Afton nods at Nyx's suggestion and immediately runs towards Liberty Prime, having Nyx charge up the teleportation relays to target the giant robot. For this to work, he'd need to keep Liberty Prime still for however long it took to lock onto the entire robot.
Considering it took a couple seconds to lock onto a human-sized object, he figured it'd take a couple of minutes at least.
Unfortunately, Liberty Prime wasn't keen on standing still, especially with Afton charging its position. He sends another eye-beam at him before raising its leg, preparing to stomp on him again.
Afton doesn't immediately try to dodge though, he needed to make sure the robot holds its position. Instead, he gets closer to Liberty Prime, sprinting past its other foot and getting behind it, forcing the robot to cease its stomp.
Once behind the heel of Liberty Prime, he thrusts his arms out, utilising his mutations to produce many large roots that begin entangling the robot's legs... Unfortunately, any attempts to stifle its movement proof futile, as its forcefield prevents any roots from actually grabbing its legs.
So, he does the next best thing, tying roots around the forcefield protecting the legs... Due to the fact the shield maintains a steady distance from the robot's body, it isn't actually able to move its legs, the forcefield locking them in place.
At least, that'd what would have happened if Afton wasn't trying to restrain a giant robot...
The roots instantly begin snapping as the robot starts to turn to face him, forcing Afton to give up this strategy and run back in front of it to keep it in place. "Nyx! How long have we still got!?" he asks, hoping he wouldn't have to keep playing bait for much longer.
"Thirty seconds, sir!"
"Alright..." he mutters before beginning to wave his arms at Liberty Prime. "KONICHIWA! ME IS CHAIRMAN CHENG, ME IS CHINESE LEADER! COME GET ME!" he shouts with a crappy Chinese impression.
He's forced to dodge another eye-beam from the robot, that seemed as if he'd just made it angry...
"CHAIRMAN CHENG WILL FALL. CHINA WILL FALL!" Liberty Prime announces while taking out another nuke from its back, whenever it was storing them. It rears back its arm in preparation to throw it at Afton.
Just as it's about to throw it, many bolts of lightning come down from the sky and start colliding with Liberty Prime, its forcefields managing to deflect them, but taking great amounts of damage in the process.
Not only that, but the lightning strikes the nuke in its hand as well... Afton's only able to throw himself to the floor and cocoon himself in roots when the bomb goes off... All the while muttering, "GOD DAMN IT, AGAIN!?"
"You should have seen this coming, si-"
Another massive mushroom cloud envelopes the battlefield, but this one completely halts the Brotherhoods advance... They'd witnessed the attack against Liberty Prime, and were wary of whether or not the robot had actually survived...
They were right to be cautious as well, since after the smoke clears, the robot isn't standing any longer... Instead, all that was left of it was its thoroughly scuffed up head and torso... Liberty Prime had lost its limbs, and the nukes it stored on its back all seemed to have detonated simultaneously.
Near what was left of Liberty Prime, a scorched pile of roots was forced apart, revealing Afton in heavily damaged power armour... The shockwave hadn't done much to him, but the heat from the nuclear explosive had badly hurt him, his saturnite plating only worsening his condition.
His armour was glowing red hot, and the smell of burnt flesh was clear... If even was close enough, they'd be able to hear his skin searing from contact with the metal. Quickly, Afton wrenches the helmet off, quickly tearing himself out of his armour.
He gives a grimacing shout as he pries the metal stuck to his flesh away, once done, he was left with the burnt remnants of the Stealth Suit... Luckily, the chest piece where Nyx lived was still somehow intact. Though, it'd need extensive repairs to be useable again.
Afton's terribly burned skin started healing as soon as he got the armour off, the many blisters and charred bits of skin either healing over or falling off while new flesh takes their place.
Were it not for his [A Pool of Dead] Perk, he'd have likely perished from his injuries... Not to mention the fact that he'd have never survived the explosion without his other damage resistance Perks, armour, and rediculous Endurance stat.
He slowly stands from the crater that'd formed around him, his naked form allowing his slowly healing genitalia to be seen by anyone who looks in his direction. It wasn't just his armour that'd been destroyed... Most of his weapons that hadn't been stored inside the armour were in a similar state... His Anti-Material rifle, Ultra-Chainsword, all of his unique pistols... The only thing's that'd survived had been the Range Finder, Sonic Emitter, and the single Stealthboy he stored in his armour.
Afton grits his teeth from the sheer agony he was in, and manages to focus his attention on other matters for now. He steps out of the crater and quickly spots Liberty Prime's head and torso, walking over to it with interest.
The torso was still much larger than Afton, but it wasn't much of a threat now that it lacked the legs to stomp him with. He quickly recognises how the torso had survived when the limbs didn't... The lightning had caused its shield to malfunction, but the generator still managed to protect the things in its immediate vicinity... It was contained in upper chest Afton deduced as he examines it...
"C-C-C-CHINESE M-M-M-CHKKK!... RE-RE-RE--RED THRE-THREAT! D-D-D-DAMAGE CR-TI-CAL!" Liberty Prime suddenly announces as its eyes regain their blue glow...
Afton looks at it with mild disbelief, "Even many point-blank nuclear explosions while its shields were compromised wasn't enough to completely destroy it? Who the fuck made this thing?" he mutters to himself.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Afton continues staring at the broken remnants of Liberty Prime for a few more seconds, and is about to leap out of the way when its eye begins lighting up, as if about to fire yet another laser... It powers back down again though, allowing him to relax somewhat.
Looking around, he quickly notices that the Brotherhood ground army had already begun fleeing in the opposite direction... The destruction of Liberty Prime having dealt a massive blow to their morale.
They probably thought that Liberty Prime would easily breach the fortification's defences and allow a swift and decisive victory... But with it now destroyed, they probably had no real way to gain access to the base...
He glances over at the few Vertibirds left that were fleeing, it seems as if the AA guns and his defenders had easily held them back. To be honest, the Brotherhood didn't really have a hope of breaching the fort without Liberty Prime... There were thousands of Ultimo-Bots waiting inside the base for them, each equipped with Pulse Weaponry that'd easily disable the Brotherhood's power armour.
Add the Pulse Emitters that'd been hidden near the wall, and you had a nearly impervious base against any Brotherhood attack that may come.
He rubs his arms after a moment, giving a sigh of relief at his now healed flesh. A thud sounds out behind him but his Danger Sense warned of no threat...
"Af-ton..." Veronica's voice asks from behind him, Afton's butt cheeks on full display for her to see.
"Vero! Did you find him... Oh..." Christine pauses next to her girlfriend once she spots him.
It doesn't take long for Tamia to arrive either, though, her reaction was far more gratifying than the awkward mumbles of his sisters.
He turns, not minding his junior slapping his thigh from the momentum, "Hey guys, check it out... I killed Optimus-*Ahem*, Liberty Prime!" he says, gesturing at the giant robot's inactive head and torso.
Veronica and Christine's eyes widen as they approach the fallen hero of the Brotherhood, Tamai continues to stand still though, eyes glazed over as she stares at Afton.
"Er, something wrong?" Afton suddenly asks her with a crooked brow, "I'm not still injured am I?" he mutters, looking over himself.
"Uh, no. You're fine... Just worried about... Nyx, yeah, is Nyx alright?" she asks after a moment.
"I am still active, thank you for asking." Nyx replies from the Stealthsuits breastplate.
Afton shakes his head and ignores Tamia's fixated look, walking up to Liberty Prime and giving it a kick. "So, think it's possible to build ourselves a giant mecha?" he asks and grins at Veronica's excited expression.
"With the components just sitting here for us? One hundred percent! I wanna see those douchebags faces when we send Liberty Prime two to fight them!"
Afton nods, "Same... Did things on you guy's side go well?"
Veronica and Christine nod, "Yeah... Makes it kinda boring when our armour is so much better than theirs... It's as if they're wearing thin plastic compared to our steel, a single punch is all it took for most of them..." the former admits.
Afton shrugs, "The power of saturnite I suppose..."
"Afton, I hate to be 'that' person, but can you put some pants on? I feel as if it's staring at me..." she mutters, forcing herself to focus on anything else but Afton's junk.
He chuckles, "Whatever. Let's arrange transport for Liberty Prime, Im sure Mobius, Klein, and Zero are gonna go ape-shit when they see it..."
The trio leave after Afton makes sure the defences of the base were still full and effective. Better to prepare for a sudden counterattack than be taken off guard by it... Even if it was incredibly unlikely.
A couple days pass after the botched invasion, and already Bulwark were receiving 'requests' by the Brotherhood. What were these requests? Well, most of them went around these lines :
"The Brotherhood of Steel formerly requests the return of Liberty Prime, and any components that may have been scavenged by Bulwark."
"The Brotherhood of Steel requests the return of Liberty Prime, or more drastic measures will need to be taken."
"The Brotherhood of Steel denounces Bulwark for not returning their rightful property."
"The Brotherhood of Steel formerly apologizes, and again requests for Liberty Prime to be returned to its rightful owners."
Indeed, Bulwark was bombarded with many messages from the Brotherhood, some from their HQ, while others were from smaller Chapters that basically begged for it back. Most didn't offer anything, instead choosing to threaten Bulwark's destruction... Afton ignores these for obvious reasons.
Some offered other technology as a trade, some actually interesting Afton at one point or another... At least, until the scientists recreated the tech by extrapolating from the data they'd received from the Chapters.
Thus the integration of Bulwark's new robot!... The Cleanbot 9000... Basically a glorified Roomba, that was more effective than the ones he remembered in his previous world.
Of course, once news broke about the battle, and how badly the Brotherhood had lost, a new, yet old enemy had sprung up to take advantage of it... The Enclave...
The many hidden Enclave bases had abruptly appeared in New California, taking advantage of the many losses the Brotherhood had taken while trying to invade the Mojave... Their numbers were much, much greater than one would initially expect, mostly due to the fact they'd taken in many former-NCR soldiers
It wasn't long before a full-out war between the Enclave and Brotherhood had broken out in New California... The Brotherhood of Steel's requests for Liberty Prime had changed to requests for Bulwark to not ally with the Enclave...
Afton just ignored all of that though, not wanting to get involved with either side of the conflict, and feeling confident enough in Bulwark and its forces to fight whoever turned out to be the victor.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
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