96.61% Steel Waste / Chapter 685: Bombshell...

บท 685: Bombshell...

It doesn't take long after Afton's meeting with House and Tamia for him to make preparations for his intervention in the Enclave, Brotherhood war.

He was currently waiting in the newly made control room that was created atop the Think Tank. It's here where he could simultaneously control literally everything, from the teleportation satellites, orbital lasers, and troop patrols, to the light switches inside each and every Bulwark home.

Of course, due to this place being incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands, there had been many security blocks to prevent people from gaining access to it... The first of which required Afton's flesh shaped into a key, the lock would take DNA samples from many parts of the object simultaneously before confirming their authenticity and freshness.

Obviously, this was almost impossible to unlock without Afton's plant arms... Rose might be able to do it in the future once she gets better with her abilities, but that's only if her DNA is similar enough to his own to bypass the lock.

Other than that, there were many other obstacles, including Glados who keeps an everpresent eye on the control room itself.

High-tech control room aside, Afton was observing the many, many monitors being transmitted from various locations around the Mojave, New California, and other parts of North America, included areas in which the Institute is most active.

He ignores most of the screens simply depicting empty streets and buildings, instead focussing on the battlefield where the largest conflict of the war between the Enclave and Brotherhood was occurring.

Releasing a sigh, takes a glance at the monitor which showed Josie and Rose who were visiting Jacobstown, Marcus, and the rest of the mutants... Why were they visiting such a place? Well, both he and Josie thought it'd be a good idea to expose her to many different types of people... Rose may one day be in charge of Bulwark, so they had to make sure she wouldn't discriminate against anyone... Not even Supermutants.

Of course, he didn't trust the Nightkin, even after their schizophrenia was mostly healed, so he'd sent a small army of Ultimo-Bots to keep tabs on them.

Shaking his head, he looks back to the battle, "I promised Rose to save the innocents affected by this war... And I intend to keep my word." he quietly states.

"Glados, power up the Orbital Lasers and have them at the ready... Mark each and every Enclave base and Brotherhood fortification... Try to avoid places that also contain civilians.


He slowly nods to himself and chews his lip anxiously... These weapons were created to fight off the impending Alien invasion that Shani supposedly saw... Yet now he was about to annihilate two major factions with them.

"Have House ready to secure the major positions after the enemy troops are wiped out... Also, make sure that those care packages land where they're supposed to, and aren't stolen by bandits in the meantime.

"Affirmative... Orbital Bombardment, ready. Proceed?"

"Pro-cee... Wait, what's that?" Afton suddenly asks, focussing on a monitor which showed something being launched down from the sky... It didn't look to be landing anywhere important, only an average-sized village just outside the Mojave...

Fortunately for the people occupying the village, the object was falling close enough to the Mojave borders that the anti-air fortification could pick it up.

A few missiles are launched and fly towards it, easily destroying the thing and creating a big plume of smoke from the explosion.


Only, smoke wasn't the only thing released once the object was destroyed... From the plume of smoke, a thick green gas quickly started descending from the sky, straight towards the village. It was falling so fast that Afton wondered if it was just dense powdered metal...

It quickly reaches the village and envelopes it, the surveillance inside the village allowing him to see the effects of the gas on its occupants...

He was expecting everyone to start mutating into monsters, or turning into zombies... Or even going into an enraged state and start killing each other... But none of this happens, the only noticeable thing is when the villagers start randomly falling over unconscious... No... Judging by how still they were, the villagers had simply just slumped over dead.

"Father, more objects incoming." Glados states, allowing Afton to now see the many, many similar objects falling on almost every populated location, from the West Coast to the East Coast.

"Glados! Begin evacuation procedures! Get everyone in Bulwark to the bunkers, and warn House! Now!" he shouts, turning his attention towards where Josie and Rose were.

Jacobstown hadn't been hit yet, but it was only a matter of time. He quickly has the Ultimo-Bots retrieve the duo from the Jacobstown mansion and take them outside so the teleportation relays can pick them up.

He watches as Josie and Rose are taken outside and begin to wait to be taken away... Another object begins falling towards Jacobstown, but Afton was sure he'd be able to get his wife and daughter out before it hits... The satellite locks on and... Doesn't work...

"What!?" he exclaims, while grabbing the monitor, "Glados! What the fuck is holding it!?"

"There is some sort of obstruction of the wavelengths responsible for transporting material... Any attempts to teleport will result in the person's insides becoming outsides... I am sorry, father."

Afton pales as the anti-air turrets target the object over, destroying it and unleashing the gas, which rapidly begins falling towards Rose and Josie. He can't do anything but watch as they are enveloped in the green gas, a look of absolute despair decorating his face.

"FUUCK! NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! FUCK!" he shouts while slamming his fist on a nearby desk, easily demolishing it.

"Father, the battlefield." Glados warns, as many more objects begin falling on the Enclave, Brotherhood battlefield, along with every other populated location in America... Or maybe even the rest of the world.

Niggross Niggross

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Nazlican Erdem



บท 686: Godmode

Afton just slumps into his chair and watches the many objects falling on each area. He could hear the sirens alerting the Bulwark citizens to get to safety, but wasn't all that bothered about getting to safety himself... After all, he was immune to all poisons and diseases, unless the gas was made from Nanobots or something, it wouldn't harm him...

He was also still in shock at losing Rose and Josie... He felt as if he'd been sapped of all energy, unable to even get out of his chair to take an active role in getting people to safety.

The objects that aren't shot out of the sky hit the ground with force, the gas exploding outwards from their detonation sites and covering far more ground than the one's shot down.

The gas causes any human caught in it to almost instantly die... But, strangely, animals and other organisms were seemingly left alone. He watches with morbid fascination as a stray dog that'd gotten caught in the gas runs away, towards another somehow unharmed settlement.

Unfortunately, once the dog approaches the people living there, they start dropping dead too, as if the dog was carrying whatever was killing people.

Afton's eyes widen, quickly coming to the conclusion that the gas is some sort of virus. Artificially made to eliminate only humans... Any other organism caught in it would become a carrier, killing any human it comes into contact with.

If the virus was able to propagate, it'd essentially make the world completely uninhabitable for humans...


An explosion sounds out overhead, as gas floats down and slowly seeps into the control room where Afton was sat. The room wasn't airtight like the bunkers, so Afton just waits to see what effects the virus would have on him...

Only for nothing to happen. His Status didn't show any indication that he was infected, meaning he was completely immune to it, the virus not even able to piggyback off of him like it does with other organisms...

Its presence in Big Mt meant that all of the farms, crops, and animals they had would need to be purged to prevent further infection... He shakes his head, trying to think of a way to fix this... His mind was partially still mourning his lost family, but he forces himself to concentrate on the situation at hand.

He looks at the monitors, glaring at the many now dead towns filled with corpses and scavenging creatures... "Glados, have the Orbital Lasers target every location hit by the gas. The heat of the bombardment should destroy it, along with the infected corpses and animals.


He struggles with himself as he focuses on the camera's watching Jacobstown, still obscured by the green gas. The only people who'll likely survive this would be the folks in New Vegas, Bulwark, Institute, and the various Vaults that hadn't been opened yet...

No one would survive the bombardment, but, humanity would probably die out for good if he didn't do this now... Huh... Guess Shani was right, and wrong. It isn't aliens that would be attacking the earth, but Afton himself.


The many satellites around the earth all begin powering up their attacks, bright blue lights appearing on the ends of the weapons before finally unleashing huge lasers.

Many massive blue lasers begin striking the earth, utterly annihilating every village, town, and city. Humanity was lucky Afton had prepared so many lasers in preparation for an alien attack, otherwise there'd be nowhere near enough to cleanse the infection.

This probably wouldn't destroy all traces of the virus, but he could deal with any outbreaks later, once humanity's safety was assured.

The world goes white momentarily, as a laser strikes the farms directly next to the Think Tank, the sheer heat of it melting the control room's walls slightly.

Luckily or not, the gas hadn't yet destroyed every settlement, meaning Afton had destroyed those towns before they were infected... He had no choice though, and now, he could only reap the rewards.

[Second Apocalypse has activated: calculating gained Stat Points]

[480000 people killed; 480 Stat points will be randomly distributed.]

[+75 Strength!]

[+61 Perception!]

[+67 Endurance!]

[+70 Charisma!]

[+68 Intelligence!]

[+64 Agility!]

[+75 Luck!]

Afton sucks in a thick breath as he feels his strength explode, he falls out of his chair and tries to roll over onto his front, but misjudged his strength and accidentally shoves himself out of the wall, throwing himself off of the top of the Think Tank...

He wasn't harmed at all though, partly due to his Endurance, and mostly due to his Perk [Cat's Agility] which made him immune to fall damage.

As he was falling though, an idea crossed his mind... Wouldn't Rose be immune to the virus as well, since she possessed similar abilities to him?... But, then, that'd mean he killed her with his orbital bombardment!?

He vomits onto the floor at the thought, guilt crushing him as he slowly forces himself to his feet. "No... She might be alive, I need to check." he growls, breaking into a sprint as he runs straight at the direction where Jacobstown should be.

His speed was utterly ridiculous with his new stats however, making him far faster than any vehicle this world had seen... Perhaps the only thing that'd be able to match him were those experimental jets made only to be as fast as possible.

As he runs, he looks down at his Pipboy, checking his current status. All the while ignoring the many levels up's he'd received from the stupid amount of EXP he'd gained from his genocide.

Afton Parker

Title : [Executioner of the Wastes], [Free Sheriff], [Fiend's Fiend], [Goliath], [Steel Waste], [Well-Meaning Disaster], [Frontline Leader], [Apex Predator]

Level : 86

Points : 30

[Skillpoints to Perk] : 6/15

S.P.E.C.I.A.L :

Strength : 95

Perception : 80

Endurance : 86

Charisma : 84

Intelligence : 84

Agility : 83

Luck : 90

Skills :

Barter : 21

Energy Weapons : 100

Explosives : 100

Guns : 100

Lockpick : 94

Medicine : 100

Melee Weapons : 100

Repair : 100

Science : 100

Sneak : 100

Speech : 100

Survival : 100

Unarmed : 100

Mutations :

[Beauveria mordicana symbioticca] : A mutated strain of a very deadly and infectious fungus. Makes possessor immune to all diseases and poisons, grants +1 End, grants regenerative abilities.

[Beauveria mordicana armamini] : Both of your arms have regrown and become stronger than before! +4 DT against damage dealt towards them and +20% resistance against being crippled.

[Beauveria mordicana firmissimi anguli] : Enables user to manipulate their arms into a variety of shapes.

[Beauveria mordicana flagellum] : Enables user's arms to extend, stretch, and flex.

[Beauveria mordicana rasorium] : Enables user to form incredibly sharp blades on their arms.

[Beauveria mordicana duraferro] : User's arms become as hard as steel.

[Supernatural Resistance v1] : Alters the way the body interacts with matter, preventing any positive or negative interaction with Supernatural elements. This includes Psykers, Ghosts, Spirits, Gods, and Rabbits respectively depending on what tier the Mutation is.

Perks :

[Trigger Discipline], [Heavy Handed], [Rapid Reload], [Torture Techniques], [Educated], [John Wick Style], [Toughness], [Stonewall], [Sniper], [Bug Stomper], [Lord Death v3], [Spies Guise], [Quick Draw], [Adamantium Skeleton], [Ranger Tactics], [Ranger Targeting], [Ranger Awareness], [Mechanicus], [Jury Rigging], [SuperHot Block], [Solar Powered], [Miracle Maker], [Unnerving Presence], [Living Anatomy], [Agility Implant], [Masterful Movement], [Blur], [Uncivilized Weapon], [Rad Absorbtion], [Tough Guy], [Nuclear Friendly], [Explorer], [Eureka!], [Atomic!], [Grit], [Alertness], [Abominable v3], [Fight the Power!], [Tremble before me!], [Meltdown], [Explooo-sion!], [Lady Killer], [Big Brained], [Reinforced Spine], [Implant M-5], [Implant C-13], [Impant Y-7], [Cure for the Curious], [Perception Implant], [Endurance Implant], [Danger Sense], [A Pool of Dead], [Charisma Implant], [Intelligence Implant], [Luck Implant], [The Cyber Punk], [Luck of the Draw], [Second Apocalypse], [Stay the Path], [Bullet Time], [Freeza Style!], [Cat's Agility], [Serendipity], [Cardsharp], [Trickster Tongue], [Inhuman Grace], [Parallel thought], [Fortuitous events], [Royal Flush]

Companion Perks :

[Old Wisdom]


[Persistent Escapee]

[Still Jammn']

[Enhanced Sensors]


[A Penchant for Fisting]

[Pristine Shot]

[Regular Maintanance]

Niggross Niggross

Hope you bois liked the chaps, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Nazlican Erdem



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