I said after considering her words.

Tilting her head thoughtfully at my answer, Kuroka-chan seemed to realize that I was making fun of her.

"Eh? No-nya. I am Kuroka. Not Kuroka-nya". Replied the cat girl fumingly.

What is this...? This feeling of fullfitment as Kuroka-chan stared at me while she seemed slightly upset at my words. It is somewhat amusing to tease her.

"No, no... You clearly said that you are Kuroka-nya. Now you are trying to go back on your words. Aren't you being unreliable here? And you wanted me to call you Onee-chan...". I said in mock disappointment, I didn't forget to add a shake of my head and shruging my shoulders.

I am not sure if I was a good actor or perhaps she is too gullible but... she took my words seriously.

"I AM reliable-nya. I am the oldest one here so I get to be the big sister anyways". Kuroka-chan said while putting a hand on her chest and then pointing to each of the people(cats) in the room.

Too bad, I am the oldest... wait. Does that mean that I get to have these two to call me Onii-chan...?. The dream of too many could be accomplished if I play my cards right.

"I don't know what you are thinking but with that face it can't be anything good-nya". Said Kuroka-chan as she backed off me, even Shirone-chan got off from the bed as well.

Hey, how rude.

"It was nothing much... just a fleeting thought". I said.

"You are weird child-nya". Uttered Kuroka-chan as she got on the bed again sitting beside me, following along, Shirone-chan seated beside Kuroka-chan.

It kinda hurt me that the white haired loli agreed by nodding her head as well. I mean... Kuroka as 'nya' in her sentences. I can't be any weirder myself... right? Right?.



Minutes had gone by and we remained seated together. There was plenty of bantering between Kuroka-chan and I. It was rather interesting to talk to her, and her reactions were rather funny. We even managed to make Shirone-chan laugh, although she denied doing it when Kuroka-chan pointed it out.

It is a little different from how I got along with Rias-chan and Sona-chan. Well, we did not have much chance to speak with each other either so I can't describe our relationship that well. However, it is not like I value them any differently. Although I have to say, there is a distinction between them. What I felt with one pair in each situation was different so I can't describe it the same way.

In the case of Rias-chan and Sona-chan, I found their child-like innocence and their free spirit while we played around somewhat nostalgic. Perhaps... When we meet again it will be different. Nevertheless, I won't forget that in our first meeting they made remember a sentiment I thought I was never going to feel again.

As for the Nekomata pair...

If I were to describe the feeling, I think I would call it being comfortable. I had been feeling lonely and these two just by being here took care of that. I just feel at peace and... yeah, I guess I also feel safe.

"What are you thinking-nya?". Asked Kuroka-nya-chan since I remained silent for too long.

"Thinking...". I replied in a languid manner.

I don't feel like doing anything to be honest. My head is spinning...

"What is it-nya? Something interesting? Tell me-nya". Inquired Kuroka-chan.

Bored, Aren't you?.

"I am just glad that I met you... even though you shaked me that much during our first meeting". I replied jokingly to Kuroka-chan as I changed my position to be lying down.

I don't think I can have a conversation like this... sorry you two.

"...You don't have to remember that part. Nora, Why don't lie down on my lap if you are not feeling good?". Asked Kuroka-chan worried by my sudden action.

"Maybe in ten more years I would happily take that offer". I replied jokingly to try to dispel her worries.

Getting out here is necessary, if I continue receiving more procedures... I won't be able to survive no matter how tough I am. I have always been a healthy kid so this sudden symtomp has to be because of the operation.

I had to close my eyes because everything just moved in circle so I could not see what kind of expression she is making. I also did not pay attention to what she said.

Relax, deep breath. Empty your mind.

Now I feel my surrounding spinning too. Why does it always get worse?.

Suddenly I felt a hand softly caressing my hair. It feels nice.


Now that Nora was lying down, Kuroka just continued caressing his hair. It was the only thing she could relieve some of his discomfort.

"In ten years... You just wait". Muttered Kuroka.

Looking at their interactions from the side, Shirone could not help but comment.

"Nee-sama... You seem to be having fun...". Said Shirone in the same low tone of voice she always spoke.

In response to those words, Kuroka just slightly smiled.

"You also had your fun, didn't you?. I saw you trying to hold back a smile more than once". Kuroka teased.

"I did not". Replied Shirone pursing her lips.

Slightly annoyed, Shirone just curled in one corner of the bed to sleep.

"It is quite late-nya and you are planning to sleep again-nya? Are you planning to stay here for the night too?". Asked Kuroka curiously.

She was already used to her little sister's behavior. Moving away from her was rather common whenever Shirone was grumpy or sulky. Usually she would leave her alone until she is in good mood again... But this time it was not the same as before, it was getting late. And they were in Nora's room. She also a little bit hungry as well.

At those words, Shirone got off the bed reclutantly.

"Let's go...". Said Shirone as she walked out off the room. As she walked through the door, she glanced at Kuroka still caressing Nora's hair.

Kuroka did not miss that glance.

"Are you worried about him-nya? He just fell asleep so he must be a least feeling a tiny bit better-nya. Although we can stay if you are really worried-nya~". Playfully said Kuroka

To Kuroka, it looked that Shirone was concerned and interest in Nora. Although she was too shy to actually show it.

It was a normal occurrence, Nora was the only child she had met in a long time. Unfortunately, she was clumsy at communicating properly so it was too hard for her to approach him... or so Kuroka thinks.

If Shirone could open up more, it would please Kuroka a lot.

"No... He needs to rest". Replied Shirone after frowning for a moment. She seemed to consider that he would get better faster in a silent environment.

Accepting her little sister's wishes, Kuroka ruffled Nora's hair before following after Shirone.

So, here is this time chapter.

I finally added a character who I wanted to appear, Kuroka-nya, I mean... Kuroka.

There will be some differences from Kuroka from the Canon obviously. She had just started to take part in the experiments so she is weaker. The fact that she is so friendly is because she is originally like that though.

I must point out, the MC and Kuroka are not part of the same experiment. Details will be provided in another chapter.

For any fans of Koneko, I focused more on Kuroka this chapter because the white cat is still somewhat wary of the MC, it will take more time for her to warm up... Thank goodness that time skips exist, right?.

Anyways... I wrote about what happened after the MC got caught. Hopefully it was not overcomplicated. I honestly wrote and erased a lot this chapter because of that. Deciding to not be over specific to what was made to the MC. He would not know exactly what they did to him since he was not awake. It is also not the time to tell you guys about it. But I will tell you this... It is not for a sudden power up. He won't be get stronger because he got an op. I will however add a few things thanks to it.

I am quite anxious about how Kuroka will be recieved... since I saw that not many liked Saya. Although I think she is not really a bad character. Well, I don't think the author's input is something you should trust since I am biased to like her since I created her so...


I got to inform you that Kuroka is one of the girls I had in mind for the harem. The same goes for Rossweisse.

I made a poll in the other page I post and both of them were awfully popular, in comparison to other characters they recieved many votes rather quickly.

Good day to you all.

Until next time.

Nyarlathotep00 Nyarlathotep00

Does anyone got a place where I can get all the short stories from Highschool DxD? I am still lacking a few of them.

Help me with this, be a bud.

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