2.38% The threads of destiny / Auxiliary Chapter 1: The formation of olo'eyktan
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The threads of destiny

นักเขียน: Bernard_Lolot

© WebNovel

Auxiliary Chapter 1: The formation of olo'eyktan

Lutsey traveled the Kelutral in search of his father. She found him chatting with Ateyo, her most loyal warrior and friend.

Lutsey : Oel ngati kameie ma sempul. Sorry to bother you.

Eytukan: What do you want, ma ite?

Lutsey remained silent, indicating that he wanted a private discussion. Eytukan understood the message and asked his friend to leave them alone.

But Eytukan... We still have to discuss this!

Eytukan :We still have time. Contrary to my last daughter's request, since Joltsyn's visit.

Ateyo: As you wish, my eylan. With these words, he dismissed him and gave Lutsey a black look, but Lutsey did not miss the opportunity to send it back to him, strengthened by his orange eyes. Unlike his son, Ateyo did not like the girl too much, because of her sometimes unstable and irresponsible temperament.

Eytukan, once his friend away: Then Lutsey ?

The young Menariyä tunti again turned her gaze to her adoptive father. The determination reflected in his eyes.

Lutsey: Father... I want to follow olo'eyktan's training. Even though Eytukan was expecting this request, the shock was still violent. For him, she didn't have the profile to have such a responsibility on his shoulders.

Eytukan: Lutsey, do you know, at least, the weight of your words? You are still young.... You are barely sixteen years old!

Lutsey : I've been thinking about it for the last few days. If my destiny is to guide my own people, I have to live up to it. Eytukan saw in the eyes of his adopted daughter a flame, embodying an inflexible determination. Something he hadn't seen since his encounter with the Tsahik of the Menariyä tunti, Silwyn. He was at least trying to make her understand and eventually give up. She did not have the profile, according to him, to guide a clan.

Eytukan: Lutsey, think carefully about your words. I know Joltsyn's words, but it's not something to be taken lightly! It's a very difficult training, as well as being long. And more by your unique personality, which fits the profile. To be frank with you, I saw you more as a Tsahik, because of your connection with our Mother.

Lutsey: That's one of the paths I had considered as well. However, people change over time and grow too. It's time for me to leave childhood behind and accept the future Eywa wants for me.

The chief sighed at this answer. His daughter's determination seemed more strengthened than weakened.

Eytukan: Very good. We'll start then.


Both went outside Kelutral to get more space. Eytukan held two wooden sticks and gave one to Lutsey, who looked suspicious.

Lutsey: I don't understand.

Eytukan: It's an evaluation. It will allow me to see what you are worth.

Lutsey: And to succeed, I guess I have to beat you.

Eytukan: Indeed.

The two took a stand, looking into each other's eyes. Unlike his daughter, who seemed tense, the chief remained almost freezingly calm. Finally, the fight began with an offensive from Lutsey against him .He had no trouble parrying his blows and crooked her paw without her having time to react. Eytukan stepped back for a moment, continuing to be calm.

Lutsey, she was upset that she had been humiliated in this way. She took up the stick again and stood up, clenching her teeth in rage. The young Menariyä tunti attacked again and this time Eytukan did not bother to parry the various horizontal, vertical or diagonal blows of her opponent. He dodged all of them, before inflicting a blow from his weapon on the belly of his adopted daughter. Then, he put her down with a backhand of his weapon on her face.

Lutsey, lips bleeding, got up, rage in the stomach. She continued her assaults, which her father parried with ease, annoying her even more. But her energy was drained by the aggressive assaults without results, and her father finally took advantage of the teenager's recklessness before disarming her.

Eytukan: Never rush and be guided by your emotions. This can only be detrimental. The next day, Eytukan went to Lutsey, still covered in bruises from yesterday's confrontation.

Eytukan: Lutsey... Do you want to continue?

He was hopeful that she would give up because of yesterday's events, which damaged Lutsey's pride. Unfortunately, Lutsey's determination put an end to it.

Lutsey: Yes.

Eytukan: Lutsey, I ask you again to think carefully.

Lutsey : Je comprends votre inquiétude, Père, mais je suis déterminée à être une bonne chef.

Eytukan : Très bien. Je vais maintenant te dicter ton premier entrainement. Cela concerne la patience.

Lutsey : Why ?

Eytukan: Precipation can only lead to error. Now follow me. Lutsey obeys. Her adoptive father led her to the clan weavers, judging by the songs they could hear.

Voice: Sì'ekong te'lanäTe'lanä le-Na'viB Soon her suspicions were confirmed. Some members wove clothing, others wove baskets and accessories useful to the clan. The chief went towards a young na'vi who, on seeing him, interrupted his singing and stood up to greet him respectfully. She was several years older than Lutsey according to her face. The teenager recognized Kalyua, one of the survivors of another clan destroyed by the Sawtute with another na'vi. Since she knew this story, Lutsey's mistrust had only grown. She couldn't understand why her sisters could give this people a chance!

Na'vi : Ohel ngati kameie ma olo'eytkan.

Eytukan: Oel ngati kameie ma Kalyua. You are known for your talents in weaving. I need you to teach my young daughter this useful art. Kalyua lowered her ears. She was expecting a difficult apprentice because of Lutsey's reputation. However, she took it as a challenge and accepted.

Kalyua: If that's what you want my olo'eyktan... I just hope she's not as wild as her mother.

Lutsey raised her ears in surprise when she heard this sentence...She...knew her real mother?

Eytukan: I leave you. By the way, don't be impressed by his anger.

Kalyua: Don't worry, ma olo'eyktan. My Lutsey, follow me.

Lutsey obeys and sits down next to her. Kalyua taught her how to weave. And it was difficult because the young Menariyä tunti did not have much patience, especially as questions were running through her head, testing Kalyua's nerves. However, Kalyua remained inflexible and Lutsey's works were subjected to her expert eye. And she made him do it again until she succeeded. She was already a dozen tries away and it annoyed her deeply. A needle pricked her right index finger.

Lutsey : Aie !

Kalyua: Getting angry won't make much difference! You have to be patient.

Lutsey : It annoys me!

In front of this anger, she only smiled at him.

Kalyua: I think we'll stop there for today. As soon as she had finished learning how to weave, her father was waiting for her downstairs, leaving her no time to ask the questions she wanted.

Eytukan, on seeing his injury: I can see that my analysis is not wrong. You lack patience, which is a quality required to lead with perspective, Lutsey. And the weaving will teach you that.

Lutsey: Great!

Eytukan : And this is just one of the training sessions I've designed for you. To make you a great olo'eyktan. And this is your second test. Lutsey smelled the smell of food while he was leathering the train.

Lutsey: All that, made me hungry!

Eytukan: Indeed. And that's your second training. When we have lives on our shoulders, we shouldn't be guided by our emotions.

Lutsey: I understand.

Eytukan: It's not that simple. To make sure you understand how to hold your emotions, I've prepared a second training session for you. You'll have to fast for a whole day. As greedy as you are, that's enough to teach you not to listen to your emotions.

Lutsey : WHAT?

Eytukan: I warned you it would be difficult.

Lutsey, gnashing his teeth: Very good. She moved to a corner and sat down as a tailor. It was hard for her as she heard the gurgling of her belly and the screams of her clan mates. And the smell of food did not make it any easier. But she fought against herself.

Silwanin : Que fais-tu là, petite sœur ?

Lutsey : Je m'entraine.

Silwanin : A quoi ?

Lutsey: To my destiny. Silwanin heard the gurgling of Ludsey's belly.

Silwanin: You should eat, little sister.

Lutsey: No. Father has imposed this test on me, and I must pass! I must not listen to my emotions. The younger daughter looked at her, without understanding, before shrugging her shoulders.

Silwanin: As you wish. What a pity! There were prolemmuris on the menu. Lutsey gnashed his teeth. But her will took precedence over her gluttony, and she resisted the temptation.

Lutsey: I must succeed!

Not wanting to be tempted further, she stood up and walked away from the smell of food. She sat down in a far corner of the tree, in a pruning suit.

As she let her thoughts drift away, she could hear laughter and singing coming from further away. Gradually her noises faded and soon her mind wandered away.

She was on her Ikran, Tahni, and watched, with a smile, a dark Ikran flying beside her with the bright red border of her eyes. Her rider had hair she had never seen before. It was black and short, with curls that prevented her hair from extending beyond the forehead and neck. Her build was also distinctive, appearing more trappuous than the average na'vi. His eyes had a strange look, as if he seemed older than the body. It was icomphredible to him.

She looked at this strange character with a smile while the person she was talking to seemed to be upset.

Unknown: You crazy bitch!

Lutsey : At least I know how to have fun! Not like some!

Unknown: Kid !

Voice: Lutsey...

That voice...It was familiar

A small squeak from Lutsey warns him of danger. He turned left just in time to avoid a flying rock. And when that wasn't enough, he came across a series of creepers blocking his path. Ludsey slipped in with disconcerting ease and seemed to amuse him. The hunter went but he did not share his pleasure.

Voice: Lutsey...

Lutsey: We're having a hard time keeping up?

Unknown: Ah ah ah! Very funny!

Lutsey: You're doing pretty well. For...

Voice: Lutsey!!

Finally, she opened her eyes and saw her two sisters looking at her with concern.

Silwanin: Are you okay?

Lutsey: Yeah...I'm okay. I must have dozed off.

Silwanin: I told you to go eat, little sister!

Lutsey: I can't. But...It's quiet all of a sudden.

Neytiri : We're going to bed. That's why we wanted to see you and we saw you asleep. You seemed agitated in your sleep. We thought you were having a nightmare.

Lutsey still a bit confused: Ah...Thanks big sister

This dream...Was it another vision or just his imagination? Who was this strange character?

The years passed, and this period was very trying for the young Menariyä tunti. Both mentally and physically. Indeed, in addition to these two difficult trainings, Eytukan entrusted her with the direction of several hunts and she also imposed demanding physical trainings on herself.

She worked on her agility, her arm muscles by using stones as alters, her legs as well as her endurance by doing strides in the forest around Kelutral. In addition, she perfected her resistance to pain by imposing cuts on herself. And as if that wasn't enough, she worked on her abs, using a tree near the river bordering the Kelutral and trying to resist her emotions at the same time. And from time to time, Eytukan faced her in a duel and each time she lost.

However, all this made her stronger and more mature. And her father's victories became more and more difficult to achieve.

Two years later,

Lutsey and Eytukan faced each other again.

Eytukan : I'm impressed with you Lutsey, I didn't think you would be able to hold out so far!

Lutsey: It's not over yet. Until I finish the final test, I'm not ready to become olo'eyktan.

Eytukan: But you are. And this fight will show it. So the two of them each took a stick and put themselves in a fighting position. The two duellists looked at each other for a moment. Finally, Lutsey attacked. The olo'eyktan for Lutsey's various attacks. On one guard, he kicked him back with a kick to the belly and inflicted a backhand to his daughter with his weapon.

Eytukan: I thought you were ready. I guess I'm not.

Under the brutality of the blow, she almost fell, but she caught up with a roll and faced him. Her lips were bleeding. But it didn't seem to bother her because her eyes were cold and neutral.

Lutsey: Think what you want Father. In any case, you've fallen into my trap. Now I will reveal to you the fruit of my training.

The warrior launched an assault and made a feint. She fooled her father for a moment and then knocked him off his feet with her weapon.His father used an acrobatic trick to get up. However, he had to deal with a series of attacks on his daughter. Her blows to her sides were very fast and he had difficulty parrying them all. And he could not cope with the kick that knocked him down.

He expected her to charge and prepared to have her at his own game. But she did nothing and let him get up. No sooner was he standing up than he took a punch to the stomach, taking his breath away.

In anger, Eytukan threw a horizontal blow that Lutsey dodged with an acrobatic stunt and the warrior landed behind him. Turning, he attempted a diagonal blow to her head, which she ducked as she bent down. He took an uppercut that moved him back a few steps.

By reflex, he put himself on guard, but Lutsey's attack was so strong and powerful that the stick slipped out of his hands. She then threatened him with the tip.

Eytukan: Congratulation, my daughter! You have defeated me. You knew how to seize the patience and the control of your emotions. Your blows were precise and fearsome without being animated by rage. You are, in my eyes, worthy of being olo'eyktan.

Lutsey, bowing his head in respect: Thank you, Father. Eytukan shed tears at that moment. Tears that he had held back during all these years of learning.

Lutsey: Why are you crying my father?

Eytukan: For you are about to take flight. Seeing him like that touched Lutsey greatly, knowing what his victory meant to him.

Lutsey: Father, I haven't decided when I'm going to leave yet. And even after that, I will try to see you as much as I can. Come on! Now, let's enjoy these moments we have together.

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