Afton and Tamia laugh at Ulysses' admission, both picturing the man practising for his final confrontation with the Courier.
Afton eventually stops though, putting two and two together, "Wait, so it was you two who launched those nukes?"
"You saw them?" Tamia asks, wondering if they reached their target.
Afton scoffs, "Who didn't!? They flew right over Hoover Dam as the war was going on! I swear, the smell of shit got real intense after that. If the NCR and Legion hadn't shit their pants after my guys arrived, then they definitely had when the nukes passed overhead." he jokes.
"Ah, so they did hit where they were supposed to? Good." she confirms, thanking whatever gods existed that she didn't accidentally nuke Afton or the Mojave... She wasn't sure if the missiles would reach their marks, or fall out of the sky due to how long they'd been underground.
Ulysses doesn't react to this subject of conversation, still feeling a multitude of conflicting feelings concerning his actions. Regardless, it was probably for the best, especially after witnessing the transformation of this place.
"So, what happened next? Did you shout at each other until you became buddies or something?" Afton asks.
Tamia glances at Ulysses and sighs, "Er, something like that... He'd been planning to nuke all major NCR trade routes, but I managed to talk him out of it. Good thing I had too, since it sounds like the NCR wouldn't be able to leave the Mojave if that happened."
Afton nods, "Yeah, that's a good point... The NCR would be stuck in the Mojave fighting for their lives... I'd probably still be out there clearing out whatever was left of their forces." he shrugs, "Plus, the west trade routes are kinda important... With the Legion in the East, it'd be almost impossible to import and export anything... At least, not without the use of teleportation." he explains.
"She spoke of her belief in you and House. Said that you would be the start of a new nation, a greater, nation." he leans forwards and locks eyes with Afton, "Is that was you intend?" he asks.
Afton chews his lip and thinks for a moment, a nation wasn't his goal... Not really, at least, House already had that covered, and Afton didn't want any more responsibilities to pile onto his back. Despite his experiences, skills, knowledge, and talents. He was still just a young guy without much of a clue about the future.
The reason he'd left House to lead the founding of the new Mojave, was because the man had experience, and more importantly, had ideas and plans to go with it. That's not to say that he wouldn't be involved, because he'd definitely force himself into it... But because he was in the perfect position to intervene should House lose his way.
If House started going the way of a tyrant, Afton would be there... And if what House had said was true, he'd probably always be there... In the future he might change his mind and try to take the reigns, but, that was so far away that Afton couldn't even consider it.
He looks back at Ulysses and shakes his head, "Creating a nation was never my intention, but since one formed party because of my actions, I guess it's my responsibility to make sure it doesn't strangle itself in its crib..."
Ulysses keeps his gaze for a couple more seconds before relenting and relaxing, "Wise words, hopefully, you will keep to them..."
"So, what'll you be doing now," Afton asks, but has to correct himself as both Tamia and Ulysses look at one another. "I mean, what do each of you want to do now that things have calmed down?"
Tamia shrugs, "Well, I'm still technically partnered with House, so I'll go see what he's up to and if he needs help with... What was it called again? Solphelicity?"
Afton chuckles, "Don't get me started, I've already asked him about the name and he basically said it's good because it's bad..."
She nods, "Sounds like something he'd say... I'd also like to keep working for Bulwark, if you'd have me?
He grins, "Well, we could always use a scary amazon to teach the kids some discipline... Or maybe we could dress you up as a female Grognak, make you our mascot?" he laughs.
She gives him a firm punch in the shoulder, "I mean it! I've forgotten most of my past, but this place is where my friends and family are now... I want to be useful." she admits.
He releases a sigh, "Relax, I was joking. If you want a job, you could always lead my new military... Well, you'd need some training, but I think it'd suit you... Plus, we'll eventually need someone with Tunneler experience to sort that out." he allows her to think about it as he turns to Ulysses, "And you... Any ideas?"
Ulysses nods, "I wish to observe Bulwark, and the nation House has created... To keep it moving forward. Instead of backward." he explains.
Afton crooks a brow but scratches his head in thought anyway, "I think I could help you with that... Though, I don't really know you well enough to give you such a... Authoritative position..." he trails off.
"What position?" Ulysses inquires.
Afton shrugs, "Well, it'd essentially be a manager, health and safety inspector, detective, general, and ambassador combined, all rolled up into a single position that'd allow you to observe everything from House's foreign affairs, small to large businesses, and even some departments of the military." he explains, though, was making it up as he goes.
Such a position didn't really exist yet, even if it would have some benefits. The only problem Afton could see with it was potential corruption forming within it. People with so much power and influence would be incredibly dangerous if they lost their way. However...
"It'd be dangerous to allow anyone to have such a position, even if I trusted them... But, if you were willing to ease my worries by undergoing a small operation, I'd be willing to give you a shot." he explains, getting a curious look from Tamia and Ulysses.
Hope you liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to :, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Ulysses is escorted to one of the vacant rooms while he thinks about whether or not to accept Afton's offer. Obviously, had the offer not included the need for an operation, he'd have instantly accepted... But, he'd seen what could happen if you are lackadaisical when concerning implants, especially those which were meant to control someone, as opposed to improving them in some way.
Afton had explained what the chip would do when installed, but that hadn't alleviated Ulysses worries all that much. He didn't know Afton all that well, and giving someone permission to give him what basically amounted to a kill switch, definitely wasn't something you could take lightly.
The only reason he was considering it was because Tamia trusted Afton, and he'd grown quite the rapport with her over their travels through the Divide. There was also the possibility that he'd be able to remove the chip if needed, but he wasn't going to trust such a loose idea with this.
Ulysses was sent to one of Bulwark's more 'fancy' rooms, intended for VIP's and high ranking individuals, such as Tamia, Karl, and his other companions. Shani and Scorpion-Man also had VIP rooms, but this was more to foster loyalty in them, and make them more amenable to assisting in Psyker research, as well as operations that might require their skills.
After Ulysses had left, Afton escorted Tamia to the armoury so she could get out of her power armour. Her and Ulysses abrupt arrival had already made him miss a few appointments, so he'd had Glados shift everything to tomorrow, which should give him some time to relax and unwind from the rather busy week he'd had.
"Soooo... You and Ulysses... Anything there?" Afton asks as they walk through the street towards the armoury.
Tamia smiles but shakes her head, "He's a bit too uptight for me personally. Plus his age, I'd prefer someone ten or so years younger." he admits.
"He seems like a competent guy though, good thing you brought him to our side, it'd be a shame to let someone like that die." Afton says, already thinking of ways to acquire Ulysses DNA. His absolutely monstrous Stats likely meant that his genetics were superior in one way or another, so clones produced with it might be far better than anything else Afton or the other scientists could devise... Without using FEV of course, but that was another can of worms entirely.
Tamia nods, "Yeah... To be honest, it felt like he wanted to die at my hands... Even if he managed to kill me, I don't think he'd be able to escape anyway, that's why he lured all those marked men inside."
Afton shrugs, "Well, it doesn't really matter anymore I think. Whether he wanted to die or not is irrelevant now that he's got something else to aspire towards..." he trails off.
The rest of the way to the armoury is silent, the duo step inside and Afton breathes a sigh as he looks around at all the weapons there.
Tamia has machinery help take her armour off as she glances at Afton, "Something wrong?"
Afton turns from the weapons and shakes his head, "No, just glad I wasn't forced to personally take back my weapons from Marcus and his Supermutants. I let them keep the armour, but they were very reluctant to give the guns back..." he shrugs, "As much as I'd like to leave them with 'em, that technology needs to be protected."
Tamia rubs her wrists as she steps out of her armour, stretching her back, neck, and shoulders, "So, since you asked about my love lift, how's it going with Josie? Are you together yet?"
"Uhk!..." he freezes at the mention of Josie, sheepishly scratching the back of his head and he thinks about how he wants to address her question. "Uh, well. I..." he pauses, causing Tamia to frown.
"Are you alright?" she questions, wondering if he was having a stroke or something.
He nods, sitting on a nearby gunrack while squeezing his temples, "Yeah, fine... It's just that, maybe, getting into a relationship with her at this point was a bit hasty... I think?"
"What do you mean?" she questions, unsure of what he means.
He shrugs, "Well, I kinda promised her to be more attentive once the Battle of Hoover Dam was over, but ever since then I've kinda been ghosting her." he admits.
"Wait, why? Do you not want to spend time with her?"
"No! That's not it. We've had a couple dates and they were fine, but... There's always some tension there. Like, as if there was a barrier stopping us from properly connecting... Plus her insistence I drop most of my work to go tour places in the Mojave doesn't help either." he sighs, lamenting the relationship issues he'd bumbled his way into.
Tamia silently contemplates his words while leaning against another gun rack, "Do you not like her or something? Maybe you guys just aren't compatible?... Have you, uh, you know..." she trails off.
He crooks a brow and gives a slight smirk, "Rumbled in the jungle? Fanangled while spangled? Sipped the sweet syrup?... Do the monster mash?"
She laughs, "Shoot in her hidden valley?"
"Doing some two-person push-ups?"
"Grooming the mole-rat?"
"Bumping uglies?"
"I wouldn't call them ugly, but yeah, we did all those and a bit more." he finally states, the both of them laughing at their silliness.
He wipes a stray tear from his eye, "As for compatibility? I'd say we matched well enough... I only wished she'd understand that everything can't be about her." he admits while leaning backwards.
"Yeah, I get what you mean... I once dated a guy who'd follow me around like a lost puppy... I think... Everything's still a bit fuzzy." she says, deciding to not potentially affect her relationship with Josie by bad-mouthing her. It's not like she couldn't understand her wanting to spend more time with Afton, but, the guy had a lot on his plate already and didn't need more piled onto it...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
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