Tamia shakes her head, "It's not about chances, it's about rising above our wants to make something greater. Before I arrived at New Vegas, it was as corrupt, as cruel, and as unforgiving as any slum... But, after working with House, speaking and... Removing some families... It's not just a place where you can piss away your caps... It has potential!" she earnestly says.
Ulysses slowly nods, "Your actions have carried conviction, as well as the strength to enforce them. But you are mistaken if you think the Families will continue their ways. You were forced to use violence to prevent the White Gloves from engaging in cannibalism again... Who knows when they will step back on that road... You also helped destroy the Chairman in the Tops for revenge. Hypocritical, considering the Chairman were among the most civilized family in the strip." he states.
Tamia sighs, knowing that she was indeed being hypocritical to argue this front... Ulysses wants revenge for almost killing him, and she wanted revenge against Benny for almost killing her... Sure, both were caught between something bigger, but either way, the result remains the same. "I'm not saying I'm perfect, I'm human, just like you, ruled by my emotions... Benny didn't just kill me, he stole my history from me. He robbed me of every memory of my family, who I was, my goals, my dreams... He didn't just murder me, he erased who I was from existence... Tell me, Ulysses, are our situations really comparable?" she asks, trying to tug on his obsession for history.
Ulysses looks at the ground in contemplation before shaking his head, "No... You may have robbed me of my future. The future of the Divide. But I kept my history, at least. Enough to learn from." he states. "But. My point still stands. The Tops is in a state of disrepair, the Omertas will not last past the war. And the Ultralux will be tempted to continue the old ways again.
You reject the ways of the Legion on moral grounds, rejecting slavery for its inherent evil... But nothing would change, aside from the collars which men will wear. From chains around their necks. To chains around their wallets. Vegas is bound to fail, especially if the NCR is forced out of the Mojave."
"Bulwark can help pick up the slack after the war... We have the technology to achieve anything and the skills to protect it! And it isn't like New Vegas will remain as it is either! We will change it for the better, force it to stop being reliant on income from the families!"
"I know where your technology comes from. And I know that any deal you made with those... Creatures, will not last." the man gravely says.
"W-wait what? How do you know that?" she asks in confusion.
Ulysses points a finger, "The symbol on your chest, you might have altered it, but it still resembles them. Those monsters of the past..."
Tamia shakes her head, "You mean the Think Tank? Those egg heads?"
Ulysses nods, "Your manner of addressing them belies what they truly are. Out of all the creatures I have met during my travels, it is they who deserve extermination the most... Quickly followed by Tunnelers. Their threat to humanity even escapes me, which... Frightens me."
"You don't need to worry about them! Afton has them under lock and key... They work for him under constant supervision, and aren't able to even think without someone knowing about it." she says with max confidence.
Ulysses breathes a sigh, "You claim to have tamed those monsters? Foolish. It was only their ignorance of the world outside their facility that prevented them from starting another apocalypse..." he states.
Tamia shakes her head, "Trust me, they aren't going anywhere... I could even show you, if you helped stop the Nukes." she offers.
Ulysses slumps his shoulders, "I am not convinced. Vegas is a failed project, it will be like the old world, with Kings sitting at the top surrounded by squalor and waste. How would it be any different to the Bear?"
Tamia bites her lip, her eyes flitting between the nukes... She knew time was getting shorter and shorter... Urgh! She shakes her head and locks eyes with Ulysses, "Didn't you say that I breathed life into the Divide? Well, I can do it again with New Vegas! And you can be a part of it too! We're both Couriers, we both contributed to the Divide!... So let's do the same with New Vegas!" she almost shouts, desperation and conviction appearing on her face.
Ulysses nods, "History has proven this. Our history. And you think you have this strength? Enough to hold up the NCR, long enough so that Vegas can live again? Even if you speak for Vegas and its ghosts, convincing me achieves nothing. The Missiles will continue their journey."
Tamia shakes her head, "You've already shown me that one person can make, or break a nation. So why not be that person? If you believe me incapable of building something as potentially great as the Divide, come, observe, and assist. We don't need to fight, we both lost something when the Divide was destroyed, even if I don't remember it..."
"Perhaps... There is much destruction written in the earth here... But maybe you are right... Maybe it is time to rebuild... Would you be capable of breathing life into Vegas, like you had the Divide? I do not know. But... I think I will watch, learn. I wish to see a nation born from the Divides ashes... Can you do that?"
"I don't know. But I'll give it my damn best shot, I swear it!" she exclaims, hitting her armoured chest with her fist as a sign of determination.
Ulysses nods, "You have spoken truly... There is a shadow of a nation behind you, the hope of a people... Yet, it may matter not."
"The Divide is still against us." he states as the doors behind Tamia explode, revealing many flayed men all wielding weaponry.
"What!?" she exclaims, rushing towards Ulysses and taking cover beside him as the flayed men prepare their attack.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
Ulysses takes cover next to her, ignoring the Cyberdog that sits behind him. "This was always my intention... In case I failed to kill you. The marked men would flood this place, cut off your escape. If we cannot prevent what comes, then let us make our last stand here. Two couriers, together, at the Divide." he states while pulling his Anti-Material rifle from his back and taking aim.
"How would you escape if you killed me though! That just sounds like a shit plan!" Tamia shouts, sucking just a bullet whizzes over her head.
Ulysses chuckles, "There are many escape routes available... But you wish to try and stop, or alter the Nuclear launch, do you not?"
Tamia breathes a sigh, "I guess!... And you're going to help?"
Ulysses nods, "As I said before. Two couriers, making a last stand at the end of the Divide. Seems almost fitting." he states as he aims over the cover and fires a shot... But not at the marked men, instead he aims at a small nuclear charge that'd been abandoned at the side.
The chamber shakes as nuclear fire engulfs a large portion of the attacking marked men, unfortunately, even with them gone more just arrive to take their place.
Tamia fires a couple shots from her .44 revolver, and kills a couple, but it barely puts a dent in their numbers... Fortunately, none of the marked men was stupid enough to bring explosive weapons to the fight. With her and Ulysses taking cover next to the nuclear missiles, any substantial explosion would most likely kill everyone and everything in a mile or so radius.
She glances back towards Ulyssses to check him, he wasn't wearing any armour and was extremely vulnerable to taking damage... Though, she was surprised when she saw him stand up and hold his Anti-Material rifle in one hand with a short grenade launcher in the other.
He seems completely comfortable to fire both, and keep them reloaded as he dual-wielded the weapons... Sure, Tamia had the strength to do this, but to become as proficient at it as Ulysses was would take days, if not years of practice.
Ulysses tilts his head to the side to avoid a stray bullet while firing his Anti-Material rifle back at the shooter, blowing their head clean off before firing a grenade into a nearby group.
The group of marked men fall over each other to get out of the way, but fail in the end, with the nearest to the impact becoming bloody smears on the ground.
"Enough of this." Tamia states before igniting her Proton Greatsword and rushing the enemy. Most marked men target her in response, but all the bullets are easily deflected from her armour... A few use energy weapons against her, but the insulation Afton and the scientists had provided prevents the armour from heating up too quickly.
Of course, Tamia does make an effort to dodge and block most of the attacks, using her greatsword as a shield to hide behind as she charges. Soon enough, she reaches the front lines and begins decimating the enemy, cutting them limb from limb while they futiley attempt to retaliate.
None of the marked men has powerful enough weapons to breach her armour, so all they were doing was scuffing it up more than it was before.
A marked man is bisected and drops a pulse grenade he was about to throw, causing it to explode and engulf Tamia. The shockwave washes over her, causing a few of her armour's systems to malfunction, but the additions that'd been added to prevent further harm quickly reboots them. The armour locks momentarily, but Tamia is able to move the next second, continuing her rampage.
Ulysses watches from the back with a dull expression, wondering if he was even needed here... Or if he stood a chance should he have decided to fight her... He wasn't entirely sure his Anti-Material rifle could breach her armour... It wasn't like any Power armour he'd seen before... Which meant Bulwark had provided it... Perhaps siding with her wasn't the worst decision he'd made?
Tamia stabs a marked man in the stomach, letting her blade stay there as she grabs another and tears his arms off, afterwards retrieving her blade and continuing on. She's so enthralled in the fighting that she doesn't realise she'd exited the chamber and fought the marked men until she reached the elevator they were coming from.
She grips her blade tight and cuts the doors of the elevator open, showing the cords which were hoisting the elevator back and forth... And, with one final slash, she cuts them to prevent any more reinforcements...
The elevator plummets far below after she cuts the cord, killing any marked men who were trying to get up. She'd destroyed the only way the marked men had to reach them as well as her only exit, so she was placing her trust in Ulysses words when he said he had other exits.
She deactivates her greatsword and holsters it on her back while walking back towards Ulysses, "Alright! I've destroyed the elevator, now can we do something about the nukes!? I have no idea when they're supposed to be going off!" she anxiously says, wondering if they'd make it in time.
Ulysses brushes some dust off of himself and ignores a bleeding bullet wound on his shoulder, "I cannot stop the launch, I told you this."
Tamia nods, "Yeah, but we can choose a different target right? I was thinking that maybe sending them East would be a good way to go... It isn't like we have family over there to worry about, right?" she shrugs.
Ulysses slowly nods his head, as if reluctantly in agreement. A part of him was still somewhat loyal to the Legion, but Caesar's actions against the Divide, Tamia's and his own tribe had firmly put him against the man.
He makes his way over to the terminal as Tamia watches over his shoulder, the man begins reconfiguring the targets, changing them from high priority NCR locations like the Long 15 and other infrastructure, to any major routes the Legion had to try and invade the Mojave or the West.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
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