Ben was watching the base activity, a cigarette on his mouth. As he watched the men and machines move around, he thought back to the scene of the dance and Joltsyn's words.
Ben grumbled: I'm not in a big mess! How am I going to get out of it?
While smoking his cigarette, he told himself that the solution was to lie. Unfortunately, at this single thought, his heart showed him the opposite and did not fail to show him with suffering that he knew too well.
With a weary sigh, he finished his cigarette before going to the program. Before going to his box n°6, he decided to go see Max, hoping to see a solution to his problem.
Ben: Max, can I talk to you for a moment?
The scientist took his gaze off his tablet and looked at the pilot with an interrogative look.
Max: What is it?
Ben: Tell me, have there ever been any incidents between members of the program and the Na'vis?
Max: What kind? I confess that I have difficulty understanding
Ben: Like...
He looked slightly around to see if anyone was listening before muttering in an almost indistinct tone.
Ben: Like...In love?
Max had a moment to think before he smiled, realizing what he was getting at.
Max: Who's the lucky girl?
The former soldier folded his arms, trying to stay calm. However, his reddened cheeks betrayed him.
Ben: I asked a question.
Max: Not really. Since the school incident, we haven't had any contact.
Ben: Just my luck!
Max: So?
Ben: So what?
The scientist elbowed him on the arm with a teasing smile.
Max: Who's the lady?
Ben, red: Nobody! Well, thanks for your answer!
As he walked towards his chamber, he could hear laughter behind him as he saw her blush. He did his best not to pay attention to it and lay down in the box and concentrated to clear his mind.
When he woke up, he wiped his one eye and opened his natural hammock before yawning. The pilot got up and landed on the branch on one side. Each time he launched the link, he had to get used to the fact that he could only see halfway. On the one hand, it made him work his other senses and he was able to succeed, thanks to Joltsyn's help.
Tsylan went to his chey and hastened to cover his wound with an object that the young olo'eyktan had given him after his Iknimaya. The former soldier looked, with a smile, at the painted headband of an Ikran body covered with yellow above and red below. The symbol of the clan.
Tsylan: I'll have to ask Lut about the meaning of these colors.
Voice: Yellow symbolizes life while red, the blood shed by our ancestors.
The pilot turned his eyes to the direction of the voice to see Lutsey, looking at her with a small smile on his face.
Tsylan: Thank you for your response.
Lutsey: I thought you wanted to hide your injury?
Tsylan: I do.
He put the blindfold over his wound to hide the big scar and the glassy eye. As he watched Lutsey, he could see that she was dressed with her two straps covering her chest instead of her chieftain's outfit, which intrigued him.
Tsylan: Do you want to go out?
Lutsey: Yes, and I'd like you to come with me, if you don't mind.
Tsylan smiles, looking arrogant.
Tsylan: Of course not! And I can show you my flying skills!
Lutsey laughed at this reflection, amused.
Lutsey: We'll see about that, tawtute.
Later on,
Two Ikran were flying in the vicinity of the Iknimaya at a speed that can be considered imprudent.
Lutsey: Youuuuh !!!!Tsylan did not share his enthusiasm and was more focused on avoiding obstacles.
Tsylan: You freak!
Lutsey: At least I know how to have fun! Not like some!
Tsylan: Kid, a little squeak from Lutsey warns her of danger. He turned left just in time to avoid a flying rock. And as that was not enough, he was entitled to a series of lianas that were in his way. The young warrior slipped in, with disconcerting ease, and seemed to be enjoying herself. Tsylan went but he did not share her pleasure.
Lutsey: Having trouble keeping up, pilot?
Tsylan: Ah ah ah! Very funny!
Lutsey: You're doing pretty well. For a sky demon.
Tsylan: You'll see what the sky demon will do to you!
Lutsey, smile: Let's see it!
Tsylan: You'll soon understand, dear olo'eyktan, that you don't teach an old monkey to make a face!
Lutsey : What?
Tsylan: Forget it!
Lutsey: You talk but you don't act!
Tsylan: You're right. I hope for your sake that you're doing a good manoeuvre because we're going to increase the difficulty! With those words, he did a loop before swooping down towards the forest.
Lutsey, seeing him disappear in the trees: What the... And he calls me a freak ! Not wanting to lose face against a tawtute, she started to follow him. When she arrived, he was waiting for her, his Ikran hanging from a tree.
Tsylan: I thought I was going to wait!
Lutsey: Show me what you're worth!
Tsylan, with a smile: Don't come and cry afterwards, olo'eyktan!
Lutsey: I think you're the one who's going to cry! He broke away from the tree and ran towards the forest. The multitude of trees put their skills and those of their Ikran to the test. But it did not seem to bother them. Lutsey was surprised to see how skillful the pilot was. And she saw him for the first time on their walks, having fun. And that made her happy.
Tsylan: Waza!!!! So olo'eyktan ? Having trouble following?
Lutsey: Not at all!
Tsylan: Good! Because it's only the beginning! Banzai !!!!
By Eywa! He was having fun! She has never seen him like that. He made the turns with an ease... Yet he was going fast! But it added challenge and she liked it. She was in a hurry to follow him, determined to show him that she was the stronger of the two.
On his way back to Kelutral, Lutsey was challenged by his sister. She announced the arrival of Tsu'tey, who asked to see her.
Lutsey: Did he tell you the reasons?
Joltsyn: No... But he wasn't in a very good mood.
Lutsey: By Eywa... Something tells me it has something to do with this Jake Sully.
Joltsyn: There's a chance, yes.
Lutsey: Tsylan... Stay away. I don't want to have an incident. As for me, I'm going to change. Even if I know him, I can't dress like that.
Tsylan smiled at him and signaled that he understood. Afterwards, she hurried down to her chey to change.... She couldn't keep her guest waiting any longer. So, she did not see Tsylan's worried look.
Joltsyn: Is something bothering you my Tsylan?
Tsylan: Yes... Well, no.
Joltsyn: Your ears betray you and your eyes.
Tsylan: I was in my thoughts. Nothing more.
Joltsyn was accompanied by her two sons who were hanging on to their mother and singing a song about the animal with the head separating.
Tsylan: I guess I'll stay with the three of you until the visit of the future chief of the omatikaya is over.
Joltsyn: That would be the wise thing to do.
So he and she looked after the two young children by playing a strange game from Tsylan's homeland. He had four intersecting lines on the ground and they had to put a pair of circles or crosses together vertically or horizontally to win.
Tsylan: This game is called tic-tac-toe. It will keep us busy for a little while.
The games went on without them realizing it and the two boys were fascinated by this strange, simple and fun game.
Tsu'tey, the future chief of the omatikayas was going around in circles. Finally, the one he was waiting for arrived.
Tsu'tey, doing the na'vi salute: Ohel ngati kameie ma Ludsey
Lutsey: Oel ngati kameie ma Tsu'tey.
Tsu'tey, smiling: I can't believe you are now olo'eyktan. No offense, but I didn't see you in that kind of role.
Lutsey: This role has such responsibilities that it's enough to make you grow. And then... People change over time.
Tsu'tey: I don't doubt your words. As far as the purpose of my visit is concerned, it's about your sister.
Lutsey: Neytiri? What's the matter?
Tsu'tey: I want you to talk some sense into her. This demon has bewitched her. I'm sure of it.
Of course, she was half surprised by this fear from her friend. Indeed, she had been looking for this interest for a long time and she already knew the impossibility of succeeding in Tsu'tey's request.
Lutsey: Are you sure? The Sawtute took Silwanin away from us.
Tsu'tey: I am more than sure. And don't say that you didn't have suspicions too! I don't know what she finds interesting about him. And I have a bad feeling. He's going to bring us bad luck, I'm sure. That's all the Sawtute know how to do. Part of her would have wanted to slap Tsu'tey for saying that, or even hit him. But that would betray Tsylan in addition to the complications she wanted to avoid with him and the omatikayas. Especially since she could understand him even though she could see good people among this people.
Tsu'tey : Please. Reason with her!
She knew it was impossible, but the young warrior had to at least try to calm him down to save her sister from trouble.
Lutsey: I'll... do what I can.
Tsu'tey: I don't want an approximation! Ludsey frowned at this word. His ears lowered and his kxetse wiggled. She liked Tsu'tey as a friend, having played with him often when they were young. However, if she didn't give him this warning, who knows what might happen later?
Lutsey: You may be a friend, my Tsu'tey. But you are talking to an olo'eyktan, not just a sister of the omatikaya. So watch your tone! If you are an olo'eyktan one day, you must not let your feelings blind your judgment.
That calm but stern tone was enough to relax his annoyance.
Tsu'tey : Indeed. Forgive my outburst. But I worry! He is courting my bride! Understand me, that...
Lutsey: I told you I'll do what I can. But love is a powerful feeling. If she really feels that way about this tawtute, my words can't bring her back to her senses. I can't promise you more unfortunately. I am sorry.
Tsu'tey: If something ever happened to us because of him, you'll have something to be sorry about. Tsu'tey was about to leave but Lutsey held him firmly in his right hand.
Lutsey: Know one thing, Tsu'tey. Under no circumstances will I force Neytiri to give up her heart. That's not why I'm here. If ever... the irreparable happens, it's better to accept it.
Tsu'tey : You have changed Lutsey. And not in a good way. Forget you...
Lutsey: I don't forget, my friend. But things don't have to be the way you want them to be. With those words, she let him go. Tsu'tey walked away, angry, leaving Lutsey torn between her duty and her love.
July 22, 2154, (ST)
Entrance n°119
The uniltaron. Here we are. I didn't want to spend it, but my love for olo'eyktan made me do it. I watched Lutsey prepare me for this essential rite of passage to adulthood. She was beautiful. Too beautiful. I couldn't believe I could fall in love with a Na'vi. I loved them as much as the GDR did. Once she was finished, she gave me a look saying good luck. It was reassuring. Well, I'm going to pass that famous passage where I had to swallow an eltunganwg (no you won't get the translation) or glow-worms as they are called under the sound of drums pounding on my head. Followed by a nice sting of kall'weya that I captured myself. What a nice combination to die well ! Really sick people ! Anyway... That's not the part that bothered me. It was the uniltaron itself.
I had in front of me a pack of viper wolves. Finally, Lutsey was right when he called me Nantang. It seems that Eywa chose him for me as a spiritual animal. I'm not going to say that I'm unhappy about it since it's the one that suits me best. The Nantangs seemed to protect an Angtsik from dangers on its flanks. Ok... Why not? I know that it creates illusions but here, we are not going to abuse it! Frankly, viper wolves protecting a titanosaurus... This worm really produces strange hallucinations.
No but wait.... The viper wolf is the creature representing me so...the being I love will have a Titanosaurus as a representation. It's a sobering thought.
Next, the viper wolves faced a tawtute and despite the numerical superiority, these predators had a hard time because he aimed well and knew how to fight hand-to-hand.
Suddenly everything disappeared and I was on a floating hill. I always enjoyed admiring these splendid mountains which showed the beauty of Pandora and which, unfortunately, was threatened by the GDR. What happened next, I couldn't remember... Just that I saw my sister, Delane.
When I opened my eyes, I saw Lutsey looking at me with a smile. She looked reassured.
Ludsey: Are you okay?
Me, rubbing my eye to wake up: You could say...
It was clear that the fight represented my na'vi life confronting my old, human one. Translating a fragile neutrality. Which was true. But for Angtsik... I'll have to see that with Lutsey. Concerning the Delane part... I have no idea what this meaning of presence means because I know that my sister would never venture on Pandora.